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Lord God, all human aspirations and strivings need you to attain

their goal. Do not abandon us to ourselves and be gentle with

us when we fail. Help us go on without fear on the road to your
final fulfillment and perfect love, toward that great wedding
feast that lasts forever and ever.

Amen. 7
RENEWAL OF MARRIAGE VOWS 3. For all people, that they may be loyal, for the children, that
they may be happy and grow up to live responsibly; for the
mothers, that they may do their work conscientiously; for old
After the homily or exhortation, all stand, including the couple. people, that each new day may bring them happiness; for all
The celebrant addresses the couple in these or similar words: those who live and work unassumingly, that they may be
appreciated as they deserve, let us pray to the Lord.
Dearly beloved, MARY JOY & VENINIO, you stand
here today before the Lord to give him thanks for 4. For all those whose ideals lie shattered, whose efforts have
having shown you his love in a very special way when not met with success or whose marriage has failed, that they
he blessed and consecrated your love on the day of may not withdraw from life, but find the opportunities and the
your marriage. Assuring you to stand by your side in courage to build up a new future, let us pray to the lord.
your every need, he entrusted the success of your
5. For those who prepare for marriage, that they may enrich
married life to you as a task and a gift. You thank him
each other and make each other happy, for their own good and
now for all these years of shared joys and sacrifices, that of their community, let us pray to the Lord.
also sorrows and struggles which are part of life. You
still need him now, that you may continue on the way 6. For all those who would have enjoyed this feast, but have
of love and loyalty which cannot but go on growing. been taken away from us, that they may live in God's peace, let
us pray to the Lord.
This Christian community rejoices with you and asks
the Lord with you that he may bless you and keep 7. For the whole community of the Church, for all churches and
you in his love. for all men and women, that they may work together to do
away with discrimination, injustice, hunger and war, that they
may become one and come to sit together at the table of God's
great wedding feast, let us pray to the Lord.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and Addressing the community, the priest says:
of the Holy Spirit. May I ask you, dear brother and sisters, to join MARY
JOY & VENINIO, in giving thanks to the Lord for his
Bride (taking the groom’s ring from the priest and putting it on
goodness and in praying that they may grow together
the ring finger of the groom):
living in God's love.
Addressing the couple, he says:
MARY JOY: VENINIO, wear this ring as a sign of my Now please join your right hands.
continuous love and loyalty.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Priest (to the husband):
Holy Spirit.
VENINIO do you reaffirm your married love and
Prayer of the Faithful fidelity to MARY JOY before God and this
Let us pray to God who is the Father of all that lives and let
us say: VENINIO: Yes, I do.

Lord, hear our prayer. Priest (to the wife):

1. For MARY JOY & VENINIO, who celebrate today with

MARY JOY, do you reaffirm your married love and
gratitude the memory of their 10 YEARS of joys and sorrows
fidelity to VENINIO before God and this community?
shared in common: that they may grow in love as they grow in MARY JOY: Yes, I do.
age and may be a blessing to each other all the days of their
Priest (to the couple): Please pray now together the prayer for
lives, let us pray to the Lord.
God's blessing:
2. For their family and all their relatives that they may give
comfort to one another when there is a need for it and that they
may enjoy good health and find happiness in life, let us pray to Lord God, whose name is love
the Lord. once you made our ways meet
and called us to found a home and a family. Blessing of the Rings
We look back with gratitude
Priest: MARY JOY & VENINIO we shall now bless your rings.
on the years you have given us together.
Our help is in the name of the Lord.
Help us to avoid the mistakes of the past
and sustain our love with your love,
All: He made heaven and earth.
that, in ever-growing unity of heart and soul,
we may reach together Priest:
your unending marriage feast in heaven.
Bless, O Lord, these rings
Bless this our wish and task.
so that your servants (MARY JOY & VENINIO,) who
wear them
Priest: Our help is in the name of the Lord.
may ever live in mutual love and in unbroken loyalty.
All: He made heaven and earth. Through Christ our Lord.
All: Amen.

May the Lord God confirm once more the consent Giving of the Wedding Rings
which you have renewed before him and before the Priest: Now give these rings to one another (and say after
Church me).
which I and this community represent.
Groom (taking the bride’s ring from the priest and putting it on
And may Almighty God bless you now and continue
the ring finger of the bride):
to bless your union,
the Father, and the Son, + and the Holy Spirit. VENINIO: MARY JOY, wear this ring as a sign of my
continuous love and loyalty.
All: Amen.

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