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Cotabato City


March 06, 2024


The Criminology Intern Unit (CIU) of Coland Systems Technology Inc.

convened on the school grounds on Wednesday, March 06, 2024, at precisely 6:30 a.m.
for our routine formation and inspection. Following this, we proceeded to the
Maguindanao Provincial Jail on grounds of Correction. The College of criminal justice
education, charlie company under the supervision CI sir Rocky A. Sabal, Rcrim MPA
deployed at their second day of on job- training at house of correction. At exactly 7:30
A,M together with the Prison Guards. sir SAHID S. BAGUNDANG PG2 MPNPJ formed
The criminology before entering requested permission to inter the house of correction.
then after that each Platoon was formed and we were asked about the 5 Pillars of
Criminology and Next in a platoon we were divided into two groups. there is Post 1 and
Post 2. Post 2 went to the VISITOR DESK and taught us how to inspect things every
time someone visits the prisons. and also taught us how to write in the log-book to
record those who come in as visitors after ma'am BAIDIDO NANDING she gave a
lecture about the meaning of stay-in and conjugal she explained to us what it means.
The visitor and her/his spouse shall only be allowed a maximum period of two (2) hours.
Next we were asked What is your understanding of the house of correction. A house of
correction, in which offenders are confined for punishment, discipline, and reformation,
and in which they are generally compelled to do labor. After ma'am BAIDIDO NANDING
lectured we returned to post 1 and sir Sahid bagundang lectured and asked us one by
one what is PNP motto together with the Illiana Criminology Interns after that we also
formed all platoon and dismissed. Exactly 1:00 pm The Criminology Interns together
with Illiana went to the house of correction to form and count by one with the platoon
leader Sir BRYAN MAGALANG and sir ALIBASHIER MAGUID PG1 he gave a lecture
and explained the meaning of Trespass to Dwelling and Domicile. Trespass to Dwelling
is entering someone else's house without the knowledge or consent of the owner and
Domicile is someone's true, principal, and permanent home.

Criminology Intern
MARCH 06, 2024

Criminology Intern

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