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Name: Gia S.

Date: 9/2/2020​ 💙
Class Period: FVA

💙​Create your own​ I Am From Poem​—Rough Draft​💙

Final draft due on Thursday 9/3 Google Classroom, along with a photo or
I am from heirlooms ​item
From cars ​item ​and clothes ​item
I am from baby blue walls ​description of home
glistening​ ​adj​, vibrant​ ​adj​, blue walls ​sensory​ ​description
I am from Winter​, proper noun from nature
From snowflakes to hot cocoa ​description of proper noun
I'm from surprise birthday visits ​tradition​ and frosting face masks ​trait
From annoying brothers to pranking parents ​family member names
I'm from the tickets to India and family photo shoots ​description of something your
family does
From sayings like “Live life to the fullest” and ​“​No one said life was fair​” phrases you
heard when you were younger
I'm from the Indian culture ​representation of your family’s culture​, from rangoli and
quartz powder to dresses and Church ​a description of that representation
I'm from Kerala ​birthplace/family ancestry
From ​Puttu and Kadala Curry​ to ​Appam with Stew​ ​foods that represent your family
From the egg and frosting prank to ketchup and refrigerator prank ​details about a
specific family member or a story about that member
From the family necklace to the gorgeous earrings ​description of special memento
from my great great grandmother’s wedding to my family reunion ​explaining the
importance of memento
From pranks to fun
From I love you and I hate you
To Thank You

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