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Subject: Warning letter to the Employee for Misconduct

From: DJ Distinction House of Jewels

LGF 16 Ever Gotesco Shopping Center,

Don Mariano Marcos Ave.,

Commonwealth Ave., Quezon City.


To: (Employee’s name)

Dear ______________

This letter is issued to you as a warning letter. It has been reported against you that you have
misconducted with ______________. You have also been negligent towards specific duties assigned to
you. These actions of yours have shown carelessness and irresponsibility.

Management wants you to put in writing the reasons for your misconduct with your
explanation. If you will be unable to explain then further strict actions would be taken which may
influence your job.



Store Manger
Subject: Loan Request Letter


DJ Distinction House of Jewels

LGF 16 Ever Gotesco Shopping Center,

Don Mariano Marcos Ave.,

Commonwealth Ave., Quezon City.

To whom it may concern,

I _________________________________, is requesting permission to apply for ________ in

the amount of ____________. The money will be used for _____________________________________


I am willing to pay a certain amount of money every ___________________. And aware for any legal
actions that may be given against me if I were not be able to participate and pay.

Your consideration and approval for the loan is greatly appreciated

Respectfully Yours


Name and Signature

DJ Distinction House of Jewels

LGF 16 Ever Gotesco Shopping Center,

Don Mariano Marcos Ave.,

Commonwealth Ave., Quezon City

Subject: Uniform Exemption Request

Dear Sir/ Madam;

I want to bring to your kind notice that I ________________________________________,

work for DJ Distinction House of Jewels as __________________________.

Due to the reason of ___________________________________________, I failed to follow the proper

uniform pattern and did not wear proper __________________________.

Therefore, kindly consider this as a genuine reason and consider my attendance as present.
I shall be obliged and accept the consequence of my action.

Sincerely Yours,


Name and Signature

DJ Distinction House of Jewels

LGF 16 Ever Gotesco Shopping Center,

Don Mariano Marcos Ave.,

Commonwealth Ave., Quezon City




Subject: Warning Letter Employee Late Attendance

Dear Sir/Madam;

It came to attention that you have not been reporting to the office on time as well as leaving
early without prior notification or justification for ______________ (time period).

We like to remind you that this behavior is a clear violation of the company policy. There is a
well -defined procedure for taking time off if you need to arrive late or leave early then you need to take
approval from your direct Manager or Head Supervisor before doing so unless it is emergency.

Sincerely Yours,


Store Manager


To: DJ Distinction House of Jewels

LGF 16 Ever Gotesco Shopping Center,

Don Mariano Marcos Ave.,

Commonwealth Ave., Quezon City

Subject: Casual Leave application

Dear: ____________________

I ______________________________ working as _____________________ request

you to grant my leave for ________________ to ________________(mention dates) as I need to

I have also requested _____________________________ (mention team member’s name), who I trust
will do the work diligently to take over my duties while away and he/she agreed.

I will be able to return on ____________________________. So, I shall be grateful to you if you permit
me to take ______________________ (days) of leave.

Should you ever need to reach me, you can always contact me at ______________________.

Thanks, and regards.

Sincerely Yours,


Name and Signature

DJ Distinction House of Jewels

LGF 16 Ever Gotesco Shopping Center,

Don Mariano Marcos Ave.,

Commonwealth Ave., Quezon City

Subject: Employee Uniform Responsibility

Employee Name: ______________________________________


I, the undersigned, acknowledge received of the following items and quantities:

Quantity Item Description Size

I hereby agree upon the termination of employment or at the request of my Manager, will return all
uniforms to DJ Distinction House of Jewels. I accept the responsibility that possession of this uniform
entails including, but not limited to, proper treatment and care of this property and representing the
company appropriately when wearing this apparel.

Failure to return theses uniforms and or damage of theses garments will authorize the company to
deduct from my wages the cost of all uniforms missing/damaged at the rate arranged between the

The total inventory value of all garments ______________

Signed ______________________________

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