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Class XII
Q-1 Reshma regularly abstain from food for religious reasons. Which aspect of self is she
(a) Self Esteem (b) Self Efficacy (c) Self-Regulation (d) Self confidence

Q-2 You just found a wallet in a movie hall. Which aspect of your personality, according to
psychoanalytic theory, would urge you to return it to the owner?
Q-3 Differentiate between social self and social identity.
Q-4 Which of following would a humanistic Psychologist not use to explain an individual’s
(a) Innately good
(b) Goal directed and adaptive
(C ) Self actualised
(d) Balance among three competing forces
Q-5 Differentiate between repression and Fixation
Q- 6 How based on human body structure personality is defined? Who gave it? Explain in
Q-7 Which of following defence mechanism is used in following statements
(a) Rohan exhibits strong tendencies but often complaint of other people acting in excessively
aggressive manner,
(b) Ramit dislikes Sunil but he goes out of his way to be overly kind to him.
( c ) A student failing in exam blaming his teacher for bad result.
Q-8 Explain why theory of Freud was criticised.
Q-9 How Erick Erickson’s theory was different from Alfred Adler and Erich Fromm?
Q-10 Statements are given below as Assertion and Reasoning. Read the statement and choose
appropriate answers
(a) A- A strong sense of self efficacy allows people to select, influence and construct
circumstances of their own life.
R- People’s expectation of mastery or achievement and their convictions about their own
effectiveness determine the types of behaviour they engage in.
(b) A- Women are more likely to be affected by social and cultural factors than by biological
R- Neither sex can be viewed as superior or inferior.
( c) A- Neither trait nor type theory can explain total personality.
R -Personality is interactive effect of individuality and environment.
(D) A- Projective techniques are difficult to standardise.
R-Projective Techniques are not timed test.
(E) A- According to Rogers ideal condition for development of healthy self-concept and
movement towards becoming fully functioning is unconditional positive regard.
R- With unconditional positive regard there is incongruence between true self and
(F) A- Molly is assistant manager in a big software firm, she got that position because she
had a friend in human resource , she is arrogant and find herself in situation where she
doesn’t know what to do.
R- Ayurveda defines people’s personality on basis of three humoral elements call Tridosha
and Molly personality can be described being dominated by Tamas Guna
(G) A- People suffering from coronary heart disease are mostly Type A personality.
R- People of Type A personality are high achievers , competent and impatient and always in
(H) A- The self is described as “knower” as well as something that can be “known”
R- Emphasis comes to be laid on those aspects of life that relate only to concerned person
such as personal freedom. personal responsibility, personal achievement or personal comfort
when we talk of personal self
(I ) A-The type approach attempts to comprehend human personality by examining certain
broad pattern of personality.
R- The type approach focuses on specific psychological attributes along which individual
tend to differ in consistent and stable way.
Q-11 The self that values family and social relationship is referred to as ------------
(i) Personal
(II) Social
(IV) Relational
(a) i&iii
(b) ii&iii
(c) iii&iv
(d) i&iv
Q-12 The ----self emerges in relation with others and emphasis such aspects of life as
cooperation, unity affiliation sacrifice and support or sharing.
(a) Personal (b) Individual (c) Social (d) Positive
Q-13 ------seeks to satisfy an individual’s instinctual need in accordance with reality.
(a) ID (B) Ego (c) Superego (D) Libido
Q-14 Lata is talented artist who feels most fulfilled when she is painting. However due to
family pressure she is pursuing a career in medicine . She often experiences inner conflict
between her passion and societal expectation. In terms of Humanistic approach which aspect
of LATA is causing this conflict?
(a) Real self (b) Ideal Self (c) Public self (d) Self Esteem
Q-15 John is struggling with substance abuse and he firmly believes that he can overcome
without professional help despite numerous failed attempts. What Psychological factor is
evident in John’s perspective?
(a) Self efficacy (b) Denial (c) Social support (d) Dependency
Q-16 Read the case and answer the questions that
Behavioural ratings are frequently used for the assessment of personality in educational and
industrial settings. Behavioural ratings are generally taken from people who know the
assesses intimately and have interacted with her/ him over a period or have had a chance to
observe her/him. They attempt to put individuals into certain categories in terms of their
behavioural qualities. he categories may involve different numbers or descriptive terms. It has
been found that the use of numbers or general descriptive adjectives in rating scales always
creates confusion for the rater. In order to use ratings effectively, the traits should be clearly
defined in terms of carefully stated behavioural anchors.
(a) What is primary purpose of behavioural rating in assessing personality and why is it
important to define traits with behavioural anchors?
(b) Give drawbacks of behavioural rating.

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