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2 UNIT3 PROBLEM SOLVING AND DECISION MAKING Structure 329 Objectives 31 Introduction 32 Meaning and Definition of Problem Solving 33. Steps in Problem Solving or Decision Making “33.1 Identify the Probiem 33.2. Identify Al Possible Solutions 333. Selectone Solution 334. Cary Out and Follow Up the Solution 34 Problem Solving in the Community 34.1. ‘Types of Probiems Encountered in the Community 34.2 Support Systems for Solving Problems in the Community 35° Case Study of Problem Solving Process 36 LetUsSumUp 37 Model Answers 38° Further Reading 3.0 OBJECTIVES After completing the unit, you will beable to: © define the problem; © describe the steps of problem solving; and © identify the problems in the community and solve them. 3.1 INTRODUCTION ‘You may be coming across many problems at home or work place in daily routine and you _must be solving these problems. What steps do you follow? Can you think about thera? £¢ yes, then relate them with the steps of problem solving described befow. Are they identical ‘or different? Try to leam about problem solving in a systematic way because you willbe using it fequently. In any organization where people work together problems may occur and supervisors/administrators have to solve these problems and take decisions at all levels of management. Therefore, at lower level you also have o take decision or solve the problems. In this unit we shall discuss about steps of problem solving process. 3.2 MEANING AND DEFINITION OF PROBLEM SOLVING Problem solving is a creative and thinking process. It involves selection of a particular ‘course of action out of various alternatives for solving a problem. Decisions are taken to solve problems. It isan important supervisory activity. Supervisors/Administrators at all levels manage the affairs by making decisions and implementing them to solve problems. Problem means the difference existing between a prevailing situation or condition and the desired situation. A problem occurs when you have a need that is not being met, A situation becomes a problem when we think it can change. A problem is 2 state of dissatisfaction, eg. state of illness causes dissatisfaction and state of well being leads to satisfaction as shown, Stage A ———__—_ stages State of Hiness State of well-being (Dissatisfaction) (Gatsfaction) ‘Here, it neath isa problem: one i dissatisfied inthis situation. It needs change so that one set8 well and is satisfied. To reach the state of wel being some action needs to be taken by the individual or in other words, this problem needs o be solved step by stp. 3.3. STEPS IN PROBLEM SOLVING OR DECISIO! MAKING Generally people solve problems in one or the other way. People with experience use ‘common sense, to solve problems without considering the steps of problem solviig. you know problem solving involves logical and sequential steps to solve the problem (Fig. 3.1), These steps are discussed inthe following sub-section. Problem solving involves following four steps. 3.3.1 Identify the Problem ‘The first step in making a Secon gc Ro a oA involved, You should review records and reports that relate tothe problem and collectall the facts and opinions ofthe community. These facts will help you to identify the prablem more clearly. For example if child suffers frons repeated episodes of diarrhoea, you need to find out all related information about water supply, personal hygiene, and enviroamental sanitation, Relevant and reliable information has an important role in taking decision to heme 3.3.2 Identify All Possible Solutions constructed, you may taka litle ane and accordingly use limited man, money and mstril Butifitis pulse polio immunization day you have to cover maximum number of children on that day. Since you have a limited time you have to use maximum resources such as man, ‘money and material, (Refer an example of case study in Section 3.5.) 3.3.3 Select One Solution ‘Once you have identified a problem and lis ‘an alternative, With practice and experience, you will improve your ability to select the best solutions to problems. 3.3.4 Carry Out and Follow Up the Solution Once you have r ment solutions Fy to allocat jon and acceptance for iets ntine anh tions umn hoa ld take other people into confidence. Once you have Management of taken the decision you have to follow itup. You would ike to know ifthe problem has been eee solved by the decision made by you and how did this particular solution Work out. This feedback will help you to improve your problem solving skill and make you a better decision maker. Almost all decisions will generate some resistance. Those affected by your decisions ‘may give a lst of suggestions. Try to listen to them and if your decision is wrong, you should admit your mistake, ‘Then the entire process must be repeated from the beginning ie., 1. Identify the problem. = 2 Identify all possible solutions. oo elect one solution, — 4. Carry out and follow up the solution. Fig. 3.1: Problem solving. Check Your Progress Problem Solving and Decision Mab i) Problem solving isdefined as a 4) Decisions are made ata Ievelsto. the problems 1a) List the steps of problem solving 3.4 PROBLEM SOLVING IN THE COMMUNITY Problem solving in the community is very important, While working in the community you ‘come actoss many problems, but all problems are not realistic or you can say that actuat problem is different than it was imagined. Itis essential to follow the steps in problem solving. These four steps are followed in almost all decision-making situations, The more ‘complex the problem, the more time and efforts you will need to spend on each step. Good decisions sequice judgement that comes only with experience. Mutual tolerance and appreciating others ideas encourage creative thinking and help in problem solving. 3.4.1 Types of Problems Encountered in the Community Difterenttypes of problems encountered in the community are: © Insufficient drugs and vaccines © Inadequate working conditions © Lack of transport © Lack of utilization of centre services ard support from the community © Late and inaccurate submission of reports. 3.4.2 Support Systems for Solving Problems in the Community There are various support systems for solving the problems in the community. These are © Services of other sectors in the areas should be available © informacion system el 3.5_CASE STUDY OF PROBLEM SOLVING PROCESS Read the following cae, study you wil yet an idea about steps of problem solving, On sertiy of records of PHC, in an area, it was observed that monthly reports are not Submited by subcentre staf in time and these reports are not accurate. Nove HOw you will identity this problem. You wll identify this problem by collecting the following information 1) entity the Problem © Reports are not submitted accurately in new proforma ‘© Proforma is just sent to all centres without explaining the need and format of the proforma Management of Analysis of Information: Sumermire Now you wil try to find out how this problem has occurred © Noone has explained about change in proforma. © None in the district was clear about the reporting proforma, © Supervisors themselves were confused. They were nbt able to guide the workers as there were mew additions in ceporting. (© Medical officers and Dy. CMOs have not oriented staff about changes. © Proforma copy was handed over to supervisors and workers to make report (© Supervisors and workers had to get it photostat from their own pocket. 2 ‘What all possible solutions are © Medical officers to be explained about changes, so that they can guide werkers. © Supervisors to be oriented about writing report on new proforma. (© Workers and supervisors to be instructed and explained about filling up the proforma. © Enough copies of proforma to be given to workers, ‘© Supervision and evaluation of reports to be done at block and district level, 3) Selection of one solution Select one solution. As supervisors are Ist level managers so you should supervise and ‘guide health workers and help them to fill up the proforma and prepare reports. 4 Carry out and follow up the solution Health workers were taughthow to fill up the proforma and prepare reports, Demonstration, and return demonstration were taken. 3.6_ LET US SUM UP In this unit you have learnt regarding problem solving and decision-making process. Problem solving is decision making. Itis a thinking process. You have to make decision, which requires judgement, and good judgement comes with experience, Further the steps of problem solving are explained in detail. An example of application of these steps is given for your reference and further cfarifications. 3.7 MODEL ANSWERS ‘Cheek Your Progress {Problem solving means the difference existing between a prevailing situation or condition and the desired situation, tis to solve routine and complex problems, to resolve crisis and conflicts, and to handle unexpected situations. i) Solve ii) 8) Identify the problem ») Identify the solutions ©) Selection ofa solution 4) Camry out and follow up. 3.8 FURTHER READING Health Centre Management, Sypervising and Supporting Mid-level Health Workers, Health Manpower Development Staff, University of Hawaii, 1983.

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