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Food Sci Biotechnol

Optimizing extraction conditions for functional compounds

from ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) using response surface
Jaeyoon Cha1 • Chong-Tai Kim2 • Yong-Jin Cho3

Received: 25 April 2019 / Revised: 23 July 2019 / Accepted: 6 August 2019

Ó The Korean Society of Food Science and Technology 2019

Abstract Extraction process was optimized for maximiz- Keywords Extraction  Ginger  Optimization  Response
ing the contents of functional compounds from ginger surface methodology  Regression equation
using response surface methodology which applied Box–
Behnken design. Ginger extracts were obtained at 3 levels
of ethanol concentration (0–70%) of solvent, extraction Introduction
time (30–90 min), and extraction temperature (50–70 °C)
as independent variables. The 6-shogaol and 6-gingerol of With the economic growth and increasing average national
the extracts were analyzed through HPLC. The significance income, interest in securing safe food as well as in health
of each term in polynomial regression equations was and food in general has been growing rapidly. Researchers
evaluated on functional compound contents and extraction have focused on the search for active substances derived
yield in extraction process. It was verified that the regres- from natural products which have useful physiological
sion equations were accurate with high determination activities without side effects. In particular, the studies on
coefficients over 0.892. The optimum ethanol concentra- antimicrobial, anti-aging, adult disease prevention, immu-
tion, extraction time, and extraction temperature for nity enhancement, and antioxidative effects are actively
extraction yield were determined as 41.38%, 78.16 min, conducted on natural plant resources (Chaovanalikit and
and 70 °C, respectively. The functional compound contents Wrolstad, 2004; Choi et al., 2002).
predicted at optimal conditions were as follows: 39.55 mg/ Ginger, the rhizome of Zingiber officinale Roscoe, has
g at 70%, 70 min, and 70 °C for 6-gingerol, 2.44 mg/g at been consumed as not only a spice and dietary supplement
70%, 51.90 min, and 62.29 °C for 6-shogaol. but also medicine for asthma, cough, diabetes, stroke,
rheumatism, and stroke (Feng et al., 2011). Although gin-
ger has a few insignificant side effects and interacts with
some medications, Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
recognizes as a safe herbal medicine (Bilehal et al., 2011).
& Yong-Jin Cho In addition, it has been used as a common additive in food
and medicine because of pungent components like gin-
Jaeyoon Cha gerol-related components (Bartley and Jacobs, 2000; Pawar
et al., 2011). The 6-gingerol was the most pungent among
Chong-Tai Kim the main pungent components such as 6-gingerol, 8-gin-
gerol, and 10-gingerol (Govindarajan, 1982). Lee and Ahn
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Dong-A (1985) reported that 6-gingerol exhibited anti-inflamma-
University, Busan 49315, Korea tory, antiseptic, and antioxidant activities. It has been
R&D Center, EastHill Corporation, Suwon-si, reported that oleoresin, gingerol, and shogaol activated
Gyeonggi-do 16642, Korea natural killer cells to enhance the effect of immunity in
Research Group of Process Engineering, Korea Food studies related to the immunity effects of ginger (Zakaria-
Research Institute, Wanju-gun, Jeollabuk-do 55365, Korea Runkat et al., 2003; McCarthey et al., 1993). The 6-shogaol

J. Cha et al.

and 6-gingerol were analyzed as functional compounds method, and ash by ash incineration at 550 °C. The crude
from ginger in this study. protein content of the sample was then measured using a
Extraction is the decisive process for recovering and Tecator digestion system (2006 digestor, Foss, Denmark)
purifying functional compounds from medicinal plants and Kjeltec auto sampler system (1035 analyzer, Foss,
(Shouqin et al., 2007). Some extraction methods such as Denmark). The amount of carbohydrate was calculated by
cold extraction, heat reflux extraction, soxhlet extraction, deduction of the amounts of ash, crude fat, crude protein,
and extractions using ultrasound and microwave have been and moisture from 100.
used. These methods need a suitable agitation, power, and
solvent to increase the solubility and mass transfer rate Extraction process
(Prasad et al., 2009). The antioxidant activity and extrac-
tion yields of the materials are changed depending on the The dried ginger was extracted to determine the optimal
extraction solvent because of the different antioxidant extraction conditions by using a reflux cooling extraction
compounds with various polarities and chemical properties system (HMO-F300, Hana Instrument, Seoul, Korea)
(Peschel et al., 2006). A lot of studies have been carried out shown in Fig. 1. After the addition of 4 L of distilled water
to optimize the extraction conditions of functional or (w/v) to the 150 g of dried ginger flake, the extracts were
bioactive components using response surface methodology obtained in 13 different combinations with 3 different
(Cha et al., 2019; Chuyen et al., 2017; Kadam et al., 2015; levels of ethanol concentration (%) of solvent, extraction
Guglielmetti et al., 2017; Yan et al., 2015). Response time, and extraction temperature (°C) according to exper-
surface methodology (RSM) was designed to identify the iment design. After the extracts were centrifuged at 4 °C
multiple effects of independent variables and their inter- and 11,0009g for 5 min, they were filtered through a filter
actions on dependent variables (Box and Wilson, 1951). paper (Watman No. 4, Maidstone, England). The filtrate
Although fewer experimental runs are conducted in RSM was vaporized in a rotary vacuum evaporator at 40 °C. The
than in full factorial design, statistically acceptable results residue was lyophilized and used as the analysis sample.
can still be provided. The RSM for optimization design is
applied so as to reduce high cost and numerical noise of Determination of functional compound contents
analysis methods (Tan et al., 2009). Aydar (2018) sum- and extraction yield by HPLC
marized RSM application used to optimize extraction
process of plant materials. The extraction yield was determined by dividing the weight
In this study, the ethanol concentration, extraction time, of lyophilized extract by that of dried sample. Lyophilized
and extraction temperature were optimized for extraction ginger extract was dissolved in methanol to a concentration
yield and functional compound contents from ginger. The of 500 mg/mL, then sonicated for 30 min for complete
specific objectives were to identify the effects of extraction mixing and liberation of phenolic compounds with some
conditions for 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol contents and modification by Zhan et al. (2011) and Pawar et al. (2011).
extraction yield and to develop the regression equations to The extract was used for functional compound analysis
predict the functional compound contents and extraction after filtering through a 0.45 lm PVDF syringe filter. The
yield using RSM. standard product of 6-gingerol was dissolved in methanol
to a concentration of 1 mg/mL and diluted to 200, 400,

Materials and methods


The dried ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) was culti-

vated in Korea and provided from Cheonho Bio Co. (Seoul,
Korea). The reagents were purchased from Sigma (Sigma
Aldrich Co., St. Louis, Mo., USA) as standard products of
6-gingerol and 6-shogaol, which were used for functional
compound analysis.

Proximate composition

According to AOAC (1995), moisture content was ana-

lyzed by drying method at 105 °C, crude fat by Soxhlet Fig. 1 The schematic diagram of the reflux cooling extraction system

Optimal extraction condition for ginger

600, and 800 lg/mL. The diluted solution was filtered the difference among treatment means. A value of p \ 0.05
through a 0.45 lm PVDF syringe filter, and then used for was used to indicate significant difference.
analysis. In the case of 6-shogaol, the methanol solution of
1 mg/mL concentration was diluted to 20, 40, 60, 80, and
100 lg/mL. Prior to being used for the analysis, the diluted Results and discussion
solution of 6-shogaol was filtered using the same method as
that of 6-gingerol. (Baranowski 1985) reported that the best The contents of carbohydrate, crude ash, crude fat, crude
method for the direct analysis of gingerols and shogaols protein, and moisture of ginger used in this study were
was HPLC analysis equipped with a reversed-phase col- 72.74%, 6.81%, 3.46%, 10.52%, and 6.73%, respectively.
umn. As functional compounds for ginger, 6-gingerol and The general components of the ginger used in this study
6-shogaol were analyzed using HPLC (Agilent Technolo- were mostly composed of carbohydrates in a similar
gies 1260 infinity, USA). The used column was ZORBAX composition to common ginger.
Eclipse XDB-C18 (250 mm 9 4 mm, 5 lm, Agilent
Technologies, USA), while water (A) and acetonitrile Effect of extraction conditions on extraction yield
(B) were used as mobile phases. The gradient program for
the HPLC was as follows: 65% B for 0–12 min, 60–80% B As shown in Table 1, the extraction yield (Y1) of the
for 12–18 min, 80% B for 18–25 min, 45% B for ginger extract ranged from 10.12 to 14.94%. The highest
25–30 min, and 65% B for 30–40 min, with a flow rate of extraction yield was obtained at 70 °C for 90 min using the
1 mL/min. The injection volume was 20 lL at the column solvent with 35% ethanol concentration, and the lowest one
temperature of 25 °C. They were detected at 225 nm. was obtained at 50 °C for 60 min using the solvent with
70% ethanol concentration. The extraction yield decreased
Statistical analysis at 50 and 70 °C for 60 min as ethanol concentration of
solvent increased from 0 to 70%, whereas it increased at
The experimental results in Table 1 were analyzed using 60 °C for 90 min (Table 1). Kim et al. (1993) reported that
SPSS program (IBM SPSS 22 for windows, SPSS INC., the extraction yield of cinnamon extract increased up to
Chicago, IL, USA). Data was analyzed by ANOVA and 70% of ethanol concentration, then decreased as with
Duncan’s multiple range test, which was used to resolve ethanol concentration increased. Although it was not sig-
nificantly different at the extraction conditions of 30 min

Table 1 The response of

Run no. Independent variables Dependent variables
extraction yield and 6-shogaol
and 6-gingerol contents from Coded values Uncoded values
ginger by extraction process
applied Box-Behnken design X1 X2 X3 X1 X2 X3 Y1 Y2 Y3

1 -1 -1 0 50 30 35 12.41d 11.20d 0.97b

cd h
2 1 -1 0 70 30 35 11.54 27.60 1.39c
3 -1 1 0 50 90 35 11.42c 16.42f 1.05b
h i
4 1 -1 0 70 90 35 14.94 30.68 1.47c
ef a
5 -1 1 -1 50 60 0 13.06 4.12 0.31a
f e
6 1 1 -1 70 60 0 13.75 14.09 0.53ab
a g
7 -1 0 1 50 60 70 10.12 22.22 1.58c
8 1 0 1 70 60 70 12.98e 35.17j 2.06d
9 0 -1 -1 60 30 0 12.49d 5.17b 0.35a
ab c
10 0 1 -1 60 90 0 10.54 6.95 0.35a
b h
11 0 -1 1 60 30 70 10.76 27.78 2.57e
c ih
12 0 1 1 60 90 70 11.79 33.15 2.43e
f g
13 0 0 0 60 60 35 14.04 21.15 1.67c
14 0 0 0 60 60 35 13.41f 20.88g 1.75c
f g
15 0 0 0 60 60 35 13.69 21.00 1.68c
X1 extraction temperature (°C), X2 extraction time (min), X3 ethanol concentration of solvent (%), Y1
extraction yield (%), Y2 content of 6-gingerol (mg/g), Y3 content of 6-shogaol (mg/g), Means with different
character superscripts in each column are significantly different (p \ 0.05)

J. Cha et al.

and 35% (run 1 and 2) and 60 min and 0% (run 5 and 6) Regression modeling of extraction condition
with the increase of extraction temperature from 50 to
70 °C (p [ 0.05), it significantly increased at the condition The Box–Behnken design (BBD) was applied as an
of 90 min and 35% (run 3 and 4) and 60 min and 70% (run experimental design used to fit the second-order response
7 and 8) (p \ 0.05). The change of extraction yield was not surface based on the structure of balanced incomplete
constant with increasing extraction time at the same block designs. For this experimental design, the ethanol
extraction condition of ethanol concentration and extrac- content (X3), extraction time (X2), and extraction tem-
tion temperature. Among the first-order terms in the perature (X1), which affected the extraction process, were
regression equation for extraction yield, the p value of encoded as the independent variables. The extraction
extraction time was the highest at 0.526 (Table 3). As a conditions were determined by considering the results from
result, it was considered that extraction time did not affect preliminary experiments with each independent variable,
the extraction yield. extraction temperature (40–100 °C), extraction time (30–
120 min), and ethanol concentration (0–90%), respec-
Effect of extraction conditions on the functional tively. The extraction yield of ginger was a little increased
compounds content and then, decreased from 60 °C as with extraction tem-
perature increased. The response variables were the con-
The contents of 6-shogaol and 6-gingerol at different tents of 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol and extraction yield. The
extraction conditions are shown in Table 1. The highest BBD applied in this study was composed of 12 different
content of 6-gingerol was 35.17 mg/g extracted at 70 °C combinations of the independent variables (1 to 12) and 3
for 60 min using the solvent with 70% ethanol concentra- central points (13 to 15). All experiments were conducted
tion, and the lowest content was 4.12 mg/g at 50 °C for with three replications. For regression analysis, mean val-
60 min using water. The content of 6-gingerol significantly ues were used to identify mathematical relationship
increased at the same ethanol concentration and extraction between independent variables and response variables.
time (run 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6) with increasing MiniTab (MiniTab 16, Minitab Inc., State College, PA)
extraction temperature from 50 to 70 °C (p \ 0.05). It also was used to perform RSM. The significance of each term in
significantly increased at the same ethanol content and polynomial regression equations was statistically evaluated
extraction temperature (run 1 and 3, 2 and 4) with the at the significant level, a = 0.05. The dependent (Yn) and
increase of extraction time from 30 to 90 min (p \ 0.05). independent variables (Yn) are shown in polynomial
Dent et al. (2013) reported that the phenolic content regression equation below, and bn are the fixed constant
increased with increasing extraction time using a 70% and regression coefficients of the equation.
solution of acetone, ethanol, and water with maximum Y ¼ b0 þ b1 X1 þ b2 X2 þ b3 X3 þ b11 X12 þ b22 X22 þ b33 X32
values at 90 min. The content of 6-gingerol significantly þ b12 X1 X2 þ b13 X1 X3 þ b23 X2 X3
increased at the same extraction time and temperature (run
5–12) with the increase of ethanol concentration of solvent Table 2 shows the p-value of each term in the regression
from 0 to 70% (p \ 0.05). From these results, it can be equations, which indicates the significance of each term to
conjectured that each parameter independently affected the the model.
content of 6-gingerol. The highest content of 6-shogaol was For extraction yield, the first-order term of extraction
2.57 mg/g extracted at 60 °C for 30 min using the solvent temperature was significant at p value 0.036, whereas those
with 70% ethanol concentration, and the lowest content of ethanol concentration and extraction time were not
was 0.31 mg/g at 50 °C for 60 min using water (Table 1). significant at p values 0.114 and 0.525, respectively
The content of 6-shogaol significantly increased in the (p [ 0.05). However, the significance of quadratic terms
same ethanol concentration and extraction time (run 1 and was in opposition to the first-order terms (p \ 0.05). The
2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6) with increasing extraction temperature first-order terms of ethanol concentration and extraction
from 50 to 70 °C (p \ 0.05). The content of 6-shogaol time and their reciprocal terms were not significant
significantly increased at the same extraction time and (p [ 0.05) (Table 2). The coefficient of determination
extraction temperature (run 5–12) with increasing ethanol (R2), which indicates the general validity and accuracy of
concentration of solvent from 0 to 70% (p \ 0.05). From the polynomial regression equation, was 0.862 (Table 3).
these results, it can be guessed that ethanol concentration The p value was 0.034 in the result of the error analysis,
and extraction temperature independently affected the which indicated a significant regression relationship
content of 6-shogaol. (p \ 0.05).
For 6-gingerol content, the first-order terms and the
quadratic term of ethanol concentration in the regression

Optimal extraction condition for ginger

Table 2 p value of each

Parameter p value of each parameter in polynomial regression equations
parameter in the polynomial
regression equations of Y1 Y2 Y3
extraction yield and 6-gingerol
and 6-shogaol contents from Constant 0.000 0.000 0.000
ginger X1 0.036 0.000 0.076
X2 0.526 0.039 0.978
X3 0.114 0.000 0.000
X21 0.950 0.613 0.027
X22 0.040 0.936 0.522
X23 0.030 0.048 0.200
X1X2 0.036 0.609 1.000
X1X3 0.220 0.482 0.618
X2X3 0.112 0.403 0.786
X1 extraction temperature (°C), X2 extraction time (min), X3 ethanol concentration of solvent (%), Y1
extraction yield (%), Y2 content of 6-gingerol (mg/g), Y3 content of 6-shogaol (mg/g)

Table 3 Polynomial regression equations of extraction yield and 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol contents from ginger
Response Polynomial regression equation R2 p value

Extraction yield (%) Y1 = 13.7133 ? 0.7750X1 - 1.1092X22 - 1.2092X23 ? 1.0975X1X2 0.862 0.034
Content of 6-gingerol (mg/g) Y2 = 21.010 ? 6.6975X1 ? 1.9312X2 ? 10.9987X3 - 2.6613X23 0.982 0.000
Content of 6-shogaol (mg/g) Y3 = 1.7000 ? 0.8875X3 - 0.3925X21 0.955 0.005
X1 extraction temperature (°C), X2 extraction time (min), X3 ethanol concentration of solvent (%), Y1 extraction yield (%), Y2 content of
6-gingerol (mg/g), Y3 content of 6-shogaol (mg/g)

equation were significantly affected to the content of 6-gingerol and 6-shogaol contents and extraction yield
6-gingerol, whereas the other quadratic terms and recip- from ginger.
rocal terms were not (p \ 0.05). The p values of ethanol
concentration and extraction temperature were 0.000 Optimal extraction condition using RSM
(Table 2), which indicate a great importance for 6-gingerol
content. The regression equation to predict 6-gingerol The optimal ethanol concentration of solvent, extraction
content is shown in Table 3. It is considered that this time, and extraction temperature were determined by
equation fit well due to high determination coefficient of polynomial regression equations using MiniTab. Figure 2
0.982 (Table 3). The p value was 0.000 in the result of shows optimum values and interaction between the vari-
error analysis, which indicated a significant relationship. ables which were analyzed and expressed as a three-di-
For 6-shogaol content, the significance in the first-order mensional surface response graph. Extraction yield (Y1)
term of ethanol concentration and the quadratic term of increased as extraction temperature increased in the range
extraction temperature was indicated for this equation, of this study, while it increased up to 78.16 min of
whereas that in the other terms was not statistically indi- extraction time and 41.38% of ethanol concentration and
cated (p \ 0.05). The p value of ethanol concentration was thereafter decreased with the increase of ethanol concen-
0.000 (Table 2), which explains that this term was the most tration and extraction time. Kim et al. (2014) reported that
important in the regression equation for 6-shogaol content. the extraction yield of kirenol stayed constant below 60%
The regression equation for 6-shogaol content in the sam- of ethanol concentration, while it decreased 13.5 times with
ple extracted at different conditions is shown in Table 3. an increase in ethanol concentration from 60 to 100%.
The determination coefficient of 0.955 indicated that this Durling et al. (2007) reported that a high extraction yield of
equation fit well. The p value of 0.005 was in the result of phenolics extracted from Salvia officinal was obtained
error analysis, which indicated a significant relationship. using 55-75% ethanol concentration of solvent. In high
Therefore, these responses are thoroughly explained by hydrostatic pressure extraction for propolis, a high
these regression equations. It is also reasonable to predict extraction yield was obtained at 75% ethanol concentration
the effects of extraction conditions on extraction yield and (Zhang et al., 2005). For the highest extraction yield using

J. Cha et al.

Fig. 2 Response surface plots for the effects of the extraction and the contents of 6-gingerol (mg/g, Y2) and 6-shogaol (mg/g, Y3)
temperature (°C, X1), extraction time (min, X2), and ethanol from ginger by extraction process
concentration of solvent (%, X3) on the extraction yield (%, Y1)

RSM, the optimal ethanol concentration, extraction time, The experiment at the optimal conditions was conducted
and extraction temperature were determined as 41.38%, to validate the regression model for predicting the response
78.16 min, and 70 °C, respectively. For 6-gingerol (Y2), its value. The experimental and predicted values for extraction
content increased with increasing ethanol concentration, yield were 16.10 ± 1.2 and 14.88%, respectively. The
extraction time, and extraction temperature in the range of experimental and predicted values for 6-gingerol content
this study. The optimum conditions using the regression were 41.58 ± 2.7 and 39.55 mg/g, respectively. Those
equation were 70 °C, 90 min, and 70%. Dvorackova et al. values for 6-shogaol content were 2.63 ± 0.5 and 2.44 mg/
(2015) reported that the most efficient ethanol concentra- g in this optimal extraction condition. The experimental
tion of solvent was 60% for phenolic compounds in the values were good agreed with the predicted values using
classic extraction of cinnamon. The content of 6-shogaol regression models obtained by RSM. Therefore, it is con-
(Y3) increased with increasing ethanol concentration in the sidered that the model could accurately predict the
range of this study. As extraction temperature and time response.
increase up to 62.29 °C and 51.90 min, the content of
6-shogaol tended to increase and then decreased after that. Acknowledgements This research was supported by the research
grant of the Ministry for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs for the
The optimum ethanol concentration, extraction time, and 2016 joint research and development of industry-academy-research
extraction temperature using the regression equations were cooperation technology. This support is appreciated.
determined as 62.29 °C, 51.90 min, and 70%, respectively.

Optimal extraction condition for ginger

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