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The concept of "three requirement levels" generally refers to a structured approach in

defining, organizing, and managing requirements within a project, particularly in

software development and systems engineering. These levels ensure that requirements
are captured in a comprehensive, hierarchical manner, facilitating better project
planning, execution, and validation.
1.Business Requirements (High-Level Requirements):

 Definition: These are broad, high-level statements that capture the overall
objectives and goals of the project. They describe what the organization aims to
achieve with the project and are typically aligned with the strategic goals of the
 Purpose: To provide a clear understanding of the business needs and justify the
investment in the project.
 Example: Increase student engagement by facilitating easy access to club information
and activities.

2. User Requirements (Stakeholder Requirements):

 Definition: These requirements describe the needs and expectations of the end
users and other stakeholders. They focus on what the users need to achieve with
the system or product and outline the features and functionalities that will meet
those needs.
 Purpose: To ensure that the solution developed aligns with the actual needs and
use cases of the end users.
 Example: Students should be able to communicate with club leaders and other
members through the portal.

3.System Requirements (Technical Requirements):

 Definition: These are detailed, specific requirements that define how the system
will be built to meet the user and business requirements. They include technical
specifications, constraints, and standards that the system must adhere to.
 Purpose: To provide clear and detailed guidance to the development and
engineering teams on how to build the system.
 Example: The system shall integrate with the university’s single sign-on (SSO) system
for student and staff authentication.
Sure, let's assume that I am working on a project to develop the University Club Portal
(UCP). I'll provide a detailed breakdown of the process, including gathering
requirements, planning, development, testing, and deployment.

Project Overview

Objective: To develop a University Club Portal (UCP) that enhances student

engagement, streamlines club management, and improves communication between
club members, leaders, and university administrators.

1. Requirements Gathering

Business Requirements

 BR1: Increase student engagement by providing easy access to club information

and activities.
 BR2: Streamline the management of club memberships, events, and resources.
 BR3: Enhance communication between club members, leaders, and the university

User Requirements

For Students:

 UR1: Ability to search for and join clubs.

 UR2: View and register for club events.
 UR3: Receive notifications about club activities.
 UR4: Communicate with club leaders and members.

For Club Leaders:

 UR5: Manage club membership lists and approve new members.

 UR6: Create, edit, and cancel events.
 UR7: Send announcements and messages to members.
 UR8: Access reports on event attendance and participation.

For University Administrators:

 UR9: Oversee all clubs and ensure compliance with university policies.
 UR10: Generate reports on club activities and memberships.
 UR11: Communicate directly with club leaders.

System Requirements

Authentication and Authorization:

 SR1: Integrate with the university’s single sign-on (SSO) system.

 SR2: Implement role-based access control.

User Interface:

 SR3: Develop a responsive design for both desktop and mobile devices.
 SR4: Ensure an intuitive interface for searching clubs, joining clubs, and
registering for events.

Database and Performance:

 SR5: Support concurrent access for at least 10,000 users.

 SR6: Store data in a relational database with regular backups.

Notification and Communication:

 SR7: Send email and/or in-app notifications.

 SR8: Include a messaging feature for user communication.

Compliance and Security:

 SR9: Comply with data protection regulations.

 SR10: Encrypt all data transmissions.
 SR11: Implement audit logging.

2. Project Planning

Project Timeline:

 Month 1: Requirements gathering and analysis.

 Month 2: Design phase (UI/UX design, database schema).
 Month 3-5: Development phase (frontend and backend development).
 Month 6: Testing phase (unit testing, integration testing, user acceptance
 Month 7: Deployment and training.

Resource Allocation:

 Project Manager: Oversees the project, ensures milestones are met.

 Business Analyst: Gathers and documents requirements.
 UI/UX Designer: Designs user interface and experience.
 Frontend Developer: Develops the client side of the application.
 Backend Developer: Develops the server side of the application.
 Database Administrator: Manages the database design and maintenance.
 QA Engineer: Conducts testing and ensures quality.
 IT Support: Manages deployment and provides technical support.

3. Development

Frontend Development:

 Implement the UI using React.js (or similar framework).

 Develop responsive design for mobile and desktop.

Backend Development:

 Set up the server using Node.js and Express (or similar stack).
 Integrate with the university’s SSO for authentication.
 Implement APIs for club management, event registration, notifications, and

Database Development:

 Design relational database schema using MySQL (or similar database).

 Implement data models for users, clubs, events, and communications.

4. Testing

Unit Testing:
 Test individual components and functions.
 Ensure all units work as expected.

Integration Testing:

 Test the integration between frontend and backend.

 Ensure data flows correctly between components.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT):

 Conduct testing with a group of end users (students, club leaders,

 Gather feedback and make necessary adjustments.

5. Deployment


 Set up production environment.

 Conduct final testing in production-like environment.


 Deploy the application to the production server.

 Perform smoke testing to ensure everything works post-deployment.


 Monitor system performance and resolve any issues.

 Provide training sessions for users.
 Gather feedback for future improvements.

6. Maintenance and Support

 Regular Updates: Provide regular updates to improve functionality and security.

 User Support: Offer ongoing support to users through a helpdesk or support
 Feedback Loop: Continuously collect user feedback to make iterative

By following this structured approach, we ensure that the University Club Portal (UCP) is
developed efficiently, meets the needs of its users, and aligns with the strategic
objectives of the university.

In a project to implement the University Club Portal (UCP), several stakeholders will
serve as requirement decision makers. These decision makers ensure that the
requirements are aligned with the university's goals, meet user needs, and are
technically feasible. Here are the key requirement decision makers and the decision rules
they can apply:

Requirement Decision Makers

1. Project Sponsor:

 Role: Typically a senior executive or university administrator who has the

authority to allocate resources and approve the project.
 Responsibilities: Provide strategic direction, ensure alignment with the
university’s objectives, and approve major decisions and budgets.

2. Project Manager:

 Role: Oversees the project execution and ensures it stays on track.

 Responsibilities: Coordinate between different stakeholders, manage
timelines, and ensure the project meets its objectives.

3. Business Analyst:

 Role: Acts as a liaison between stakeholders and the technical team.

 Responsibilities: Gather and document requirements, analyze needs, and
ensure requirements are clear and feasible.

4. University IT Department:
 Role: Provides technical expertise and ensures the system integrates with
existing university infrastructure.
 Responsibilities: Validate technical requirements, ensure security and
compliance, and manage technical resources.

5. Student Representatives:

 Role: Represent the end users (students).

 Responsibilities: Provide input on user needs and preferences, ensure the
system meets student expectations, and validate usability.

6. Club Leaders:

 Role: Represent the interests of various university clubs.

 Responsibilities: Provide insights on club management needs, validate
functional requirements for managing memberships and events.

7. University Administration (e.g., Dean of Students, Office of Student Affairs):

 Role: Ensure the system aligns with university policies and enhances
student life.
 Responsibilities: Validate compliance with university regulations, approve
functional requirements related to student affairs.

Decision Rules

1. Consensus Decision-Making:

 Description: All key stakeholders discuss and agree on requirements. This

rule is ideal for major decisions that affect multiple stakeholders.
 Application: Used for approving high-level business requirements and
any changes that impact the project's scope or budget.

2. Majority Rule:

 Description: Decisions are made based on the majority vote of the

decision-making group.
 Application: Useful for resolving disagreements on specific requirements
where consensus cannot be reached.

3. Authority Rule by Expertise:

 Description: Decisions are made by the person with the most relevant
 Application: Technical decisions are often made by the IT department or
technical lead, while user experience decisions might be made by the
business analyst or student representatives.

4. Requirement Prioritization (MoSCoW Method):

 Description: Requirements are categorized as Must have, Should have,

Could have, and Won’t have.
 Application: Helps in prioritizing requirements based on their importance
and impact on the project.

5. Cost-Benefit Analysis:

 Description: Evaluating the cost versus the benefits of implementing a

 Application: Used for making decisions about resource allocation,
ensuring that the benefits justify the costs.

6. Feasibility Analysis:

 Description: Assessing the technical and operational feasibility of

 Application: Ensures that the requirements are achievable within the
project’s constraints.

7. Compliance Check:

 Description: Ensuring all requirements comply with university policies,

regulations, and data protection laws.
 Application: Decisions regarding compliance are typically validated by
university administration and legal advisors.
Example Application

1. Defining Major Functional Requirements:

 Process: The business analyst gathers input from student representatives,

club leaders, and university administration. The project sponsor and
project manager facilitate a consensus decision-making process.
 Outcome: High-level requirements like "Students should be able to join
clubs online" and "Club leaders should manage events" are approved by

2. Technical Feasibility:

 Process: The IT department evaluates the technical requirements. They use

the Authority Rule by Expertise to make decisions on technical aspects like
system integration with the university's SSO.
 Outcome: The decision to use a particular technology stack is made by
the IT department.

3. Prioritizing Features:

 Process: Using the MoSCoW method, all stakeholders (students, club

leaders, administration) prioritize the features.
 Outcome: Features like "Event notifications" are categorized as Must have,
while "Customizable user profiles" might be a Could have.

4. Compliance Check:

 Process: University administrators and legal advisors review the

requirements to ensure compliance with regulations.
 Outcome: Requirements are adjusted to comply with data protection laws.

By involving these decision makers and applying structured decision rules, the project
team can ensure that the University Club Portal meets the needs of all stakeholders and
is delivered successfully.

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