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It6t J, {o 116 FT

gfudr A frd at aq d alr. at

azr.Fdr 7

312016 Booklet Sr. No. MASTER


Category No. : 01
Candidate's Roll Number / gnqrfr+,lttt;rgr

Time allowed : 1 Hour 15 Minutes Total Questions : 80 Maximum Marks : 160
Aqiftd rsq : l da'3it{ rsfrrs iftr
IRA: 80 grftEar3ifi' : 160



1. Attempt all the questions. Every question has equal marks viz. 2.
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3. Do not lbrget to w:ite your roll number on the top of this question booklet & OMR/Answer Sheet.
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5. Candidate must bring legibly printed Admit Card with recent coloured photo pasted on it at mark B duly attested by Gazetted Officer and one
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I 7. your dnswer sheet will be evaluated through electronic scanning process. Incomplete or inconect entries may render your answer sheet invalid.
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coRRF.CTM[nrcD.miB wRoNc t{trtoDs,,rffi

@ao@ @@@@ @EOO @e@@ @@@@

20. lf not cornply with the instructions as mentioned above or creates any kind of indiscipline, the Commission shall take action as per
a caqclidate does;
instructions and irr addition can also debar the candidate from appearing in the Examination, to be beld in future and can also file criminal
proceedings. ftfif frtsr3ifra1lt;v{ttdt I

i- I ,f t6

€\l€,hltNq S€,SSION
isto ?
S fllueltcoPrER +r gs$ (c) a

(n) {lcrERrOrE (D) Mohana
(c) RETPOCILEH drdal
(D) sETPOCILHE 5. Select the substitution that best expresses
In l{fryana, on Which occasion, Kothali gift is opposite meaning of the underlined word.
givefl ? Some democratic countries believe in racial
Anqlrun di derfr Jq6R f*s gt{s{ q{ segregation.
(A) subordination
frlvl drdr tl z
@) integration
(A) floli
(C) inferiority
(D) domination
(B) reej
6. Meningitis is a disease which affects the
dtq t
(C) Diiwali
ffies frT frF*iT ffiTrf{f, +'.{dr
(A) Kidneys
(D) $aakar Sankranti
(B) Liver
#q-t +iit'-tfr
3. Wlhdt least number must be subtracted from
(C) Heart
19Bf so thalt the remainder when divided by 9,
L0; 15 willl leave in each case the same E6q
rernErinder 7' ?
@) Brain
1$F d't htfr fr d€r fi der :ieqr qdrg qfrtq,
ddffilh*q*lqqe, 10, 15 frfra+Ha 7. Which of the following is known as a metal
f*zn src' 61 6f5 FrF fr' qqrfr qlq z {i t rectifier ?

(A) F3
(B) ie
qrdr t ?

(c) 44 (A) Gas tube diode

(D) uone of these / {frd-t +t$ tfr
:1-e qe srdlg
(B) Silicon diode
Thd idol of Lord Vishnu laying on Sheshshayya
(snflke with multiple heads) is found from Rffif, srqlg
whlch place of SoniPat district ? (C) CoPPer oxide rectifier
qluprr;qr q{ dt srqtIFT ry fiI afu dfir{s frlqort
dillqd Frd fr nar t otd F t ?
(D) nttof these /t qeff
(A) Gohana

8. What energy is converted into sound energy in mango is not done ?
loud s;peaker ?
Fftqrun f :na+ *r Errrdrfi ffiq ffi f
drrs Fq|qr d'df-d S Fdt' sqF Ffit fr
rfr drfr r
sqialh ahiil t r
(A) Yamunanagar
(A) Mechanicial vibration energy
qiFf,fi Srla 5at
(B) Karnal
(B) Electricalenergy EFTdleT
fu196 5:qt
(C) Mahendragarlh
(C) Light enerlgy qiltrrrd
g?|;rer fitt (D) Kurukshetra
(D) Heat energy
12. The metric unit of magnetic field intensity is
9. Which district. of the Haryana is leading in the
production ol'Mushroom crop ?
gofrt* qt{ tridr 6 frlp n+'€ +qr t
(A) Weber
gd sqil *'*qrff fr fiqrun mr o'tfr
gr Far 3fl,ufr H ? is{
(B) Gauss
(A) Anrbala
(C) Tesla
(B) Karnal
(D) Orested
(C) Hisar
13. The law which states that the induced e.m.f.
(D) Sonipat
and current always opposes the cause
qtfrTd producing it was presented by
10. Sarveshwar Mahadev Temple situated at r{T fr{fr tefrqrfifi stn H ffi
Kurul<shetra was built by whom ? 3EqR iftd e.m.f.3it{ +iu Cftn Tss'r
+-tqtr Rr'r HftTt FdrF ffi{ ffi 5iTTT6f, +Ii EId fir FdTET frrA H
Frmqr ?Ir ? 'FRUI

(A) Baba Shravan Nath (A) Lenz

EritT qiMtnFT t @
(B) Baba Hariclas (B) Faraday
drdT 5ft4:g fr q{B
(C) Jugal Kishor Birla (C) Maxwell
g4d Ffi?rk F{gfrr i ffin
(D) Baba Tarakr Nath (D) ohm
dfcrr dftrfinRr i 3Tlfr

11. In wfrich district of Haryana, horticulture of 14. Which one of the following single-phase
motor perform with better power factor
? 17. The longest network of pakki
frnnif*d f t +td fr rr*a_ft-q +fer (developed) in Haryana is in the district

ilear erRil Trfr C nr4 *,taft r FRqrqT fr q6r Ff+t fir FEt wrEr
(A) Universal motor ilEr-$tuHffifrtz
ramemr frct (A) Hisar
(B) RFpulsion motor trgr
vfn++t1 6 (B) Bhiwani
(C) Ca pacitor--start motor fnifi
*.ffucr+zrt qlc{ (C) Kaithal
(D) Ca pacitor--ru n motor +?rfr
*rlR*-lta atcr (D) Panipat
15. The ;crinciple of operation of an induction_ qrffqd
motorr is basr-'d on 18. The liberation of electrons from the surface
i{ur,+ffi ifi'r qftErilf, frgid fus w of a substance is called
smRa t z tufr T6Ft fr strd t ildr(ftil s-r
(A) Faradays law BFf{d aqr 66drf,r t z
$rr$ft+rr (A) Bombardment of electrons
(B) ROrtating uragnetic field gil+ffi6rqrdrfr
Wf E-€tqrb (B) mission
(C) Flemings right-hand rule ttr+d
qdFrEirMfrqq (C) Movement of free electrons
(D) Ohrn's law
Trd 5*rfdt m'r riqtrn
3iFr frwr (D) Thermionic emission
16. Kali Kamali tilVale Baba ka Dera is at which arqrqfrfr 5trfd
place in Haryana ?

Aftqlutr jl irrfr s?ffi qrd Erqr 6T kr

19. 6fl-q tdtrf,r EhT Erqr :ref tr
(A) tsdr
lss 'Frd rrr t ?

(A) Kaithal (B) fr{iTur rfi.t;rr

*'qa (c) trme mril'
(B) Pefnowa (D) Fflttr mtrr
(C) Kulrukshetra
(D) Jind
20. Externally, the magnetic lines of force travel

ErfPr 5q :{+, qfr fir gGrfilq drff, Ttrfr (B) 25 September,2014

t 25 frilET,2ol4
(A) nprth to r;outh (C) 15 July,2015
sttt f ilftur 15 Erfrrg,2015

(B) south to north (D) 21 November,2015

qffrq t scrr 2l ilis{,2015
(C) negative to positive 24. An ideal current source should have

fntu fiqtuk 3ir6?t fiiE *f,

fr'+fi 6tdr qrft(r ?

(D) in both the directions (A) Infinite resistance

fat ftnnsrt fr 3ddsftrr

(B) Zero resistance
21' 3;qff,sl filHrff {qr t ?
eFq srtq
(A) sRltd (C) Infinite capacitance
(B) qfn 3rdd enftil'
(c) (D) None of these
(D)rrrfr Fdjt t+t$rfr
25. The bit of a soldering iron is made of
22. Contribution of which district of
during Revolution of 1857 was most
Haryana rH-rr dF A 3ffi (kd) ffir ffi
t8s7 ft ifilfu + oftqrw * ffis ffi drfrFz
(A) iron
s'r *rrElf, w ?
(A) Gurgaon
(B) brass
.'' qrilfr
(B) Rohtak
(C) copper
(C) Hisar
(D) stainless steel
(D) Alf these
Fffis Fe1-

tTS 26. sfrT qfq ifi'r s€I 3rat +qr t z

23. When was 'Skill India', an initiative of the (A) eTr$

Government of India was launched by Prime (s) sgr eTF
Minister Narr:ndra Modi ?
qenfr ffi ;4f6 dfr fqrur s{rcT SFFrt (c) aTrS il6n
fif qiil ' 1fier gffiT'(+teffr srrla) frE (D) 6isr sTr€
g$'fr'r er$ ,zfl z
( )21November,2014
2rtfu,2014 27. Which one of the following is not a reason
responsible for fire ?
frtritud f C df-d TII 3{rJr sr 6Rur (B) Dispersion
a-frFz qftetquT

(A) Wrong fur;e rating (C) Diffraction

ffikI +1g tn"t ffin
(B) Loose connections @) Total Internal Reflection
fiil +*rqrd Tut 3ridff+, wr+fn
(C) Damaged insulation between the line and 31. The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is
neutral equal to L4 cm; the lateral side is to the base
Ftrid E. qtd * fiq qTfrffFd in the ratio 5:4. area of the triangle is
fffiHqEfq trJ"firqRftfr 14 cm *-
*@ra v{ltr t I imsq O 3st qnf mT g;retrr 5:4
@) Reverse connections in a 3-phase motor
g-ftd elirr f fdf af+qrfi t tQyc*'rqlrsdffrildrfi?
28. Which Stater has the largest number of seats cm'
in Legislative Assembly ?
frrna seTr fr frs rl;q fr scs ,icqr cm'
rdlftIn S ?
(C) cm2
(A) West Bengal
q.'6i7rfr (o) z cmt

(B) Maharashtra
32. The process of conversion from a,c. into d.c.
is called
u.".t d.c. d' sqiil{ur Ffi mEdrfl- t ?
(C) Uttar Praclesh
(A) Amplification
(D) Bihar
(B) Rectification
rex Ec-+,{ur
29, The frequency generated by a 8-pole
alternator roltating at 600 r.p.m.will be
600 rpm tI{' ErS s-gd 3€{+g-{
ryR ffi
(D) Factorization
EERI v.qrftn drfr t rrul;|-ciTd
(A) 20 t-tz J

(B) a0 Hz
(C) 60 Hz
(D) 80 Hz

30. Optical fibre:; are based on the phenomenon

*Fntfq q ffis qftTcat-w 3Trrrrf{d F
33. The tool generally used for cutting small
(A) Interference
wires and cables when they are close to the
aqfF6{ur terminal is
effra * fr*-c ErS dt dRt 3fk ffif erkr trs * +rfa qqr
+t fir-i * fr(' 3irfl.+{ w fus 36. The sensitivity of a voltmeter is expressed as
3qaluT filq?trrr f+.qr snr t t fi
ile,cdrc{ s}caqhffif ffi d+rir
(A) electrician knife firurfrfrr
5clFgRl+a ur+' (A) volts/ohm
(B) diagonal rr:utting plier drael:fq
Arfdrf,il fifurf EdIr{11
(B) ohm.volt
(C) combinatrion plier 3r}fr.+-c
q]-+d tri;rrR
(C) 1/ohm.vott
(D) scissors t/3fq. fre,d
frfr @) ohms/volt
34. The advantage of nickel-iron cell over lead- 3trfi/"}-c
acid cell is this that
37, The length and breadth of a rectangular
trnrtfrs tn *r guar fr ft+-n-at6r piece of land are in ratio of 5:3. The owner
ta ,rr +qlFTrfi t ? spent < 3000 for surrounding it from all the
(A) it sides at { 7.S0 per metre. The difference
has a hig;her efficiency.
between its length and breadth is
{sdf rcr EH?il dfr H
(B) it needs ler;s maintenance.
trffi aRrcTFFrt s1urs
6r arE $ a ar ffi
gsf ae rs{sn ft rsra atil t ry s:3 S I t-Fdrff Tgfi Erdfrfi €efi
I qnd € < z.so qF rff. fir cr Srfr * R(' t
(C) it is much r::heaper.
ir*rr ilar H
{ 3ooo qf s-{cn H I g$6r dE€ e ffi
+5 +ffi1 t
fr3iil{qfi$ z
(D) it gives a higher e.m.f.
Tf, ra6lf e.m.f. tar H t
(A) so m /50 *
35. You rrote that a d,c. motor starts with jerk (B) roo m /too fi
when startinlg the motor. What may be the (c) rso m /l5o
fault for this effect ?
q 6a} saq 4,
3nqe f,qr 'H' d|c{ (D) zoo m /2oo +ff

m-{ fls- t q ilfr F, gsor +qr

(A) Linervoltage too high
ar$t tq drffr ffi
(B) Short-circuit in the field winding
qi-{ gsila U ,'6;sfre
(c) Pitted starter contact terminals
erfi{a erilr fir aFtrr dTfi t 38. Which type of resistor is used for over
(D) Wrong grade of carbon brushes voltage protection ?

3Tfufi fi"frr qgqJr t R(' ms ncg *

thpct +r'rfrrr fufi srf,r t r gB+a ilqmd 6itrs * q?rq gTr,qqr *tfl
(A) Sernsitors qlz
dfuc{ (A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B) Thermistr:rrs ildrfif,rdftis
a/l+€-{ (B) W.C. Bennerjee
(C) Verristors q:fr.ftfi
aftsr (C) Dinshaw Wacha
(D) Li6;ht dep,erndent resistor f+aef Erqr
FFTqT 3flluTfrd tF€-{ @) Sir Surendra Nath Banerjee
39. The circuit lbreaker which does not contain rt$ffinFT'ffi
any serviceable part is known as 43. Surajkund was constructed by whom ?
il6 €ffiz ifil irfi fidf,kn t Fsfr qTfr.frus * 1141u ffi fr-{rqr
qE-{+ +ri arqo st$ gdt rfr
ilar r EIzII qI ?

(A) Oil Circuit Breaker (OCB) (A) Surajpal

:ilqs sfihd il*-t (ocs) qrdqrd
(B) Miniaturer Circuit Breaker (MCB) (B) Mahipal
frhF{r rfrd i*-r lnncny frfdqrd
(C) Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) (C) Hemchandra
aqr rrtf,i' f,fi{ (ACB)
(D) Air Blast Ciircuit Breaker (ABCB) (D) Harshvardhan
q{ QrR:E qfrz f+-q IABCB; ffid
40. Choose the irlternative which best expresses 44, ln Haryana, at which place maximum number
the meaningl of the given idiom/phrase. of lron pipes is manufactured ?
To throw colld water on
Ffrqror fr dt fi iil Fdtfrfi
(A) talk frankly
FCrqm-er dm H t
(B) to abash
(A) Sonipat
(C) to ignore
(D) to discourage
(B) Faridabad
41. Two of the liugitives managed to remain free
by adeptly avoiding the of the
police. (Fill in the blank) (c)
(A) pursuit
(B) discovery (D)
(C) following
(D) expression
42. Who was the First President of the Indian
National Corrgress ? 45. Which river is not flowing into the Bay of
Bengal ?

+tdS ;rff Gienfr fiI qrS f rdrtrd same meaning:
afrdfrt;t The state of being unmarried.
(A) bachelorhood
(B) bigamy
(C) monogamy
(B) Cauvery
(D) polygamy
4e. '3sq1 fiilr 3rTqr E&' sT F&
(C) Gomati 3ret

Tffi f{+-dq qqa +t I

(A) gfierf rcar

(D) Brahmapr.rtra r

46. The type of slots used in armature of a high
E]E1rdr{6rr*.rar I

voltage d.c. motor is

(c) rfffi ffi arn*-t qrd 6Trr I

ra fi"an Erff d.c. fr-t t 3TrJf{ fr'

(o) gffifdfrapr
|+-s ffi il; sit sT rfrrr fr-qr drf,r t 50. The PTC
resistor is called as
? tfraelt rqr mE?rf,r t ?
(A) closed typ'e (A) Thermistors
F.{.d trqil{ ?Iffi-F-{
(B) semi-enclosed type (B) Varistors
:ttt i-glurF"R afu€cr
(C) o$en typerwith dovetail (C) Sensitors
rfu *',grrr cil r+,n fr4
(D) open type with tapered slot (D) LDR
efld si'i * qrer gA sltnr 51. Which is not the passive components from
the following ?
47. 'Sur Samman Award' is given to the
outstanding talent in the field of fraifua fr t dt-d €r ftB-q ErcF'
'{t u+1-4 q{Fr{'ffrs ** d' fdRlsa rfrFr
eFeTr t frtq q-EFr fuqr drf,r F z (A) Resistor
(A) Sports tF€c{
dtr (B) Transistor

@) Liferature
(C) Capacitor
(c) o *qfrc{
(D) Inductor
(D) {'trdr

48. Choose an allternative which can replace the

given sentence so as to communicate the 52. What type of core is used in a transformer

designed to wofk at high frequencies (MHz
range) ?
rrfi HiTfiT

3i,T 3Trqfi:tre} p,rHz tv) q{ firff 6ri (C) Sanghi

*. ft(' B;nga l+r' eK'giqsfdT d- fuw
dlE sT *irr +rq f fuqr drdr t ?
(D) Hasangarh

(A) Aluminiurn core F{l;l-T6

qirqFF'qq efu 56. Which award is given by Urdu Sahitya
Academy for excellence in Urdu Literature?
(B) lron core yt ens r+rsfr n_drr it Hrfd-q fr
,ila +k fdR).ffr * fil(' +td HT g{g,R Fqr
(C) Air core
(A) Mirza Galib Award
(D) Open typ,er iron core ffi'rrfrq:lg,R
gd urgqr fir ildr *ir (B) Urdu Sahitya Ratna
53. The armature of d.c. generator is laminated r{urfr;vr*r
(C) Hali Award
d.c. aat-{ +.r srf+r Fqt dftd fr-qr
drflr t ?
(D) None of these
(A) reduce the overall mass
1TTEI AE?:EffiI +t +q fi{i t fr('
57. Who has been crowned as the FBB Femina
(B) insulate core Miss India World 2016?
+Tt or FiFFfd s{i t R(r FBBS'Fflr trIs gFr-Teg-2016 fir
(C) reduce the eddy current loss arsrfrqff 14+ fi ar$ r
aFcR rr{r qnq 6} 5a ari + Rq (A) Namrata Sharma
(D) ntt of thesr: ilriTr ?|41'
zI Hefr (B) Priyadarshini Chatterj ee
5a- +rrRT dar:rpr+t fir sfr srd +fi H z ffiH+6fi
(C) Pankhuri Gidwani
(A) rhsr
t' 6irar
(s) &r dt'sar I

(D) Sushruthi Krishna
(c) anqE atarr I gFry
(l);fk jt dlar r

55. Where ChaurJhary Chhoturam was born ?

dtrtt utctra+ ftT ffiq +elt;r +ta qr t z

(A) Kherisampala
t}S qiqatr
(B) Garhisampala
58. Which one set of letters when sequentially
plafed at the gaps in the given letter
series (C) involve
shall complete it ?
(D) induce
3Tgftt mT Eifd fiir q6 srfi etrat w iF.irHR
62. Select the correct alternative.
r-gft $ fr arg rarr qiqf,r ei qu +tm z
T& Bfraq mT T{I;r ftF(' I

-4b_b_-_aba__abab C3F6:l9LtZ::K11 N14:?

(A) a bb aa
(B) bp aa b
s take some time in 63. An emitter is generally called
hich of the following
larnps takes comparatively more time in rtrffi +T srffdT rrt Fqr 65r anr F
illu(rinating fully ? ?

tlsfffier *Fq qfr ilr6 d ffi;t

f gu (A) Anode
FtrfffiilrfrnriF+aft+tasr tEntE

ffi Tft d'{6 {t rdf f g*' _rr*r * @) Cathode

d qqrqr Fl+q fdr t ?

(A) tidbe (C) Grid

q.{d ilFq trrg
(B) \tlfrcury viapour lamp (D) Drain

Tfrfr tqr tsq td

(c) 64. Kamla got married 6 years ago. Today her
fo[ium va,pouf tamp
f,Frn d* il* age is I times her age at the time of
(D) NNon lamp marriage. Her son's age is (L/L}) times her
fti,q age. Her son's age is
6-qdr m r.r+r5 6 E{-Ti
60. Find the odd number from the given FTr I 3Tld 3qfr
fd("r(' ffri;qt fr t fqvq ieur gFv
ra 3H€r frdr6 *' sq?r fir rq t I 1ar t

I iqfiTdfrf Tq3qfrrq.F'r(l/10) TdrF I

zii 3stTrfiITqt
(A) 2 years t2eN.
(c) 236
(D) 347 (B) 3 y."tr /3 Ef
61. Choofe the word that best expresses the (C) 4 years i4 Eq
mearf ing of the underlined word :
We rppeatedlly apked the girl why she was (D) 5 years /5 Eq
cryin$ but she said that she did not want to
entangle us in her affairs.
(A) entrap
(B) iapfress
s'Til Gerf,)

i;rrru Fftqrun t ffiT ffi * (B) Tarawadi

srdr t ?
(C) Fatehabad
(D) Pathri
69. The average weight of 50 balls is 5 gm. tf the
(C) Ffridabad
weight of the bag be included the average
dfrrdr weight increases by 0.05 gm. What is the
(D) spnipat weight of the bag ?

trfrqd so f-Et s'r 3il+n e{R s sm | t fr

tS +r
66. Froin the giiven alternative words, select the
rt.,t;rgsfr enFd f*qr arcr * sifrf, eTR

worJd whiclh cannot be formed using the o.o5 gm C qO drf,r H I tA EF't- fiR aftT
leitf rs of the gir4en word : fiF(r
F+frfuTffifrtil6 qfqg6(r,
"fi (A) s.os

?Fq +' $tr{t mT trqbr +rh rff (B) 5.0s
dtilfur dr qfiiTr : REHABT LrrATroN . (c) 7.os
(A) ALrBr (D) 7.ss
70. Which of the inert gases can form
(C) BILLIOI\T compounds ?

(D) B[,ATA\rr dl-n fr 3Tfrq jts dtrro ffiT s*-fr H?

67. Which Rishl's abbey is situated in Asthal (A) Helium
B0hFr ?
Jrera qFr f Ffrs ER s'r F6 t ?
(B) Xenon
(A) CFYawan
(C) Krypton
(B) Kppil
(D) Argon

(D) Vyas

s Pharlgu fair is held at which place ?

qFrT fiT ddl fr€ €?Iff, tR

6rdr ? t
(A) Ffral (Kaithql)

71. The connection of a zener diode in a circuit is
always ssfrr qtr€?r+,|a ei{
(C) its kind of material
Hfi[a d' lfiar ildE fir Tiqtrff aAen
ildi t {ffif Trfr?ff -F-f lrrrt
(D) allthe stated factors
(A) lrlseries
al"n * + Tsft rFRiF'
(B) reverse-briased
75. The element used for making solar cells is

HRT Orq11
€k ff, 6t qf,ri fr' fsu aar .Fr tr+rr
(C) forward-biased ilarFt
3fil rtERr' (A) Magnesium

(D) in parallel
(B) Sodium
72. Whiph
is the State Bird of Haryana ?
(C) Calcium
Fkqrun *'r trr€rq qqfr stf, €r t ?

(A) nawk
/ Erq
@) Silicon
(B) eigeon aqrr
/ Rtrfiila
(c) sthck Frarrcotirh / ifi'ftrT *f,r 76. Which one of the following is called the
digestive bag in the cell ?
(D) peacock
/ Ftr{
6)R'r+'r fr frq fr C +td *ff qr+fr qfr
73. The pcceptortype of impurity is (digestive bag) 66dkfrt ?
t+fru6. slrfir 61 3reJE dfd fr F ?
(A) Golgi body
(A) Phosphor erffi+rq
(B) Mitochondrion
(B) Freon qr5f+nFnqr
(C) nibosome
(C) Bdron
@) Lysosome
(D) None of threse
Frfr t qf5 rff
74. The specifir: resistance of a substance
depends on
156 qqrel 6T BRIE qftfq f+q qr
Falq ml?r t ?

(A) its length

{s€r d-n-s
(B) its cross-sectional area
77. lmpurities in an electrolyte can cause
it condition called
Tfdr'ftr dlcrr t
3IIRfi t Fli drfr (A) Neel Guy

Fft ET nrn.fr t fiaanq


(C) Black colored cow
(D) Goat

78. festival of Sankranti comes in the

:irrfifa ffis Frfif f srar H r




couple ing Inter-caste marriage

ryana is pa an amount of
mri Erd aeqF +'f

(B) d rupees

(c) thous;and
(D) grant
80. milch ani I is known as 'Black Gold'
e Haryana ?
gqr€ +t FftqrqT f ihrflI





13 Fs oMR 5c?t-q=rfi fI drd cffit' cR,-3Tr+q cfr qd. s+q.fr cFr T+ o-srR 3mrr a 6.tr oMR rc?r qro
strd'f tild'+t 3rFFr-$d4 flilr d o;3attqrr cfrHT uat+ 6ti; fi ffi
rt.o".*. rcT{-wr.5ffi.ctrqt a} srarr 6a, f*fl-s.er
6t dh tal $?q?ff vF +et cftisrn 6dRT 3lrr4 *.+ + a a ur+tr 3r€+if 3*a'-t
*T t {s cfreil g*6r si t sr
Si$iLTR-TBtSfrdd t *-+a u+'"6 pl v;t+ rsa +'vcar t fr(, oMR r..rt qr+ jt *+d rs
S i+;i
{flrff B.try!!
fr(r qtun
il6t f+q1 dl(r4ll
il6T arc'rrt
6T e-+r4 # #' tr .if frs.* +hi;;-;#';-# ilj # J j'+HH
S"$,ff I5^*g frff + @.Qfr afi-s+qeff +t Fqrwr (eirte/trrsa) tt qr+
*r 3ffiq6 r5, fi dRrrfil
'ry' H:-ti t *1tr :1rrdrT
5* " w.",A#)
FrT!r6r{ ch{
wr slk 3-s
ni* eri,
ad';il-H'H#w* rs"#ffi# #+'
sqFT qn rr{q le T"'fri *rt rri qr
g1 561-# ra Esd'. a irae6;g
3atr{sF'3rqrn 6 s+ar tl 3TFFFT
EW Flqr-6 ran * fr sfi
rcAt +I 4TFT EI;TISg1[n
3lt{ tt Frt qai '#dTffi.i
"il-r* Ht;H"'# +i +rar 6re d srqh H


@do@ @tro@ @eo@ @@o@

zo. qA +t$ q,rqnrr Tg +-tin F qr Jdensf, siq fr{dr
3ilqtr Fd?trEffi Ts+ f{qq
Fs+ sftfr+d:rt
fuqr dr F+-dr Hl
d fr t
dri erfr ctqrBrt efi dtrfr frqr sr s+ar trcsh fd"6offi;i{' :';'#";frst4l


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