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Results in Engineering 21 (2024) 101870

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Herbicide spraying and weed identification using drone technology in

modern farms: A comprehensive review
Srija Meesaragandla a, Megha P. Jagtap a, Narendra Khatri b, *, Hakka Madan b,
Aditya Abhiram Vadduri b
Department of Agronomy, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, 431402, Maharashtra, India
Department of Mechatronics, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, India


Keywords: In the field of advanced agriculture, drones have emerged as cutting-edge aerial spraying technology. This
Drones innovative approach offers enhanced flexibility and a more systematic approach compared to traditional
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) applications methods, resulting in a remarkable 60-fold increase in efficiency. Identifying weed patches can be accomplished
by utilizing image acquisition with drones for subsequent processing and spraying. An additional benefit of
spraying is the “downwash” effect generated by the rotors, resulting in enhanced deposition on the intended
target. It is important to assess specific application techniques in order to enhance the efficiency of weed control
using drones. This review provides an overview of the current scientific research on the use of camera-equipped
drones for weed detection and the subsequent application of herbicides for weed control. Research on the
comparison of sprayers and their effectiveness in spraying has shown that this technology has the capability to
replace applications carried out mainly with knapsack sprayers in order to reduce occupational hazards. There
are various factors that can affect the efficiency of this particular method of aerial spraying. These include the
altitude and speed at which the spraying is conducted, as well as meteorological conditions, the rate at which the
solution is applied, the characteristics of the droplet producer, and the properties of the spray solution. Over­
coming various challenges is crucial for the successful implementation of this new technology. Skilled experts are
required to address formulation and labeling details, as well as guidelines. Additionally, understanding the
aerodynamic effect in droplets is essential for its effectiveness.

1. Introduction understand its limitations [7,8]. Chemical weed control approaches are
more effective than mechanical methods in reducing weed densities and
There is a growing global demand for food as the population con­ biomass. Herbicides, on the other hand, cause significant negative im­
tinues to increase, necessitating a series of increases in food production. pacts, particularly the problem of herbicide resistance in weeds, even
Given this, farmers employ technology that yields higher productivity, though it’s cost-effective and versatile [9,10]. There are several draw­
such as utilizing drones for weed detection and spraying. Weeds pose a backs to consider, such as the low effectiveness, especially when it
significant threat to crop productivity [1]. Weeds compete for resources comes to knapsack sprayers. Additionally, this method requires a high
like nutrients, water, light, CO2, and space, resulting in significant re­ labor intensity and is quite time-consuming. Moreover, a significant
ductions in crop yield. In addition, weeds provide a habitat for pests like amount of water is used, ranging from 225 to 450 L per hectare [11].
insects, bacteria, viruses, and fungi that can impact neighboring crops To optimize the productivity of contemporary agriculture, it is
[2–6]. To control weeds, various methods are employed, such as manual necessary to utilize drones for aerial application. This allows for the
weeding, mechanical and machine weeding, traditional herbicides, standardization of the process of chemical spraying and helps adapt to
sustainable techniques, and artificial intelligence (AI). the scarcity of labor in rural regions. This spraying technology ensures
Hand weeding involves a lack of available workers and significant that the product is deposited more effectively on the chosen target and
expenses in terms of wages. When considering the effectiveness of me­ reduces environmental losses. A UAV monitors small individual plants
chanical weed control in weed management, it is important to or weed patches, which have previously been unavailable [12]. In their

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (N. Khatri).
Received 10 September 2023; Received in revised form 17 January 2024; Accepted 30 January 2024
Available online 1 February 2024
2590-1230/© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
S. Meesaragandla et al. Results in Engineering 21 (2024) 101870

study, Mink et al. (2018) discuss a method of applying herbicides to the ability to cover an area ranging from 4000 to 6000 m2 within a mere
specific sites using UAV imagery. It demonstrate that by analyzing aerial 10-min timeframe. This operational efficiency surpasses manual spray­
images, it is possible to determine the presence or absence of weeds in ing by a factor of 70. The aircraft offers three distinct flight modes,
row crops [13,14]. namely Smart, Manual Plus Mode, and Manual Mode, allowing adap­
In addition, the advancement of drones equipped with cameras and tation to varying field conditions [22]. Table 2 provides a comprehen­
geographic information systems (GIS) technology in weed management sive overview of the features associated with the DJI Agras MG-1, while
strategies is evident [15]. By combining drones, robots, artificial intel­ Fig. 1 illustrates the herbicide spraying process performed by the drone.
ligence, and other sensors, various agricultural tasks can be optimized
for weed detection and eradication, leading to improved outcomes 2.1.2. DJI Agras-16
[16–19]. This technology utilizes drones to decrease manual labor and The DJI Agras-16 is a hexacopter operating under a multicraft con­
enhance food quality [20]. trol mode, effectively overseeing the concurrent operation of five
Nonetheless, a deficiency in research data pertaining to herbicide aircraft. Its distinctive radar system incorporates digital beam forming
spraying utilizing drones is evident. Additional research investigations (DBF) technology, enabling the generation of a 3D point cloud imagery
are requisite to delve into the dynamics of drone herbicide spraying and for precise environmental sensing and obstacle avoidance [22]. Table 3
its consequential impact on weed and crop injury. Consequently, the provides a comprehensive overview of the key features inherent to the
objective of this review is to delineate the extant scientific research DJI Agras-16, and Fig. 2 illustrates its field operation.
landscape and conduct a thorough analysis of drone utilization in
contrast to alternative sprayers, with a focus on enhancing weed control 2.1.3. Field quadcopter
efficiency. The underlying strategy involves the technological Fig. 3 illustrates the Parrot Bluegrass, a fixed-wing drone specifically
advancement of this methodology within the Indian agricultural designed for precision farming applications, particularly in agricultural
domain, aimed at augmenting weed management and crop yield, while spraying [25,26]. It provides insights into augmenting crop productivity
concurrently mitigating the challenges posed by labor scarcity and and enhancing crop quality. The fixed-wing drone is characterized by its
diminishing chemical reliance for the eradication of herbicide-resistant simplicity, affordability, and an accurate camera capable of capturing
weeds. high-quality images. Equipped with a multispectral sensor and a 14 MP
front red, green, and blue (RGB) camera, it offers a comprehensive set of
2. Types of drones used in agriculture features. To complement its straightforward functionalities, it in­
corporates the Parrot Fields mobile app, facilitating quick comprehen­
In 1985, the Yamaha company in Japan introduced the inaugural sion of field operations and data analysis for crops.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for agricultural applications, namely The Sentara normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) camera
the RMAX model R50. China also stands as a notable contributor to this stands out as one of the smallest and lightest intelligent farming sensors
technology, with over 200 manufacturers incorporating UAVs in their currently available in the market. The software associated with this
operations. The majority of these UAVs possess an unloaded capacity camera proves highly effective in generating NDVI maps, providing
ranging from 10.0 kg to 50.0 kg, operate within the altitude range of 1.0 valuable insights into crop health. Additionally, it supports topography
m–5.0 m, and maintain an operational speed of less than 8.0 m/s. mapping, weed detection location mapping, and crop density analysis.
Powered by electric motors, these UAVs are equipped with tank loads Flight planning becomes more accessible and ensures precise coverage
ranging from 5 L to 30 L [21]. Drones manifest as two primary types: of large areas. Fig. 4 illustrates a crop field mapping operation utilizing a
Fixed wings and Rotary wings. The latter, particularly multi-rotors, are Sentara NDVI camera mounted on a DJI phantom quadcopter.
predominantly employed for chemical spraying due to their stability and Several agricultural drones in India, such as the Phoenix 1200 Ag
capability for vertical and static flight. quadcopter, Garuda Kisan drone, Carbon fiber E16L, Mode 2 Carbon
Fiber Agriculture, IG Drone Auto Agri drone, Prime AG2, etc., contribute
to the diverse landscape of drone applications in agriculture. Table 4
2.1. Classification of agri-drones presents a comprehensive comparison of different drones deployed for
agricultural purposes.
There are two main categories of agri-drones: fixed wing and rotary When selecting a type of battery, various factors come into play for
type. Table 1 presents a comparison of the characteristics of fixed-wing the user. Considerations include initial costs, lifetime, mass, volume,
and rotary-type agri-drones. temperature sensitivity, maintenance access, and product accessibility.
A careful evaluation of these factors is essential in battery selection [28].
2.1.1. DJI Agras MG-1 In comparing lithium-ion batteries with lithium-polymer batteries, the
The DJI Agras MG-1, an octocopter designed for agricultural appli­ preference tends towards the utilization of lithium-polymer batteries
cations, facilitates the aerial dispersion of herbicides, insecticides, and [29].
fertilizers across extensive agricultural landscapes. Notable attributes of
the MG-1 include its capacity to carry a liquid payload of up to 10 kg and

Table 1
Classification of the Agri-drones based on the types of wings.
UAV Fixed wings Rotary wings

Flight time Up to an hour Up to 20 min Table 2

Flexibility in altering Allow new directions Allow new direction for re- Specifications of DJI Agras MG-1.
direction during a for re-direction direction direction during flight
Parameter Specifications
flight wind direction.
Runway Requires a runway to Not required runway Nozzle 4
take off from the Liquid tank 10 kg (payload), 10 L (volume)
ground Battery 12000 mAh
Adaptable Highly adaptable Highly adaptable Flight parameters Max take-off weight: 24.5 kg
Coverage area Large area Small area Max operating speed: 8 m/s
Cost $500 to $1,00,000 $1,00,000 Max flying speed: 22 m/s
Area covered 65–80 acre in one day
Agricultural spraying drones on the market include.

S. Meesaragandla et al. Results in Engineering 21 (2024) 101870

Fig. 1. Crop field spraying using DJI Agras MG-1 [23].

Fig. 4. Crop field NDVI mapping using Sentera’s NDVI camera mounted on DJI
Table 3
Phantom quadcopter [27].
Specifications of DJI Agras-16.
Parameters Specifications

Nozzle 8 Table 4
Liquid tank 16L Technical specifications of most used UAVs in agriculture [22].
Battery 17500 mAh Agriculture Battery Application Coverage Flight Time
Spray width 6.5 m UAVs
Spray rate 4.8 L/min
Area covered 10 ha/h DJI Matrice 5700 Crop health 400 acre 40 min
100 mAh monitoring, aerial
LiPo 6S photography, and
Agras MG-1- 12000 Aerial imaging, 7–10 acre 22 min
DJI mAh spraying, and mapping
Sentera P.H. Weed detection, pest 700 acre
X. management, and crop
health monitoring
DJI Matrice 4500 Plant identification 50–100 18 min/40
600 pro mAh and counting, acre min with
LiPo 6S navigation, and aerial additional
imaging battery
EBee SQ fly 4900 RGB photography, 500 acre 55 min
mAh covering large areas in
Lipo each flight, soil
temperature measuring
Lancaster 5 7000 Plant counting and 300 acre 45 min
mAh numbering, analyzing
plant quality, and
prescription maps
Fig. 2. Field operation of DJI Agras-T16 [24]. Sentera Plant counting, crop 50 acre
NDVI health monitoring
Phantom 4
Honeycomb 8000 Navigation, 600 acre 55 min
mAh surveillance, soil H20
LiPo levels, and air pressure
AgEagle RX- Aerial photography, 400 acre
60 crop health
monitoring, and map

identifying weed patches, a crucial aspect when navigating amidst crop

rows [31]. UAVs have the capacity to cover extensive hectares within
minutes, generating photographic images for weed patch identification
[32]. Processing of these images involves the utilization of deep neural
Fig. 3. Crop field mapping using Parrot Bluegrass quadcopter. networks, convolutional neural networks, and object-based image
3. Drones in weed management A comprehensive evaluation of research on UAV-based weed iden­
tification highlights three primary types of cameras: RGB, multispectral,
3.1. Use of drones in weed detection and hyperspectral [33,34]. However, the precision of these cameras in
distinguishing weed patches depends on factors such as flying height,
Drones are frequently utilized for crop condition assessment through drone type, and camera resolution.
the scanning of near-infrared and visible light [30]. Their significant Prior to designing an automated weed management system, it is
advantage lies in the reduced surveying or monitoring time required for imperative to differentiate between crop seedlings and weeds [35,36].

S. Meesaragandla et al. Results in Engineering 21 (2024) 101870

The quadcopter UAV model md4-1000, equipped with a global posi­ 3.2. Use of drone spraying for weed control
tioning system (GPS) and an RGB or multispectral camera, is employed
for the detection and mapping of weeds, crop rows, and bare soil. This is There exists a pronounced suppressive effect on weed growth in
achieved through an appropriate and automated object-based image wheat fields. The application of drone-based spraying yields a substan­
analysis (OBIA) framework, facilitating the creation of accurate tial weed management impact, suppressing over 98 % of Japanese fox­
site-specific herbicide application maps [37]. tail and bedstraw (Galium aparine) weeds within wheat crops.
A method involving color analysis for detecting green weeds like Observations indicate the presence of approximately 0–2 weeds per 0.5
Cirsium arvense in cereals before crop harvest has been implemented. m2, with the majority of the treated area exhibiting an absence of weed
Under various environmental circumstances, RGB cameras demon­ seedlings [11]. The respective weed control effects stand at 89.4 % and
strated correct categorization of 92–97 % of patches when C. arvense was 90.8 % [50]. At a drone spraying rate of 600 mL/ha, the experimental
dominant [38]. Small consumer UAVs, including models like the plot demonstrates a significant reduction in weed height [51].
Phantom 3 or 4, are capable of mapping 10 ha in 20 min at a flight In the context of pre-emergence (PE) spraying, the drone can achieve
altitude of 40 m. In a specific vineyard field, a quadcopter UAV captured a weed control efficiency of 98–100 % in fields characterized by higher
aerial red-green-blue (RGB) photos to map weed patches, optimizing soil moisture and reduced straw content. It is recommended to empha­
site-specific weed control during the dormant stage of C. dactylon, uti­ size the use of drones for pre-emergence spraying, given its greater
lizing an OBIA approach for early detection and mapping [39]. significance in weed management. Conversely, post-emergence (PoE)
Enhancing the accuracy of weed identification in a model md4-1000 spraying exhibits a weed injury efficiency ranging from 10 to 70 % and
quadcopter involves considering the precise position of each plant reveals a certain degree of weed resistance to post-herbicides employed
within the crop row structure. The weed mapping rule set method is in the research study [11]. This suggests that employing a drone for
executed automatically through three phases: 1) crop row categoriza­ pre-emergence spraying holds greater importance in weed control
tion, 2) differentiation between crop plants and weeds based on relative compared to the use of post-application herbicides, which demonstrate a
positions, and 3) development of a weed infestation map in a grid sys­ level of weed resistance and induce weed injuries within the range of
tem. This technique encourages the reduction of herbicide applications, 10–70 %.
tailoring doses to the observed degree of weed infestation [40]. Among various treatments, the application of 70 % metribuzin at a
Detection capability, indicating the algorithm’s accuracy in classi­ rate of 0.175 kg a.i. ha− 1 in wheat crops using a knapsack sprayer (PE)
fying a pixel as a crop or weed [41,42], stands at 91 % accuracy in combined with drone (PoE) results in the lowest dry weight of monocot
detecting weeds on visuals with a spatial resolution of 21.6 mm/pixel. and dicot weeds. This integrated approach achieves the highest weed
Utilizing visible and multispectral cameras, a UAV with an automated control efficiency at 74.82 % and the lowest weed index of 2.78 %,
OBIA approach maps Johnsongrass weed patches [43]. indicating its efficacy in weed management post a weed-free treatment
Equipped with GPS, the UAV eBee captures multispectral images of [52]. Notably, in the case of Japanese foxtail weeds, knapsack sprayer
infested weeds such as lamb’s quarters (Chenopodium album) and thistle application outperforms drone spraying. However, for weeds such as
(Cirsium arvense). Two dicotyledonous weeds are identified in the maize bluegrass and bedstraw, drone treatments exhibit comparable efficacy in
crop. The study underscores the importance of spatial resolution in terms of weed control [11].
detecting specific weed sizes, a critical element in the development of
UAV-based weed identification technology [41]. UAVs, offering greater 3.2.1. Various herbicides are applied via Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
flexibility and versatility than conventional planes, excel in obtaining (UAVs)
high-resolution images for weed and crop damage detection caused by A UAV equipped with diflufenican + isoproturon herbicide demon­
dicamba, facilitating site-specific weed management to spot weed den­ strates a notable weed control efficacy, reducing over 98 % of weeds
sities [41,49]. Table 5 details the applications of RGB, multispectral, and such as Japanese foxtail and bedstraw (Galium aparine) in wheat crops
hyperspectral cameras in agriculture management [44]. [11]. Conversely, the application of Fluroxypyr-meptyl at a rate of 20 %
EC, using a drone at 600 mL/ha results in a considerably diminished
impact on weed growth and height [51].

Table 5
Identification of weed patches by using different types of cameras.
Type of camera Crop Weed (common name) Weed (scientific name) Main results References

RGB camera Triticum spp Thistle Cirsium arvense Discriminate crop vs weeds [38]
RGB camera Vitis vinifera Bermuda grass Cynodon dactylon Discriminate crop vs weeds [39]
RGB camera Hordeum vulgare Thistle Coltsfoot Cirsium arvense Tussilago farfara Discriminate crop vs weeds [45]
Multispectral camera Zea mays Mat amaranthus Johnsongrass Amaranthus blitoides Sorghum halepense Discriminate crop vs weeds [40]
Multispectral camera Zea mays Common Chenopodium album Discriminate crop vs weeds [46]
lambs quarters Cirsium arvense
Multispectral camera Triticum durum Wild oat Avena sterilis Discriminate crop vs weeds [47]
Canary grass Phalaris canariensis
Ryegrass Lolium rigidum
Hyperspectral camera Triticum spp Weeds Discriminate crop vs weeds. [30]
Hyperspectral camera Zea mays Marestail Conyza canadensis Discriminate herbicide-resistant weeds [48]
Hordeum vulgare common Chenopodium album
Pisum sativum lambs quarters
Phaseolus vulgaris
Hyperspectral camera Triticum durum Wild oat Avena fatua Discriminate crop vs weeds [37]
Multispectral camera Canary grass Phalaris canariensis
Ryegrass Lolium rigidum
RGB camera Glycine max Palmer Amaranthus palmeri Assessment of crop injury from dicamba [49]
Multispectral camera Amaranth Echinochloa crusgalli
Barnyard grass Digitaria sanguinalis
Large crabgrass

S. Meesaragandla et al. Results in Engineering 21 (2024) 101870

In the research domain, current studies reveal that there is no sig­ improves weed spatial aggregation (patchiness) and product usefulness,
nificant divergence in weed control effectiveness when employing thereby maximizing efficiency. UAV Integrated Spraying (UAV-IS) en­
different herbicide rates (e.g., diflufenican + isoproturon at 180 + hances weed detection and control, mitigating herbicide resistance
1.800 kg a.i. ha− 1 and 120 + 1.200 kg a.i. ha− 1) through various development and promoting improved crop growth and productivity.
sprayers such as UAVs and knapsack sprayers. Similar observations are Herbicide spraying with UAVs results in a 14.6 % improvement in wheat
made with different herbicide combinations (diflufenican + isoproturon production, reaching 9283.40 kg/ha with UAV application compared to
and flufenacet + diflufenican + flurtamone). The research asserts that 8097.58 kg/ha with manual operations [58].
low-rate herbicides exhibit less efficacy compared to high-rate herbi­
cides, attributing this to the development of weed resistance in the area 3.3.3. Soil management
[11]. It is asserted that weed control efficiency in Precision Agriculture
The application of isoproturon + clodinafop-propargyl + meso­ (PE) is intricately linked to soil management. Despite a herbicide rate 20
sulfuron herbicides via UAV demonstrates comparable weed control % lower than the generally employed rate, weed management effec­
effectiveness to that achieved with a knapsack sprayer. However, for tiveness remains unaffected. This is attributed to the soft topsoil,
Japanese foxtail weed, the knapsack sprayer application of meso­ absence of straw cover in the research area, and the experiment’s pre­
sulfuron + isoproturon + clodinafop-propargyl proves more effective vailing higher rainfall and humidity. In situations where spray volume is
than its UAV counterpart. Simultaneously, UAV application of diflufe­ insufficient to provide ample moisture, UAV-assisted PE herbicide
nican + isoproturon reduces Japanese foxtail seedlings by 60 % and application facilitates the formation of an herbicide film on the soil
shepherd’s purse by 50 %, while the knapsack sprayer treatment ach­ surface. The presence of large soil particles and straw coverage on the
ieves approximately 75 % reduction in Japanese foxtails and 80 % in soil surface imposes restrictions on herbicide film production. Utilizing
shepherd’s purses in another experimental area. Additionally, UAV UAVs for PE herbicide spraying exhibits substantial promise but neces­
application of flufenacet + diflufenican + flurtamone controls 70 % of sitates an accompanying soil management strategy to achieve optimal
Japanese foxtail and 80 % of shepherd’s purse, whereas the knapsack weed control efficiency [11,58].
sprayer application results in less than 85 % reduction in Japanese
foxtail and 80 % in shepherd’s purse [11]. 3.3.4. Crop injury
Herbicide application through a combination of knapsack sprayer The application of PE herbicides via UAVs is deemed safe for wheat
(PE) and drone (PoE) yields a lower weed index compared to PE her­ seeds and seedlings, causing no crop injury. Conversely, when employ­
bicide application by a knapsack sprayer with metribuzin 70 % at a rate ing UAVs for the application of isoproturon + clodinafop-propargyl +
of 0.175 kg a.i ha− 1 [52]. mesosulfuron in the case of Post-Emergence (PoE), a 10 %–20 % injury
UAV application of isoproturon + clodinafop-propargyl + meso­ (total plant chlorosis) is observed, recovering within 20 days after
sulfuron herbicides at both low and high rates generates approximately treatment. Consequently, operators using herbicide combinations with
68 % and 72 % injury rates, respectively, while the knapsack sprayer mesosulfuron via UAV should exercise caution and conduct a formula­
induces 80 % total injury. In another field area, UAV application with a tion test in a small plot before widespread application [11].
lower rate of herbicide mixtures results in an average of 48–50 % weed
injury on Japanese foxtail, whereas a higher rate leads to 62–65 % 4. Factors that interfere in spray deposition on target while
injury. Moreover, the knapsack sprayer demonstrates a 68 % success spraying with UAV
rate [53]. With the exception of flucarbazone-sodium + clodinafop
propargyl + mesosulfuron + florasulam, which has a limited control Optimal spraying efficiency and uniform deposition depend on
impact on bluegrass, no significant difference is observed in weed various application parameters, including flight height, speed, UAV
management effectiveness among herbicide combinations. Notably, type, application rate, nozzle type, droplet size, spray pressure, adju­
doubts persist regarding the quality and quantity of chemical doses vants, and meteorological factors such as wind speed, wind direction, air
applied. temperature, and relative humidity. Numerous studies affirm that her­
bicide application efficiency is directly impacted by droplet size, con­
3.3. Effect of drone spraying centration, and spray volume [59].

3.3.1. Spray coverage 4.1. Droplet release height and speed

In the conducted trials, a Spraying Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
equipped with a precisely coordinated ultra-low-power MSP430 single- To attain optimal application, it is crucial to establish a balance
chip miniaturized scale microcontroller module is utilized to coordinate between the altitude and velocity of drone flight [60]. In instances
spraying at the required locations in the field. This coordination proves where the wind direction proves unstable and exceeds a rate of four (4)
to be superior in achieving a more uniform spray, surpassing the rec­ m/s, the droplet distribution becomes non-uniform. Additionally, the
ommended standard of the ultra-low volume spraying range coefficient deposition width encounters limitations imposed by the flight height
[54]. Results reveal that the CL-shaped peach tree exhibits robust [61]. Researchers demonstrate that the flight speed does not influence
droplet coverage in the upper layer and consistency in the bottom three the width of the deposition swath; rather, it is the flight height that plays
layers, with the Y-shaped tree displaying a higher droplet coverage rate. a significant role [62]. For instance, the impact of drone flight height on
Inter-row spraying in the CL-shaped configuration not only reduces the spraying quality of citrus reveals adequate spray coverage when the
chemical spraying volume but also enhances the droplet coverage rate drone operates at an altitude of 1.2 m [63]. The droplet’s launch height
[55]. The discharge of droplets on a round head-shaped canopy plant governs its evaporation as it progresses from 1.5 m to 4.0 m before
achieves uniform deposition, resulting in the highest percentage of spray reaching the target. Nevertheless, other factors, such as lateral wind and
coverage compared to hedgerow and open center canopy plants [56]. flight path, may impede the droplet launch. Algorithms and artificial
intelligence technologies prove capable of rectifying such influences and
3.3.2. Crop growth and yield maintaining the aircraft’s stability in the face of fluctuating wind and
Significant differences in maize biomass are observed between un­ topographical conditions [64].
treated and treated control plots. Early post-emergence spraying with
UAVs leads to a reduction in herbicide usage without affecting crop 4.2. Uniformity distribution of droplets
yield, while concurrently enhancing silage biomass output [57]. Inte­
grating UAV mapping with sprayers introduces a novel technique that The horizontal uniformity is influenced by various parameters such

S. Meesaragandla et al. Results in Engineering 21 (2024) 101870

as the tip utilized, the overlap of the jets, the design of the spray system, density and deposition of the middle layer currently surpass those of the
and the type of UAV. The distribution uniformity remains excellent at upper and lower layers during spraying with the M23 electric four-rotor
altitudes of 1.5 m and 2.0 m. Undersized droplets (<50 mm) easily drift, UAV [77].
while larger droplets (>400 mm) face challenges in penetration [65].
Fine droplets with a diameter of <50 mm are designed to rapidly lose 4.6. Effect of the operational parameters on spraying deposition and
their kinetic energy upon release, directing them towards the drift zone density
due to external wind. In contrast, coarser droplets, when compared to
fine ones, significantly reduce drift [66]. Droplet deposition and distribution are crucial factors for evaluating
In the presence of a crosswind exceeding the critical speed, spray the effectiveness of the spray. The maximum spray deposition (4.63 μL/
drift may become substantial [67–69]. When a UAV sprays with coarse cm2) in the target area is observed when the UAV operates at a height of
droplets (400–450 μm) at a 10 % concentration, the highest deposition is 2 m with a speed of 2 m/s. However, as the speed and height increase,
concentrated along the center axis of the UAV within the 1–2 m region. there is a decrease in spray deposition in the target zone [73]. The
Consequently, low flight altitude (2 m) and a speed range of (2 m/s) average droplet density in the target zone currently stands at 56.19
result in maximum deposition, droplet density concentration, and the droplets/cm2, while at a height of 2 m with a speed of 2 m/s, the droplet
highest coverage percentage in the target zone [70]. density is 87.1 droplets per cm2. A slower flight speed (2 m/s) presently
facilitates a higher abundance of droplet deposition [73].
4.3. Spray volume The significantly increased droplet density is seemingly attributed to
the combined influence of flight speed, flight altitude, and wind speed
Spray volume is intricately associated with both droplet coverage [70]. Another contributing factor is the density of droplets, which
and concentrations [61]. Generally, spray volumes of 15 and 22.5 L/ha currently varies with droplet size. The droplet size, represented by Dv50,
do not exhibit any discernible impact on weed control. It is feasible to currently exerts an influence on droplet penetration, with coarse drop­
administer Precision Agriculture Pesticides (PoE) with a low spray vol­ lets achieving higher deposition at the bottom of the canopy. Presently,
ume; however, this may potentially affect Unmanned Aerial Vehicles the droplet density is greatly influenced by flight altitude, spray volume,
(UAVs). Due to restricted battery life and limited loading capacity, UAV and droplet size [50].
applications result in a lower spray volume and constrained droplet
distribution [11]. 4.7. Droplet size
The application volume with UAVs for crops such as wheat, rice, and
others ranges from 12 L/ha to 18 L/ha [55,70–72]. In the context of The application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) offers a notable
weed control, a low spray volume manifests a superior effect on blue­ advantage in terms of spraying effectiveness with reduced application
grass, while a high spray volume demonstrates a more pronounced rates, which is closely tied to the production of droplets of uniform size.
impact on bedstraw. The utilization of a UAV with a 15 L/ha spray Consequently, there exists a current need for ongoing research and
volume yields a diminished effect (22 %) compared to employing a 22.5 development in this domain [31].
L/ha and a knapsack sprayer (48–56 %) [11]. The size distribution of droplets varies among different nozzles based
on factors such as the orifice size, nozzle design, and applied pressure.
4.4. Spray coverage The current study reveals a DV0.5 droplet diameter value of 169 m, a
DV0.1 value of 72 m, a DV0.9 value of 267 m, and a nozzle flow rate of
When subjected to UAV spraying, the target zones currently exhibit 0.78 L/min. Here, DV0.1, DV0.5, and DV0.9 represent volume diameters
an average coverage percentage of 18.77 % [72]. The deposition and (m) below which 10 %, 50 %, and 90 % of the total volume is comprised
coverage of droplets are presently influenced by the formation of plant of smaller droplets, respectively [72].
canopy structures [73–75]. Notably, the outer layer presently receives Examining the XR 110 015VS flat fan spray tip, it is noteworthy that
more depositions compared to the inner layers of the plant canopy. the jet angle emerges as the most influential factor affecting droplet size.
Additionally, in the context of aerial spraying, the uniformity of droplet When a drone is in operation, the overlapping spray jets create inter­
distribution and penetrability is currently heavily influenced by flight ference, complicating the estimation of drift and deposition on the target
height and speed at lower natural wind speeds [70]. [78].
The current whirling strength directly correlates with deposition,
coverage per unit area, and deposition uniformity. Moreover, the vol­ 4.8. Risk of drift losses
ume of application presently affects the range and number of depositions
per unit area. Syngenta Crop Protection AG (Basel, Switzerland) Wind velocity, spray tips, and the operating direction relative to the
currently posits that a reasonable number of spray deposits, including crop area all currently impact drift applications with UAVs [79,80].
insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides, can yield satisfactory results. High flight altitudes currently encourage drift and low distribution
Specifically, the recommended number of depositions should be at least uniformity, while heights between 1.5 m and 2.0 m are presently pref­
20 depositions/cm2, 30–40 depositions/cm2, and 50–70 depositions/ erable for achieving uniform spray deposition. Conversely, it is presently
cm2 for insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides, respectively. demonstrated that heights near 1 m can result in low dispersion uni­
formity due to turbulence driven by the airflow induced by propellants
4.5. Spray deposition [81]. Additionally, there may be a direct loss of solution to the soil due
to the non-retention of foliar. Adjusting the operating pressure and angle
The upper layer exhibits an average deposition of 28 %, with a of contact of the spray tips currently attains a 33.7 % reduction in drift in
corresponding 26 % detected on the lower layer. Consequently, a wind tunnel test [11].
approximately 92.8 % of the deposition is presently recorded on the The AIXR 11002VP air-induction flat fan spray tip on a multirotor
underlayer, in contrast to the upper layer, and 90 % of the droplets are remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) currently obtains higher target coverage
deposited within 8 m of the target area [76]. and decreases drift potential compared to other tips. Other tips, such as
The current average spray deposition, standing at 2.29 μL/cm2, the hollow cone tip (HC), flat fan tip, and XR, are presently more prone
reaches its maximum when the UAV operates at a height of 2 m with a to drift. It is important to note that selecting the suitable tip currently
forward speed of 2 m/s [73]. Currently, the density of droplets in the depends not only on the kind of aircraft but also on other parameters
intermediate layer of soybean experiences a reduction of 14.75 % to the such as treatment purpose and crop. According to the present research
upper layer and 71.85 % to the middle layer. Notably, the droplet study, 90 % of the drift distance between 15 and 8 m is observed [82].

S. Meesaragandla et al. Results in Engineering 21 (2024) 101870

Furthermore, a suitable adjuvant currently improves weed control 88 % when distinguishing wild oats from wheat. Previous research
efficacy by increasing adsorption and reducing evaporation and drip­ emphasizes that, in wheat systems, the effectiveness of classification
ping [39,83]. Thus, assessments before the implementation of drones, relies more on spectral and morphological variations between species
including wind speed and direction, are currently considered. The 90 % than on imaging scenarios. Examining reflectance across the 400–900
droplet displacement currently occurs when the application happens in nm ranges [89], this study reports clear differentiation between ryegrass
the wind direction, at a range of up to 14.5 m, underlining the current (Lolium rigidum Gaud.) and wheat, aligning with earlier research
significance of considering an area without treatment (buffer zone) [89–91] highlighting the improvement in weed identification and dif­
while spraying in the wind direction of flight [51]. ferentiation between crop and weed species in this section of the elec­
tromagnetic spectrum.
The majority of weed detection investigations (27.42 %) are pres­
4.9. Detecting mimicry weeds ently conducted during the seedling stage of the crop’s development
cycle. Predominantly, weed images (48.28 %) are acquired using a red,
Accurate identification of crops and weeds, coupled with timely green, and blue (RGB) camera, with machine learning approaches
weed detection, remains crucial for precise variable spraying. Aerial (47.90 %) emerging as the predominant classification algorithm [92].
photography serves as a pivotal tool for identifying, measuring, and This evaluation commences by highlighting literature covering the
mapping weeds within commercial agricultural areas for research normal phenology stage of crops, reference data, sensor/camera types,
purposes. classification methods, and current UAV applications in detecting and
The findings underscore the efficacy of utilizing multispectral images mapping weeds for various crops. Table 6 presently presents a com­
in distinguishing between Italian ryegrass and wheat within a two-class parison of different UAVs deployed for agricultural spraying.
system, yielding success rates ranging from 52 % to 78 % [84]. In this
investigation, aerial color and infrared photography are harnessed to 5. Studies of comparative performances of UAVs with other
detect emerging weed species, specifically in winter wheat fields, sprayers
achieving an impressive accuracy range of 64–99.9 % [85,86].
Furthermore, employing a maximum likelihood classifier for delineating The findings indicate that spraying on weed patches currently con­
winter wheat and broadleaf weed species results in an overall imagery serves herbicide between 14 and 39.2 % compared to untreated areas, as
classification accuracy of 91 % [85,86]. High-resolution UAV-acquired opposed to employing a uniform blanket treatment. Additionally, this
images are employed in this study to both identify and quantify weed method results in savings ranging from €16 to €45 per hectare [57].
species in soybeans [87]. In cases where the spraying area is less than 10 ha, traditional air
In differentiating redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus) and wild blast sprayers (L0) stand out as the most cost-effective option. For areas
oats (Avena fatua) from spring wheat [88], researchers leverage seven spanning 10–100 ha, on-off switching sprayers (L1) prove to be the
bands from an extensive hyperspectral image database. The classifica­ optimal choice, while canopy-optimized distribution sprayers (L2) excel
tion techniques used exhibit an impressive overall accuracy of 94 % for for areas exceeding 100 ha in vineyard fields. A noteworthy observation
redroot pigweed and wheat, though this accuracy slightly diminishes to

Table 6
Comparison of the different UAVs deployed for agricultural spraying.
Reference UAV type No of nozzles Tank capacity Flow rate UAV Wind speed Droplet deposition/size Swath
& height and speed (m/s) & (m)
Nozzle spacing Spray volume

[72] Single rotor 9 & 50 cm 60 L 4.4 L/min 2 m & 2 m/s 1.1 2.29 μL/cm2
UAV (target area) &
freeman 2000 56.9 droplets/cm2
[77] Single rotor 5 20 L 1–3 m & 5 m/s 0.149 μL/cm2 4–7
UAV S40 45.3droplets/cm2
[77] M23 electric four rotors 4 10 L 1–3 m & 5 m/s 0.097 μL/cm2 4–6
43.4 droplets/cm2
[77] M8A electric eight rotors 6 10 L 1–3 m & 5 m/s 0.264 μL/cm2 4–5
58.6 droplets/cm2
[60] Quanfeng120 2& 12 L 800 mL/min 1.5 m & 3 m/s 2.2 0.1227 μL/cm2 2–4
Single rotor 1.10 m
[93] Z-3 UAV 20 L 850 mL/min 5 m & 3 m/s 3 296.29 μm
15 L/ha
[60] Quanfeng120 2& 12 L 800 mL/min 2.5 m & 3 m/s 1.8 0.0956 μL/cm2 5–8
Single rotor 1.10 m
[50] UAV XAG 4 15 L 1m 8.7 L/ha 3.5
P series 12 L/ha
7.76/cm2,15 L/ha
18 L/ha
30 L/ha
[61] YR-GSF06 four flat-fan 10 L 9.6 1.5–2 m & 0–8 m/s 4 48 L/ha 3–5
(2.4 × 4)
[61] TAX- five flat-fan 16 L 12.0 1.5–2 m & 0–6 m/s 4 72 L/ha 4–6
Xiangnong (2.4 × 5)
[61] YR-AU 15 six flat fan 18 L 14.4 1.5–2 m & 0–8 m/s 4 96 L/ha 5–7
(2.4 × 6)
[94] DJI AGRAS 4 10 L 5.56 m/s 10 L/ha & 5
MG-1 4 ha/h

S. Meesaragandla et al. Results in Engineering 21 (2024) 101870

is a 10–35 % reduction in costs when using L1 and L2 instead of L0 [95].

The efficiency of a UAV sprayer currently surpasses that of a knap­
sack sprayer by 60 times. PE treatments with UAV and PoE spraying
with a knapsack sprayer demonstrate heightened weed control effi­
ciency across various scenarios. Specifically, knapsack sprayer treat­
ments induce 56–64 % injuries to Japanese foxtail, whereas UAV
treatments result in 20–40 % injuries [96].
UAV applications currently exhibit a 200 % greater effectiveness in
detecting and controlling weedy areas. While UAV-treated areas are
20–60 % smaller than ground-based applications, they miss 26 % of the
weedy region. In comparison, ground-based applications overlook only
2–3 % of the experimental site. When dealing with highly aggregated
weed densities, UAV weed control treatments are currently 12 % and 25
% more effective than broadcast techniques at 14 and 28 DAT, respec­
tively. However, with denser populations displaying a more uniform
distribution, the efficacy drops by 15 % at both 14 and 28 DAT [97].
UAVs currently offer the advantages of more uniform liquid distri­
bution and better absorption [32]. The present study’s results demon­
strate that UAV Integrated Spraying (UAV-IS) is 0.3–3 times more
efficient than broadcast ground-based applications in detecting and
evaluating weedy target areas. Despite this, UAV applications currently
avoid up to 26 % of the target weedy area, whereas ground-based ap­
plications cover almost the entire experimental region but miss 2–3 % of
the objective weedy area [98].
The percentage of splash drops for UAV spraying at 37.4 L/ha is
currently four times higher than for knapsack sprayer application at 140
L/ha. The findings suggest that UAVs can be utilized for herbicide
application instead of backpack sprayers [99]. Although the UAV
sprayer currently exhibits lower droplet density, droplet coverage rate,
and distribution uniformity, it currently boasts the best deposition (1.01
gm/cm2) and is 98 % more effective than the electric air-pressure
knapsack (EAP) sprayer [71]. Employing an AGRAS MG-1 with four
nozzles, a 5.0 m swath, and a capacity of 10 L/ha sprayed at an appli­
cation rate with a speed of 5.56 m/s currently covers approximately 4 ha
per hour. This is a significantly higher volume compared to a knapsack
sprayer [94].
According to the researchers, in UAV testing, droplets exhibit smaller
size and higher coverage (>60 droplets per cm) compared to those
observed in ground trials (10–40 droplets per cm). In contrast to con­
ventional land techniques, UAV testing yields a more continuous vertical
droplet coverage and has the ability to spot or band spray due to its
smaller volume and increased acuteness, thereby proving beneficial for
the control and minimization of drift [100]. UAV spraying, boasting a
60-fold increase in efficiency compared to traditional methods [76], is
characterized by greater flexibility and systematization.
The investigation currently assesses the efficacy of weed manage­
ment in soybean crops through a comparative analysis of drone, boom,
and Knapsack sprayer methodologies. Fig. 5(a) presently illustrates the
comparative operational efficiency of the different sprayers, quantified Fig. 5. Comparative representation of (a) work efficiency (b) time (hr-ha− 1) for
Drone, Boom, and Knapsack sprayer for weed management in soybean.
as the ratio of the sprayed area to the time taken for spraying. Addi­
tionally, Fig. 5(b) currently provides insight into the average duration
required to complete the spraying of 1 ha of agricultural land [53]. However, the application of UAVs in advanced agriculture is not
The utilization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in advanced without its limitations. Firstly, the cost of UAVs surpasses that of
agriculture offers several advantages. Drones play a pivotal role in traditional sprayers. Technical expertise is imperative for their effective
enabling farmers to optimize their time efficiently by engaging in ac­ use. Furthermore, UAVs have a limited flight time, typically ranging
tivities such as soil fertilization, spraying, irrigation, crop health from 20 min to 1 h, covering a relatively small area. In comparison to
assessment, planting, and livestock monitoring [101]. This leads to a other sprayers, the herbicide/pesticide tank capacity is modest.
notable reduction in the workload for both farmers and operators. Compliance with civil aviation regulations is obligatory, and there is a
Additionally, UAVs exhibit the capability to operate on wet and sloping potential risk of drifting during spraying operations. Moreover, the
surfaces, applying treatments precisely in targeted regions. Vertical utilization of drones is weather-dependent [92,103].
flying is achievable, and performance at low altitudes remains satis­
factory. Real-time farm data provided by drones empowers farmers to 6. Conclusion
make informed decisions regarding agricultural inputs. Moreover, the
implementation of drones for crop surveillance has the potential to In conclusion, the integration of drone technology in herbicide
significantly enhance crop yields while effectively preventing pest and spraying and weed identification within modern farms represents a
disease infestations [102]. transformative leap in advanced agriculture. The utilization of camera-

S. Meesaragandla et al. Results in Engineering 21 (2024) 101870

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