SRHS Update 5-11-20

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Shadow Ridge HS

5-11-20 Update

Hello, we hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy. Always remember that we are a
Mustang Family and that we will continue to get through this crisis together. On Friday, May 1,
2020 schools had to submit tentative Closing of School plans to our respective Region
Superintendent Offices. As of this morning, schools are waiting for approval of the plans and for
the district to move into its next phase of opening. Once the district moves into the next phase of
reopening and plans are approved, we will share specific dates with everyone. Please see below
for important information on semester grades, summer school, continued learning extension
opportunities, closing of school procedures, student fines, graduation ceremonies, PSAT Review
sites, and information from the English Language Learner Division.
Please be reminded that grades are closing this week and students should have made up and/or
redone 3rd quarter assignments over the past eight weeks in order to improve their grade in each
course. As previously indicated, 3rd quarter grades will become 4th quarter grades and semester
grades. Summer school will be offered virtually this year and students who are interested in
attending can visit our school web page at to access the Interest
Form or click on the following link
During the timeframe in which the schools in the Clark County School District have been closed,
student learning extension opportunities have been provided for all students. These student
learning extension opportunities provide activities for students to engage in learning at home and
they can continue to be accessed throughout the summer.

Click here for all the student learning extension opportunities and additional resources for
parents, students, employees and members of the community.

Click here to download the student learning extension activities.

As previously stated, schools have been tasked with coming up with Closing of School plans.
Please know that although tentative plans have been submitted and are awaiting approval,
anything that is put in place will follow the Governor’s directives with respect to social
distancing and other CCSD/CDC guidelines. At this time, all dates are TBD as we simply do not
know when restrictions will be eased and once they are, what the restrictions will be and the
timeline to move from Phase I to Phase II, to Phase III. Since the end of the year is upon us, we
are hoping that we will know this information very shortly.
Some of the first individuals back on campus will be custodians. Once the building is ready, we
will prepare for teachers and support staff to return. Based on guidelines from the district, we
anticipate that only small groups of teachers/support staff will be allowed back on campus at any
one time. They will be checking out for the year and preparing their rooms/office areas for a
thorough summer cleaning.
The next step will be for students to come to school for the collection and/or distribution of
items. This could happen simultaneously when teachers are preparing their classrooms for the
summer or it may happen after this occurs. At this time, schools have been directed that students
will not be allowed on campus. As such, plans are being created for a “drive thru”
collection/distribution to be done by grade level/alpha on various days. Maps, timelines, and
specific directions have been submitted for approval but as previously stated, we do not know
when this will occur. During this time, it is anticipated that students will be able to return their
textbooks, library books, Chromebooks, graphing calculators, and other items that need to be
returned to school. We will be asking that each item be clearly labeled with a student’s name
and student number printed on a piece of masking or painters’ tape. Students should be
gathering these items now and preparing them for a return to school. The return of items such as
athletic uniforms, JROTC uniforms, musical instruments, and performing arts clothing is being
arranged by the specific coach/teacher.
We recognize that not every student will have items to return to school, however, they may have
items that they need to pick-up. Items that students could be picking up include diplomas,
yearbooks (they arrived last week), caps, gowns, tassels, cords, medallions, items from a PE
locker (these items will have been placed in a bag and labeled with each student’s name) and
other items. We have been working closely with Herff Jones and have considered the health and
safety of students, staff, and Herff Jones employees in our decision making. The decision has
been made to utilize the nylon graduation gowns that students will be able to keep. This will
allow students to have a keepsake and take pictures whenever it is convenient for them and their
families. Since we currently do not know when graduation ceremonies will occur or how they
will be organized, we did not feel it was appropriate to try and proceed with the rental gowns. A
portion of the Herff Jones facility is being used to create masks so schools do not currently have
any gowns on their campus, and we anticipate that it will take a few weeks to get them. As such,
it may be necessary to have a second distribution dates for seniors.
We understand that many families are experiencing difficult financial times and want to be
respectful of that. We also know that we have over $50,000 of fines, and 93 pages of library
books and textbooks that need to be returned. If a family is able to pay a fine owed, or even a
portion of the fine, it would be greatly appreciated. Information on how to pay fines can be
found on the school website under “Helpful Links”, “Webstore”. Due to the fact that library
books and textbooks are tracked in a different system, they will not appear on the website. If you
have trouble with the site or have a question, you can click on the “Contact” link at the top of the
page and send an email directly to our school banker. Please know that with nearly 3,300
students it may take her a few days to get back to you.
We are receiving many questions pertaining to graduation and want to share the information that
we currently have. As you can imagine, things change or are updated day by day and sometimes
hour by hour so what I am sharing is current as of today. We know that the Thomas & Mack
Center will not be available for graduations and we do not believe that The Orleans will be
available either. Although the Governor eased some restrictions last week, there can still only be
gatherings of no more than ten people. We are discussing various scenarios with respect to
graduation ceremonies, but at this point it is simply too early to know which one(s) will even be
permissible. We may need to explore dates in late July or Early August, but the 2020-2021
school year starts August 10, 2020 so any ceremonies would need to be completed by then.
Several weeks ago, Superintendent Jara met with student leaders from each high school and he
indicated that they were adamantly opposed to any type of virtual ceremony. At the time, it was
not an option for us to consider. Since then, other families have reached out to the
Superintendent’s Office or individual schools indicating that their sons/daughters will be joining
the military or have other commitments in the late summer and if something is not done in the
early summer, it will be too late for them to participate. As such, schools have asked for this
option to be reconsidered for those who are interested.
Once restrictions are lifted and we can gather in groups again, we do not know if we will be
permitted to have 750 graduates on the football field spaced six feet apart. We realize how hot it
will be in late July/early August and would have to have a ceremony late at night or very early in
the morning. Perhaps only groups of 100-150 will be allowed to gather at one time. If this is the
case, we could have multiple ceremonies in the gymnasium over the course of a day or two. This
would assist with the temperature, but students would not be together one last time as the Class
of 2020 and they have expressed a desire to do that, if at all possible. If we utilize groups of
100-150, we would try and allow students to schedule a time so they could be with their friends
as opposed to simply having groups arranged alphabetically, but it may not be a viable solution.
Currently, we have been advised that regardless of what option is chosen there would be no
spectators at any events so we would have to arrange for them to be livestreamed and recorded.
If things change, and we certainly hope they do, our desire would always to be able to have
families present.
Upon looking at our facility, live streaming from the football field is proving to be a challenge as
concerns have been expressed with the location of data ports and their proximity to the football
field. We are exploring the use of the Las Vegas Motor Speedway as an option for graduation;
however, preliminary information indicates that it may not be a good option for a graduating
class of nearly 750 students due to the length of time it will take. You may have heard that
another school is doing their ceremony at the Speedway, but they have less than 250 graduates
and we have been told that their ceremony will take about two hours. As such, ours would be
over six hours and there is a concern with cars overheating after sitting that long with the AC
As additional information is obtained and specific dates, times, locations are known, they will be
shared with you. We recognize how stressful the past several weeks have been for everyone and
wish nothing but the best for all our students and their families. Know that our counselors and
social worker are available to assist students who are in crises or simply need to talk. Our
teachers will continue to provide educational opportunities for students through the remainder of
the year. Stay safe and take care of yourself and one another physically, mentally, and

Below is some information pertaining to some free resources for PSAT review as well as an
attachment from the English Language Learner Division.
College Board Career Finder Premium - Free Access (Middle School and High School) All Clark County
School District students who participated in this year’s PSAT 8 th grade, PSAT/NMSQT 10 th grade
administration, or any other assessment in the SAT Suite Assessment now have free access to the
premium version of Career Finder Premium for free through the end of July.

Career Finder Premium is a student-driven, mobile-friendly tool with hours of engaging content
organized to help students plan for their futures. It adds value to students who have taken an
assessment in the SAT suite by connecting their results to occupations. Students without assessment
results can benefit from the localized job data, an expense calculator, and activity recommendations.
This is a great career exploration tool to help students make informed academic and career decisions
based on their interest and allows students to incorporate the College Board assessment data into their
career exploration process.

The following information about Career Finder Premium is attached to help educators, students, and
families learn more about the tool:

● Career Finder Premium Video
● Career Finder Premium Overview Flyer
● Free Career Finder Premium Flyer
● Lesson Plan: Career Finder

The English Language Learner Division is facilitating parent workshops to provide assistance for families
to maximize language development through distance education. Informational flyers for parents are
available in English and Spanish (documents attached).

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