Curriculum Studies

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First Published in 2021

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otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

ISBN: 978-9966-31-992-0

Published and printed by Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development

The Government of Kenya is committed to ensuring that policy objectives for education, training
and research meet the aspirations of the Kenya Constitution 2010 and the Kenya Vision 2030. In
relation to this, the Ministry of Education (MoE) seeks to ensure that policy documents developed
are consistent with the international education commitments and other conventions to which
Kenya is a signatory. The Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) calls for transformative and
reflective teachers who shall take advantage of existing opportunities to implement curricula in
different learning contexts. This, in turn, has implications for Pre-service Teacher Education

Therefore, the Ministry of Education will upgrade the level of PTE for Primary School teachers to
the Diploma level to enable the student teachers achieve higher levels of professional and practical
competencies required to implement the reformed curriculum. The MoE is satisfied that the
Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) programme has been developed with insights
from research findings, particularly the Needs Analysis for Teacher Education, international
benchmarking and sufficient stakeholder engagement. These insights have resulted in the
conceptualization and design of a PTE programme which aims to produce a competent teacher
committed to nurturing every learner's potential for sustainable development.

The MoE is also confident that the curriculum designs have been developed through a consultative
process that involved panelists, course panels and the Academic Committee which is presided
over by the MoE. It is important to note that the curriculum designs provide a link between the
National Goals of Education, the General Learning Outcomes for DPTE and the Specific Learning
Outcomes for each learning area. There are also a variety of suggested learning experiences,
modes of assessment and resources amongst other critical components. Implementers of the DPTE
programmes shall need to ensure that this link is upheld consistently to fulfil the vision of
producing a professional, reflective and ethical teacher.

It is my expectation that the DPTE curriculum designs will serve as valuable reference materials to
teacher educators and guide consistent implementation of PTE in all institutions in Kenya.



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The Sessional Paper No. I of 2019, Towards Realizing Quality, Relevant and Inclusive Education
and Training for Sustainable Development, is the policy framework for the Education Sector
which seeks to actualise the tenets of the Kenya Vision 2030. The social strategy for achieving
Vision 2030 reiterates the need to invest in the People of Kenya, which necessitates modernisation
of teacher training as a key component. The Ministry of Education (MoE) recognises that ensuring
a vital human resource for quality teaching is the foundation of any successful education system.
The Sessional Paper explains the shift from a Content - Focused Curriculum for Basic Education
to a Competency Based Curriculum (CBC). This has necessitated the change in the Teacher
Education Curriculum to be in tandem with the aspirations of the nation.

To enable teachers to effectively their expected leading roles in curriculum implementation, there
is a need for adequate preparation during pre-service training in professionalism, content,
pedagogy and desirable values. Consequently, the curriculum designs for the Diploma in Primary
Teacher Education (DPTE) have provided courses that will enable the development of
competencies necessary to realise the vision and mission of the CBC as captured in the Basic
Education Curriculum Framework (KICD, 2017).

In these designs, Micro Teaching and Practicum have been given prominence in order to enhance
experiential learning with support from experienced teachers as mentors. Therefore, MoE is
convinced that DPTE curriculum designs shall facilitate production of competent teachers for
Kenya, the East African region and the rest of the world.

It is my hope that the Teacher Training Colleges will adhere to the guidelines in the designs to
ensure efficiency and consistency in Pre-service Teacher Education in Kenya.



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The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) Act Number 4 of 2013 (Revised 2018)
mandates the Institute to develop curricula and curriculum support materials for basic and tertiary
education and training, below the university. The curriculum development process for any level
involves thorough research, international benchmarking and robust stakeholder engagement.

Through this systematic and consultative process, the KICD conceptualised the Competency
Based Curriculum (CBC) as captured in the Basic Education Curriculum Framework (BECF), that
responds to the demands of the 21st Century and the aspirations captured in the Kenya Constitution
2010, and the Kenya Vision 2030, East African Commission Protocol and the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals. Consistent with the CBC, the KICD has developed a Teacher
Education Curriculum Framework (TECF) which emphasises the need to adopt a Competency
Based Teacher Education (CBTE). Accordingly, the development of the Curriculum Designs for
the Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) takes cognisance of the tenets of CBTE, key
among them being the need to ensure student teachers get opportunities to comprehensively
engage with the content for their target learners, the interactive pedagogies and socially acceptable
values that would nurture every learner’s potential. Therefore, a key feature of the curriculum
design for each course is the integration of content with pedagogy and provisions for experiential
learning through sufficient time for Micro – Teaching and the Practicum.

I wish to acknowledge the KICD curriculum developers and other staff, all teachers and educators
who took part as panelists, the Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies (SAGAs) and
representatives of various stakeholders for their various roles in the development of the Teacher
Education curriculum designs.

I give special thanks to the Cabinet Secretary – Ministry of Education, the Principal Secretary –
State Department of Early Learning and Basic Education, the Secretary Teachers Service
Commission (TSC) and the Chief Executive Officer of the Kenya National Examinations
Council (KNEC) for their support in the process.

Finally, I am very grateful to the KICD Council for very consistent guidance in the process. I
assure all student teachers, teacher educators and other stakeholders that these Curriculum Designs
will effectively guide the implementation of the DPTE and lead to the graduation of competent
teachers who shall successfully implement the CBC in Kenya and internationally.



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TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................................................iv
NATIONAL GOALS OF EDUCATION.................................................................................................ix
ESSENCE STATEMENT......................................................................................................................xi
GENERAL LEARNING OUTCOMES....................................................................................................xi

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The development of the curriculum for Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) is a
critical milestone in the implementation of Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) in Kenya. The
curriculum designs herein have been developed to prepare the student teacher to be able to
effectively guide the learners at the Primary level of Basic Education.

It is envisaged that the teacher educator will guide the teacher trainee appropriately to embrace the
shift from the Objective-Based to the Competency Based Curriculum which is hinged on use of
learner-centred methodologies for realisation of the expected outcomes. In addition, the emphasis
on formative assessment to facilitate learning should be underscored as the basis for determining
learner aptitude and performance. Other key aspects that have been introduced include structured
micro-teaching, a longer period for the practicum and the introduction of specific Professional
Courses that ensure congruence with the CBC vision, mission, pillars and guiding principles as
enshrined in the Basic Education Curriculum Framework (KICD, 2017).

The DPTE seeks to develop the teacher to act as a facilitator in the learning process taking into
consideration the different abilities and learning styles of individual target learners. The
curriculum has been designed with emphasis on experiential and reflective learning to develop
appropriate pedagogical content knowledge; hence the emphasis on integrated content and
pedagogy for the student teachers while at college. This is to ensure that the teacher trainee is
given adequate time to practice how to facilitate learning of the different strands prescribed in the
curriculum designs.

The Curriculum Designs for the Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) are packaged
according to courses of training as follows:
Professional Learning areas Integrated Content and Pedagogy Learning
1. Child Development and areas
Psychology 1. English
2. Curriculum Studies 2. Kiswahili
3. Educational Resources 3. Mathematics
4. ICT Integration in Education 4. Science and Technology
5. Educational Assessment 5. Agriculture
6. Communication and Research 6. Home Science
Skills 7. Religious Education: CRE/IRE/HRE
7. Inclusive Education 8. Social Studies
8. Educational Leadership and 9. Physical and Health Education
Management 10. Art and Craft
9. Sociological and Philosophical 11. Music
Foundations of Education 12. Indigenous Language
10. Historical and Comparative 13. Foreign Languages: French/ Arabic/
Foundations of Education German/ Mandarin (Chinese)/ KSL
11. Micro Teaching
12. Practicum

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The entry requirements for the Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) shall be C Plain
Mean Grade in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examination (KCSE) or its equivalent
(as equated by the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC). The Special Needs Candidates
(SNE) could be admitted with C Minus (-) Grade in KCSE or equivalent for the respective
Diplomas. This refers to Candidates who have Special Needs

The duration for the Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) shall be three years.

The trainee undertaking the Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) shall take ALL courses
specified in the DPTE curriculum; which includes Professional Courses and learning areas
(subjects) in Primary School Curriculum.


Micro Teaching shall be undertaken as a course and shall be a pre-requisite for the Practicum;
hence a course design has been developed for it. There shall be two (2) school term practicum
sessions for which guidelines shall be developed.

To be awarded the Diploma in Primary Teacher Education, the candidate must achieve the
i) Complete the required hours for coursework and pass the stipulated assessment as
directed by the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC).
ii) Complete the required hours for the Practicum and pass the stipulated assessment as
directed by the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC).

Note: If the student fails to meet the requirements for award of the Diploma in Primary Teacher
Education he/she will be allowed to repeat the specific component or learning area failed

The Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) shall be graded as stipulated by the Kenya
National Examinations Council (KNEC).

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1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Micro 8 9 FOR COURSE
Teaching -
1. Child Development and 10 10 10 10 10 10 60 PROFESSIONAL
Psychology COURSES
2. Curriculum Studies 30 20 20 20 90 (420 Hours )
3. Educational Resources 10 10 10 30
4. ICT Integration in Education 10 10 10 30
5. Educational Assessment 10 10 10 30
6. Communication and Research 10 10 10 30
7. Inclusive Education 10 10 10 30
8. Educational Leadership and 10 10 10 30
9. Sociological and Philosophical 10 10 10 30
Foundations of Education
10. Historical and Comparative 10 10 10 30
Foundations of Education
11. Micro Teaching 30 30
SUB TOTAL 120Hrs 80Hrs 80Hrs 60Hrs 40Hrs 40Hrs 420Hrs

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Teaching COURSE
1 English 30 30 30 30 30 30 180 30 Practicum Practicum +
2 Kiswahili 20 20 20 20 20 20 120 20 CONTENT&
3 Mathematics 30 30 30 30 30 30 180 30 300 300 Hours PEDAGOGY
4 Science and 20 20 20 20 20 20 120 30 Hours (SUBJECTS)
Technology (1680 Hrs)
5 Agriculture 20 20 20 20 20 20 120 20
6 Home science 20 20 20 20 20 20 120 20 +
7 Religious Education:- 20 20 20 20 20 20 120 20 PRACTICUM
(CRE, IRE, HRE) (600Hrs)
8 Social Studies 20 20 20 20 20 20 120 20
9. Physical and Health 10 10 10 30 30 30 120 30
10. Art and craft 10 30 30 10 20 20 120 20
11. Music 10 20 20 20 20 30 120 20
12. Indigenous Languages 10 20 20 20 30 20 120 20
13 Foreign Languages: 10 10 10 30 30 30 120 20
French/ Arabic/
German/ Mandarin
(Chinese)/ KSL
SUB TOTAL 230 Hrs 270 Hrs 270 Hrs 290 Hrs 310 Hrs 310 Hrs 1680 Hrs
TOTAL 350 350 350 350 350 350 2100 300 300 300 3000 HRS

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Education in Kenya should:
i) Foster nationalism and patriotism and promote national unity.
Kenya’s people belong to different communities, races and religions, but these differences
need not divide them. They must be able to live and interact as Kenyans. It is a paramount
duty of education to help young people acquire this sense of nationhood by removing
conflicts and promoting positive attitudes of mutual respect which enable them to live
together in harmony and foster patriotism in order to make a positive contribution to the
life of the nation.

ii) Promote the social, economic, technological and industrial needs for national
Education should prepare the youth of the country to play an effective and productive role
in the life of the nation.
a) Social Needs
Education in Kenya must prepare children for changes in attitudes and relationships
which are necessary for the smooth progress of a rapidly developing modern
economy. There is bound to be a silent social revolution following in the wake of rapid
modernization. Education should assist our youth to adapt to this change.
b) Economic Needs
Education in Kenya should produce citizens with the skills, knowledge, expertise and
personal qualities that are required to support a growing economy. Kenya is building
up a modern and independent economy which is in need of an adequate and relevant
domestic workforce.
c) Technological and Industrial Needs
Education in Kenya should provide learners with the necessary skills and attitudes for
industrial development. Kenya recognizes the rapid industrial and technological
changes taking place, especially in the developed world. We can only be part of this
development if our education system is deliberately focused on the knowledge, skills
and attitudes that will prepare our young people for these changing global trends.

iii) Promote individual development and self-fulfilment

Education should provide opportunities for the fullest development of individual talents
and personality. It should help children to develop their potential interests and abilities. A
vital aspect of individual development is the building of character.

iv) Promote sound moral and religious values.

Education should provide for the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that will
enhance the acquisition of sound moral values and help children to grow up into self-
disciplined, self-reliant and integrated citizens.

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v) Promote social equality and responsibility.
Education should promote social equality and foster a sense of social responsibility within
an education system which provides equal educational opportunities for all. It should give
all children varied and challenging opportunities for collective activities and corporate
social service irrespective of gender, ability or geographical environment.

vi) Promote respect for and development of Kenya’s rich and varied cultures.
Education should instil in the youth of Kenya an understanding of past and present cultures
and their valid place in contemporary society. Children should be able to blend the best of
traditional values with the changing requirements that must follow rapid development in
order to build a stable and modern society.

vii) Promote international consciousness and foster positive attitudes towards other nations.
Kenya is part of the international community. It is part of the complicated and
interdependent network of peoples and nations. Education should therefore lead the
youth of the country to accept membership of this international community with all the
obligations and responsibilities, rights and benefits that this membership entails.

viii. Promote positive attitudes towards good health and environmental protection.
Education should inculcate in young people the value of good health in order for them to
avoid indulging in activities that will lead to physical or mental ill health. It should foster
positive attitudes towards environmental development and conservation. It should lead the
youth of Kenya to appreciate the need for a healthy environment.


By the end of the course the teacher trainee should be able to:
1. Model appropriate behaviour and values for primary school learners to emulate for
development of good citizenship
2. Communicate and collaborate effectively with learners, peers, parents and the community
to create a conducive learning environment.
3. Use appropriate pedagogical approaches to facilitate learning for primary school learners in
and out of the classroom
4. Apply inclusive practices to support all primary school learners including those with
disabilities and special educational needs
5. Employ ICT skills in the learning process to enhance digital literacy
6. Employ appropriate assessment approaches to promote effective learning
7. Identify and nurture learner’s potential and talents for appropriate placement and
transition into lower secondary education.
8. Develop environmental conservation skills in primary school learners to promote education
for sustainable development
9. Create innovative and effective solutions to challenges in the learning process.

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10. Integrate pertinent and contemporary issues in learning to enable learners to cope with
daily challenges.

Curriculum refers to all planned programmes that facilitate formal, non-formal and informal
learning. Curriculum guides the process of education for individual growth and development to
contribute to the well-being of the society. This curriculum studies course is a dynamic learning area
that prepares the teacher trainee to formulate learning outcomes, analyze the teaching methods,
learning experiences and forms of assessments necessary for effective learning. It enables a teacher
trainee to apply learning strategies that embrace theoretical foundations in curriculum and use the
acquired competencies to research, design, implement, assess and disseminate innovative
educational practices in various contexts in line with and the National Goals of Education. The
Constitution of Kenya (2010) provides the values that Kenyans should uphold in order to achieve a
stable and progressive nation. The values stated in the Constitution include responsibility, respect,
excellence, care and compassion, understanding and tolerance, honesty and trustworthiness, trust,
and being ethical. Teacher training and professional development should help trainees to
understand the underlying principles, aims and approaches to value-based education, so as to
demonstrate the positive values, attitudes and behavior that they expect from their pupils.
The Teacher Education Curriculum Framework will adopt the values- based approach that will
create learning opportunities within the formal, non-formal and informal curriculum dimensions to
inculcate the desired values in all learners. Nurturing values for character formation and
development of skills among learners is important to the socio-economic development and stability
of the country. Parental Empowerment and Engagement (PEE) is an important aspect of learning in
CBC. Parents need to be engaged in a number of activities that learners participate in at school and
other programmes. Community Service Learning (CSL) is an experiential learning strategy that
integrates classroom learning and community service to enable learners to reflect, experience and
learn from the community.
The course also gives teacher trainees a good grounding on Pertinent and Contemporary Issues
(PCIs) which are current and of concern in society. The BECF calls for the mainstreaming of PCIs
based on experiential learning founded on an inquiry based approach and anchored on values
aimed at enhancing character formation.


At the end of the course the teacher trainee should be able to:
1. Utilise curriculum theories, principles and models in designing appropriate learning experiences
for effective implementation of the CBC.
2. Create curriculum innovations to respond to the varied needs, abilities and interests of learners
in tandem with the changing needs of the society
3. Interpret curriculum frameworks and designs to ensure proper implementation and
achievement of intended outcomes in CBC.
4. Carry out monitoring and evaluation of the curriculum using appropriate techniques and tools
to provide feedback to relevant stakeholders.

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5. Integrate core competencies, pertinent and contemporary issues and values in the learning
6. Engage with parents and communities to improve learning outcomes .

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Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Outcomes Experiences Questions
1.0 Curriculum 1.1 Background By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. Why is
Development to Curriculum strand, the teacher trainee  Search and discuss knowledge
Development. should be able to: concepts and of
a) Examine the concepts terminologies used curriculum
(4hrs) and terminologies used in competence studies
in curriculum studies based curriculum, important to
b) discuss the types of ( such as curriculum, a teacher
curriculum identified in competence, core trainee?
curriculum competencies, 2. What
development Competency based informs the
c) discuss the merits of curriculum , National
competency based facilitation,21st Goals of
curriculum to the century skills, Education?
country pedagogy, Inquiry
d) analyse the 21st Based Learning, 3. How do you
century skills and their Value based integrate
relationship to education ) different
competency based  Research and write a types of
curriculum paper on the types curriculum
e) appreciate the need of curriculum such for
for competency based as overt, explicit, maximum
curriculum in the written, hidden, and learning?
current times. null.
Core Competences to be developed:
Communication and collaboration is enhanced as they discuss in class, groups and refer to various
Unity as they embrace social cohesion demonstrated through teamwork.
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectation Meets Approaches Below Expectation
Indicator Expectation Expectation
Examination of Confidently and Clearly examines Examines some of Attempts to
concepts and clearly examines the the key concepts the key concepts examine some
terminologies key concepts and and and terminologies concepts and
used in curriculum terminologies used in terminologies. used in curriculum terminologies but
studies. curriculum studies used in studies does no not do so
curriculum correctly
Discussion of Confidently and Actively Partially Hardly participates
types of actively engages and participates in participates in in the discussions
curriculum leads discussion of discussion of discussion of and presentations
identified in types of curriculum types of types of activities
curriculum and eagerly Conducts curriculum curriculum but
development presentations not willing to
Discussion of the Creatively and Discusses the Discusses some Attempts discuss
merits of accurately discusses merits of merits of the the merits of
competency the merits and competency competency competency based
based curriculum demerits of based based curriculum curriculum to the
to the country competency based curriculum to to the country country

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curriculum to the the country
Analysis of the 21st Critically Analyses and Analyses of the Analyses some of Attempts to analyse
century skills and critiques the 21st 21st century the 21st century the 21st century
their relationship century skills and skills and their skills and their skills and their
to competency their relationship to relationship to relationship to relationship to
based curriculum competency based competency competency competency based
curriculum and makes based based curriculum curriculum
conclusions. curriculum .

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Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Outcomes Experiences Questions
1.0 1.2 Foundations By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: Why consider
Curriculum of Curriculum strand, the trainee  Write a paper that the various
Development Development should be able to: analyses the factors foundations
a) analyse philosophical that influence of
(3 hrs) ideas and principles curriculum reforms in curriculum?
that inform Kenya since
curriculum independence
development.  Brainstorm on the
b) explore sociological various philosophical
factors influencing ideas that guide
curriculum development of
development Curriculum.
c) examine the role of  Listen to a resource
psychology in person to discuss the
learning. sociological factors
d) reconstruct the that influence
historical curriculum
background to development
curriculum  Prepare a PowerPoint
development in presentation on the
Kenya role of psychology in
e) analyse the factors learning
that informed  Debate on the
curriculum importance of
development in considering the
Kenya post- various foundations
independence of curriculum when
f) appreciate the developing a
importance of curriculum
considering various  Use digital media to
foundations in trace the genesis of
curriculum curriculum
development development in
Core competences to be developed:
 Digital literacy as they use digital media to trace the genesis of curriculum development in Kenya and
prepare power point presentations.
 Learning to learn & reflective practice as they research and write a paper on factors that influence
curriculum reforms in Kenya since independence
 Respect for each other as they debate on the importance of considering the various foundations of
curriculum when developing a curriculum
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectation Meets Approaches Below Expectation
Indicator Expectation Expectation
Application of Consistently and Correctly applies Applies some of Attempts to apply
philosophical correctly applies the the the philosophical philosophical ideas

Page | 3
ideas and philosophical ideas philosophical ideas and and principles to
principles to and principles to ideas and principles to inform curriculum
inform curriculum inform curriculum principles to inform development
development development inform curriculum
curriculum development
Exploration of Extensively explores Adequately Explores some Attempts to
sociological sociological factors explores sociological explore sociological
factors that that influence sociological factors that factors that
influence curriculum factors that influence influence
curriculum development influence curriculum curriculum
development curriculum development development
Examination of the Consistently and Adequately Examines some Attempts to
role of competently examines examines the roles of examine the role of
psychological in the role of role of psychology in psychology in
learning psychological in psychology in learning learning.
learning and gives learning
practical examples
Reconstruction of Cconfidently and Accurately Reconstructs Attempts to
the historical accurately reconstructs the parts of the reconstruct the
background of reconstructs the historical historical historical
curriculum historical background background of background of background of
development in of curriculum curriculum curriculum curriculum
Kenya development in Kenya development in development in development in
. and present it in a Kenya Kenya Kenya
diagram .
Analysis of the Critically Analyses of Analyses Analyses some Attempts to
factors that the factors that accurately factors that analyse factors that
informed informed curriculum factors that informed informed
curriculum development in Kenya informed curriculum curriculum
development in since independence curriculum development in development in
Kenya since and categorizes them development in Kenya since Kenya since
independence in a presentation Kenya since independence independence

Page | 4
STRAND Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Outcomes Experiences Questions
1.3 Theories, By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. How do
models and strand, the teacher  research and write a curriculum
principles of trainee should be able paper on the theories theories and
curriculum to: and models of models
development a) evaluate the main curriculum used in support
theories and curriculum curriculum
(5 hrs) models of development development
curriculum  Discuss the various process?
development. theories and models of 2. Which is the
b) critique some curriculum best theory
models used in development, and model to
curriculum  Identify how theories use in
development and models of curriculum
c) examine the major curriculum development?
principles of development are used 3. How are the
curriculum in CBC. principles of
development as  Debate on the curriculum
utilized in importance of theories development
competency based and models of applied when
curriculum curriculum facilitating
d) apply the principles development in CBC. learning.
of curriculum  Write a sample
development in a curriculum applying the
sample curriculum. principles of curriculum
e) examine elements development and
of curriculum from present in plenary.
specific models of  critique application of
curriculum. the principles of
f) design a sample curriculum
curriculum using development in the
the elements of sample curricula
curriculum. developed
g) appreciate the  Search and make
contributions of plenary presentations
curriculum on elements of
theories and curriculum and show
models in guiding the connections
curriculum between them.
development  Use illustrations to
show how the
principles are applied in
a sample curriculum
development process.
Core competences developed:

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 Pedagogical content knowledge: as the trainees explore principles, theories and models of curriculum
development and apply them when designing learning experiences.
 Digital literacy: as they use the digital devices to learn about the curriculum theories, principles and
 Communication and collaboration: as trainees work together in groups sharing experiences and making
 Critical thinking and problem solving: as they critique application of the principles of curriculum
development in the sample curricula developed

 Unity as trainees work in groups
 Responsibility as the trainee take individual assignments in their teams
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds expectation Meets Approaches Below expectation
Indicator expectation expectation
Evaluating Confidently Evaluates Evaluates some Has difficulties
theories and evaluates theories theories and theories and describing theories
models used in and models of models of models of and models of
curriculum curriculum curriculum curriculum curriculum
development and development with development development and development and
draws the ease and draws the and draws the draws models draws the models
models correctly. models correctly. models correctly. correctly.
Critiquing of Confidently and Critiques Moderately Attempts to discuss
models used in accurately Critiques models used in discusses the the strengths and
curriculum models used in curriculum strengths and weaknesses of each of
development curriculum development weaknesses of the models and is
development each model and unable to choose the
tries to choose best one to use.
the best one to
Discussing Broadly and Accurately Discusses how Attempts to discuss
application of accurately discusses discusses how each model is how each model is
ach model is how each model is each model is applied in CBC applied in CBC but
applied in CBC applied in CBC. applied in CBC. with difficulties.
for better
interpretation of
Examination of Confidently and Correctly Examines some Attempts to examine
elements of correctly examines examines of elements of elements of curriculum
curriculum from elements of elements of curriculum from from specific models
specific models curriculum from curriculum from specific models of of curriculum
of curriculum specific model of specific models curriculum unsuccessfully
curriculum and of curriculum
critiques them

Page | 6
Application of With ease, Appropriately Moderately Rarely applies s
principles of accurately and applies applies principles principles of
curriculum appropriately principles of of curriculum curriculum
development in a applies principles of curriculum development in a development in a
sample curriculum development in sample curriculum sample curriculum
curriculum development in a a sample
sample curriculum curriculum

Designing a Skilfully and Correctly Designs sample Attempts to design

sample competently designs designs sample curriculum using sample curriculum but
curriculum using sample curriculum curriculum some elements of does not use the
the elements of using the elements using the curriculum elements of curriculum
curriculum. of curriculum elements of
. curriculum

Strand Sub strand Specific learning Suggested learning Key inquiry

outcomes experiences questions
1.4 Dimensions By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. Why refer to the
of Curriculum strand, the teacher  Compare and contrast dimensions of
trainee should be able contribution of various curriculum in
(4hrs) to: curriculum dimensions curriculum
a) evaluate the such as formal, non- development?
dimensions of the formal and informal in 2. How are various
curriculum applied facilitation of learning dimensions of
in curriculum  Make plenary curriculum
designs presentations on useful in
b) analyse the formal, importance of various learning?
non-formal, dimensions of
informal, and curriculum using digital
dimensions of media.
curriculum in  Develop activities that
learning apply different
c) appreciate the role dimensions of learning
of each of the in schools e.g drama,
dimensions in agricultural projects.
Core competences to be developed:
 Creativity and Innovation as teacher trainee’s develop activities that apply to different dimensions of
learning in schools e.g drama, agric. clubs
 Critical thinking and Problem Solving as they develop new informal and non-formal activities that are
befitting their locality.
Patriotism as they develop new informal and non-formal activities that can be applied in their society.
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Meets Expectation Approaches Below
Indicator Expectation Expectation Expectation
Evaluating the Skillfully evaluates Evaluates the Evaluates some Attempts to
different the different different dimensions dimensions of the evaluate some
dimensions of the dimensions of the of the curriculum curriculum dimensions of the

Page | 7
curriculum applied curriculum applied applied in applicable to curriculum
in curriculum in curriculum curriculum designs applied in applied in
designs design curriculum curriculum
designs designs
Analyzing the Extensively and Analyzes the formal, Analyses some Attempts to
formal, non- accurately non-formal, informal dimensions of the analyze few
formal, informal analyzes the all and the situational curriculum. dimensions of
and the situational dimensions of the dimensions of curriculum with
dimensions of curriculum curriculum in difficulties
curriculum in learning
Designing Creatively designs Designs activities Designs few Barely designs
activities that activities that apply that apply different activities that activities that
apply different different dimensions of apply some apply different
dimensions of dimensions of learning in schools. dimensions of dimensions of
learning in learning in schools. learning in learning in
schools. schools. schools.

Strand Sub- strand Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Key inquiry
outcomes question(s)
1.5 By the end of the The teacher trainee to: 1. Why is it
Curriculum sub strand, the  Use digital devices to search for possible for a
development teacher trainee history of curriculum country to
Cycle should be able to: development in Kenya and have more
a) explore the history writes a paper than one
(6hrs) of curriculum  Discuss the current curriculum curriculum?
development in development cycle used in Kenya 2. What is the
Kenya.  Brainstorm the rationale of each relevance of
b) analyze the stages of curriculum each of the
curriculum development cycle. stages of
development cycle  Illustrate the curriculum curriculum
used in Kenya. development cycle by different development?
c) examine various media.
curricula offered in  Apply reflective practice to
Kenya. discuss the importance of each
d) appreciate the stage of curriculum
importance of each development.
stage of curriculum  Carry out research and write a
development. paper on different curricula
offered in Kenya.
Core competences to be developed:
Digital literacy skills: as trainees use different media to explore the different stages of curriculum.
 Respect for each other’s opinion
 Unity as trainees gets involved in class discussions on importance of curriculum development process.
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectation Meets Approaches Below Expectation
Indicator Expectation Expectation
Exploring the Consistently and Confidently Partially explores Attempts to explore
history of extensively explores explores the the history of the history of

Page | 8
curriculum the history of history of curriculum curriculum
development curriculum curriculum development in development in
in Kenya development in development in Kenya Kenya.
Kenya Kenya
Analyzing the Consistently and Accurately Identifies and Attempts to describe
current accurately Analyzes identifies and describes some some stages of
curriculum the current Analyzes the stages of curriculum
Development curriculum current curriculum development
cycle used in Development cycle curriculum development process with
Kenya. used in Kenya. Development process. difficulty.
Discussing the With ease discusses Discusses the Discusses the Attempts to discuss
importance of the importance of all importance of all importance of the importance of
each stage of stages of curriculum stages of some stages of few stages of
curriculum development curriculum curriculum curriculum
development development development development
Examining the Widely and Correctly Examines some Barely examines
different appropriately examines different systems different systems of
systems of examines the different systems of curriculum in curriculum in Kenya.
curriculum in different systems of of curriculum in Kenya.
Kenya. curriculum in Kenya. Kenya.

Strand Sub- strand Specific learning Suggested learning Key inquiry

outcomes experiences question(s)
1.6 By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. Why are learning
Taxonomies of strand, the teacher  Discuss learning taxonomies
learning trainee should be able taxonomies such as important in
to: Blooms taxonomies curriculum
(5hrs) a) evaluate various (original and revised) – development?
taxonomies of cognitive, psychomotor 2. Which is the
learning, in relation and affective domains. taxonomy for
to curriculum Depth of Knowledge generating
development  Discuss the revised learning outcomes
b) analyze the revised Blooms taxonomy in the
Bloom’s taxonomies Critique the various a) cognitive,
of learning taxonomies that are used b) affective
c) generate learning to generate learning c) Psychomotor
outcomes using the outcomes domains?
revised Bloom’s  Apply taxonomies of 3. What determines
taxonomy learning to generate the choice of
d) appreciate learning outcomes. learning
taxonomies of  Use illustrations to show taxonomy used in
learning in generating how the taxonomies are generating
learning outcomes applied in a sample learning outcomes
Core Competencies to be developed:
 Pedagogical content knowledge as trainees develop sample curriculum designs
 Critical thinking and problem solving as trainees generate learning outcomes using blooms taxonomy
and evaluate various taxonomies of learning
Unity and responsibility as trainees work in groups

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Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds Expectation Meets Approaches Below Expectation

Indicator Expectation Expectation
Evaluation of Consistently and accurately Partly evaluates Attempts to
various extensively evaluates various various evaluate various
taxonomies of evaluates various taxonomies of taxonomies of taxonomies of
learning taxonomies of learning learning learning.
Discussion of the Consistently and Accurately Discusses the Attempts to
role of learning accurately discusses discusses the role role of learning discuss the role of
taxonomies in the role of learning of learning taxonomies in learning
curriculum taxonomies in taxonomies in curriculum taxonomies in
development curriculum curriculum development curriculum
development development development.
Generating Consistently and Accurately Generates Attempts to
learning accurately generates learning learning generates learning
outcomes for generates learning outcomes for outcomes for outcomes for
different levels of outcomes for different levels of different levels different levels of
knowledge using different levels of knowledge using of knowledge knowledge using
Blooms taxonomy knowledge using Blooms taxonomy using Blooms Blooms taxonomy
Blooms taxonomy taxonomy
Developing a Timely and with Correctly develops Develops a Attempts to
sample ease develops a a sample sample develop a sample
curriculum design sample curriculum curriculum design curriculum curriculum design
using taxonomies design using using taxonomies design using using taxonomies
of learning taxonomies of of learning taxonomies of of learning but it’s
learning learning but not satisfactory
takes too long.
Strand Sub strand Specific learning Suggested learning Key inquiry
outcomes experiences questions
2.0 2.1 By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. What is the
Curriculum Curriculum strand, the teacher  Use digital devices to purpose of
monitoring monitoring trainee should be able search for concepts monitoring.
and to: in monitoring of 2. What should
evaluation (6 hrs) a) explore given curriculum be monitored
concepts related to  Discuss the in the CBC?
monitoring of principles of 3. Why should a
curriculum monitoring in the teacher
b) examine the context of observe ethics
principles of Competency based in the process
monitoring in curriculum of curriculum
curriculum  Identify and discuss monitoring
c) discuss the processes the various aspects of and
of monitoring in the curriculum that evaluation?
curriculum should be monitored 4. What
d) analyse the aspects  Construct tools for challenges do
of the curriculum monitoring the CBC you
that should be and in groups experience
monitored demonstrate use of while
e) develop and use the tools to collect monitoring
monitoring tools to data. curriculum?

Page | 10
carry out curriculum  Discuss the
monitoring importance of
f) discuss challenges observing ethical
encountered in issues in curriculum
curriculum monitoring in CBC
monitoring  In groups debate on
g) appreciate the the challenges of
importance of ethics monitoring CBC and
when monitoring how to overcome
curriculum. them.
Core competences to be developed:
 Digital Literacy as trainees use ICT tools in searching for more information on monitoring.
 Critical thinking and problem solving as teacher trainees discuss application of assessment methods
to specific learners.
 Integrity as they debate on the importance of observing ethical issues in curriculum monitoring.
 Learning to learn and Reflective Practice as they identify challenges in monitoring of CBC and
generate solutions for the challenges
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds expectation Meets Approaches Below

Indicator expectation expectation expectation
Exploring Consistently and Accurately Explores some Attempts to
concepts of accurately explores explores concepts concepts of explore few
monitoring. concepts of of monitoring , monitoring concepts of
monitoring. monitoring

Examining the skillfully and examines the partially examines attempts to

principles of innovatively principles of the principles of examines the
monitoring in the examines the monitoring monitoring principles of
context of CBC principles of curriculum curriculum monitoring
monitoring in curriculum
Evaluating the Broadly and correctly evaluates the evaluates the attempts to
processes of evaluates the processes in processes in evaluate the
monitoring processes in monitoring and monitoring and processes in
curriculum monitoring and evaluation evaluation monitoring and
suggests evaluation
Analyzing the Creatively analyses Analyses the Partially analyses Attempts analyze
aspects of the the aspects of aspects of the the aspects of the the aspects of
curriculum that curriculum that curriculum that curriculum that the curriculum
should be should be monitored should be should be that should be
monitored and suggests more monitored monitored monitored
Using monitoring Confidently and Uses monitoring Partially uses Attempts to use
tools to carry out correctly uses tools to carry out monitoring tools monitoring tools
curriculum monitoring tools to curriculum to carry out to carry out
monitoring carry out curriculum monitoring curriculum curriculum
monitoring monitoring monitoring

Page | 11
Discussing Extensively and Discusses Partially discusses Attempts to
challenges in correctly discusses challenges in some challenges discuss
curriculum challenges in curriculum in curriculum challenges in
monitoring curriculum monitoring and monitoring curriculum
monitoring and suggests solutions monitoring
suggests solutions

Strand Sub strand Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Key inquiry
outcomes questions
2.2 By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. What role does
Curriculum strand, the teacher  Brainstorm on the concept of monitoring and
evaluation trainee should be able to: evaluation in relation to evaluation play
a) explore the concepts Competency Based Assessment in curriculum?
(6hrs) related to curriculum  Demonstrate use various 2. Why monitor
evaluation. methods and tools used in learners’
b) evaluate learner’s evaluation of learning using progress in
progress using various digital devices schools?
methods and tools  Brainstorm on the most 3. Which factors
learning. appropriate ways of reporting should be
c) prepare evaluation evaluation results and discuss considered
reports that show samples of the reports when reporting
learners progress in  Apply creativity in preparation of performance?
learning. sample monitoring and
d) appreciate the role of evaluation reports showing
the teacher in learner’s progress and
evaluating learners acquisition of competences.
progress and  Critique the role of teacher in
acquisition of evaluation of learners progress

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competences and acquisition of competences
e) examine the roles of  Using digital devices and
different agencies in resource persons discuss the
curriculum monitoring roles of different agencies in
and evaluation. curriculum monitoring and
Core competences to be developed:
 Assessment competence – as trainees design CBC programme’s assessment tools to gauge its progress.
 Critical thinking and problem solving - as trainees decide on the best assessment methods for different
categories of programmes and making decisions on grading of the assessments.
 Pedagogical content knowledge- as trainees analyse factors to consider when reporting
programme’s/projects performance.
 Integrity as they design monitoring and evaluation tools relevant to Competency Based Curriculum.
 Creativity and Innovation as teacher trainee develop samples of monitoring and evaluation reports
showing learner’s progress.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds Expectation Meets Expectation Approaches Below Expectation
Indicator Expectation
Exploring the Creatively explores Correctly discusses Partially discusses Attempts to discuss
concepts of the concepts of the concepts of some concepts of the concepts of
evaluation evaluation and puts it evaluation evaluation evaluation with a
in local context. lot of difficulty

Evaluating Innovatively and Correctly evaluates Evaluates Inadequately

curriculum and professionally curriculum and curriculum using evaluates
designing evaluates curriculum designs customized tools sourced from curriculum using
evaluation tools using their own evaluation tools various external faulty tools.
used at various evaluation tools. used at various sources.
levels of learning. levels of learning.

Preparing Innovatively prepares Correctly prepares Copies externally Inadequately

curriculum monitoring and monitoring and prepared prepares evaluation
evaluation evaluation reports to evaluation reports evaluation reports reports to show
reports to show show learners to show learners to show their learners progress
learners progress progress progress learners progress

Examining the Extensively and Examines the roles Examines some of Attempts to
roles of different correctly examines of different the roles of examine the roles
agencies in the roles of different agencies in different agencies of different
curriculum agencies in curriculum in curriculum agencies in
monitoring and curriculum monitoring and monitoring and curriculum
evaluation monitoring and evaluation evaluation monitoring and
evaluation evaluation

Page | 13
Strand Sub strand Specific learning Suggested learning Key inquiry
outcomes experiences questions
3.0 Curriculum 3. 1 By the end of sub The teacher trainee to: 1. What
change and Curriculum strand, the teacher  Assess the factors that necessitates
innovation Change trainee should be able necessitate curriculum Curriculum
to: change in a country. Change?
(6 hrs) a) examine the factors  Research on the
that necessitate the differences between 2. What
process of curriculum review and strategies can
curriculum change curriculum reform we use in
b) analyse the process  Debate on the process curriculum
of curriculum of curriculum change change?
change and and implementation 3. What is
innovation to  Brainstorm on curriculum
enhance strategies to respond to innovation?
effectiveness. the 21st century skills in 4. What is the
c) evaluate the a curriculum current focus
strategies of implementation in and trends in
curriculum change Kenya. education?
in relation to the 21st  Critique curriculum
Century changes in Kenya since
d) evaluate curriculum independence and
changes in Kenya suggest improvement
since independence  Examine curriculum
e) appreciate innovations in CBC and
curriculum as discuss their

Page | 14
dynamic and importance
continuously  Debate on importance
responding to of curriculum change
societal needs and and how it responds to
changes. international focus and
trends in education.
Core competences to be developed:
 Communication and collaboration as the trainees critique curriculum changes in Kenya since
independence and for effective learning
 Learning to Learn and reflective Practice as trainees critique curriculum changes in Kenya since
independence and suggest future improvement
 Unity and love as trainees debate and present in groups and suggest improvement
 Respect as trainees accept positive criticism from peers.
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Approaches Below
Indicator expectation expectation
Examining Consistently and Correctly examines Examines some Attempts to
factors that correctly examines factors that factors that examine some
necessitate factors that necessitate necessitates factors that
curriculum necessitate curriculum curriculum change. curriculum change necessitate
change change and those that curriculum
affect. change.
Analyzing the Extensively and Correctly analyses Analyses some Inadequately
process of correctly analyses the the process of stages of the attempts to
curriculum process of curriculum curriculum change process of analyze the
change and change and and curriculum change process of
implementation implementation, implementation and curriculum
draws it, and suggests draws it. implementation, change and
its improvement and attempts to implementation
draw it. ,
Evaluating Extensively and Correctly evaluates Evaluates some Attempts to
strategies of correctly evaluates strategies of strategies of evaluates some
curriculum strategies of curriculum change curriculum change strategies of
change used in curriculum change used in CBC in used in CBC in curriculum
CBC in response used in CBC and response to the 21st response to the 21st change used in
to the 21st shows how they century skills century skills CBC in response
century skills respond to the 21st to the 21st
requirement century skills century skills
Evaluating Extensively and Correctly examines Examines some Attempts to
curriculum correctly examines curriculum changes curriculum changes examine some
changes in curriculum changes in in Kenya since in Kenya since curriculum
Kenya since Kenya since independence independence changes in
independence independence and Kenya since
suggests improvement independence
in future
Participation in with lots of ease Actively Fairly participates Barely
debating the participates in debate participates in in debate on the participates in
importance of on the importance of debate on the importance of debate on the
curriculum curriculum innovation importance of curriculum importance of
innovation in in CBC curriculum innovation in CBC curriculum

Page | 15
CBC. innovation in CBC. innovation in

Strand Sub strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning Key inquiry
experiences questions
3.0 3.2 By the end of the sub strand, The teacher trainees to: 1. What
Curriculum Innovation in the teacher trainee should  Discuss current and necessitates
change and Curriculum be able to: possible future factors Curriculum
Innovation a) show that curriculum is that may necessitate Change?
(6hrs) dynamic and curriculum innovation 2. What is
continuously responds to  Research on the curriculum
societal needs and differences between innovation?
changes. curriculum review and 3. What is the
b) differentiate curriculum curriculum reform current
review from curriculum  Examine curriculum focus and
reform as forms of innovations in Kenya trends in
curriculum change. and discuss their education?
c) explore curriculum significance.
innovations in Kenya and  Debate on importance
their significance of curriculum
d) embrace curriculum innovation and how
innovation in Kenya to they respond to
respond to international international focus and
focus and trends in trends in education.
Core competences developed:
 Critical thinking - as the trainees apply explain factors that affect curriculum implementation in Kenya
for effective learning
 Creativity and Innovation – as trainees explore curriculum innovations in Kenya since independence
and suggests improvements

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 Unity as teacher trainees discuss and present in groups on current and possible future factors that may
call for curriculum change
 Responsibility as teacher trainees share work and responsibilities among themselves during
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectation Meets Approaches Below
Indicator Expectation Expectation Expectation
Showing that Consistently and Correctly shows Describes some Attempts to
curriculum is correctly shows that that curriculum factors that Shows describe some
dynamic and curriculum is dynamic is dynamic and that curriculum is factors that show
continuously and continuously is continuously dynamic and is that curriculum is
responds to responds to societal responds to addressed through dynamic and is
societal needs and needs and changes. societal needs a curriculum addressed
changes. and changes. change through a change
Exploring Extensively and Correctly Explores some Attempts to
curriculum correctly explores explores curriculum explore
innovations in curriculum curriculum innovations in the curriculum
Current Curriculum innovations in innovations in Current Curriculum innovations in
better current curriculum current current
implementation and suggests how curriculum and curriculum.
best to implement explains their
them implementation

Embrace Consistently Embraces Embraces some Attempts to

curriculum embraces and curriculum curriculum embrace
innovation in defends curriculum innovation in innovations in innovations in
Current Curriculum innovation in Current Current Current Curriculum current o current
to respond to Curriculum and Curriculum and curriculum
international focus portrays a conviction portrays a
and trends in to implement it. conviction to
education. implement it.

Page | 17
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Suggested Learning Key Inquiry
Outcomes Experiences Questions
4.0 4.1 By the end of the sub The teacher trainees to: Why should
Curriculum Curriculum strand, the teacher  Research and write a we have a
frameworks Frameworks trainee should be able to: paper on curriculum curriculum
from other a) examine the concept framework from around frame work
countries of a curriculum the world( Asia, Europe,
Framework in guiding Americas Asia ,Oceania
(5hrs) learning and so on
b) analyse curriculum  Compare and contrast
frameworks from various curriculum
other countries for frameworks from around
comparison the world
c) value the need for a  Debate on the need for a
framework in curriculum framework in
curriculum the learning process
Core competences to be developed:
 Communication and collaboration as they work in groups,
 Pedagogical content knowledge as they examine the paradigm shift from Content to Competency
Based Curriculum,
 Digital literacy as they prepare and make presentations of their findings
Respect is enhanced as trainees’ critique each other when making presentations, Unity as they cooperate in
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Page | 18
Level Exceeds Meets Expectation Approaches Below Expectation
Indicator Expectation Expectation
Examining the Easily and Confidently Examines some Attempts to
philosophy, confidently examines the philosophy, visions examine the
visions and examines the philosophy, visions and missions of the philosophy, visions
missions of the philosophy, visions and missions of the current curriculum and missions of the
current and missions of current curriculum frameworks in current curriculum
curriculum the current frameworks in Kenya. frameworks in
frameworks in curriculum Kenya. Kenya.
Kenya. frameworks in
Discussing the Adequately and Adequately Discusses the Attempts to discuss
philosophy and confidently discusses the philosophy and the philosophy and
pillars that guided discusses the philosophy and pillars that guided pillars that guided
the development philosophy and pillars that guided the development the development
of Basic Education pillars that guided the development of of Basic Education of Basic Education
Curriculum the development Basic Education Curriculum Curriculum
Framework and of Basic Education Curriculum Framework and Framework and
teacher Education Curriculum Framework and teacher Education teacher Education
Curriculum Framework and teacher Education Curriculum Curriculum
Framework in teacher Education Curriculum Framework in Framework in
Kenya Curriculum Framework in Kenya Kenya
Framework in Kenya
Analyzing the Consistently and Correctly analyzes Analyzes the Attempts to
components of correctly analyze the components of components of analyze the
current Basic the components of current Basic current Basic components of
Education current Basic Education Education current Basic
Curriculum Education Curriculum Curriculum Education
Framework and Curriculum Framework and Framework and Curriculum
Teacher Framework and Teacher Education Teacher Education Framework and
Education Teacher Education Curriculum Curriculum Teacher Education
Curriculum Curriculum Framework in Framework in Curriculum
Framework in Framework in Kenya Kenya Framework in
Kenya Kenya Kenya
Justifying the shift Exhaustively Justifies the shift Gives some Attempts to justify
from content to justifies the shift from content to justification of the the shift from
Competency from content to Competency Based shift from content content to
Based Curriculum Competency Based Curriculum to Competency Competency Based
Curriculum Based Curriculum Curriculum for
Analyzing the Sequentially and Sequentially Analyzes the Attempts to
organizational competently analyzes the organizational analyze the
structure of analyzes the organizational structure of organizational
education organizational structure of education outlined structure of
outlined in BECF structure of education outlined in BECF and TECF. education outlined
and TECF. education outlined in BECF and TECF. in BECF and TECF.
in BECF and TECF.
Exploring other Skillfully and Competently Explores other Barely explores
national and competently explores other national and other national and
international explores other national and international international
Curriculum Frame national and international Curriculum Frame Curriculum Frame

Page | 19
works applied in international Curriculum Frame works applied in works applied in
Kenya Curriculum Frame works applied in Kenya. Kenya.
works applied in Kenya.

Strand Sub- strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning Key inquiry
experiences question(s)
4.2 Basic By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: Why should a
education strand, the teacher trainee  Discuss each teacher take
curriculum should be able to: component of the Basic keen interest
framewor Education curriculum in every
k a) analyse the Basic Framework in Kenya component
Education curriculum  Identify and discuss how of the basic
(4hrs) Framework in Kenya the components of education
b) apply the Basic Basic Education curriculum
Education Curriculum curriculum Framework Framework?
Framework to the are applied in the
learning process in current curriculum
Kenya  Discuss the need for
c) appreciate the need for Basic Education
Basic Education curriculum framework
Curriculum Framework in the current
in the current curriculum
Core competencies developed:
Communication and collaboration as they analyse the components of Basic Education curriculum
Framework in Kenya
Pedagogical content knowledge as they discuss how the components of Basic Education curriculum
Framework are applied in the learning process
Digital literacy as they use digital devices to prepare and make presentations in the groups.
Responsibility as trainees assumes leadership roles in group discussions and perform their shared tasks.

Page | 20
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Meets Expectation Approaches Below Expectation
Indicator Expectation Expectation
Analysing the Analyses with Analyses the Basic Analyses the Basic Analyses the Basic
Basic Education ease the Basic Education Education Education
Curriculum Education Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum
Frameworks Curriculum Frameworks Frameworks Frameworks
Applying the basic Confidently Applies the basic Applies the basic Applies the basic
education Applies the basic education education education
curriculum education curriculum curriculum curriculum
framework to the curriculum framework to the framework to the framework to the
learning process framework to the learning process learning process learning process
learning process

Strand Sub- strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning Key inquiry
experiences question(s)
4.3 Teacher a) analyse the Teacher The teacher trainee to: Why should we
education Education Curriculum  analyse the have a Teacher
curriculum Framework in Kenya components of Basic education
framework b) apply the Teacher Education curriculum curriculum
Education Curriculum Framework in Kenya framework
(4 hrs) Framework to the  Discuss how the
learning process in components of Basic
Kenya Education curriculum
c) appreciate the need Framework are applied
for Teacher Education in the learning process
Curriculum Framework  Discuss the need for
to the current Basic Education
curriculum curriculum framework
in the current
Core competencies developed:
 Communication and collaboration as they analyse the components of Teacher Education Curriculum
Framework in Kenya
 Pedagogical content knowledge as they discuss how the components Teacher Education Curriculum
Framework are applied in the learning process
 Citizenship and leadership as teacher trainees discuss teacher standards and the teaching profession.
Integrity as teacher trainees discuss role of the teacher in assessment.

Page | 21
Exceeds Expectation Meets Approaches Below Expectation
Level Expectation Expectation
Analysing the Consistently analyses Correctly Interprets some Attempts to
Teacher Education the Teacher Interprets the the Teacher interpret the
Curriculum Education Curriculum Teacher Education Teacher Education
Frameworks Framework and Education Curriculum Curriculum
suggests Curriculum Frameworks Frameworks
improvement Frameworks
Applying the basic Broadly and correctly Correctly applies Applies some Attempts to apply
education applies the basic the basic components the the basic education
curriculum education curriculum education basic education curriculum
framework to the framework to the curriculum curriculum framework to the
learning process learning process framework to the framework to the learning process
learning process learning process

Strand Sub- strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning Key inquiry
experiences question(s)
4.4 Curriculu By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. Why should
m Design strand, the teacher trainee  Brainstorm on the a teacher
(8 hrs) should be able to: attributes of a take keen
a) discuss the attributes curriculum design interest in
of a curriculum design  Discuss principles of every
in curriculum curriculum design in component
development curriculum development of the
b) apply the principles of  Compare and contrast curriculum
curriculum design in curriculum designs from design?
curriculum other countries and 2. What is the
development reflect on Kenyan between
c) examine curriculum curriculum designs learning
designs from other  Discuss the components experiences
countries of a curriculum design in and learning
d) analyse the Kenya activities?
components of a  Practice development of
curriculum design in components of a
Kenya curriculum design
e) develop scope and  Discuss the
sequence chart in development of a scope
curriculum design and sequence chart in
f) a curriculum design in curriculum design
curriculum  Debate on the
implementation importance of

Page | 22
curriculum design in
Core competencies developed:
 Communication and collaboration as they work in groups in discussing principles of curriculum design
in curriculum development
 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving as they develop scope and sequence chart in curriculum design.
 Creativity and Innovation as they develop components of a curriculum design
 Respect as trainees work in groups and Compare curriculum designs from other countries.
 Patriotism as the teacher trainees develop samples of curriculum designs
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Expectation Meets Approaches Below
Indicator Expectation Expectation Expectation
Interpreting Consistently Interprets Interprets the Interprets some Attempts to
the the components of components of components of interpret the
components of curriculum designs curriculum curriculum designs. curriculum
curriculum designs designs
Drawing the Sequentially and Correctly draws Draws curriculum Attempts to
curriculum correctly draws the the curriculum design template and draw the
design curriculum design design template labels some of the curriculum
template and template and labels and labels most of components design
label the the components the components template, labels
components few of the
Developing Competently and Confidently Develops some Attempts to
suitable confidently develops develops suitable suitable learning develop
learning suitable learning learning outcomes outcomes for learning
outcomes for outcomes for for designing a designing a curriculum outcomes for
designing a designing a curriculum curriculum designing a
curriculum curriculum
Selecting Consistently and Appropriately Selects some learning Selects a few
appropriate appropriately selects selects learning experiences for a given learning
learning learning experiences experiences for a curriculum experiences for
experiences for for a given curriculum given curriculum a given
a given curriculum
Evaluating the Competently and confidently Discusses some of the Discusses a few
criteria for the confidently discusses discusses the criteria for the criteria for the
organization of the criteria for the criteria for the organization of organization of
learning organization of organization of learning experiences learning
experiences learning experiences learning experiences

Page | 23
Strand Sub Strand Specific Learning Outcomes Suggested Learning Experiences Key Inquiry
4.5 Values By the end of the sub- strand, the The teacher trainee to: 1. What are
based teacher trainee should be able  Discuss with others the values?
Education to: meaning and importance of 2. What is
(VbE) a) examine the role of values in values in the society. values
society.  Model different contexts that based
(4 hours) b) examine the concept of values show the core values in real education?
based education (VbE) in life.
learning  Role play different situations to
c) determine the principles of show the importance of values
value-based education in in real life situation.
relation to the whole school  Identify various approaches
approach (WSA). used in incorporating values in
d) demonstrate the application of the curriculum designs.
value-based education in real  Use digital devices to learn
life. more on values from other
e) outline and interpret the core countries and make
values identified in the Basic presentations.
Education Curriculum  Use digital devices to research
Framework on principles of values-based
f) appreciate the importance of education and make
values in the learning process. presentations
Core competencies to be developed:
 Communication and collaboration as they discuss with others the meaning and importance of values.

Page | 24
 Learning to learn and reflective practice as they learn about values from other countries.
 Unity; as they discuss with others and role play different situations.
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds expectation Meets Approaches Below
Indicators expectation expectation expectation
Examining the Consistently Demonstrates Seldom demonstrates With difficulty
meaning and demonstrates understanding of understanding of the demonstrates
importance of understanding of the the meaning and meaning and understanding of
values. meaning and importance of importance of values. the meaning and
importance of values. values. importance of
Examining the Consistently and Clearly To a certain extent Rarely
concept of clearly demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
values based knowledge of the knowledge of the knowledge of the knowledge of the
education and concept of values concept of values concept of values concept of values
its application. based education and based education based education and based education
its application. and its its application. and its
application. application.
Determining the Comprehensively and Perfectly Seldom determines With prompts
principles and perfectly determines determines the the principles and the determines the
the working of the principles and the principles and the working of values principles and the
values based working of values working of values based education. working of values
education based education based education. based education.
Outlining and Consistently and Clearly outlines To a certain extent Rarely outlines
interpreting clearly outlines and and interprets outlines and and interprets
core values in interprets core values core values in the interprets core values core values in the
the curriculum in the curriculum curriculum in the curriculum curriculum
framework. framework. framework.. framework. framework..
Strand Sub Strand Specific learning Suggested learning Key inquiry
outcomes experiences questions
4.6 Parental By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. Why do you
empowerment strand, the teacher trainee  Search the concepts need parental
and should be able to: of parental empowerment
engagement a) distinguish parental empowerment and and
(PE&E) empowerment from parental engagement engagement in
parental engagement by using digital learning?
( 4 hours) b) discuss the role of devices and report to 2. How does the
parental the class. law and policy
empowerment and  Discuss the existence framework
engagement in of parental influence
learning empowerment and parental
c) examine the pillars of parental engagement empowerment
parental for value creation in and
empowerment and learners and present engagement?
engagement. to the class.
d) explore and analyze  Discuss and argue the
the strategies of Legal and policy
parental framework of
empowerment and parental
engagement. empowerment and
e) evaluate the role of engagement and

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stakeholders in make presentations.
parental  Use digital devices to
empowerment and research on
engagement communication and
f) justify the existence of collaboration in
parental parental
empowerment and empowerment and
engagement for value engagement for
creation in learners. resource
g) examine the legal and development and
policy framework for utilization. Analyze
parental and make
empowerment and presentation.
engagement.  Role play different
h) discuss how parents ways of empowering
can be empowered and engaging parents
and engaged to for enhanced learning
contribute to learning outcomes. Make a
i) appreciate the role of class presentation
empowerment in
child’s learning and
value addition.
Core competencies to be developed:
 Critical thinking and problem solving as teacher trainees discuss and argue the legal and policy
framework of parental empowerment and engagement
 Pedagogical content knowledge as teacher trainees justify the existence of parental empowerment and
engagement for value creation in learners.
 Respect; as trainees discuss and argue the legal and policy framework of parental empowerment and
 Integrity and Responsibility; as trainees use digital devices and listen to presentations from others.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds expectation Meets Approaches Below
Indicators expectation expectation expectation

Distinguishing Extensively and Clearly Occasionally Hardly

parental clearly distinguishes distinguishes distinguishes distinguishes
empowerment parental parental parental parental
from parental empowerment from empowerment empowerment empowerment
engagement parental from parental from parental from parental
engagement engagement. engagement. engagement
Discussing the role Comprehensively Clearly discusses To a certain With difficulty
of parental and clearly discusses the role of extent discusses discusses the role
empowerment and the role of parental parental the role of of parental
engagement empowerment and empowerment parental empowerment
engagement and engagement empowerment and engagement
and engagement

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Examining the Consistently and Correctly To a certain With difficulty
pillars of parental correctly examines examines the extent examines examines the
empowerment and the pillars of pillars of parental the pillars of pillars of parental
engagement parental empowerment parental empowerment
empowerment and and engagement empowerment and engagement
engagement and engagement
Exploring and Comprehensively Clearly explores Sometimes Hardly explores
analyzing parental and clearly explores and analyses explores and and analyses
empowerment and and analyses parental analyses parental parental
engagement parental empowerment empowerment empowerment
strategies empowerment and and engagement and engagement and engagement
engagement strategies strategies strategies
Evaluating the role Skillfully and clearly Clearly evaluates To a certain With difficulty
of stakeholders in evaluates the role of the role of extent evaluates evaluates the role
parental stakeholders in stakeholders in the role of of stakeholders in
empowerment and parental parental stakeholders in parental
engagement empowerment and empowerment parental empowerment
engagement and engagement empowerment and engagement
and engagement
Justifying the Meticulously and Comprehensively Fairly justifies the With difficulty
existence of comprehensively justifies the existence of justifies the
parental justifies the existence of parental existence of
empowerment and existence of parental parental empowerment parental
engagement empowerment and empowerment and engagement. empowerment
engagement. and engagement. and engagement
Examining the legal Consistently and Extensively Fairly evaluates With prompts
and policy extensively evaluates the role the role of evaluates the role
framework for evaluates the role of of stakeholders in stakeholders in of stakeholders in
parental stakeholders in parental parental parental
empowerment and parental empowerment empowerment empowerment
engagement empowerment and and engagement and engagement and engagement
Discussing how Extensively and Comprehensively To a certain Hardly discusses
parents can be comprehensively discusses how extent discusses how parents can
empowered and discusses how parents can be how parents can be empowered
engaged parents can be empowered and be empowered and engaged in
empowered and engaged in the and engaged in the learning
engaged in the learning process the learning process
learning process process

Strand Sub strand Specific learning Suggested learning Key inquiry

outcomes experiences questions
4.7 Community
(CSL) By the end of the sub, The teacher trainee to: 1. Why is the
the teacher trainee classroom
● Brainstorm on the
(3 hours) should be able to: not enough
concept of Community

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a) examine the concept Service Learning and for today’s
of Community make class presentations learning?
Service Learning in 2. How can
● Identify community
enhancing learning. learners
b) distinguish between service learning activities contribute in
Community Service that promote learning solving
and Community and make presentations. challenges in
Service learning. ● Contrast Community their
c) discuss the rationale Service Learning and communities
for Community community service/field ?
Service Learning in trips/attachment.
the learning.
d) explore the ● Use digital devices to
principles of watch and analyse
community service various community
learning in the service activities.
learning process
● Review literature on the
e) Analyse ways of
engaging the background that
community in informed the inclusion of
Community service Community Service
learning activities. Learning into the
f) examine community curriculum.
service learning at ● Discuss the components
the various levels of of community service
learning learning in basic
g) appreciate the education.
importance of
● Debate on the benefits of
Community Service
Learning in the community service
learning process. learning to stakeholders.
● Describe the
implementation of
community service
learning in early
years/middle school and
senior school (integrated
versus stand alone)

Core competencies to be developed:

 Communication and collaboration as they discuss and make presentations and engage in a debate
 Self-efficacy as they review literature that informed the inclusion of community service learning into
the curriculum
 Digital learning skills as they use digital devices to watch and analyse various community service
learning activities.
 Pedagogical content knowledge as they conduct debates on benefits of community service learning to

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 Respect as they discuss and make presentations and conduct debates
 Peace as they work together to discuss and make presentations

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Approaches Below
Indicators expectation expectation
Examination of the Creatively and Correctly examines Partially With assistance
concept of Correctly examines the concept of examines the examines the
Community Service the concept of Community Service concept of concept of
Learning. Community Service Learning. Community Community
Learning with Service Learning. Service Learning.
Distinction between Elaborately and Accurately Partly Inaccurate in
Community service accurately distinguishes distinguishes distinguishing
learning and distinguishes between between between
community service between Community service Community Community
Community service learning and service learning service learning
learning and community service and community and community
community service. service service
Discussing the Elaborately and Correctly discusses Partially With assistance
rationale of correctly discusses the rationale of discusses the discusses the
community service the rationale of community service rationale of rationale of
learning community service learning community community
learning service learning service learning
Demonstrating the Demonstrates Demonstrates Partly Hardly
importance of clearly and clearly the demonstrates demonstrates
community service comprehensively the importance of the importance the importance
learning in the importance of community service of community of community
learning process community service learning in the service learning service learning
learning in the learning process in the learning in the learning
learning process process. process
Exploring the Extensively and Clearly explores the Partly explores With difficulty
principles of clearly explores the principles of the principles of explores the
community service principles of community service community principles of
learning community service learning service learning community
learning service learning
Analysing ways of Comprehensively Correctly analyses To a certain With difficulty
engaging the and correctly ways of engaging extent analyses analyses ways of
community analyses ways of the community in ways of engaging engaging the
engaging the community service the community community in
community in learning activities in community community
community service service learning service learning
learning activities activities activities
Examining Accurately and Accurately Partially Hardly examines
community service consistently examines examines community
learning in different examines community service community service learning
levels of learning community service learning in service learning in different levels
learning in different different levels of in different levels of learning
levels of learning learning of learning

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Strand Sub strand Specific learning Suggested learning Key inquiry
outcomes experiences questions
4.8 Community 1. How do you
service learning identify
Integration appropriate
Strategy By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: Community
(3 hours) strand, the teacher trainee  Study different curriculum Service-
should be able to: designs to identify a Learning
a) analyse community community service projects?
service learning learning activity that 2. What is the
activities in curriculum addresses challenges in role of the
designs of primary level. the community community in
b) develop a community  through collaboration with projects?
service learning activity other teachers in the 3. How can you
that will incorporate all learning grade, develop mitigate
skills from different one common community challenges as
learning areas service learning activity you carry out
c) apply Project Based that incorporates skills projects?
Learning in carrying out from different learning
the identified areas
community service  Implement a community
learning activity. service learning project in
d) administer assessment the community using
tools for the community project based learning
service learning activity approach.
carried out  Carry out assessment for
e) generate a report on the project done
the community service  Write a report on the
learning activity carried community service
out learning activity carried
f) appreciate project out.
based learning strategy  Organise an exhibition for
for community service their community service
learning integration learning projects to

Core competencies to be developed:

 Communication and Collaboration as they study curriculum designs to identify community service learning
 Critical thinking and problem solving as they develop one common community service learning activity for
the learning grade that addresses community challenges
 Creativity and Innovation as they implement the chosen community service learning projects
 Pedagogical Content Knowledge as they study curriculum designs to identify community service learning

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 Self-efficacy as they assess the community service learning projects
 Respect as they discuss and make presentations
 Peace as they work together to discuss and make presentations
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds expectation Meets expectation Approaches Below expectation
Indicators expectation
Analysing Correctly and Correctly analyses Partly analyses Has challenges
community service comprehensively community service community analysing
learning activities in analyses community learning activities in service learning community service
curriculum designs service learning curriculum designs activities in learning activities
of the particular activities in of the particular curriculum in curriculum
Grade and identify curriculum designs of Grade and identify designs of the designs of the
one activity that the particular Grade one activity that particular Grade particular Grade
addresses the and identify one addresses the and identify one and identify one
community activity that community activity that activity that
challenges. addresses the challenges. addresses the addresses the
community community community
challenges. challenges. challenges.
Development of a Accurately and Accurately Partly develops a Hardly develops a
community service creatively develops a develops a community community service
learning activity that community service community service service learning learning activity
will incorporate learning activity that learning activity activity that will that will
skills from different will incorporate skills that will incorporate skills incorporate skills
learning areas from different incorporate skills from different from different
learning areas from different learning areas learning areas
learning areas
Application of Creatively and Elaborately applies Partly applies Hardly applies
Project Based elaborately applies Project Based Project Based Project Based
Learning in carrying Project Based Learning in carrying Learning in Learning in carrying
out the identified Learning in carrying out the identified carrying out the out the identified
community service out the identified community service identified community service
learning activity. community service learning activity community learning activity
learning activity service learning
Administration Correctly and Accurately To some extent Has difficulty
assessment tools for accurately administers administers administering
the community administers assessment tools assessment tools assessment tools
service learning assessment tools for for the community for the for the community
activity carried out the community service learning community service learning
service learning activity carried out service learning activity carried out
activity carried out activity carried
Generating a report comprehensively and Accurately To some extent Has difficulty in
on the CSL activity accurately generates generates a report generates a generating a report
carried out a report on the CSL on the CSL activity report on the CSL on the CSL activity
activity carried out carried out activity carried carried out

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Strand Sub strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning Key inquiry
experiences question(s)
4.9 Pertinent By the end of the sub- strand, The teacher trainee to: 1. What are
and the teacher trainee should be pertinent and
Contempo able to:  Search from the contemporary
rary Issues a) explain what pertinent and internet the meaning issues?
(PCIs) contemporary issues are in of pertinent and 2. Why should
learning contemporary issues in pertinent and
( 2 hours) b) deliberate on various society. Write a contemporary
pertinent and summary and share in issues be
contemporary issues that plenary integrated in
should be integrated in the  Discuss with the curriculum
curriculum colleagues the effects designs?
c) explore the effects of of pertinent and 3. How can
pertinent and contemporary issues pertinent and
contemporary issues on on the school contemporary
members of the school community’s wellbeing issues be
community and make incorporated in
d) show the relevance of presentations the lesson
integrating Pertinent and  Debate on the pros during delivery?
contemporary issues in and cons of integrating
learning pertinent and
e) demonstrate ways of contemporary issues in
incorporating pertinent the curriculum designs
and contemporary issues  Illustrate different
in different learning areas approaches that can
f) appreciate the importance be used for
of pertinent and incorporating
contemporary issues in the pertinent and
learning process contemporary issues
in the curriculum

Core Competencies to be developed:

 Digital literacy skills as teacher trainees gather information from the net.
 Pedagogical content knowledge as teacher trainees shows different ways of incorporating pertinent
and contemporary issues in the curriculum designs.
 Unity; as teacher trainees participate in class presentations.

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 Responsibility; as they interpret curriculum designs
Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric
Level Exceeds Meets Approaches Below expectations
Indicator expectations expectations expectations
Explaining the Consistently and Correctly To a certain extent With difficulty
meaning of correctly demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
pertinent and demonstrates understanding of understanding of understanding of
contemporary understanding of the meaning of the meaning of the meaning of
issues and their the meaning of pertinent and pertinent and pertinent and
effects. pertinent and contemporary contemporary contemporary
contemporary issues and their issues and their issues and their
issues and their effects. effects. effects.

Illustrating Consistently and Correctly To a certain extent With difficulty

categories of correctly illustrates illustrates illustrates illustrates
pertinent and categories of categories of categories of categories of
contemporary pertinent and pertinent and pertinent and pertinent and
issues. contemporary contemporary contemporary contemporary
issues. issues. issues. issues.
Showing ways of Consistently and Correctly shows To a certain extent With difficulty
incorporating correctly shows ways of shows ways of shows ways of
pertinent and ways of incorporating incorporating incorporating
contemporary incorporating pertinent and pertinent and pertinent and
issues in pertinent and contemporary contemporary contemporary
curriculum designs. contemporary issues issues in the issues in the issues in the
in the learning areas. learning areas. learning areas. learning areas.
Showing the Consistently and Correctly To a certain extent With difficulty
relevance of correctly demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
integrating demonstrates relevance of relevance of relevance of
pertinent and relevance of integrating integrating integrating
contemporary integrating pertinent pertinent and pertinent and pertinent and
issues in the and contemporary contemporary contemporary contemporary
curriculum designs issues in the issues in the issues in the issues in the
for their support. curriculum designs. curriculum curriculum designs. curriculum designs.

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Strand Sub strand Specific learning Suggested learning Key inquiry
outcomes experiences questions
4.10 Gender By the end of the sub The teacher trainee to: 1. What are the
issues in strand, the teacher  Carry out a research and gender issues
education trainee should be able discuss the meaning of in education?
to: gender in education. 2. How can
( 2 hours) a) examine the  Organize a skit showcasing gender-
concept of gender the place of a boy and a based
as ascribed by girl child at home and in violence be
society. school. brought to an
b) assess and argue the  Watch a video on gender end?
place of the boy and stereotyping in education
girl child in the in a school set up showing
home, classroom how duties and
and society for responsibilities are
appropriate allocated.
intervention.  Use electronic devices to
c) evaluate the effects show the concept of
of gender gender mainstreaming and
stereotyping in how well it can be
education implemented in learning
d) design gender main institutions.
streaming  Discuss and evaluate the
mechanisms both at effects of sexual and
school and in the gender-based violence on
community. learners, learning, family,
e) illustrate the effects school and community.
of sexual and Formulate ways of
gender-based eradicating gender-based
violence on learners violence on learners in
and families. different situations.
f) discuss the effects  Propose appropriate
of Female Genital approaches to be used to
Mutilation in support the victims of
society gender-based violence in
g) defend the reasons learning institutions.
for the interventions  Discuss gender responsive
to end FGM in school environment by

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h) appreciate the analysing the available
benefits of a gender resources and their
responsive school allocation as well as
environment to utilisation.
Core Competencies to be developed
 Pedagogical content knowledge as teacher trainees gathers gender information.
 Communication and collaboration as teacher trainee’s interactions with peers during discussions.
 Responsibility in supporting learners, both boys and girls in schools
 Respect for varied gender differences
 Social justice is enhanced through the commitment to gender mainstreaming.

Suggested Formative Assessment Rubric

Level Exceeds Meets Approaches Below
Indicator expectations expectations expectations expectations
Examining the Consistently and Clearly examines To a certain extent With difficulty
meaning of gender clearly examines the the meaning of examines the examines the
and discuss the place meaning of gender gender and meaning of gender meaning of gender
of boys and girls in and discusses the discusses the and discusses the and discusses the
society. place of boys and place of boys place of boys and place of boys and
girls in society. and girls in girls in society. girls in society.
Evaluating the effects Consistently and Clearly evaluates To a certain extent With difficulty
of gender clearly evaluates the the effects of evaluates the evaluates the
stereotyping and effects of gender gender effects of gender effects of gender
propose ways of stereotyping and stereotyping and stereotyping and stereotyping and
overcoming it. proposes ways of proposes ways proposes ways of proposes ways of
overcoming it. of overcoming it. overcoming it. overcoming it.
Designing gender Consistently and Correctly designs To a certain extent With difficulty
mainstreaming correctly designs gender designs gender designs gender
mechanisms at gender mainstreaming mainstreaming mainstreaming
different levels. mainstreaming mechanisms at mechanisms at mechanisms at
mechanisms at different levels. different levels. different levels.
different levels.
Discussing the Excellently and Correctly Seldom discusses With difficulty
concept and effects of correctly discusses discusses the the concept of and discusses the
female genital the concept of and concept of and effects of female concept of and
mutilation effects of female effects of female genital mutilation effects of female
genital mutilation genital genital mutilation
Illustrating the effects Consistently and Clearly To a certain extent With difficulty
of gender-based clearly illustrates the illustrates the illustrates the illustrates the
violence. effects of gender- effects of effects of gender- effects of gender-
based violence. gender-based based violence. based violence.

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