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Student Name: Weight: 10%

Student ID: Marks: /20

Assignment 3: Measurement in Quality Improvement

Health-care quality and performance can be monitored and supported through measurement.
In a quality improvement initiative, measurement allows you to understand if the changes you
are making are having the anticipated impact. Selecting the right measures is essential to
provide a quality improvement team with the information they need to determine if the
interventions are successful and what if any adjustments need to be made. Understanding the
system that the initiative is being implemented in and the connections between different
processes and parts of that system is the starting point to identifying measures. Creating a
measurement plan helps you to identify the best measures to inform your project and to ensure
that the data is captured consistently and accurately.

Required Reading:

Health Quality Ontario (April 2013). Measurement for Quality Improvement.

1. Follow the steps outlined in the HQO Measurement for Quality Improvement Primer for
the quality assurance initiative created in Assignment 2: Terms of Reference. Your goal
is to create a measurement plan. Your plan must include four measures representing
each of the following: outcome, process and balancing. Information from the literature
should be used and referenced to support the inclusion of the measures.
2. The measurement plan should include the following information:
• Name of measure
• Type of measure (outcome, process, or balancing)
• Why the measure is needed for the project
• Operational definition
• Data collection and/or sampling method
• How the data will be displayed
• Baseline data if available
• Goal or target (if applicable)
• Source of data
3. See the attached Marking Criteria for details on how this assignment will be assessed.
4. Submit your work to D2L.

© 2021, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 1

Marking Criteria

Categories Needs Improvement (1) Adequate (3) Excellent (5) Marks

Content is lacking in Substantial content Rich in content;

parts; attempts made at present; selected insightful description
Content selection of measures measures are and rationale for
but limited connections relevant with selection of /5
to the initiative are adequate justification measures, clear
drawn. for inclusion, some connection to the
connection to initiative
initiative is evident

Less than three Three measures are Four measures are

measures are identified identified, some identified, all required
and information information information is
Measures /5
describing the describing the provided and each
measures is limited. measures is missing measure is clearly
or unclear. described.

Information on problem Information on Information on

is considered without problem is problem is considered
clarification; considered with with thorough
perspectives of experts some clarification, interpretation
Use of Evidence are consumed without but not enough to supported by a strong /5
question form a coherent rationale for use;
argument or perspectives of
synthesis; experts continually
perspectives of questioned
experts are subject
to some question

• References and • Most references and • All references and

citations are not citations are citations are provided
provided in APA format provided in correct in correct APA format
• Less than two APA format • Use of five relevant
references used • Use of three relevant references published
References & references published within the last ten
Obvious grammatical or /5
spelling within the last ten years
stylistic errors that
make the essay difficult years An occasional
to understand Few grammatical or grammatical or
stylistic errors that stylistic error have no
have limited impact impact on the
on the content’s content’s clarity

© 2021, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 2

Total /20


© 2021, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology 3

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