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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2014.2378594, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

MoM-SO: a Complete Method for Computing the

Impedance of Cable Systems Including Skin,
Proximity, and Ground Return Effects
Utkarsh R. Patel, Student Member, IEEE, and Piero Triverio, Member, IEEE

Abstract—The availability of accurate and broadband models buried cables, the contribution to the impedance due to ground
for underground and submarine cable systems is of paramount return is added through Pollaczek’s formula [8]. Since Pol-
importance for the correct prediction of electromagnetic tran- laczek’s formula involves an infinite integral, a series approx-
sients in power grids. Recently, we proposed the MoM-SO
method for extracting the series impedance of power cables while imation due to Saad [9] is typically preferred. This approach,
accounting for skin and proximity effect in the conductors. In however, is not accurate at high frequency for certain cable
this paper, we extend the method to include ground return effects configurations, as our numerical tests will show. Additionally,
and to handle cables placed inside a tunnel. Numerical tests show Pollaczek’s formula neglects proximity effects inside ground,
that the proposed method is more accurate than widely-used and cannot account for the presence of a tunnel around the
analytic formulas, and is much faster than existing proximity-
aware approaches like finite elements. For a three-phase cable cable. The limitations of analytic formulas can be overcome
system in a tunnel, the proposed method requires only 0.3 seconds using finite elements (FEM) [10], [11], [12], [13] or conductor
of CPU time per frequency point, against the 8.3 minutes taken partitioning [14], [15], [16], [17]. These approaches correctly
by finite elements, for a speed up beyond 1000 X. capture skin, proximity and ground effects [18]. However, they
Index Terms—Electromagnetic transients, broadband cable can be very time consuming. Since ground is a poor conductor,
modeling, series impedance, skin effect, proximity effect, ground at low frequency skin depth in earth can be as high as 5 km1 .
effects Therefore, the FEM mesh must extend over a huge domain
in order to correctly predict losses in ground. Moreover, as
frequency grows and skin depth becomes very small, one is
forced to remesh the geometry in order to correctly model

E LECTROMAGNETIC transients are a growing concern

in the design and operation of power systems. Their
prediction using Electro-Magnetic Transient (EMT) programs
current crowding near conductors’ boundaries. These issues
make a FEM analysis very time consuming and impractical for
a power engineer that typically does not have a deep expertise
like [1], [2] requires broadband models for each component in finite element methods. The development of a fast and easy-
of the power system, including underground and submarine to-use method to accurately characterize power cables is the
cables [3], [4], [5]. In order to create a cable model for objective of this research.
transient analysis, we require the per-unit-length (p.u.l.) series In [19], [20], we proposed an efficient and proximity-aware
impedance of the cable over the frequency range of interest, method, dubbed MoM-SO, to compute the series impedance of
which typically extends from a few Hz to the MHz range. cables with round conductors, both solid and hollow (tubular).
The broadband p.u.l. parameters of the cable must account In this technique, conductors are represented through an equiv-
for frequency-dependent phenomena that take place inside the alent current placed on their surface. Using a surface admit-
cable, namely skin and proximity effects. Moreover, for buried tance operator [21] and the Green’s function of the surrounding
cables, they must also take into account the return current that medium, this representation allows for the computation of the
may flow in the surrounding soil. cable impedance. This approach is faster than finite elements
Existing EMT tools use analytic formulas [6], [7] to com- or conductor partitioning because it does not require a meshing
pute the series impedance of cables. Such formulas include of the whole cross section of the cable system, but only a
skin effect but neglect proximity effects which are significant discretization of the conductors’ boundary. In this paper, we
in closely-packed cables, where conductors’ proximity leads extend our previous work [20] in two directions. Firstly, we
to a non-uniform current distribution in the conductors. For fully include ground return effects, which were only taken into
account in an approximate way in [20]. Secondly, the proposed
Manuscript received ...; revised ...
This work was supported in part by the KPN project ”Electromagnetic method can handle cables placed inside one or multiple holes
transients in future power systems” (ref. 207160/E20) financed by the Nor- or tunnels dug in ground. In order to account for the effect of
wegian Research Council (RENERGI programme) and by a consortium of the hole/tunnel on the cable impedance, we introduce a surface
industry partners led by SINTEF Energy Research: DONG Energy, EdF,
EirGrid, Hafslund Nett, National Grid, Nexans Norway, RTE, Siemens Wind admittance representation for the cable-hole system, which is
Power, Statnett, Statkraft, and Vestas Wind Systems. a novel result and makes the computation very efficient.
U. R. Patel and P. Triverio are with the Edward S. Rogers
Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of
The paper is organized as follows. After formulating the
Toronto, Toronto, M5S 3G4 Canada (email:, 1 at 1 Hz and for a soil conductivity of 0.01 S/m.

0885-8977 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2014.2378594, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

problem in Sec. II, we develop the surface admittance operator air (ε0 , µ0 )
for the cable-hole system in Sec. III. In Sec. IV, the effect of x

ground conductivity is introduced using the Green’s function ground (ε0 , µ0 , σg )

of the air-ground medium, and in Sec. V the p.u.l. cable ρ̂
impedance is obtained. Finally, in Sec. VII the proposed conductors (ε, µ, σ)
(x̂, ŷ)

MoM-SO method is compared against a commercial FEM ap
hole (ε̂, µ̂) cp (x ĉ
solver [22] and analytic formulas. Numerical tests demonstrate p , yp )

the excellent accuracy and computational efficiency of MoM-

SO. Fig. 1. Cross-section of a simple cable with two conductors used to
illustrate the proposed method. Notation for the conductivity, permittivity and
permeability of each element is established. The coordinate system used in
the paper is also presented.
y y
µ0 , ε0 µ0 , ε0
x x
Our goal is to compute the p.u.l. impedance, as defined in σg , µ0 , ε0 σg , µ0 , ε0
[23], of a cable system made by round metallic conductors
buried into one or multiple holes dug in a conductive soil. A µ̂, ε̂ Jbs (θ̂)
µ̂, ε̂
simple configuration is depicted in Fig. 1, and will be used (p)
Js (θp )
σg , µ0 , ε0
to describe the MoM-SO technique. For the sake of clarity,

we will develop the theory behind MoM-SO considering only
solid conductors and a single hole. However, as discussed in
Sec. VI, the proposed method can handle both solid conductors Fig. 2. Left panel: cross-section of the cable in Fig. 1 after all conductors
and hollow (tubular) conductors, placed in one or multiple have been replaced by the surrounding hole medium. Equivalent currents
holes excavated in ground. Hollow conductors are useful to Js (θp ) are introduced on their contours. Right panel: cross-section of the
cable after application of the equivalence theorem to the boundary of the hole.
model screens and armouring structures found, for example, An equivalent current Jbs (θ̂) is introduced on the hole boundary ĉ.
in pipe-type cables.
We denote with P the number of conductors present in
the cable system. As shown in Fig. 1, the p-th conductor III. S URFACE A DMITTANCE R EPRESENTATION FOR THE
is centered at (xp , yp ) and has radius ap . Each conductor C ABLE -H OLE S YSTEM
has electric permittivity ε, magnetic permeability µ, and con- A. Surface Admittance Representation for the Conductors
ductivity σ. Although, for simplicity of notation, we assume
here that these properties are the same for all conductors, the In order to compute the p.u.l. impedance of the cable,
proposed method can handle different conductive materials we adopt the surface admittance approach of [21]. Firstly,
with obvious modifications. Conductors are located inside a we represent each conductor with an equivalent current on
round hole, which is centered at (x̂, ŷ) and whose radius is â. its surface. Then, the same operation will be performed on
The space inside the hole is lossless with permittivity ε̂ and the hole boundary, leading to a very compact and efficient
permeability µ̂. The background medium consists of air for representation for the hole-cable system. We let
y > 0 and of a lossy soil of conductivity σg for y < 0. Both rp (θp ) = (xp + ap cos θp ) x + (yp + ap sin θp ) y (2)
air and ground have permittivity ε0 and permeability µ0 .
We are interested in computing the p.u.l. resistance R (ω) be the position vector which traces the contour cp of conductor
and inductance L (ω) matrices that relate the potential Vp of p, as shown in Fig. 1. We expand the longitudinal electric field
each conductor to the current Ip flowing in each conductor as on the contour cp in a truncated Fourier series
∂V Ez (θp ) = En(p) ejnθp , (3)
= − [R
R(ω) + jωL
L(ω)] I , (1)
∂z n=−Np

 T where Np controls the number of basis functions used to

where vectors V = V1 V2 . . . VP and I = represent the field on the boundary. Numerical tests show that
a Np of 3 or 4 is typically sufficient to accurately represent the

I1 I2 . . . IP store, respectively, the potential and cur-
rent of each conductor. In our approach, the cable param- electrical field in the conductors of a power cable [25]. The
eters are computed assuming that the electromagnetic field number of basis functions Np can be determined automatically
is longitudinally invariant along the cable, neglecting “end as discussed in [25].
effects”. These effects may be relevant for short cables [24]. We now replace each conductor with the surrounding hole
In order to account for them, a 3D formulation must be medium, introducing an equivalent current Js (θp ) on its
used, increasing dramatically the computational cost. For this boundary, as shown in the left panel of Fig. 2. If Js (θp )
reason, our method is based on transmission line theory, which is chosen according to the equivalence theorem [26], this
is extensively used in cable modeling [7], [8], [18], [17]. For operation does not change the fields outside the conductors,
a discussion on end effects, we point the Reader to [24]. allowing for the extraction of the p.u.l parameters.

0885-8977 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2014.2378594, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

The equivalent current on cp is also expanded in a truncated the fields outside of the hole unchanged, we introduce an
Fourier series equivalent current
1 N
1 X b jnθ̂
Js(p) (θp ) = Jn(p) ejnθp . (4) Js (θ̂) =
b Jn e , (11)
2πap 2πâ

Equivalence principle imposes the following relation [21]

on the hole boundary ĉ. The coefficients of Jbs (θ̂) are stored
between the Fourier coefficients of electric field (3) and surface h iT
current (4) in vector J b = Jb b . . . Jbb . From the equivalence
−N N
0 0
principle [26], it follows that the equivalent current must read
2π kap J|n| (kap ) k̂ap J|n| (k̂ap )
Jn(p) = En(p) −
" #
, (5) ˆ
1 ∂Az (ρ̂, θ) 1 ∂ Abz (ρ̂, θ̂)
jω µJ|n| (kap ) µ̂J|n| (k̂ap ) Js (θ̂) =
b − , (12)
µ0 ∂ ρ̂ µ̂ ∂ ρ̂
where J|n| (.) is the Bessel function of the first kind [27]
of order |n|, and J|n| (.) is its derivative. The quantities where Abz (ρ̂, θ̂) is the longitudinal magnetic potential inside
p √
k = ωµ(ωε − jσ) and k̂ = ω µ̂ε̂ denote, respectively, the hole in the configuration shown in the left panel of Fig. 2.
the wavenumber inside the conductors and inside the hole. Instead, Az (ρ̂, θ̂) is the magnetic potential inside the hole in
(p) (p)
If we collect the Fourier coefficients En and Jn of all the configuration shown in the right panel of Fig. 2, i.e. after
conductors into two column vectors application of the equivalence theorem.
h iT In order to evaluate (12), we must determine the magnetic
(1) (1) (1) (2)
E = E−N 1
E −N1 +1 . . . E N1 E −N2 . . . , (6) potential inside the hole. We first find the magnetic potential
(1) (1) (1) (2)
iT Abz (ρ̂, θ̂), which must satisfy the non-homogeneous Helmholtz
J = J−N 1
J−N1 +1 . . . JN1 J−N2 . . . , (7) equation [26]
we can compactly write (5) as P
∇2 Abz + k̂ 2 Abz = −µ̂ Js(p) (θp ) (13)
J = Ys E , (8) q=1

where matrix Ys can be interpreted as a surface admittance subject to the Dirichlet boundary condition (10) on ĉ. The
operator which relates the equivalent current (4) on the con- forcing term in (13) is the sum of all equivalent currents inside
ductors to the corresponding electrical field (3). Details on the hole. The solution of (13) can be written as the sum of the
the surface admittance matrix Ys can be found in [19]. At b00z (ρ̂, θ̂)
general solution Ab0z (ρ̂, θ̂) and the particular solution A
this point, we have considerably simplified the geometry of
Abz (ρ̂, θ̂) = Ab0z (ρ̂, θ̂) + Ab00z (ρ̂, θ̂) . (14)
the problem and obtained the configuration shown in the left
panel of Figure 2. 1) Particular Solution Ab00z : The particular solution of (13)
at an arbitrary point inside the hole is given by [26]
B. Surface Admittance Representation for the Cable-Hole P ˆ 2π
System Ab00z (ρ̂, θ̂) = −µ̂ Js(q) (θq0 )G
b b r(ρ̂, θ̂), rq (θq0 ) aq dθq0 .
q=1 0
We next show that it is possible to further simplify the (15)
problem at hand by representing the entire cable-hole system This formula is the superposition of the potential caused by the
with a unique equivalent current density Jbs (θ̂) placed on equivalent current introduced on each conductor. The integral
the hole’s boundary, as shown in Fig. 2 (right panel). The kernel in (15) reads
boundary of the hole is denoted by ĉ and can be described by
b (r, r0 ) = j H(2) k̂ |r − r0 |
r(â, θ̂) where
the position vector b G 0 (16)
r(ρ̂, θ̂) = x̂ + ρ̂ cos θ̂ x + ŷ + ρ̂ sin θ̂ y ,
b (9) and corresponds to the Green’s function of a homogeneous2
medium [26] with permittivity ε̂ and permeability µ̂.
for ρ̂ ∈ [0, â], and θ̂ ∈ [0, 2π]. 2) General Solution Ab0z : The general solution of (13) is
Similarly to our approach for round conductors, we repre- given by [26]
sent the magnetic vector potential on the boundary of the hole
with a truncated Fourier expansion
Ab0z (ρ̂, θ̂) = Cn J|n| k̂ ρ̂ ejnθ̂ , (17)
X n=−N
bz (θ̂) = bn ejnθ̂ .
A (10)
where coefficients Cn are found by enforcing the bound-
ary condition (10), and are stored into a vector C =
h iT this expansion are cast into vector A =
coefficients of b C−Nb . . . CNb . By substituting (15) and (17) into (14),
b b ... A b b . We replace the hole medium and all the boundary condition (10) can be imposed using the method
−N N
the equivalent currents inside it by the surrounding ground 2 We remark that we are solving (13) only inside the contour ĉ shown in
medium, as shown in Fig. 2 (right panel). In order to keep the right panel of Fig. 2. In this region, the medium is homogeneous.

0885-8977 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2014.2378594, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

of moments [28], a mathematical technique to solve integral where D2 is a diagonal matrix with entries
equations numerically. This process, which is analogous to the
one detailed in [19], provides an algebraic expression for the J|n| (k̂â)
[D2 ][n,n] = k̂ , (25)
coefficients C J|n| (k̂â)
C = D1 A b + µ̂G
b 0J , (18)
for n = −N b, . . . , N
b , and matrix G
e 0 comes from the dis-
where D1 is a diagonal matrix with diagonal entries (n, n) cretization of the derivative of the Green’s function (16).
equal to Expression (22) is one of the main contributions of this work,
since it provides an efficient way to represent the cable-hole
[D1 ][n,n] = (J|n| (k̂â))−1 (19)
system, which in turn will enable a fast computation of the
for n = −N b, . . . , N
b . The matrix G
b 0 in (18) is the discrete cable impedance.
counterpart of the Green’s function (16) and can be obtained
with the procedure presented in [19]. IV. I NCLUSION OF G ROUND R ETURN E FFECTS
3) Vector potential Az : We calculate the term Az (ρ̂, θ̂)
in (12), which is the fictitious field inside the hole when At this point, we have replaced the cable-hole system with
the hole and equivalent currents inside it are replaced by the a single equivalent current placed on the hole boundary, as
ground medium. This term is the solution of the Helmholtz shown in the right panel of Figure 2. We now couple the cable-
equation (13) with the right hand side term hole representation with an integral equation describing the
p set to zero, and
k̂ replaced by the wavenumber kg = ωµ0 (ωε0 − jσg ) behavior of the air-ground medium which surrounds the hole.
of the surrounding ground. Accounting for the boundary This will allow us to determine the magnetic vector potential
condition (10), the solution is given by [26] Abz on the hole boundary and then, in Sec. V, calculate the
p.u.l. impedance of the cable.
By the definition of magnetic vector potential, we can
bn J|n| (kg ρ̂) ejnθ̂ .
Az (ρ̂, θ̂) = A (20) relate the current and vector potential through the integral
J|n| (kg â)
b equation [29]
4) Equivalent Hole Current: We can finally derive the ˆ 2π  
equivalent current Jbs (θ̂). We substitute (11), (20), (17), Az (â, θ̂) = −µ0
b Jbs (θ̂0 )Gg b r(â, θ̂0 ) âdθ̂0 ,
r(â, θ̂), b
and (15) into (12) to get the equation 0
" P ˆ where Gg is the Green’s function of medium made by two
Jbn jnθ̂ X 2π ∂Gb
e = Js(q) (θq0 ) aq dθq0 (21) layers, in our case air and ground. This Green’s function
2πâ q=1 0 ∂ ρ̂ reads [30]
ˆ ∞ −jβx (x−x0 )

k̂Cn 0   b kg J|n| (kg â)
X 0 0 1 e
− J k̂â − An ejnθ̂  . Gg (x, y, x , y ) = (27)
µ̂ |n|
µ0 J|n| (kg â) 4π −∞ βx2 − kg2
h 0
√ 2 2 0
√ 2 2i
The obtained integral equation is solved for the coefficients Jbn e−|y−y | βx −kg +RT M e(y+y ) βx −kg dβx ,
using the method of moments [28] to obtain, with a process
similar to the one given in [19], the following formula where q p
βx2 − kg2 − βx2 − k02
b sA
b + TJ . (22) RT M =q p , (28)
βx2 − kg2 + βx2 − k02
Equation (22) shows that the equivalent current J b that rep-
resents the cable-hole system is made by two components. √
where k0 = ω µ0 ε0 is the wavenumber of air. In (27), we use
The first term is the contribution of an empty hole without x, y, x0 and y 0 to express the x-component and y-component
conductors inside. This term is analogous to the surface r(â, θ̂0 ). We next substitute
r(â, θ̂) and b
of the position vectors b
admittance (8) of a single round conductor [19], [21], and the truncated Fourier expansions (10) and (11) into (26), and
involves the diagonal matrix Y b s with entries
apply the method of moments [28] to convert the resulting
" 0 0
# integral equation into a standard algebraic equation
h i kg J|n| (kg â) k̂ J|n| (k̂â)
b = 2πâ − , (23)
[n,n] µ0 J|n| (kg â) µ̂ J|n| (k̂â) b = −µ0 Gg J
A b, (29)

for n = −N b, . . . , N
b . The second term in (22) is due to the where Gg is the discretization of the Green’s function (27).
conductors present in the hole. The transformation matrix T By substituting (22) into (29) we obtain the coefficients of the
maps the currents J on the conductor boundaries to the equiv- magnetic vector potential on the hole boundary
alent current Jbs (θ̂) on the hole boundary. The transformation  −1
matrix T is given by Ab = −µ0 1 + µ0 Gg Y bs Gg TJ , (30)
h i
T = 2πâ G e 0 − D2 G
b0 , (24) where 1 is the identity matrix.

0885-8977 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2014.2378594, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

air (ε0, µ0)

In order to compute the p.u.l. impedance of the cable, we
need the electric field on the boundary cp of each conductor,
which can be obtained from the vector potential Abz and the ground (ε0, µ0, σg )

scalar potential V as [29]

Fig. 3. System of three single core cables used for validation in Sec. VII.
∂V Conductive media are shown in gray while insulating media are shown in
Ez (rp (θp )) = −jω Abz −
. (31) white.
Next, we substitute (1) and (14) into (31) to obtain, after
discretization with the method of moments [28], the algebraic S INGLE CORE CABLES OF S EC . VII-A: GEOMETRICAL AND MATERIAL

E = −jω HC
b + jω µ̂G R(ω) + jωL
b c J + U [R L(ω)] U J , (32) Core Outer diameter = 39 mm, ρ = 3.365 · 10−8 Ω · m
Insulation t = 18.25 mm, r = 2.85
where matrices G b c and Hb come from the discretization of Sheath t = 0.22 mm, ρ = 1.718 · 10−8 Ω · m
particular solution (15) and general solution (17), respectively. Jacket t = 4.53 mm, r = 2.51
The constant matrix U is the same as the one defined in [19].
By substituting (18) and (30) into (32), we get
hole, and related to the equivalent currents present inside that
E = jωΨJ + U [R L(ω)] UT J ,
R(ω) + jωL (33)
specific hole through (22). Then, one integral per hole is added
where to the right hand side of (26).
Ψ = HD1 µ0 1 + µ0 Gg Ys
b b Gg T − µ̂G0 + µ̂G
b bc.
In (34), the term between square brackets accounts for the A. Three Single Core Cables Buried in Earth
presence of hole and of the air-ground interface and was not We compare the proposed MoM-SO method against a
considered in previous works [19], [20], which only accounted commercial FEM solver (COMSOL Multiphysics [22]) and the
for the factor µ̂Gb c . This last term is the only one needed to
“cable constant” formulas [6]. As a first test case, we consider
model a cable which is buried into a homogeneous soil at a system of three single core (SC) cables buried in ground at
infinite depth and is not surrounded by a hole. From (33), a depth of 1 m, as shown in Fig. 3. With this example, we
the p.u.l. resistance and inductance matrices can be finally also demonstrate that MoM-SO can handle multiple holes and
obtained using the steps presented in [19] hollow conductors.
T −1 1) Geometrical and Material Properties: The geometrical
R(ω) = Re U (1 − jωYs Ψ) Ys U , (35)
and material parameters of the three SC cables are presented in

−1  Table I. Two different values for cable spacing are considered:
L (ω) = ω −1 Im UT (1 − jωYs Ψ) Ys U . (36) s = 2 m and s = 85 mm. The conductivity of ground is set
to 0.01 S/m.
Expressions (35) and (36) are used in the numerical examples 2) Simulation Setup: Both FEM and MoM-SO are set up to
of Sec. VII to calculate the p.u.l. parameters of several cable extract the impedance matrix of the system of six conductors
systems. (three core conductors plus three hollow screens), assuming
the return path for the currents to be at infinity. Impedance
VI. E XTENSION TO H OLLOW C ONDUCTORS AND is evaluated at 31 frequency points logarithmically spaced
M ULTIPLE H OLES between 1 Hz and 1 MHz.
For the sake of clarity, we have described the proposed In MoM-SO, we set to 4 the order Np and N b of the Fourier
method considering only solid round conductors buried into expansions (3), (4), (10), and (11). This value is sufficient to
a single hole. However, the proposed technique can handle accurately describe proximity effects even when the SC cables
any arrangement of solid and hollow conductors buried into are close to each other [25]. In the FEM solver, the solution
multiple holes dug in lossy soil. In this section, we discuss how mesh has to be carefully set up to achieve good accuracy.
hollow conductors and multiple holes can be easily introduced Ground has to be meshed up to a distance of three times the
in the theoretical frameworks discussed so far. skin depth, in order to properly calculate ground return current.
In order to include a hollow conductor, we first replace it For the first 25 frequency points, we used a mesh with 725,020
with two equivalent currents placed on the inner and outer triangles for the s = 85 mm case, and 837,618 triangles for
boundary of the conductor [20]. Then, the surface admittance the s = 2 m case. At the last six frequency points, which
operator of a hollow conductor [20] provides the relation are spread between 100 kHz and 1 MHz, skin depth becomes
between equivalent currents and electric field necessary to extremely small, and the mesh has to be refined inside the
form (8). In presence of multiple holes, the process of conductors. This required the use of the so-called boundary
Sec. III-B is first applied to each hole independently. An layer elements, and increased mesh size to 1,053,638 for the
equivalent current (11) is introduced on the boundary of the s = 2 m case.

0885-8977 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2014.2378594, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

Resistance p.u.l. [Ω/km]

3) Continuously-grounded Screens: We consider two dif-
ferent scenarios for this example: grounded screens and open 10
s = 2m
screens. In the first case, we assume ideal grounding, and
we calculate the 3 × 3 impedance matrix of the cable from 10
−1 s = 85mm
the 6 × 6 impedance matrix by setting the potentials of
the screens to zero. The positive-sequence resistance and 0 2 4 6
10 10 10 10
inductance obtained with MoM-SO, FEM and cable constant Frequency [Hz]
formulas are presented in Fig. 4. The zero-sequence resistance

Inductance p.u.l. [mH/km]

and inductance are instead shown in Fig. 5.3 The excellent 1

agreement observed between FEM and MoM-SO validates 0.8 s = 2m

the proposed technique. Since screens are grounded, there is 0.6
s = 85mm
little proximity effect between the three SC cables. Hence, 0.4
cable constant formulas provide accurate results. The p.u.l. 0.2
resistance is different for s = 2 m and s = 85 mm because 10

mutual impedance is different in the two cases. We remark that Frequency [Hz]
the ideal grounding assumption has been used here only for
simplicity. Such assumption is not required by the proposed Fig. 4. Cable system of Sec. VII-A: positive-sequence resistance (top panel)
MoM-SO method, that can be used to study more complex
and inductance (bottom panel) computed using FEM (◦), MoM-SO ( ), and ·
cable constant (- -). Screens are continuously grounded.
cable systems with cross-bonding, as shown in [20].
4) Open Screens: In this second case, screens are not 10

Resistance p.u.l. [ Ω/km]

grounded but left open. As a consequence, large sheath over-
voltages [32], [33] and a significant proximity effect between 10

the three SC cables can develop. When screens are left open, s = 85mm

screen currents are zero, which allows us to reduce the 6 × 6 10

−1 s = 2m
matrix to a 3×3 matrix. Figure 6 shows the positive-sequence
resistance and inductance for the case where cables are close 10

together (s = 85 mm). MoM-SO and FEM accurately capture Frequency [Hz]

Inductance p.u.l. [mH/km]

the impedance variation due to skin and proximity effect in 8

conductors and ground. Cable constant formulas with Pol- 6

laczek and Saad ground return formulas, on the other hand, s = 85mm
return accurate results only at low frequency, and become s = 2m
inaccurate beyond 100 Hz. Moreover, Saad formula [9] returns 2

a negative resistance at high frequency. If cable spacing is 0

0 2 4 6
increased to 2 m, the results from cable constant formulas 10 10 10 10
Frequency [Hz]
agree reasonably with FEM and MoM-SO, confirming that
the deviation observed in Fig. 6 is due to proximity effects. Fig. 5. As in Fig. 4, but when a zero-sequence is applied to the cable.
Figure 6 also shows the resistance and inductance obtained
with our previous method [20], where MoM-SO is used to
model proximity effects in conductors, and cable constant B. Effect of Ground Resistivity
formulas (Pollaczek) are used to model ground return effects.
We consider the three SC cables with spacing s = 85 mm
5) Timing Results: Table II shows the CPU time taken by and ground conductivity σg = 100 S/m. This high conductiv-
MoM-SO and FEM to analyze the cable system. FEM requires ity value is used to show how proximity effects in ground in-
more than 6 minutes per frequency point, while MoM-SO only fluence the cable impedance. We let the phase conductors open
0.8 s. This dramatic speed up, beyond 400X, comes from the and inject currents in the sheaths. Figure 7 shows the resistance
fact that, with the MoM-SO method, one has to mesh neither and inductance obtained in this scenario with MoM-SO, FEM
the cross section of the conductors nor the surrounding ground and the method of [20], which neglects proximity effects in
where return current may flow. On the other hand, the complex ground. The excellent agreement between MoM-SO and FEM
mesh needed to capture ground return effects and skin effect at shows that the proposed method correctly captures proximity
high frequency makes FEM very time consuming. Moreover, effects in both conductors and ground. Proximity effects inside
with FEM, the user must spend extra time to properly set conductors start being relevant at 100 Hz. Proximity effects
up the mesh generator, since default settings may not lead to in ground develop instead above 10 kHz, as can be seen by
accurate results. MoM-SO, instead, being meshless, is much comparing the results from the proposed technique against
easier to use, and can be fully automated [25]. those computed with the method of [20], which neglects
proximity in ground. This hybrid method uses the MoM-SO
3 Positive-sequence impedance is defined as the ratio of positive-sequence
approach for conductors, and Pollaczek formula for ground
voltages and currents. Similarly, zero-sequence impedance is defined as the effects. Since for this configuration Pollaczek formula returns
ratio of zero-sequence voltages and currents [31]. a negative resistance above 2 MHz, the corresponding curve

0885-8977 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2014.2378594, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

1 4
10 10

Resistance p.u.l. [ Ω/km]

Resistance p.u.l. [Ω/km]

0 zero sequence
10 2
10 positive sequence
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]

Inductance p.u.l. [mH/km]

Inductance p.u.l. [mH/km]

0.15 positive sequence
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]

Fig. 6. Cable system of Sec. VII-A: positive-sequence resistance (top panel) Fig. 7. Cable system considered in Sec. VII-B: resistance (top panel) and
and inductance (bottom panel) computed using FEM (◦), MoM-SO ( ), cable · inductance (bottom panel) computed using FEM (◦), MoM-SO ( ), cable ·
constant with Pollaczek ground return ( ), cable constant with Saad ground constant with Pollaczek ground return ( ), cable constant with Saad ground
return ( ) and MoM-SO with approximate ground return effects [20] ( ). return ( ), and MoM-SO with approximate ground return effects [20] ( ).
The screens of the cables are open. Phase conductors are open, and current is injected in the sheaths.

TABLE II air (ε0, µ0)

ground (ε0, µ0, σg )
1.5 m
1m 2m
Case MoM-SO (Proposed) FEM Speed-up
s = 85mm 0.80 s 371.21 s 464 X
s = 2m 0.80 s 452.77 s 566 X
tunnel (ε0, µ0)

Fig. 8. System of three single-core cables in a tunnel considered in

and the curve of [20] are truncated. Sec. VII-C. Conductive media are shown in gray while insulating media are
shown in white.
C. Three Single-Core Cables Inside a Tunnel
Finally, we consider a system of three SC cables placed
inside a tunnel. The cross-section of the system is depicted Conductors can be placed in one or more holes or tunnels
in Fig. 8. Cables are spaced by s = 85 mm, and their excavated in ground. MoM-SO accounts for several factors
characteristics are reported in Table I. Sheaths are left open at that influence cable impedance, namely skin effect, prox-
both ends. imity effects in both conductors and ground, ground return
Firstly, FEM and MoM-SO are used to compute the current, finite burial depth, and the presence of a hole or
positive- and zero-sequence impedance of the cable in pres- tunnel around the cable. Comparison against finite elements
ence of the tunnel. Secondly, the computation is repeated with shows that MoM-SO accurately predicts such phenomena
the tunnel removed and the cables buried directly in ground. from the Hz to the MHz range. MoM-SO is considerably
The resistance and inductance values obtained for both cases faster than finite elements, since speed-ups beyond 1000X
are shown in Fig. 9. The influence of the tunnel on the cable have been demonstrated. Also, since MoM-SO avoids mesh-
impedance is visible above 3 MHz on both resistance and related issues, it is easier to use than finite elements. In
inductance. The results obtained with MoM-SO match closely conclusion, MoM-SO makes the modeling of power cables
those obtained with FEM. However, MoM-SO took only 0.29 s for transient analyses simpler and more accurate, especially in
per frequency point against the 498.3 s taken by FEM, for a those scenarios where proximity effects cannot be neglected
speed up of 1,734 times. The high computational efficiency of and, consequently, widely-used analytic formulas cannot be
MoM-SO makes it practical for routine use, differently from applied [20], [34].
FEM which can be quite time-consuming and requires special
care in the setup of the mesh.
Authors thank Dr. Bjørn Gustavsen from SINTEF Energy
VIII. C ONCLUSION Research, Norway, for providing the test cases of Sec. VII.
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0885-8977 (c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/TPWRD.2014.2378594, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

Resistance p.u.l. [Ω/km]

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