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【个人模拟练习】DMMC 学术探索营(新秀级)2022

1. 个人为单位;

2. 一共 5 轮,每轮限时 15 分钟,完成 2 道题作答,共 5 轮 10 道题;

3. 请提供最简形式答案,无需证明过程。



Problem 1.1

Students at Duke University each has a different class, club, and instructor. Each

student is in only one class and one club, and has only one instructor. No two

students share the same class, club, and instructor at the same time. Alice wants

to find n students, such that each of these students can find someone in the

same club, someone in the same class, and someone with the same instructor

among the n students. In addition, apparently, a student cannot be considered as

his/her own classmate. Try to find the minimum value of n.

Problem 1.2

How many ways are there to arrange 10 trees in a line where every tree is either a

yew or an oak and no two oak trees are adjacent?

【个人模拟练习】DMMC 学术探索营(新秀级)2022


Problem 2.1

Reno, who has obsessive-compulsive disorder (a compulsion to do everything

perfectly), was on a computer one day when he had the idea to press five letters

simultaneously with his five fingers many times, so that at the end, each letter

would have been pressed the same number of times in total. Unfortunately, he

accidentally hit only the letters D, U, K, and E the first time (we can assume he has

very large hands), and he wanted to continue. How many more presses does he

need to make sure that each letter will be pressed the same number of times (D,

U, K and E have already been pressed once)?

Problem 2.2

A number that has the form of �
is called an "Egyptian fraction", where n is a

positive integer. How many different Egyptian fractions do you need at least to

express 5
as their sum?
【个人模拟练习】DMMC 学术探索营(新秀级)2022


Problem 3.1

For � = 1,2,3, ⋯, 2021, how many primes are there in ��2� ?

Problem 3.2

In a rectangular coordinate system ���, take a point � in the first quadrant and

on the function � = �. Draw a line through A, which intersects the x-axis at B and

the y-axis at C. Given that �� = 15, �� = 20, find ��.

【个人模拟练习】DMMC 学术探索营(新秀级)2022


Problem 4.1

Problem 4.2
【个人模拟练习】DMMC 学术探索营(新秀级)2022


Problem 5.1

Problem 5.2

As shown in the figure, you can color some squares in the 4 × 4 grid except the

start and end points, such that all the different shortest paths from the lower left

square to the upper right square pass through an odd number of colored

squares. How many ways to color the grid satisfy this requirement?
【个人模拟练习】DMMC 学术探索营(新秀级)2022


Problem 1.1

Solution: 4

Problem 1.2

Problem 2.1

Solution: 20
【个人模拟练习】DMMC 学术探索营(新秀级)2022

Problem 2.2

Solution: 2

Problem 3.1

Solution: 1

Problem 3.2

Problem 4.1
【个人模拟练习】DMMC 学术探索营(新秀级)2022

Problem 4.2


Problem 5.1


Problem 5.2


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