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Food Research International 101 (2017) 17–23

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Food Research International

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Microbial inactivation and evaluation of furan formation in high hydrostatic MARK

pressure (HHP) treated vegetable-based infant food
Gulcin Kultura, N.N. Misrab, Francisco J. Barbac,⁎, Mohamed Koubaad, Vural Gökmene,
Hami Alpasf
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, Eskisehir Road 9th Km Lodumlu, Ankara, Turkey
GTECH, Research & Development, General Mills, Mumbai, India
Universitat de València, Faculty of Pharmacy, Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Food Science, Toxicology and Forensic Medicine Department, Nutrition and Food
Science Area, Avda. Vicent Andrés Estellés, s/n 46100 Burjassot, València, Spain
Sorbonne Universités, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Laboratoire Transformations Intégrées de la Matière Renouvelable (UTC/ESCOM, EA 4297 TIMR),
Centre de Recherche de Royallieu, CS 60319, 60203 Compiègne Cedex, France
Food Quality and Safety (FoQuS) Research Group, Department of Food Engineering, Hacettepe University, 06800 Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey
Department of Food Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 06800, Turkey


Keywords: The inactivation of pathogenic and spoilage bacteria as well as the formation of food processing contaminants
High pressure processing (e.g. acrylamide, furan, etc.) in infant foods is of utmost importance for industry, consumers as well as regulatory
Vegetable puree bodies. In this study, the potential of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) for microorganism inactivation including
Mesophilic bacteria total mesophilic aerobic bacteria (TMA) and total yeasts and molds (TYM) at equivalent processing conditions,
as well as its effects on furan formation in vegetable-based infant food was evaluated. The process parameters
evaluated were combinations of pressures (200, 300, and 400 MPa), temperatures (25, 35, and 45 °C), and
Food safety treatment times (5, 10, and 15 min). Pressure, time and temperature had a significant influence on both TMA
and TYM inactivation of vegetable-based infant foods, observing a significant reduction in both microbial po-
pulations when all the factors were increased, although the extent of reduction was clearly influenced by the
type of microorganism. A synergism between pressure, time and temperature was observed for the reduction of
both TMA and TYM populations and it was found that HHP at 400 MPa resulted in a complete inactivation of
TMA as well as TYM after 15 min of treatment at 45 °C. The furan content in all HHP treated samples was found
to be below the limit of detection. Thus, HHP treatment could be considered as a potential alternative to thermal
processing of vegetable-based infant foods.

1. Introduction National Institutes of Health, furan is carcinogenic to rats and mice,

showing a dose-dependent increase in hepatocellular adenomas and
Furan is a heterocyclic organic compound, consisting of a five- carcinomas (NTP, 1993). Furan induced carcinogenesis is suspected to
membered aromatic ring with four carbon atoms and one oxygen. The be either genotoxic mediated (Burka, Washburn, & Irwin, 1991; Byrns,
occurrence of furan in foods, the mechanisms leading to furan forma- Predecke, & Peterson, 2002) or metabolite induced cell proliferation
tion and analytical methods for detection have been reviewed in the and uncoupling of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation
past (Crews & Castle, 2007; Wenzl, Lachenmeier, & Gökmen, 2007; Van (Kedderis & Ploch, 1999).
Lancker, Adams, Owczarek-Fendor, De Meulenaer, & De Kimpe, 2010). In the past, the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) had
This compound is formed during thermal treatment of food products. released a report on the occurrence of furan in many foods that are
Furan has been shown to be carcinogenic in animal laboratory studies subjected to thermal processing, especially canned and jarred foods (US
by Gill et al. (2011) and the International Agency for Research on FDA, 2009). Coffee and ready-to-eat baby foods are reported to contain
Cancer (IARC), thus constituting a chemical hazard (IARC, 2012). Per the high concentrations of furan among most ready-to-eat foods (EFSA,
the toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of furan made by U.S. 2011). Historical FDA data on furan reveals that furan contents in

Corresponding author at: Nutrition and Food Science Area, Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Food Sciences, Toxicology and Forensic Medicine Department, Faculty of
Pharmacy, Universitat de València, Avda. Vicent Andrés Estellés, s/n, 46100, Burjassot, València, Spain.
E-mail address: francisco.barba@uv.es (F.J. Barba).

Received 6 February 2017; Received in revised form 25 July 2017; Accepted 26 July 2017
Available online 27 July 2017
0963-9969/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Kultur et al. Food Research International 101 (2017) 17–23

commercially available infant foods typically range between 3.9 and uniform initial microbial loads. The samples were deaerated by va-
26.9 ppb (US FDA, 2009). It is interesting that the menace of furan cuuming. For pressure treatment, samples were carefully filled into
formation is limited mainly to commercially sterilized baby foods, 20 mL plastic bottles (LP Italiana SPA, Italy) to avoid any air bubbles,
while freshly cooked home-made baby food is generally furan-free (Van undesirable in HHP process.
Lancker et al., 2010). In light of this, the use of mild processing tech- HHP treatment was performed in a 760.0118 type pressure equip-
nologies, which can avoid the use of high temperatures, can be a useful ment supplied by SITEC-Sieber Engineering AG, Zurich, Switzerland.
tool to control furan level in baby foods (Barba, Terefe, Buckow, The vessel had a volume of 100 mL with an inner diameter of 24 mm
Knorr, & Orlien, 2015; Sevenich et al., 2013). and length of 153 mm. A built-in heating-cooling system (Huber
Among mild processing technologies, high hydrostatic pressure Circulation Thermostat, Offenburg, Germany) was used to maintain and
(HHP) processing has emerged as the most relevant one for food pre- control the required temperature. The temperature in the vessel was
servation mainly due to its ability to inactivate microorganisms (> 5- monitored using a type K thermocouple. The vessel was filled with a
log reduction) (Baptista, Rocha, Cunha, Saraiva, & Almeida, 2016; pressure transmitting medium consisting of distilled water.
Georget et al., 2015; Moreirinha, Almeida, Saraiva, & Delgadillo, 2016; The increase in temperature originating from adiabatic heating was
Rendueles et al., 2011) and effectively control certain enzymes without calculated to be between 4 and 5 °C. The pressurization was applied to
destroying the nutritional and sensory components that are normally the samples at a pressure of 200, 300, 400 MPa, temperature of 25, 35,
affected during heat treatment (Castro, Saraiva, 45 °C, for 5, 10, 15 min. Come up and pressure release times were not
Domingues, & Delgadillo, 2011; Misra, Kadam, & Pankaj, 2011; Terefe, considered for the HHP application times reported in the study. HHP
Buckow, & Versteeg, 2014). A remarkable point for HHP processing is conditions were decided with respect to the literature research (Barba,
the use of 3-D thinking, meaning that it is possible to control three Koubaa, do Prado-Silva, Orlien, & de Souza Sant'Ana, 2017; Georget
processing parameters (pressure, temperature and time), which offer a et al., 2015). Pressurization rates were 400 MPa/min for 200 MPa,
high versatility in the process design (Barba, Esteve, & Frígola, 2012; 360 MPa/min for 300 MPa and 340 MPa/min for 400 MPa (Günlü,
Barba, Parniakov et al., 2015; Barba, Terefe et al., 2015). Sipahioǧlu, & Alpas, 2014; Subasi & Alpas, 2017). Pressure-treated
At this stage of development, there is a need to optimize HHP samples were stored at − 18 °C until performing the chemical and mi-
processing conditions to achieve a balance between safety, food quality, crobiological analysis. It may be noted that when time is not a con-
and health. Knowing the influence of HHP factors on microbial in- straint, performing microbiological analysis on the same day is re-
activation is of great importance for both food researchers and food commended to avoid any sub-lethal injury to cells (Banwart, 1989; Jay,
industry as these are the key to develop innovative and effective pro- Loessner, & Golden, 2005); however, in the present study the relative
cesses and products. However, it is also necessary to evaluate the in- recovery of TYM/TMA would be closely comparable for heat treated
fluence of process variables on the formation of processing con- and HHP processing, thus sufficiently serving the objective of com-
taminants (e.g. furan), which can have an important effect on infants' paring the two processing approaches. Samples to be treated thermally
health and determine the consumer's acceptance. were filled to the jars at 80 °C and subsequently pasteurized at 105 °C
To the best of our knowledge, there is a lack of information in the for 10 min. The setup of the experimental design is represented in
available literature on the impact of HHP on microorganism inactiva- Fig. 1.
tion/reduction on vegetable-based infant foods. Although, some pre-
vious studies have evaluated the formation/mitigation of furan and 2.2. Microbial enumeration
MCPD-esters in different food systems after applying HHP (Sevenich
et al., 2013, 2014), the authors only evaluated the effect of a single In this work, reductions in background microflora, i.e. total meso-
pressure value (600 MPa) combined with very high temperatures (90, philic aerophiles and yeasts/molds, resulting from HHP processing
105, 110, 115, and 121 °C). No attempts have been made to system- were studied, as these organisms are primary contributors to spoilage of
atically evaluate the influence of HHP processing conditions (pressure, vegetable based infant foods under most practical conditions. The mi-
time and temperature) on microbial inactivation and furan formation/ crobiological enumerations were carried out as follows.
mitigation in vegetable-based infant foods. Therefore, in the present
work, we focus on background microflora inactivation and furan for- 2.2.1. Total mesophilic aerobic (TMA) bacteria
mation in infant foods, because infants and toddlers are the most sus- One gram of pressure-treated sample was suspended in 0.1% pep-
ceptible consumer groups (Suk, Murray, & Avakian, 2003) and because tone water. Inoculations were performed from 1:10 dilution. 1 mL
relatively high amounts of furan were previously detected in baby foods suspension of the baby food samples were surface plated on pre-poured
(Lachenmeier, Reusch, & Kuballa, 2009; US FDA, 2009). Plate Count Agar (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) in three plates (0.3, 0.3
In the present work, a systematic study was conducted to evaluate and 0.4 mL). After the incubation at 37 °C for 48 h, colony enumeration
the effects of pressure, time and temperature on (i) total mesophilic was achieved.
aerobic (TMA) bacteria, (ii) total yeasts and molds (TYM), and (iii)
furan formation, in vegetable-based infant foods. The results of our 2.2.2. Total yeasts and molds (TYM)
multi-parameter study were analysed using multiple linear regression to The procedure was similar to the determination of total mesophilic
assess the relative contribution of each process variable. aerobic bacteria except the medium and the incubation time. 1 g of
pressure-treated sample was suspended in 0.1% peptone water.
2. Materials and methods Inoculations were performed from 1:10 dilution. 1 mL suspension of the
baby food samples were surface plated on pre-poured Potato Dextrose
2.1. Samples and HHP treatments Agar (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) in three plates (0.3, 0.3 and
0.4 mL). 14 mL of 10% tartaric acid was put to 1 L medium to avoid the
The vegetable-based baby food was based on a mixture of water, bacterial growth (pH 3.5). After incubation at 25 °C for 120 h, colony
carrot, white cabbage, potato, marrow (a sweet variety of zucchini), enumeration was achieved.
rice flour, celery root, sugar, tomato juice concentrate, salt and sun-
flower oil. The samples for experimentation were kindly supplied by 2.3. Determination of furan content
baby foods division of Hero Group, Turkey (Herobaby, 2017). The in-
itial mesophilic aerophilic bacteria population was 6.8 log10/g, while Untreated, thermally- and HHP-treated vegetable-based baby food
that for total yeasts and molds was 5.8 log10/g. All samples for ex- were transferred to vials (Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA) and kept at 4 °C
periment were drawn from the same pool of product, thereby ensuring to avoid any loss of furan due to its high volatility. Aluminium crimp

G. Kultur et al. Food Research International 101 (2017) 17–23

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the experimental setup.

seals with Teflon-faced silicon septa were used in analyses (Agilent, Y = β0 + β1 P + β2 t + β3 T + β4 Pt + β5 PT + β6 tT + β7 P 2 + β8 t 2 + β9 T 2

Waldbronn, Germany). About 5 g of sample was put into 20 mL head-
space vial and a Carboxen-PDMS SPME fiber (Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, where, βi are the coefficients of the variables, with β0 being the inter-
USA) was introduced. The sample with Carboxen-PDMS SPME fiber was cept. This allowed to capture the purely quadratic effects as well as
equilibrated to 40 °C in an incubator for 30 min. After equilibration, interaction terms. We employed a stepwise linear fitting routine, which
SPME fiber was introduced into the injection port of GC and kept for allowed to retain only those terms which were significant (p < 0.05),
5 min for desorption. Chromatographic separation was achieved in a while simplifying the models without losing the accuracy of predictions
capillary column (24 m × 320 μm, 20 μm) of HP-PLOT-Q connected to (Draper & Smith, 1981). The method uses a forward and backward
Agilent 5973 N GC/MS (Agilent, USA). Helium gas at a rate of 2 mL/ stepwise regression to determine the final model. An analysis of the
min (60 cm/s) was used as a carrier gas. Column temperature program residuals revealed the suitability of the model for analysis of the ex-
was set as follows: 100 °C for 5 min, ramped to 200 °C at a rate of 10 °C/ perimental data. Statistical fitting was carried out in MATLAB (The
min, followed by holding at 200 °C for 15 min, resulting in a total Mathworks, MA).
analysis time of 30 min. Mass spectrometry was executed in the range
of m/z 20–200 AMU scan. Quantifier/qualifier ions for furan and d4- 3. Results and discussion
furan were set as 68/39 and 72/43 m/z. The elution time of furan was
found to be 11 min. For calibration curve, external standard used was 3.1. Microbial inactivation
furan (minimum purity 99%, Fluka Chemie GmbH, Switzerland), and
while 50 ng/g d4-furan (minimum purity 99%, Aldrich, USA) served as The rate and extent of microorganism inactivation after HHP differ
internal standard. For quantitation, a calibration curve of furan was according to the processing conditions (pressure, time and temperature)
prepared in the infant food covering the concentration range of as well as to the food matrix and the type of microorganism (Georget
0–1000 ng/g. The limit of quantification (LOQ) for the method was et al., 2015; Rendueles et al., 2011). The HHP treatments at 400 MPa
found to be 1 ng/g. and 45 °C temperature for 15 min resulted in inactivation of mesophilic
aerophile bacteria by 6.8 log10 CFU/g, while that of yeasts and molds
2.4. Statistical analysis by 5.8 log10 CFU/g. In this study, the relative impact of HHP processing
conditions (200, 300 and 400 MPa/25, 35 and 45 °C/5, 10 and 15 min)
Two independent treatments were carried out in this study and the on microbial inactivation (total mesophilic aerobic (TMA) bacteria and
mean results reported. A three-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was total yeasts and molds (TYM)) was analyzed using multiple linear re-
applied to the results obtained to verify whether there were significant gression (MLR). Multiple linear regression is a useful tool when con-
differences with respect to treatment pressure, temperature, and time, sidering the effect of more than one independent variable as is the case
and to ascertain possible interactions between the factors (differences at with this study. Over the last years, MLR has been applied to analysis of
p < 0.05 were considered significant). In order to capture the effects of high pressure effects on virus inactivation (Calik, Morrissey,
the three parameters, viz. pressure (P), treatment time (t), and tem- Reno, & An, 2002), enzyme inactivation during high pressure proces-
perature (T) and their interactions, the experimental data for in- sing in presence of CO2 (Truong, Boff, Min, & Shellhammer, 2002),
activation of total mesophiles as well as yeasts and molds were fitted to volatile formation during pressure assisted thermal treatment of milk
a quadratic function of the form- (Vazquez-Landaverde, Qian, & Torres, 2007), effects of e-beam

G. Kultur et al. Food Research International 101 (2017) 17–23

Table 1
Values of the significant coefficients of the quadratic model fitted to the inactivation data.

Coefficients Total mesophilic aerobes (TMA) Total yeasts and molds (TYM)

Estimate Standard error Estimate Standard error

Intercept (β0) − 10.251 1.784 − 5.281 1.290

Pressure (β1) 0.007 0.003 0.001 0.002
Time (β2) 0.522 0.116 0.783 0.169
Temperature (β3) 0.264 0.084 0.016 0.025
Pressure ∗ time (β4) 0.0003 – − 0.0004 0.002
Pressure ∗ temperature (β5) 0.0002 – – –
Time ∗ temperature (β6) − 0.007 0.001 − 0.006 0.002
Pressure2 (β7) – – – –
Time2 (β8) − 0.01 0.004 − 0.032 0.006
Temperature2 (β9) − 0.002 0.001 – –
R2 0.79 0.78
RMSE 0.39 0.567

irradiation on ready-to-eat food (Guillén-Casla, Rosales-Conrado, León-

González, Pérez-Arribas, & Polo-Díez, 2011), analysing the relation be-
Pressure: 200 to 400 tween wheat gluten and ACE inhibitory activity of hydrolysates (Zhang
et al., 2015), and quality changes in juices processed by non-thermal
technologies (Zarate-Rodriguez, Ortega-Rivas, & Barbosa-Canovas,
2000). MLR allows to assess the independent contribution of process
variables. The overall models described in the next sections were sta-
tistically significant (p < 0.05) with acceptable values of coefficients of
Time: 6.3 to 15
regression (R2) of ≈0.78, considering the involvement of three dif-
ferent independent process variables with complex interactions; similar
values of R2 have been reported previously for inactivation of aerobic
mesophilic bacteria and yeasts/molds during high pressure application
with the three independent variables selected in the study (Peñas,
Temperature: 25.2 to 45 Gomez, Frías, & Vidal-Valverde, 2008).

3.1.1. Model fitting for total mesophilic aerobic (TMA) bacteria

-1.4 -1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 For the inactivation data of total mesophilic aerobic (TMA) bacteria,
Main Effect the fitting routine allowed to eliminate several terms from the complete
second order model with interaction terms; the simplified model is
Fig. 2. Fixed effects plot depicting the contribution of individual variables towards in-
given as:
activation of the total mesophilic aerobic bacteria. The horizontal lines represent the
confidence intervals for the predictions. The units for parameters are as follows: Pressure
TMA = 7 × 10−3P + 0.522t + 0.264T + 3 × 10−4Pt + 2 × 10−4PT
in MPa, Time in min, and Temperature in °C. The effect corresponds to log10 TMA count,
with minus indicating decrease. − 7 × 10−3tT − 0.01t 2 − 2 × 10−3T 2 − 10.251 (1)

The values of the significant coefficients with estimation errors are

also provided in Table 1. In addition, the contribution of each of the
three variables towards the overall mesophile reduction effect is de-
picted in Fig. 2. The treatment temperature was found to have the most
Pressure: 200 to 400 significant effect on the inactivation of TMA bacteria, followed by
treatment time and finally pressure. The positive signs of the coeffi-
cients associated with the independent parameters (β1, β2, β3) suggest
that an increase in all three process variables (P, t, T) would result in a
greater inactivation of the TMA. Likewise, the negative sign of the
Time: 7 to 15 squared and interaction terms indicated a downward semi-parabolic
profile of the predicted TMA inactivation against these variables, as was
expected. Furthermore, the significant quadratic effect of temperature
and the interaction effects found in the present model is in agreement
with those previously reported for high pressure studies (Chakraborty,
Temperature: 25 to 45 Rao, & Mishra, 2015; Peñas et al., 2008). It also signifies that there is a
certain temperature within in the range studied, beyond which it con-
tributes to TMA inactivation. This is also valid for treatment time, as
depicted in Fig. 2. Peñas et al. (2008) also reported a positive effect of
-2 -1 0
increasing temperature from 10 to 40 °C on inactivation of aerobic
Main Effect mesophilic bacteria during high pressure application to vegetable
Fig. 3. Fixed effects plot depicting the contribution of individual variables towards in-
activation of the total yeasts and molds. The horizontal lines represent the confidence
intervals for the predictions. The units for parameters are as follows: Pressure in MPa, 3.1.2. Model fitting for total yeasts and molds (TYM)
Time in min, and Temperature in °C. The effects correspond to equivalent log10 count, The simplified form of the second order model for inactivation of
with minus indicating decrease.
yeasts and molds was found to be:

G. Kultur et al. Food Research International 101 (2017) 17–23

Fig. 4. The reduction of (a) total mesophilic aerobic (TMA)

(a) 7 25 oC 7 35 oC 7 45 oC bacteria, and (b) total yeasts and molds (TYM) in the vegetable
based infant food as a function of time, at three different pres-
200 (MPa) 200 (MPa) 200 (MPa) sures. Error bars represent standard deviation.
6 300 (MPa) 6 300 (MPa) 6 300 (MPa)
400 (MPa) 400 (MPa) 400 (MPa)
TMA Count log10 CFU/g

5 5 5

4 4 4

3 3 3

2 2 2

1 1 1

0 0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Time (min) Time (min) Time (min)

(b) 25 oC 35 oC 45 oC
6 6 6
200 (MPa) 200 (MPa) 200 (MPa)
300 (MPa) 300 (MPa) 300 (MPa)
400 (MPa) 400 (MPa) 400 (MPa)
5 5 5
TYM Count log10 CFU/g

4 4 4

3 3 3

2 2 2

1 1 1

0 0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Time (min) Time (min) Time (min)

TYM = 1 × 10−3P + 0.783t + 0.016T + 4 × 10−4Pt − 6 × 10−3tT case. Peñas et al. (2008) also reported that both linear and quadratic
+ 6 × 10−3t 2 − 5.281 (2) effects of time, as well as interactions between time and temperature
were significant during inactivation of yeasts and molds in mung bean
The contribution of each of the three variables towards the reduc- sprouts through high pressure application (100–400 MPa; 5–15 min;
tion of yeasts and molds is depicted in Fig. 3. The overall model was 10–40 °C).
statistically significant (p < 0.05). The treatment time was found to
have the most significant effect on the inactivation of TYM, followed by 3.2. Comparison of microbial reduction for TMA, total yeasts and molds
temperature and pressure. There could be several reasons for the (TYM)
treatment time being a governing parameter, including a variability in
bacterial populations for sensitivity to pressures, mixed bacterial po- In order to compare the effect of HHP at equivalent conditions on
pulations in samples, and/or yield points of the bacterial adaptation to the inactivation of TMA and TYM, a three-way analysis of variance
the pressure stress making them more susceptible (Chen, (ANOVA) was conducted. As can be seen in Figs. 2–4, all the studied
Hoover, & Kingsley, 2005). From Fig. 3 it can be concluded that keeping factors (pressure, time and temperature) had a significant influence
all other parameters at minimum (i.e. interpretation of all coefficients is (level of probability, p < 0.05) on TMA and TYM of the vegetable-
ceteris paribus), an increase in treatment time from 7 min to 15 min based infant foods after HHP, observing a decrease in the number of
would result in an average decrease in the TYM population by at least 2 TMA and TYM when pressure, treatment time and temperature were
log10. Similarly, increasing in isolation, the pressure or temperature, increased (Fig. 4), and obtaining the highest reduction at 400 MPa/
would contribute to a decrease in TYM by less than 1 log10. The 45 °C/15 min, independently of the studied microbial population.
quadratic effects of time indicated that a minimum holding time (of As can be observed in Figs. 2–4, synergism between pressure, time
2 min) is necessary before inactivation begins (see Fig. 3). Furthermore, and temperature was observed for the reduction of both TMA and TYM
time played a greater role in inactivation of TYM than TMA, con- populations, thus showing the special importance of optimizing pres-
sidering that the corresponding coefficient value is greater in the latter sure-time-temperature processing conditions to reduce the level of

G. Kultur et al. Food Research International 101 (2017) 17–23

microbial populations in vegetable-based infant foods and, preserving Lille, Van Loey, & Hendrickx, 2008; Wang et al., 2013). HHP is also
at the same time, the nutritional and quality attributes of these food known to inactivate enzymes responsible for spoilage of fruit and ve-
products. In this line, other authors have established the possibility to getable products (Chakraborty, Kaushik, Rao, & Mishra, 2014). In con-
reduce the temperature needed to achieve the same microbial in- clusion, HHP can be a potential alternative to thermal processing for
activation by increasing the process pressure (Buckow & Heinz, 2008). inactivation of spoilage microbes in vegetable based infant foods, while
Similar to the results found in the present study, the synergism between mitigating the challenge of furan, a food contaminant. Further studies
pressure and temperature on microbial inactivation was previously are required to be conducted at a pilot scale to prepare this technology
reported (Buckow & Heinz, 2008). for adoption by the infant foods industry.
It should also be noted that in all cases, the extent of microbial
reduction found for each pressure-time-temperature combination dif- References
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