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International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON)

Founder-Acarya: HDG A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada

Gaura-vani Institute for Vaisnava Education (GIVE)

(Affiliated to ISKCON Ministry of Education)
Sridham Mayapur, Nadia.

Closed Book Assessment (Sri Isopanishad)

Time: 1.5 hours, Total Marks – 50

1. What are the four defects of a conditioned soul? 2

2. What are the two qualifications of a bona fide spiritual master? 2

3. How is the Lord unembodied? 2

4. What are the symptoms of a Dhira? 2

5. What is the significance of the name Hiranyakasipu? 2

6. Explain Hiranmayena-patrena. 2

7. Miseries of the material world is to indirectly remind us of what? 1

8. Why sabda-pramana is superior means of acquiring knowledge? 3

9. Explain the significance of the term atma-ha. 3

10. Give the English meaning of:

(a) isavasya (b) apauruseya (c) suddham-apapaviddham 6

11. Explain the example of advancement of material knowledge, reducing the

temperature and true enjoyment of the sense pleasure. 5

12. Give any 5 ways of cultivating knowledge. 5

Explain the below mentioned analogies:
13. Material world – ocean – human body – killer of the soul 5

14. Material advancement of education - jewel on the hood of the cobra 5

15. Hand of a body and living beings and the Complete Whole 5

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