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GRAMMAR TEST 01 7. James' little brother ...

sick for
three days.
1. ... Jessica been ... for her cat for a a. has
week? b. have
a. Have, looked c. has been
b. Has, looked d. have been
c. Have, looking 8. Zoe ... a smart student.
d. Has, looking a. is
b. am
2. She always ... up at 5 o'clock c. are
a. wake d. not
b. wakes
c. waked 9. Mo ... guitar at the moment.
d. woke a. plays
b. is playing
3. ... your mom cook everyday? c. has played
Yes, she does. d. has been playing
a. does
b. done 10. I don't ... both vegetables and
c. do fruits.
d. is a. liked
b. likes
4. Have you already ... the c. like
homework? d. alike
a. finish
b. finishes 11. Mrs. Nina ... already.
c. finished a. sleeps
d. finishing b. slept
c. has slept
5. James and Bryan never ... to the d. has been sleeping
beach together.
a. go 12. It is still ... in the bus station.
b. goes a. rain
c. gone b. rains
d. went c. raining
d. rained
6. ... your family ... groceries at
ABC Supermarket? 13. Mr. Albert ... a teacher since
a. do, buys 2018.
b. does, buys a. have
c. do, buy b. has
d. does, buy c. have been
d. has been
14. I'm ... at the library right now.
a. study
b. studies
c. studied
d. studying

15. Sisca ... not been ... letter since

years ago.
a. have, wrote
b. has, wrote
c. have, writing
d. has, writing
Jawaban: 1. c, 2. a, 3. c, 4. a, 5. d, 6. a, 7. c, 8. c, 9. b, 10.
d, 11. c, 12. c, 13. d, 14. d, 15. d

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