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Due to a variety of historical, social, political, and economic causes, poverty is a

complicated problem. A. F. Prominent Filipino author Sionil Jose has explored this subject in his
writings, providing insights that advance our knowledge. The Philippines' persistent poverty
has been largely caused by historical circumstances. A legacy of unfair land distribution,
resource exploitation, and structural marginalization of particular people has been left by
centuries of colonization, starting with Spanish authority and continuing through American
occupancy. Long-lasting differences in wealth and opportunity have been brought about by
these historical injustices.

Poverty is more common due to economic conditions like scarce employment prospects,
low pay, and restricted access to financial resources. The Philippines has struggled to achieve
inclusive economic growth, with many people struggling to make ends meet while wealth is
frequently concentrated in the hands of a small number of elites. Economic vulnerabilities are
further exacerbated by the vast informal sector and the frequency of informal employment.
Poverty is also largely sustained by social forces. Poor communities are disproportionately
affected by problems including poor access to social services, healthcare, and education, which
keeps them stuck in a cycle of poverty.

The Philippines' efforts to combat poverty are further hampered by political factors such
as corruption, weak governance, and ineffective policies; corruption erodes public trust in
institutions, diverts funds from programs aimed at reducing poverty, and upholds a culture of
impunity that stifles efforts to advance social justice and equality. Discrimination based on
factors like gender, ethnicity, or geographic location further restricts opportunities for upward
mobility and reinforces socioeconomic disparities.

Generally, poverty in the Philippines is a complicated problem that necessitates a

thorough study of the root causes. We can work toward a more just and equitable society in
which all Filipinos have the opportunity to prosper by tackling historical injustices, economic
inequities, social inequalities, and political obstacles. F. Sionil Jose's thoughts highlight the
critical need for coordinated efforts to eliminate poverty and achieve a brighter future for the

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