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Review of Optimization Techniques for Renewable

Energy Resources
James A. Momoh, Fellow IEEE, S. Surender Reddy, Student Member, IEEE

Abstract – This paper presents a review of optimization system. It gives an idea about stochastic programming and
techniques for Renewable Energy Resources (RERs) optimization challenges attached to it. It evaluates the requirements Voltage
framework. Review of probabilistic power flow, voltage/VAR Var Optimization, and it discusses the control strategies used in
control, modeling of voltage VAR problem has been presented. industry and in research. It discusses formulations given by
Various objective functions and formulations for Voltage/VAR different researchers for objective functions like Cost, Loss,
problem has been presented in this paper. Summary of different
Generation Extension and Voltage/Var with various
OPF methods and their formulations for voltage / VAR problem
has been presented. Various examples of stochastic programming conventional and advanced methods. It also discusses
using Recourse model, Simple Average Approximations, Chance formulations for Voltage/VAR with variability into the system.
Constrained Programming and chance constraint are presented in It gives a brief idea about stochastic programming and its
this paper. applications. Finally, the paper presents various examples of
stochastic programming using Recourse model, Simple
Index Terms - Renewable Energy Resources (RER), Stochastic Average Approximations, Chance Constrained Programming
Programming, Wind Energy Resources, Voltage/ VAR problem. and Chance Constraint Techniques.


The Renewable Energy Resources (RERs) also invite some Stochastic nonlinear programming (S-NLP) is proposed by
imputes along with it such as stochastic behavior. The planning many researchers as it uses randomness as part of optimization
and operation of certain system is also a major challenge for processes [1-3]. The basic idea for solving each Stochastic
the industry. So, Optimal Power Flow (OPF) for such system is Problem is to first convert the problem into equivalent
intriguing problem. There are many challenges offered by deterministic form, so that conventional optimization techniques
addition of RERs into the system. Out of all the challenges, can be applied to it [4]. It has several variants such as Recourse
Voltage VAR control is a prime source of complexity and Model, Chance Constrained Programming, and Sample Average
reliability. So, it is fundamental requirement of all the utility Approximation, etc. Stochastic Programming problems can also
companies. There is a need for robust and efficient Voltage be solved through decomposition methods. Different researchers
VAR optimization (VVO) technique to meet the peak demand have used decomposition methods such as Bender’s
and reduction of the losses. The Voltages beyond limit may Decomposition method, Dantzing-Wolfe decomposition, bundle
damage costly sub-station devices and equipment at consumer methods, branch and price, branch and fix, etc. Bender’s
end as well. Especially, RERs introduces more disturbance and decomposition is most favorite among researchers for stochastic
some of the RERs are not capable enough to meet the VAR problem evaluation.
demand. So, there is a strong need for Voltage VAR control in Reference [5] discusses stochastic OPF using constraint
RER environment. relaxation, and it also discusses challenges attached to it such as
Voltage VAR control solution for normal systems can be each contingency considered in the study poses a new problem
solved through the linear or non- linear optimization equally large to the original problem, but with a different
techniques, but with uncertainty involved one can only use the distribution matrix. Stochastic OPF was first developed by T.
latest techniques like Stochastic Optimization, Heuristic Yong and R. H. Lasseter [6]. The optimization was developed
Optimization, Adaptive Dynamic Programming, etc. Review of as a two stage stochastic programming problem. [7] Presents
stochastic programming, and the advantages and challenges of both linear and non-linear formulations for the Stochastic OPF.
this programming over deterministic model is presented in this Reference [8] uses stochastic programming approach for
paper. The Stochastic Programming scheme and its variants are vulnerability constrained transmission planning problem. The
studied in detail to deal with the uncertainty and randomness equivalent deterministic model using mixed integer non-linear
involved in the system programming has been utilized to find the optimal value.
This paper includes different OPF methods and their The output of the stochastic OPF is a set of control variable
comparison; it discusses Probabilistic Power Flow/ OPF and settings that required to be applying within system constraints to
different approaches utilized by various researchers for develop secure and economical settings in the event of
renewable energy and other uncertainties involved in the contingency. These settings should be chosen such that one can
minimize the sum of base case cost, and the expected cost of
James A Momoh (email: and S Surender Reddy recovery from the contingencies. In a more conservative manner,
(email: are with Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering, Center for Energy Systems and Controls
settings should be selected to set the base case to accommodate
(CESaC), Howard University, Washington, DC 20059. all possible contingencies without resetting any control.

978-1-4799-5138-3/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE

A. Advantages of Stochastic Programming (SP) over and nonlinear) programs. For wind energy, convolution of
Deterministic Model: random variables along with Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) can
(i) It gives the optimization solution through taking into also be used.
account ‘wait- and- see’ measures (Recourse Decisions). So, Randomness present in the system needs to have some
solution obtained is robust with respect to possible specific structure. So, Randomness is generally represented
contingency scenarios while the solutions obtained through with PDF [11]. For a typical Probabilistic OPF, there is a need
deterministic model are usually conservative [8]. to determine PDF for all the variables present in the system.
(ii) Deterministic model does not account expected values PDF is used to find the Normal distribution curve. Continuous
while Stochastic Model includes expected values and so gives PDF of the normal distribution is called Gaussian distribution.
more realistic results. Probabilistic power flow conducts probabilistic modeling,
(iii) Deterministic model does not facilitate accommodation of and takes uncertain factors like generation injections, loads and
probability density function (PDF) values, while Stochastic line parameters into account in the power flow calculations.
Model accepts values from PDFs. Various expansion series are also proposed by different
researchers such as Orthogonal Series (Gram-Charlier expansion
B. Challenges involved with SP: series or Lagurre polynomials [12], Cornish-Fisher expansion
(i) Large dimensionality of the associated nonlinear [13]. There are many methods available that deals with the
programming problem. probabilistic OPF such as Method of random variables,
(ii) When system constraints include time coupling effects such Stochastic Programming, Artificial Neural Network (ANN),
as ramp constraints, the problem size increases dramatically. Fuzzy Logic, Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Partical Swarm
(iii) Each contingency considered potentially introduces a new Optimization (PSO), Simulated Annealing, Adaptive Dynamic
problem as large as the original, but a different distribution Programming, Monte Carlo Simulation, cumulant method, the
matrix. discretization method, two point estimate method etc. Various
(iv) With increasing size of the system, the computational researchers have tested above methods successfully for
burden also increases. Especially, when large number of Probabilistic Power Flow.
scenarios chosen, the solution cannot be computed within
reasonable amount of time. A. Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS)
(v) The challenge to develop an approach for selecting and MCS is most simple method as it involves repeated simulations
appropriately weighing the scenarios. with values obtained from PDFs. But, for satisfactory results,
plenty of simulations need to be carrying out, and number of
III. PROBABILISTIC P OWER FLOW samples can be reduced by sacrificing the accuracy of results.
Electric power system consumes lot of uncertainty and Hence, this approach is not practical for real systems at the same
randomness. With RER integration into central generation or as time large number of samples confirms accuracy of the solution.
a Distributed Generation, load characteristics and the This method can efficiently handle complex random variables.
generation cost vary from time to time. Electric power system But, it requires large and cumbersome calculations as well [14].
load demand is a time dependent variable, and so realistic Mostly this method is used with limited number of scenarios to
solutions of the OPF problem based on the load can only be test accuracy and calculation speed of other methods.
evaluated efficiently, if the OPF problem is modeled to be
B. Cumulant Method (CM)
probabilistic [9]. Some earlier methods solve this problem by
The Cumulant method depends upon behavior of uncertain
considering load demand as forecasted value at specific time.
variables when they combined in a linear fashion [15]. The
This forecasted value may or may not match the true value, so
computational burden of this method is independent of uncertain
it may contain error by even large amount. So, Electric Power
parameters. The Cumulant method requires calculating the
System reformulated as a network of random variables [10],
inverse of the Hessian and the Cumulant of the random variables.
and PDFs are used to model power demands. Also, uncertainty
The discretization method uses discrete probability distributions
may be involved due to Measurement error or error in forecast,
to replace continuous probability distributions. But the accuracy
Load is presumed between certain limits or unscheduled outage
of this method is restricted because of its computational ability.
due to weather conditions or some other reason. The
Many researchers have used Cumulant based approach along
deterministic model for OPF cannot represent the effects of the
with different expansion series for Probabilistic Power Flow and
stochastic factors on the dispatch results. So, these uncertainty
for probabilistic OPF. [16] uses Logarithmic Barrier Interior
and randomness should be evaluated for optimal operation and
Point Method for linear mapping. Results obtained from the
control of the system.
Cumulant approach are compared with Monte Carlo Simulation
The classical methods of load flow is not useful for above
(MCS) based on small test system. It was tested for Matpower 9-
case as they require deterministic values of load and source,
bus and 118-bus systems. The results obtained from both the
but mostly load and source behavior would be random. For
methods are almost same. So the new method is having higher
smooth operation of the system, new transmission and
accuracy and low computational burden. It uses Gram- Charlier
distribution network design it is necessary to access load flows
series to reconstruct distributions.
with changing load and source. But practically it is not feasible
to carry out load flow study at each change in load and source. C. Two Point Estimate Method (2PEM)
As it will involve plenty of calculations and analysis would It is a variation of Point Estimate Method (PEM), which
also be difficult. Probabilistic programming involves divides a large problem into several sub-problems by
randomness and uncertainty into conventional classical (linear calculating moments of underlying nonlinear function [17]. It
considers two certain values of each random variable placed on Conventionally, voltage-Var can be controlled through
both sides of the corresponding mean and then deterministic Rotating Synchronous Condensers, Mechanically Switched
OPF is run for both these values [15]. The benefit of this Capacitors, Load-changing transformer, Static Var Capacitors
method is that the existing deterministic model can be directly (SVCs), thyristor-switched capacitors (TSCs), thristor-
used after the estimate point is selected, and the results of mean controlled reactors (TCRs) etc. Series and Shunt Var
value and standard deviation of the distribution of the function compensation is used to enhance natural characteristics of AC
are evaluated by weighting the estimation results with the power System. Series compensation improves Transmission
probability concentration [18-19]. Computational burden of and Distribution parameters while shunt compensation
this method is directly proportional to number of random modifies equivalent impedance of the load [26]. Utilities now
variables [14]. [15] uses Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP) as can add data obtained through communicating devices for
an uncertain variable for the first time using 2PEM approach. improved control.
Utility companies are confused with decisions about where
IV. V OLTAGE /VAR C ONTR OL to invest, and the list of smart grid vendors and options is
Voltage Stability is one of the main problems when any RER is overwhelming. So, they consider investing capital and operating
used as a generation source. Voltage stability of the system is funds on distribution system optimization through volt/VAR
the competence of power system to hold sufficient voltage control as part of its smart grid plan. For better performance
magnitude in order to transfer constant amount of power in shaving and shaping demand is going to be a requirement of all
case of overload. Voltage/VAr control can be obtained through load-serving entities moving forward. Demand management
controlling the production, absorption, and flow of reactive through the meter has potential system benefits, and customers
power at all levels in the system. It maintains voltages within and regulators will be able to see a tangible, quick positive
acceptable limit and reduces the transmission losses. impact on reliability as a result of smart grid technology
To optimize the movement of electricity, we want to implementation.
control reactive energy. Today, many utilities use tools such as Presently, volt/VAR control typically applied at the
capacitor banks or special transformers either in the substation substation, or perhaps on some of the medium-voltage feeders.
or on the distribution grid. These devices work to keep reactive So, to bring an active volt/VAR control to the edge of the grid
power low. But, they are not intelligent enough to cope with has been too complex to manage and too expensive to
today’s smart grid and communication devices. This is implement. Ultimately systems are forced to manage the low-
commonly referred to as volt VAR control. A coordinate VAr voltage grid without access to the level of fine-grained
planning is inclusive of both optimal voltage profile and information they require to cost-effectively control volt/VAR
optimal voltage stability. conditions down to the distribution transformer level. With
The Objective function associated with Voltage Var problem recent technology advancements and research being performed
may be cost based, or it may be a deviation from the targeted with VVO programs and controllers, the utility would need the
value on the stability curve or from restricted schedule of flexibility of selecting which mode of operation to use based on
control variable. It can be single objective or multi objective system conditions, and the regulatory environment faced by that
model based on the application [20]. Mathematical solution of utility today and in the future.
these problems is complex as it involves large number of In order to define a Voltage/VAr problem considerations
variables including uncertain parameters as well. So, the should be given to:
resulting equation may be partially discrete, partially (i) Evaluate all violations and decide most violated constraint
continuous, non-differentiable, and non-linear. and its severity. So, that while in action controllers should
The idea of using fuzzy reasoning for voltage control is eliminate it first.i.e. Between the voltage violation and Line
presented by many researchers [6-7, 17, 21-22]. Also, other Flow violation, most severe is the line flow violations
methods like Simulated Annealing [14] Genetic Algorithm [23] (ii) Efficiency of control action will react according to the nature
and Particle Swarm algorithm is also proposed [5] are proposed of the device and its location. Most effective action should be
by different researchers for Voltage/VAr problem. Among all given preference.
available approaches, Fuzzy logic approach is most robust and (iii)Controls should be set according to availability preference.
speedy method. [24] presents novel idea of reactive power The conventional approach has generally been successful at
control through photovoltaic generators. It also discusses accomplishing the primary objectives for this equipment.
conventional methods of reactive power control, opportunities However, this approach has several key limitations:
and challenges attached to it. The new method was compared (i) The system is not continuously monitored, so controller
with the other proposed methods and conclusions provide failures and malfunctions are not automatically detected. Line
advantages of new methods. capacitors are particularly failure-prone. Without continuous
Presently, due to the new developments reactive power monitoring, these devices may be switching on and off at the
injection and voltage control may be used as an ancillary wrong time, or may be totally inoperative due to a blown fuse.
service at the distribution side. Even, Wind Generators can This condition can go undetected until the problem deteriorates
contribute to it using power electronics devices [25]. With the into a more serious and potentially unsafe problem.
development of smart grid, optimization of electric power (ii) The system lacks flexibility to respond to changing
system has received an enormous amount of interest in last conditions on the distribution feeders. Controller settings work
several years. By optimizing voltage and VAr levels of the well under normal circumstances. However, if the feeder is
system, utilities can optimize power flow of distribution system reconfigured for any reason (for example, while a faulted
from substation to the customer meter and even beyond meter.
portion of the feeder is being repaired), the controller settings Smart VAR control gives the best way to maintain voltage
may not produce the desired results. level along the feeder and minimize electrical losses under all
(iii) The system cannot be used to respond to system loading conditions. Similar to conventional approach, Smart
emergencies. Occasionally, distribution utilities are called upon VAR control also uses switched capacitors to control VAR
to place all switched capacitors in service as rapidly as possible flow and feeder voltage as feeder conditions vary throughout
to respond to power grid emergencies. Since the stand-alone the day. However, rather than basing the control actions only
controllers lack remote control capabilities, it is not possible to on local measurements, the VAR control function bases
rapidly switch all capacitor banks on demand. switching decisions on measurements taken at the substation
Smart Distribution voltage control provides potentially end of the feeder, where total VAR flow to the feeder is readily
increased operating flexibility over conventional voltage observable.
control. On the other hand, conventional voltage control is
primarily intended to maintain acceptable voltage along the V. MODELING OF V OLTAGE VAR PR OB LEM
feeder, Smart distribution voltage control enables the user to Vital research has been carried out by different researchers for
achieve other operating objectives in addition to the primary Reactive Power Planning. As it is a complex problem involving
function of maintaining acceptable voltage. The most important nonlinear objective function, nonlinear constraints and discrete
smart distribution voltage control function is Conservation variables. With the advent of Smart Grid and advance
Voltage Reduction (CVR). With the help of CVR, the system communication devices, it is very much important to consider
intentionally lowers the voltage on the distribution feeder to the Voltage – VAR problems as potential weak link in the system.
lowest acceptable voltage value to achieve valuable benefits to So, optimization of Voltage Var is necessary for any power
the electric utility and consumers, such as reduced demand and system. Typical objective functions used by the researchers for
energy consumption. As long as the feeder voltage remains Voltage Var problem are Cost based such as variable and fixed
above the minimum cutoff for acceptable value, there is no installation cost, fuel cost and real power loss etc., minimize the
adverse impact on the customer. deviation from selected control variable such as Voltage, Power
Smart voltage control applies many of the same etc., Maximize Voltage Stability Margin or any other
components as conventional voltage control, such as tap performance indices.
changing transformers and voltage regulating controllers. Typical constraints are even complicated them above listed
Smart voltage control also contain a main processor or other objective functions. The list of constraints includes Base Case
intelligent controller that performs additional control logic Power Flow Limits, Voltage Stability limits under normal state
using available current and voltage measurements to achieve as well as contingency state etc. The mathematical formulation
the specified objective function. The main processor uses the and solution of this class of problem is very challenging due to
available measurement data to determine possibility to lower large number of variables and uncertain parameters [24]. So, the
the feeder voltage (within low limit constraints) to achieve resulting formulation may be discrete, partially continuous, non-
valuable benefits such as improved efficiency, reduced differentiable and/or nonlinear. The common objectives and
electrical demand, and lower energy consumption. their formulations for review and selection are listed in Table 1.
Table 2 gives the common constraint used in various researches.
Table 1. Voltage VAR Objective Functions and their formulations
Objective Function Formulations

Minimize VAR cost [33] – [39] 1)  . 

2)  +  . 
 =         ℎ        .

C0 = Fixed Cost in .

Minimize VAR Cost and Real 1)  (  ) +  (  )
Power Losses [40] – [45] 2) ( +  .  ). ! +  (  )
3) "  # =  (  ) + ∑&,  (  )&
 (  ) =  -  /0 
Minimize VAR cost and 1) 1 = ∑62, -2 342 5 0ℎ -2 342 5 = 2 + 2 42 + 2  42
Generator Fuel Cost [46] – [48] 2)  (  ) + 1
3) ( +  .  ). ! + 1
1 =  - ℎ   7     7 
Minimum Deviation From a ∑62 (829:; − 82 )
Specified Point on Stability Curve [49]
Voltage Stability Margin ∑E @A?B?@CDF∑E > GHAICD
? >?
8<" = ∑E
? ?
(VSM) [50] [51] ? >?

Multi Objective 1) "  # = ( +  .  ). ! +  (  )  "! |829:; − 82 |

(MO) [52] [53] 2) "  # = 10 ∑(8  8     /. 7. ) + 5 ∑(M   8NO 8     /. 7. )
0 P  /. 7.
3) "  # = ( +  .  ). ! +  (  ) + Q ∑62 R X + Q ∑6 R X
4) "  # = ( +  .  ). ! +  (  )
"  # = 1 − 8<"
Z (S? F ? ?[VCDSF\ ]?
"  #Y = ∑62
Table 0. Voltage VAR constraints and their formulations
Constraints Formulations

Power Flow Constraints [54] 1) 42 − 2 − (8, _) = 0 (Active Power Balance Equation)
2) 42 + 2 − 2 − (8, _) = 0 (Reactive Power Balance Equation)
926 9:;
Control Variables Limits [54] 1) 42 ≤ 42 ≤ 42 (Active Power Generation Limits)
2) 842926 ≤ 842 ≤ 842
(PV bus voltage limits)
3) a926 ≤ a ≤ a9:; (Transformer Tap Change Limits)
926 9:;
4) 2 ≤ 2 ≤ 2 (VAR source size limits)
926 9:;
State Variable Limits [54] 1) 42 ≤ 42 ≤ 42 (Reactive Power Generation Limits)
2) 82926 ≤ 82 ≤ 829:; (PQ bus voltage limits)
3) |P# | ≤ P#9:;  (Line Flow Limit)
Other Limits : Power Factor
Constraints, Frequency Constraints etc. [54]

So, basically to deal with Voltage Var problem one can choose The conventional methods used for Voltage Var problem
any objective function from Table 1, and similarly he can include Linear Programming (LP), Non Linear Programming
choose any sets of constraints from Table 2. It requires two sets (NLP), Mixed Integer Non Linear Programming (MINLP), and
of variables and constraints relative to normal state and nose Intelligent Methods such as Simulated Annealing (SA),
point state. It invites many challenges specifically for a large Evolutionary Programming (EP), Tabu Search (TS), Fuzzy
power system with many contingency cases. The other Logic Programming (FLP), and other heuristic Methods. In
difficulty attached to it is candidate location for new shunt VAr general, Heuristic Methods acquire more computing time
devices. The problem can be solved by using Mixed Integer compared to other methods. The classical methods Linear,
Nonlinear Programming (MINLP), but as it involves large Nonlinear, Quadratic and Interior point methods are
computational model, it cannot be used practically [27]. The computationally fast but they easily converge to local minimum.
other solution adapted by researchers is reduce candidate VAr Also they suffer from difficulties in handling discrete variables
sites before preprocessing the optimization by any one the and infeasibility problems. While new methods such as
following method : Sensitivity Index, Weak Bus oriented Evolutionary Algorithm, Genetic Algorithm and Partical Swarm
criterion, Voltage Collapse Prediction Index (VCPI) index [28], Optimization overcome above challenges but they have their
Singular Value Decomposition Method [29], L index [30], Γ own challenges such as higher computational time and
index [27, 31], U/U0 index [27], Voltage Stability Margin and premature convergence. Table 3 provides review of formulations
QV analysis [32]. and specific technique used by different researchers.

Table 3. Computational Methods with Formulations and Specific Contribution and Pros- Cons
Formulas (Objective Function and Constraints) Specific Contribution / Pros- Cons
Non Linear 1) Minimize Total System Reactive Power Generation: - It has global convergence, so convergence is irrelevant to
Programming starting point
(NLP)[55] aM = b M2 (c, 8d , e) - It sometimes suffers from slow convergence due to
2, zigzagging in search direction.
2) Minimize the System Generation Cost: - Different optimal solutions achieved from different starting
point so it can find only local optimal solution.
M = gb -2 (M2 )h + - (M )
3) Minimize the System Real Power Transmission Loss:

d = b 2 (c, 8d , e)
s.t. Operating Constraint on the Control Vector
ci' ≤ c ≤ cj
Operating Constraint on the Dependent Vector
ki' ≤ k ≤ kj
Power Flow Constraint
#( c, k, e) = 0
Mixed Integer #(l) = "  {/ mno p + /  } - It demands a large computational model which is time
Non Linear s.t. 2 = 82 ∑6q, 8q (M2q cos _2q + u2q sin _2q ) consuming and difficult to solve.
Programming 2 = 82 ∑6q, 8q (M2q sin _2q − u2q cos _2q ) ∈y - The method is based on Bender’s decomposition method. It
(MINLP) [54] a2 926 < a2 < a2 mno ∈ y1 generates several sub problems with various stress level. The
842 926 < 842 < 842 mno ∈ yf nonlinear interior point method is used to solve these sub
2 926 < 2 < 2 mno ∈ y
82 926 < 82 < 82 mno ∈ yd
42 926 < 42 < 42 mno ∈ yf
Niching Obj 1: The Pay beck year - Adaptive genetic operators identify multiple optimal
Genetic €1> profiles by several local optima
Algorithm min - = min  „ - It uses Niching Genetic Algorithm, which gives several
 :4TC?E‚ − 96ƒ
(NGA) [56] equally effective solutions and it provides more flexibility to
Obj 2: The Net Present Value of Investment in the Solution
the decision making process.
min - = min ⎛ ⎞

:4TC?E‚ − 96ƒ
− + ∑'
⎝ €1> 6, (1 + )6 ⎠
∑ (&) & ∑
Fuzzy "  ‰ &,,….'Œ a  +  2,,…,' 2 Ž2 - Fuzzy Clustering used to examine the candidate sites for
Clustering, s.t. ∑'
2, Ž2 = y
new VAr devices. It differentiates weakest bus from the group
Gray Code, (&) (&) (&) (&) (&) (&) of buses.
f2 − d2 − l2 ∑q2 lq × 3M2q _2q + u2q  _2q 5 = 0
and (&) (&) (&) (&)
- Modified Gray code applied to generate new ordering
Simulated f2 − 2 Ž2 − d2 − l2 ∑q2 lq(&) × 3M2q  _2q(&) + approach of the VAr capacity interval combinations do that it
Annealing [57] u2q _2q 5 = 0 works well with Piecewise Linear TTC (Qc) function.
(&) (&) (&) - Simulated Annealing used for solution of Reactive Planning
l2 926 ≤ l2 ≤ l2 9:;
(&) (&) (&)
f2 926 ≤ f2 ≤ f2 9:; ∈ yM
(&) (&) (&)
f2 926 ≤ f2 ≤ f2 9:; ∈ yM
(&) (&) (&)
2 926 ≤ 2 ≤ 2 9:;
(&) (&) (&)
−<2q 9:; ≤ <2q ≤ <2q 9:;
(&) (&)
ƒ2p26p ≤ aa 3 5
Penalty min ∑9 ‘
2, 2 + 2
- It is ideal for successively reducing the residual
Successive s.t. ’f&2 − ’“&2 − &2 3”
•– , —
•– , ™˜– 5 = 0, = 1, … … ,  infeasibility vector.
Conic ’&2 − ’“&2 − &2 3”•– , —
• – , ˜™– 5 = 0, = š + 1. . . ,  - The method is faster and gives superior results when
Programming compared to other OPF methods.
&2 ≤ ’&2 ≤ &2
= 1, … , 
(PSCP) [58] - This method is applicable whenever system’s operation is
8’&2926 ≤ 8’&2 ≤ 8’&29:; = 1, … , 
926 9:; described several different scenarios.
&2 ≤ ̂&2 ≤ &2 = 1, … , ƒ

Genetic min 0 ∑S86,pœ − 86 S + 0 P - It is an excellent technique for high speed approximation
Algorithm [59] s.t. 8,926 ≤ 8 ≤ 8,9:; of a solution.
926 ≤  ≤ 9:; - Feasible area is discretely set in a large scale optimization
- Proposed method efficiently adjust voltage of power
distribution system and distributed generation can be
introduced by performing centralized cooperation control of
the power distribution equipment.
Evolutionary "  #d - It has advantages such as Self- Adaption and rotational
Programming s.t. ℎ (, ž) = 0 invariance. It is also more robust, simple and efficient than
Differential 926 ≤  ≤ 9:; other methods.
Evolution ž926 ≤ ž ≤ ž9:; - It requires relatively large populations to counteract the
(DE) [60] pressure of premature convergence caused by the fast
decrease of population diversity which results in higher
calculation time.

This paper aims to consider not only demand, but the source as have discussed the problem under deterministic conditions, and
uncertain parameter. As RERs such as wind power, it might not be suitable for practical power system. The
Photovoltaic, etc., is influenced by meteorological conditions. available literature for uncertain variable load and source also
So, the uncertainties involved by RER should be considered in considered to solve this problem. The formulation given by
an OPF problem. different researchers was studied to come up with best
customized formulation to meet this study requirement. The
VI. O UTCOME FR OM THE R EVIEW formulation selected considers the expected value as well. So,
the formulation gives the optimal value under uncertainty.
A. Selection of OPF Method under uncertainty C. Optimization Formulation
Optimization Methods are reviewed for this paper, and various Voltage Var problem is a nonlinear problem. Various
methods compared against each other on basis of their pros and optimization formulations have with various objective functions
cons, application, complexity, speed, accuracy, robustness and and constraints are studied. The best suitable objective function
their applicability to random variables. The widely used selected and adjustments are made in formulation to
objectives were selected, and their formulations were reviewed accommodate randomness present in the system through
for conventional method to advanced method to conclude the expected value.
best approach for this study. Wide literature for probabilistic D. Further Enhancement Studies
power flow and OPF has been reviewed to conclude that Further studies can be directed by considering storage in
Stochastic Optimization is the best suitable method considering optimization formulation. Bounds can be put on reserve margin,
discussed problem of Voltage/Var control problem under and it can be set as a constraint. Moreover, further reliability
uncertainty. studies can also be carried out by using various reliability
B. Voltage/Var control problem indices. The problem can be extended to include frequency
This problem is discussed by many researchers. The need for control as well. The advanced optimization techniques such as
controlling voltage/var has been discussed, and importance of adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) can also be used.
Voltage Var Optimization (VVO) has been discussed in detail
through Utility Company point of View. After studying the
available literature, it was realized that most of the researchers
VII. C ONCLUSIONS [13] A. Schellenberg, W. Rosehart, and J. A. Aguado, “Cumulant
This paper reviewed the OPF techniques and formulations used based stochastic optimal power flow (S-OPF) for variance
in Renewable Energy Resources (RER) optimization given by optimization,” IEEE PES General Meeting, Jun. 2005.
various researchers, relative pros and cons, applications, [14] M. Carrión, J. M. Arroyo, and N. Alguacil, “Vulnerability-
adaptive for large and complex systems, etc. Thorough and Constrained Transmission Expansion Planning: A Stochastic
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