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Int J Interact Des Manuf (2018) 12:199–214


Research topics and implementation trends on automotive

head-up display systems
J. Alejandro Betancur1 · Jesús Villa-Espinal2 · Gilberto Osorio-Gómez2 ·
Sergio Cuéllar3 · Daniel Suárez1

Received: 17 August 2016 / Accepted: 9 September 2016 / Published online: 22 September 2016
© Springer-Verlag France 2016

Abstract For about 5 years, production of automobiles looking for determining common, converging or diverging,
equipped with head-up display (HUD) systems has continu- evolution parameters in automotive HUD systems. In this
ously grown and this trend will remain for at least three years way, the results exposed the distraction as an outstanding
more from 2014 [7,19]. Therefore, looking for clarifying research topic for these systems, becoming even more cru-
how to orientate future efforts in developing these systems, cial if they are mixed with augmented reality projections,
a systematic analysis approach has been implemented for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) or infotainment
identifying best design practises, common characteristics, systems.
gaps, implementation trends and research topics on automo-
tive HUD systems. The proposed approach is conducted on Keywords Head-up display · Human-machine interface ·
two areas, firstly exploring the current scientific literature Product architecture · Bibliometrics · Patent activity ·
to find the most relevant research topics and understanding Academic activity
how these are evolving. Secondly, a competitive intelligence
analysis was conducted compiling patents related to auto-
motive HUD systems. This analysis was specially oriented 1 Introduction
towards determining, currently and in the near future, basic
product design implementation trends in automotive HUD To define an industrial research project considering only
systems. Finally, the results obtained from both scientific and opinion of experts is not enough to guarantee its success,
technological points of view were compared and commented, since they cannot answer quantitatively all requirements of
an academic research group or of a research and development
B J. Alejandro Betancur department. Instead, it could be better if experts’ knowledge
is focused on finding information about specific requirements
Jesús Villa-Espinal of a customer, in order to solve all possible questions with
precise data. According to this, authors propose to study the
Gilberto Osorio-Gómez evolution of automotive HUD systems, from scientific and
technological points of view, looking for identifying main
Sergio Cuéllar research topics and product implementation trends that could
be useful for further design and development of these sys-
Daniel Suárez tems.
In a general manner, a HUD system is proposed as any
1 Department of Industrial Engineering, Pontificia Universidad transparent display that projects visual information into the
Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia drivers forward-looking visual field [13]. But more specif-
2 Design Engineering Research Group (GRID), ically, it could be also defined as a mean for projecting
Universidad EAFIT, Medellín, Colombia information directly into a human’s visual field, and its func-
3 Innovation Office, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, tional principle is based on optical rules, where an image is
Bogotá, Colombia projected onto a glass window and is partially reflected [1].


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200 Int J Interact Des Manuf (2018) 12:199–214

uate technical and scientific information about the design and

implementation of automotive HUD systems, derived from
different and reliable sources. Besides, results obtained from
this approach could be used not only for this type of auto-
motive systems but also for other enterprise areas in order
to make design decisions, based on both design and market
issues [10,11].
Next section describes the HUD system in automobiles
Fig. 1 Examples of commercial HUD applications (Adapted). a Texas
instrument. b BMW
and its potentialities. Section 3 presents the research objec-
tives and the proposed identification approach with its results.
Therefore, the HUD systems in automobiles allow the driver Finally, some conclusions and further research are presented
to be focused mainly on the road while driving, as shown in Sect. 4.
by some commercial applications of Texas Instruments and
BMW in Fig. 1. 2 Background knowledge
Anyway, it is not clear if the information included in auto-
motive HUD systems and all issues related to its visualisation Active safety systems in automobiles have been a special
are taking into account design guidelines about the field of the research topic for about four decades, and currently they
human machine interface (HMI). Such design information have become one of the mainstays in automotive engineer-
about HUD systems in automobiles is not often presented in ing [7,19]. These safety systems aim at preserving the driver
literature, and related commercial industries do not disclose and passenger integrity during imminent hazard situations,
their design processes. and according to their activation instant these can be clas-
In this way, looking for obtaining more specific informa- sified mainly in two phases: hazard prevention and hazard
tion about the projected information and product architecture mitigation. Now, as a part of the active safety systems, the
(see Fig. 2). From authors’ point of view, the interactive ADAS stand out in the hazard prevention phase; specifically
design is related to the integration of different actors’ opin- the HUD systems, which through some visual stimuli could
ions and technical knowledge during the design process; in reduce the time required by the driver to accomplish the haz-
this way, the proposed approach allows to consider and eval- ard detection and avoidance [4], as it is presented in Fig. 3.

Fig. 2 Some product

Architectures in automotive
HUD systems. a Isolated
combiner for automotive HUD
systems. b Windshield as
combiner for automotive HUD


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Int J Interact Des Manuf (2018) 12:199–214 201

Fig. 3 HUD as an active safety device

Nevertheless, this issue is still matter of discussion and unfamiliar HUD system, should he/she use it? In such cases,
explains why the technical guidelines for the HUD systems does the HUD system really represent a driving assistance?
are constantly being revised. The answer for both questions would be “probably not”, if
Besides, some research studies suggest that this is a head- clear indications for projecting driving information in the
down society, which does not help the driver to keep his/her HUD system are not proposed.
eyes on the road and his/her hands on the wheel, or avoid
eventual distractions [7]. However, this issue can be partially
solved by presenting superimposed images in drivers’ field 3 Methodological approach
of view through a HUD system, which according to different
authors, “helps to reduce the amount of time needed for a The proposed analysis took into account data from both sci-
driver to capture the display information, while maintaining entific publications and patents in order to identify the main
the attention to important events in the outside world” [8]. research trends and technological implementations about
Thalen, et al. exposed the necessity to implement a HUD automotive HUD systems.
system for the enhancement of ADAS, enabling a visual In this way, the analysis approach considers the following
way for drivers to access critical information while keep- steps:
ing their eyes on the road [28]. In this way, if HUD systems
1. Problem understanding
correctly influence driving activities, drivers are not prone
2. Data gathering
to perform actions for which the ADAS is programmed to
3. Data plot
counteract. For example, the last generation of HUD sys-
4. Data classification
tems is based on full Augmented Reality (AR) projections
5. Data analysis
on a real scene, better known as Contact Analogue AR-HUD.
This system proposes to modify the outer environment using
3-dimensional perspective projections varying according to In addition, it is worth noticing that, in both scientific
the driving situation [21]. Such projections are configured and technological vigilance, the search parameters were
according to multiple sensing systems that together define restricted to title, abstract and references fields.
the ADAS, and according to Bosch  its full development
is expected for 2020 [29].
3.1 Problem understanding
Huang et al. analysed the psychological impact generated
on drivers using particular interfaces of automotive HUD
The problem understanding considers the definition of the
systems [15], stating the necessity to know the most impor-
research objectives. For this specific topic, two objectives
tant human factors related to these systems and looking for
were stated:
analysing the familiarity that drivers can acquire by always
using a specific HUD interface.
Additional to the above, it is necessary to understand how – To identify main current scientific topics and product
a driver, who is familiarised with the driving information of design trends, for automotive HUD systems, indicating
a specific HUD system, could experience difficulties while how these are evolving.
using another type of system. Besides, a couple of questions – To relate and compare data for both issues and concluding
arises: If a driver plans to use for a short period of time an about.


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202 Int J Interact Des Manuf (2018) 12:199–214

Table 1 Suggested keywords

Topic Sub-topic (AND) Synonym (OR) Exclusive (NOT)
for searching academic papers
about automotive HUD system “automo*” “hud” “cockp*”
“head$ “driv*” “head$ up” “*craft”
up display$” “user interface$” “ar hud” “avionic$”
“augmented reality” “box hud” “helmet”

3.2 Data gathering 55

3.2.1 Obtaining scientific information

Number of scientific documents


At this point, a scientific vigilance equation was proposed 40

looking for grouping a set of academic papers, from which 35
the main research trends were identified. In this way, a group
of keywords was suggested as a first step and some of them
are presented in Table 11 . 25
Afterwards, three simple academic vigilance equations 20
were defined [see Eqs. (1), (2), (3)] and applied in the
SCOPUS® database using the advanced search option (in
December 2015). 10

“head$ up display$ = 2, 349 academic paper s (1)
“head$ up display$ AN D “driv∗ = 841 academic 1986 1992 1998 2004 2010 2016
Publication year
paper s (2)
“head$ up display$ AN D (“driv ∗ O R “automo∗ ) Fig. 4 Scientific activity related to automotive HUD systems
= 1,009 academic paper s (3)
Table 2 Code specifications for Eq. (4)
This allowed the compilation of all academic papers until Topic Code
2014 and forecasting the data from 2015 until 2016, as it
is proposed by previous studies [3,30]. Then, Eq. (3) was Head-up display G02B27/01
chosen since its search terms were related to automobiles. Arrangement or adaptions of instruments B60K2350/00
On the other hand, the records obtained from the Thomson Mid-console B60R2011/0007
Reuters database-ISI Web of Knowledge (using the Web of Dashboard B60R2011/0005
science Core Collection option) were neglected because all
the papers were also in the SCOPUS database.
Anyway, the results obtained with Eq. (3) were widely dis- Firstly, HUD patents related to automobiles were collected,
persed. Therefore, a human filter was applied, which implies and then, other automotive displays systems as head-down
that all academic papers were examined one by one, as display (HDD), head-down instrument panel (HDIP) display
proposed by Porter et al. [22,23], in order to find more spe- and dashboard were consulted, looking for identifying if any
cific academic papers. In this way, from all the obtained of these systems was related in any way to automotive HUD
results, 466 academic papers were selected. Figure 4 presents systems.
the generation of scientific documents related to automotive With all the records, the search Eq. (4)2 was implemented
HUD systems in time. with its respective code specification presented in Table 2.
3.2.2 Obtaining patent information

Individual search results were acquired from the Thomson AI C = (G02B002701 or B60K 235000 or B60R20110007
innovation database using the international patent classifica-
or B60R20110005) (4)
tion (IPC) and the cooperative patent classification (CPC).

1 Truncation symbols: *=zero or more characters; $= zero or one char- 2 AIC is a section of Thomson Innovation database that allows an inte-
acter grated searching between the IPC and CPC.


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Int J Interact Des Manuf (2018) 12:199–214 203

300 (a)

Number of scientific publications


Number of patent families


200 20


150 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016
Publicaon year
Driver interfaces and driver behaviour
100 Opcal design and product architecture
Imaging and informaon processing applicaons

Number of scientific publications

50 40
0 20
1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016
Priority year 10
Fig. 5 Patent activity related to automotive HUD systems 0
1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016
Publicaon year
Driver interfaces and driver behavior
Opcal design and product architecture
Imaging & informaon processing applicaons

Fig. 7 Scientific clusters evolution in HUD systems. a Results

obtained with the software VP. b Results manually obtained

main clusters were analysed from the semantic point of view

using the Vantage Point (VP) software® and from the inter-
pretation of the authors, in order to compare how software
and authors considerations could diverge.
Fig. 6 Graphic representation of scientific data clusters
3.3.1 Scientific graphs

This allowed to explore all possible records related to Three main groups of keywords were identified from the
HUD systems focused toward automotive applications, with- obtained scientific documents, and named as follows: (1)
out making hundreds of trials, in order to find the expected Imaging and information processing applications, (2) driver
results, and in this way, 2275 groups of patent families were interfaces and driver behaviour, (3) optical design and prod-
obtained. Therefore, using this equation the obtained results uct architecture. These results are presented in Fig. 6.
were definitively more dispersed, but there was more chance According to the identified clusters a time-history evolu-
to find the required records examining each patent one by tion is presented in Fig. 7a using the results obtained from the
one. Consequently, 710 groups of patent families were iden- software VP and all the academic papers manually classified
tified with direct relation to automotive industry. in Fig. 7b.
Figure 5 presents the number of patents related to auto- From now on, the incoming procedures and analysis were
motive HUD systems in time. proposed using only the type of data included in Fig. 7b.

3.3 Data plot 3.3.2 Technological graphs

At this stage, the first step considered the generation of Two main groups of keywords were identified from the
graphic clusters where the different keywords of the obtained obtained patents, and named as follows: (1) driver interaction
results are represented by circles whose diameter varies and (2) product design architectures trends. These results are
according to the number of related documents. Additionally, presented in Fig. 8.
a colour is assigned to every circle according to its correla- According to the identified clusters, a time-history evolu-
tion with other keywords in order to identify groups. Next, tion is presented in Fig. 9a using the results obtained from


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204 Int J Interact Des Manuf (2018) 12:199–214

(a) 300


Number of patent families





1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016
Fig. 8 Graphic representation of technological data clusters
Priority year
Product architecture Driving interacon

the software VP and all the patents manually classified in (b) 200
Fig. 9b; confirming in this way the growing implementation 180
trends of automotive HUD systems. Anyway, it is necessary Number of patent families 160
to identify how the selected topics are evolving inside these
systems. 140

According to Fig. 9b the patent activity related to the prod- 120

uct architecture is about 60 % higher than the patent activity 100
related to driver interaction. Therefore, this technological
analysis is focused mainly on the HUD product architecture 80

characteristics, and secondly on the HUD driving interaction 60

systems and information. 40


3.4 Data classification 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016
Priority year
This step defines some criteria to classify obtained results Product architecture Driving interacon
according to relevance and common topics. Outcomes of the Fig. 9 Technological clusters evolution in HUD system. a Results
classification for scientific and technological data are pre- obtained with the VP Software. b Results manually obtained
sented in Sect. 3.5 along with related comments and analysis.

In this way, in terms of forward and backward citations3 ,

the most important academic papers in every cluster were
3.4.1 Scientific classification identified applying the following restrictions:

For all of the above-mentioned clusters, the most novel aca-

– Only academic papers with publication year between
demic papers were obtained computing the mathematical
2008 and 2015 were considered.
difference between the publication date of every single paper
– An academic paper is considered more important with
and the median publication date of its references (backward
higher forward citation.
citations), so-called “article life cycle”. In this way, most
– For academic papers with the same forward citation,
novel academic papers of every cluster are those whose dif-
backward citation became the tiebreaker criteria.
ferences were below the median of their respective article life
cycle (optical design and product architecture: 5 years, imag- 3 “A backward citation is the term used for a traditional citation: it
ing & information processing applications: 6 years, driver
is the document that was published earlier, and which appears on the
interfaces and driver behaviour: 6.25 years) and above 1 year newer document’s front page. In turn, the newer document is called the
(for all the clusters). forward citation or citing document” [17].


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Int J Interact Des Manuf (2018) 12:199–214 205

Table 3 Considered product

Item Global HUD characteristic Description
architecture and driving
interaction trends about 1 Included/adapted/both It considers whether the
automotive HUD systems automotive HUD system is
included by default in the
automobile, or it can be adapted
or interchangeable between
2 Polychromatic/monochromatic/both It considers whether the projected
information is polychromatic or
monochromatic. Or also, if the
information is projected using a
mix of monochromatic and
polychromatic systems
3 Windshield/combiner It considers whether the
information is projected directly
on the windshield or it uses other
type of combiner
4 Full-windshield/covering When the automotive HUD system
limited areas uses the windshield as a
combiner, it is considered
whether the image is projected
on the whole windshield, or it is
projected in a limited area
5 Flat projection/augmented It is related to the type of
reality projection/contact implemented projection
analog projection
6 Mono-projection/multi- It describes if the image is
projection/both projected in different planes by
the optical system
7 Dynamic information/static It describes whether the projected
information/both graphics are physical invariant
(static), continuously changing
(dynamic) or a mix between both
8 Outer information/inner It describes what type of
information/both information is projected and
whether it is linked to the ADAS
technologies, infotainment
systems or both
9 Safety oriented/luxury It considers whether the projected
oriented/both information is oriented towards
driver safety, luxury or both
10 Handled by haptic It describes the interaction between
inputs/handled by voice the driver inputs and the HUD
inputs/both system

Table 4 Most outstanding

Rank Title of the article Forward citations Backward
articles in the proposed “driver
(normalised) citations
interfaces and driver behaviour”
cluster 1 Efficient information 0.0533 5
representation method for
driver-centered AR-HUD
system [20]
2 A careful driver is one who 0.0400 10
looks in both directions
when he passes a red light


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206 Int J Interact Des Manuf (2018) 12:199–214

Number of scientific publication related to 35 3.4.2 Technological classification

30 Patent classification is based on implementation trends of

the Human factors keyword

automotive HUD systems according to the two groups iden-

25 tified in Sect. 3.3.2; consequently, ten characteristics were
defined in Table 3.
20 Characteristics from 1 to 6 are related to the HUD product
architecture, and characteristics from 7 to 10 are specially
15 focused towards the analysis of the driving interaction in
HUD interfaces.
3.5 Data analysis
The final step of the proposed approach started with the
0 analysis of the most important cluster for both scientific and
1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 technological data, identified in Sect. 3.3, and considering
Publication year the results of the classification method proposed in Sect. 3.4.
Human factors _vp Human factors_cl At the end, the evolution dynamic of the obtained results is
(b) 20
Number of scientific publications related to

3.5.1 Driver interfaces and driver behaviour
the Driving simulator keyword


For scientific data, it was proposed an analysis about the
“driver interfaces and driver behaviour” cluster, mainly due
12 to its evolution observed in Fig. 7. Consequently, an analysis
10 focused on the concepts of the most outstanding keywords
involved in this cluster was carried out.
The main two documents related to this cluster were iden-
6 tified using the proposed classification approach, and the
4 obtained results are presented in Table 4 and analysed as
Article Rank 1. Park and Kim used different information
0 display locations and representations, in order to estimate
1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016
the situational driver awareness and his/her mental workload
Publication year
while facing safety-related road events, and evaluating the
Driving simulator _vp Driving simulator_cl
cognitive usability and visibility of drivers using a driving
Fig. 10 Keywords evolution for the driver interfaces and driver behav- simulator, an eye tracking, and a HUD system with ADAS
iour cluster. a Evolution of the keyword “human factor”. b Evolution information [20].
of the keyword “driving simulator” In this way, the main objective of this paper is focused on
research types of graphic interfaces that allow a faster driver
Forward citations were normalised, with Eq. (5), avoiding recognition; identifying how an efficient graphic information
any kind of preference for the oldest publications. representation in AR-HUD affects the driver performance,
safety, understanding and workload.
Fcn = Qca/T Qca (5) Then, according to the previous comments, there is a
strong research focus on determining the driver reaction time
where: when using different HUD interfaces either from the visual
Fcn = forward citations (normalised). or the haptic point of view. This is directly correlated with
Qca = quantity of forward citations by academic paper. the driver distraction when facing potential risk situations,
TQca = total quantity of forward citations by the year the and how the safety systems as the ADAS could modify the
academic paper was published. driver responses during these situations.


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Int J Interact Des Manuf (2018) 12:199–214 207

Table 5 Specific keywords for

Cluster Main keyword Specific keyword Concept
the driver interfaces and driver
behaviour cluster Driver interfaces and Human factors Reaction time Time to take decisions during
driver behaviour analysis driving situations [20]
Distraction Driver glances, which could not
be focused toward the frontal
driving scene [2]
Driving simulator Infotainment Information provided by the
HMI in automobiles.
However, this definition
covers all information inside
the automobile, therefore here
this concept is only applied to
the HUD
configurations [6]
ADAS Automotive safety systems that
enhance the driver responses
while facing potential risk
situations [28]

Table 6 Top articles of the

Rank Title of the article Forward citations Backward citations
proposed specific keywords for
the “driver interfaces and driver Reaction time
behaviour” cluster
1 Multimodal threat cueing in 0.0422 109
simulated combat vehicle
with tactile information
switching between threat
and waypoint indication
2 The method of 3D 0.0099 11
information display for
automobile HUD [25]
1 A novel active heads-up 0.5135 7
display for driver
assistance [9]
2 A brain-computer interface 0.0170 3
in the context of a head up
display system [5]
1 Sight analysis with 0.0405 131
RAMSIS cognitive: Step
II [24]
2 A careful driver is one who 0.0400 10
looks in both directions
when he passes a red light
- increased demands in
urban traffic [12]
1 Alerting the drivers about 0.0540 3
road signs with poor
visual saliency [26]
2 A system design for 0.040 5
automotive augmented
reality using stereo night
vision [14]


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208 Int J Interact Des Manuf (2018) 12:199–214

Cumulated number of scientific

publications related to the 120 noticing how configurations of infotainment technologies are
keywords: Reaction time,
Distraction, ADAS and
100 considered as crucial for the inclusion of HUD systems in
40 3.5.2 Scientific dynamic
0 Taking into account how the “Driver interfaces and driver
1986 1996 2006 2016
behaviour” cluster is evolving, it is proposed an analysis
Publication year
focused on some of its most representative keywords.
Reaction time_cl Distraction_cl ADAS_cl Infotainment_cl
In this way, according to Fig. 6 the most outstanding
Fig. 11 Cumulated keyword evolution comparison keywords in the above-mentioned cluster are: “Human fac-
tors” and “Driving simulator”, and their evolution in time is
presented in Fig. 10, considering results obtained with the
Article Rank 2. Götze et al. proposed to summarise all the software VP (_vp sub-index) and results manually filtered
HMI requirements for automotive HUD systems, instrument with the authors criteria (_cl sub-index).
cluster systems (specially the infotainment) and accelera- Then, according to Sect. 3.5.1, from the driver understand-
tion force pedal systems. In this way, from a qualitative ing standpoint, some specific keywords were selected and
and quantitative point of view, 150 HMI requirements from their associated concepts are indicated in Table 5.
different academic sources and normative were extracted For each specific keyword, the classification approach pro-
and classified according to the above-mentioned systems. posed in Sect. 3.4.1 was applied in order to identify the two
This is very useful testing the driver responses during HUD most relevant articles related to them. These results are pre-
usage [12]. sented in Table 6. The median of the Article Life Cycles for
Therefore, regarding the automotive HUD systems, some each keyword is: 8 years for “Reaction time”, 7 years for
characteristic as minimum and optimal character height, “Distraction”, 7.5 years for “Infotainment” and 6.5 years for
display duration of road sign shown, maximum number of “ADAS”.
colours, luminance values, animations and warnings restric- The academic publication “A novel active heads-up dis-
tions, among others are discussed. According to this paper, play for driver assistance” [9] (forward citation = 0,5135),
there is a big interest in analysing how in-vehicle systems of the distraction keyword, could be considered as the most
are evolving to impact positively the driver safety, regard- outstanding document. Additionally, considering the evolu-
ing to driving interfaces. Finally, in this research it is worth tion rate across the time for each specific keyword, with the

(a) (b)
publications related to the

publications related to the

Reaction Time keyword

Number of scientific

Number of scientific

Distraction keyword

5 15
3 10
2 5
0 0
1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 1986 1992 1998 2004 2010 2016
Publication year Publication year
Reaction time_cl Reaction time_vp Distraction_cl Distraction_vp

(c) (d)
Number of scintific publications
publications related to the

related to the Infotainment

Number of scientific

10 50
ADAS keyword

8 40

6 30
4 20
2 10
0 0
1986 1992 1998 2004 2010 2016 1986 1992 1998 2004 2010 2016
Publication year Publication year
ADAS_cl ADAS_vp Infotainment_cl Infotainment_vp

Fig. 12 Evolution in time of specific Keywords in scientific data. a Reaction time. b Distraction. c ADAS. d Infotainment


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Int J Interact Des Manuf (2018) 12:199–214 209

Table 7 Implementation value for every single HUD characteristic in automotive industry
Year Characteristic 1 Value (%) Characteristic 2 Value (%) Characteristic 3 Value (%)

2010 39.47 60.53

2016 Included 44.72 Adapted 55.28
2018 43.44 56.56

2010 65.00 35.00 0.00

2016 Polychromatic 64.47 Monochromatic 16.15 Both 19.38
2018 67.22 15.01 17.77

2010 27.03 72.97

2016 Windshield 45.73 Combiner 54.27
2018 46.60 53.40

2010 0.00 100.00

2016 Full-windshield 15.94 Covering limited areas 84.06
2018 15.03 84.97

2010 90.48 4.76 4.76

2016 Flat projection 54.20 Augmented reality 35.65 Contact Analog 10.15
2018 51.22 38.51 10.27

2010 57.14 42.86 0.00

2016 Mono-projection 58.15 Multi-projection 32.12 Both 9.73
2018 60.73 30.38 8.89

2010 18.52 40.74 40.74

2016 Dynamic Information 24.26 Static Information 46.35 Both 29.40
2018 24.54 45.70 29.76

2010 38.46 38.46 23.08

2016 Outer information 24.37 Inner Information 23.93 Both 51.70
2018 23.41 22.09 54.50

2010 82.86 5.71 11.43

2016 Safety Oriented 75.86 Luxury Oriented 14.43 Both 9.71
2018 73.51 16.04 10.44

2010 66.67 16.67 16.67

2016 Handled by haptic inputs 77.17 Handled by voice inputs 18.80 Both 4.03
2018 77.64 17.50 4.86

Table 8 Proposed automotive HUD system

Item Feature Global HUD characteristics Specific HUD

1 Type of automobile Included/adapted Adaptable to any automobile

2 Projection color Polychromatic/monochromatic/both Polychromatic
3 Type of combiner Windshield/external combiner Windshield as a combiner


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210 Int J Interact Des Manuf (2018) 12:199–214

Table 8 continued
Item Feature Global HUD characteristics Specific HUD

4 Length of projection Full-windshield/covering limited areas Covering limited areas

5 Type of projection Flat projection/augmented reality Flat projection, but AR is taken as a future
projection/contact analog projection promise
6 Number of projection planes Mono-projection/multi-projection/both Mono projection but multi-projection systems are
7 Type of projection Dynamic projection/static projection/both Static projection but dynamic projection systems
are rising
8 Type of projected information Outer information/inner information/both
9 Type of product orientation Safety oriented/luxury/both Safety oriented information is fully implemented,
but luxury information seems to be growing
10 Type of interface Handled by haptic inputs/handled by Haptic inputs are broadly implemented, but voice
voice inputs/both inputs are been implemented strongly

selection criterion of the authors, the distraction keyword is

the most relevant, as it is shown in Fig. 11.
(a) 70 The time-evolution of the number of academic papers
related to the proposed specific keywords is presented in Fig.
60 12.
Adapted Academic articles presented in Table 6 where analysed in
Number of patent families

50 order to identify important aspects related to the design and

Safety oriented test of automotive HUD systems.
40 Firstly, in these articles there are different methods for
Included measuring the driver reaction time (among other driver
30 responses) when presenting visual stimuli in his/her field
Covering limited
of view. Commonly, for measuring the driver reaction time
during any task identification, a button is suggested, but
reality there are studies that uses eye and pupil tracking, or even
neurological instances. However, the easiest way seems to
be asking test subjects for pressing a button when he/she
Product design characteristics sees an specific stimuli on the HUD image projection while
(b) 300
On the other hand, the quantity of information included
Number of patent families (accumulated)

in the automobiles has grown considerably, especially in the

250 last decade, in one way by the dashboard evolution (vehicle
Adapted information, infotainment, active safety supports, etc.), by
200 the enhancement and popularisation of the ADAS, but espe-
Included cially by the usage of external infotainment devices (smart
150 phones and tablets). Therefore, some questions about the cog-
Flat projection
nitive effects produced in drivers by that such a quantity of
100 information have raised, for instance: how handling an ever
Safety oriented
larger quantity of information while driving could influence
50 Covering limited negatively the driver attention?, which in-vehicle functions
areas could affect negatively the driver behaviour?, etc. In this way,
0 for automotive industries, it is strongly necessary to compre-
2010 2012 2014 2016 hend how these interface issues could negatively impact the
Priority year driving safety. According to the above, some authors pro-
Fig. 13 Product design characteristics vs. number of families of pose to analyse the drivers’ eye glance and movements while
patents, in 2016. a Number of patent families. b Number of patent performing conjointly a given in-vehicle task and a driving
families (accumulated)


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Int J Interact Des Manuf (2018) 12:199–214 211

(a) (b) (c) 25

70 25

Number of patent families

Number of patent families

Number of patent families

20 20
40 15 15

30 10 10
5 5
0 0 0
1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016
Priority year Priority year Priority year
Adapted Included Monochromac Polichromac Both Windshield Combiner

(d) (e) (f) 30

40 35

Number of patent families

Number of patent families
Number of patent families

35 30 25
30 25
20 15
15 10
10 10
5 5
0 0 0
1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016
Priority year Priority year Priority year
Full-windshield Covering limited areas Flat projecon AR projecon CA projecon Mul-projecon Mono-projecon Both

Fig. 14 Evolution of Product Architecture in automotive HUD systems. a Adapted/included. b Monochromatic/polichromatic/both. c Wind-
shield/combiner. d Full-windshield/limited areas. e Flat/AR-HUD/CaHUD. f Multi-projection/mono-projection/both

manoeuvre. And in this way, to identify which functions of As reported by Table 7, the HUD system that seems to
an automotive HMI could produce a negative effect on the be less implemented is included by automotive enterprises
driver behaviour. Therefore, the HUD systems appear in the or original equipment manufacturers. Also, monochromatic
automotive context as one of the best performing displays for systems are less implemented for the constantly changing
interaction in a safety way with the ADAS, dashboard and automotive industries. Regarding Windshield and Multi-
infotainment devices. projection characteristics, it is important to note that these
From patents classification, ten HUD characteristics have characteristics are currently being explored from a cognitive
been identified in Table 3. Currently and in the near future and functional point of view [6], but beside their impact on
(2018), from the product architecture point of view, the the patent generation could be modest, their applications and
implementation of automotive HUD systems are mostly possibilities makes them strongly recommended for applica-
focused towards to be: adaptable to any automobile, poly- tion in automotive industries [12].
chromatic, with isolated combiners, covering limited areas, Once the evolution of the product architecture and driving
with flat-projections and mono-projections. interaction in the automotive HUD systems is clarified, it is
On the other hand, from the driver interaction point of possible to identify and propose its changes and improve-
view, the implementation of automotive HUD systems are ments. In this way, the authors propose a HUD system from
focused to be: static information, outer and inner information, an automotive commercial point of view with its functional
safety oriented and haptically oriented. characteristics presented in Table 8.
Considering the selected characteristics presented in Table
3.5.3 Product design definition 8, Fig. 13 presents the product design characteristics that
put together biggest quantity of patent families in 2016. The
According to the above, these implementation trends will “adapted” characteristic shows an outstanding current and
vary as it is shown in Table 7. This details crucial design future implementation trend.
information when defining basically any automotive HUD On the other hand, from the driver interaction point of view
system. the most included information in HUD systems is related to


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212 Int J Interact Des Manuf (2018) 12:199–214

(a) (b) (c)

25 35 60
Number of patent families

Number of patent families

Number of patent families

30 50
15 20
10 15
5 10
0 0 0
1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016
Priority year Priority year Priority year
Dynamic information Static information Both Outer information Inner information Both Safety oriented Luxury oriented Both

Number of patent families




1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016
Priority year
Handled hapically Handled by voice Both

Fig. 15 Evolution of driver interaction configurations applied to automotive HUD systems. a Dynamic/static/both. b Outer info/inner info/both.
c Safety/luxury/both. d Handled hapically/handled voice/both

collision warning systems, traffic sign recognition systems, 60

Number of patent families

and pedestrian detection systems. These were identified from 50

a trend group analysis carried out using the VP software. 40
Also, mainly from the infotainment side, the most used infor-
mation is related to the vehicle speed, revolutions per minute,
navigation and road information. 20
Nevertheless, there are not specific control trends for inter- 10
acting with the information projected by the automotive HUD
systems; therefore, the present analysis just identified some 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
of the most common interaction controls as: keypads, track- Set characteriscs
balls, switches, dimmers, touch pads, microphones, among
Fig. 16 Number of patents grouped by HUD characteristics

3.5.4 Patent dynamic Fig. 14 for characteristics related to Product Architec-

ture, and in Fig. 15 for characteristics related to Driving
Then, from the previous 710 patents families, a subgroup of Interaction.
347 was classified according to the product design character- Additionally, it must be noted that most of the patents are
istics indicated in Table 3. Then, using demand forecasting not focused in just one characteristic but at least in 5 or more
theories since 2015 until 2016, the evolution of these char- of them. This behaviour is observed in Fig. 16 and supported
acteristics in automotive HUD systems is presented in by data presented in Table 10.


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Int J Interact Des Manuf (2018) 12:199–214 213

Table 9 Implementation trends of design characteristics in automotive HUD systems

Characteristics 2010–2016 (%) Characteristics 2016–2018 (%)

Augmented reality 30.89 Augmented reality 2.86

Both outer and inner information 28.62 Both outer and inner information 2.81
Both polychromatic and monochromatic 19.38 Polychromatic 2.75
Windshield 15.94 Mono-projection 2.58
Full-windshield 15.94 Luxury Oriented 1.61
Handled by haptic inputs 10.51 Adapted 1.28
Both mono projection and multiprojection 9.73 Covering limited areas 0.91
Luxury oriented 8.72 Windshield 0.87
Dynamic information 5.74 Both handled by haptic inputs and by voice 0.83
Static information 5.61 Both safety and luxury oriented 0.73

Table 10 Characteristics most applied on HUD system be coherent.

Characteristics % According to the above, it was possible to identify
key information about these systems, which becomes
Adapted 40.0 strongly difficult to extract doing traditional information
Included 36.0 database analysis, where only academic and/or scientific
Both outer and inner information 12.0 data are considered without a context.
Augmented reality projection 8.0 This is an advantage for enterprises, research institutes,
Outer information 4.0 among others, that are aware about the impact automo-
tive HUD systems will have in the near future, but do not
know the current hot research and development issues.
4 Conclusions In summary, with this proposed methodological approach,
it was possible to match the scientific and technological
– The scientific analysis about automotive HUD systems points of views toward common research issues in auto-
shows the current importance of researches related to motive HUD systems, using the experience of the authors
driver interfaces and driver behaviour analyses, specif- as the main information filter.
ically to distraction, reaction time, ADAS and infotain- – There is a big quantity of studies focused on analysing
ment in this respective order. On the other hand, from how the automotive HUD market is growing, looking for
the patent analysis and according to the importance of proposing a market forecast [16,27]. Therefore, it is clear
the technological characteristics presented in Table 7, that in the near future this technology will be broadly
authors identified the implementation trends of the design implemented in automotive industry, but the new ques-
characteristics in automotive HUD systems considering tion would be how to implement them.
data from 2010 until 2016 and forecasting data from 2016 This can be inferred by looking at the technological road
to 2018, as it is presented in Table 9. maps about HUD systems in automotive industries, but
According to the above, from both the scientific and tech- there are not precise data about or estimated values about
nological points of view, currently an interesting research how to implement them. In this sense, this paper proposes
topic could be oriented towards decreasing the driving a way to take into account not the market but the HUD
distraction using HUD systems with AR-projections,or product architecture, in order to define quantitative and
implementing ADAS technologies, as proposed by Table qualitative design guidelines for designing or selecting
9. an automotive HUD system. This kind of analysis could
– From the scientific and technological information gather- be implemented as a business evaluation methodology, in
ing approach, the proposed methodological approach has order to specify exactly how much a specific automotive
been implemented by previous researches [3,22,23,30] HUD system is at the forefront. In the same way, extrap-
that use a data-mining software to extract information olating the data obtained from the proposed analysis, it
about specific topics. Nevertheless, this paper was also could be possible to identify in how much time a current
developed by experts with more than 10 year of expertise HUD system could be outdated.
in automotive HUD systems, which allow to select from – The implementation of several characteristics when
the previous approach just the information that seems to designing an automotive HUD system is a very clear indi-


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