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1. Why is the USA called " a nation of nations"?

2. What are major serious problems of immigrants to the US? How

should such problems be solved?
3. What do you think about a society which is like a melting pot/
mosaic? Should the US be a melting pot or a mosaic?
4. What are minor differences between American English and British
English? Give specific examples.
5. What is the English Only Movement? What are its good and bad
points, in your opinion?
6. What period of the US history is your concern? Why?
7. What were the causes and the effects of the American Civil War?
8. Give your comment on the three branches of the US Government?
9. What are the US President's powers?
10. Compare and contrast the US Education System with the
Vietnamese one briefly.
11. What is your favorite family pattern? What are its good and bad
12. What are the attitudes of American people and of foreigners to
the US media?
13. What is the most popular of the US media? Why?
14. How do American people observe their federal holidays?
15. Describe ONE holiday/ festival in the US you know well. How
important is it to American people?

1. Why is the USA called " a nation of nations"?

- The United States was built, in part, by immigrants. Today, 14 percent
of the country's residents are foreign-born, more than half of whom are
naturalized U.S. citizens. Nearly 70% of all immigrants come from a
variety of backgrounds across the globe. Hence America become a multi-
racial multi-cultural country. Americans today are vastly more diverse
than ever. They look different, speak different languages, practice
different religions, eat different foods, and enjoy different cultures.
2. What are major serious problems of immigrants to the US? How
should such problems be solved?
- The major serious problem of immigrants to the US is: The problem of
- The government needs to take strong action against violent acts
related to racism.
3. What do you think about a society which is like a melting pot/
mosaic? Should the US be a melting pot or a mosaic?
- Mosaic: is the mix of ethnic groups, languages and cultures that co-
exist within society. The idea of a cultural mosaic is intended to
champion an ideal of multiculturalism.
- Melting pot: is a metaphor for a heterogeneous society becoming more
homogenous the different elements "melting together" into a
harmonious whole with a common culture.
- The US should be a mosaic. The United States was built, in part, by
immigrants—and the nation has long been the beneficiary of the new
energy and ingenuity that immigrants bring. Today, multiculturalism is
becoming a standard instead of assimilating to the new environment.
The old “melting pot” image is giving way to a new mosaic image.
Therefore, immigrants are not blending in one “pot,” but instead they
are transforming America society into a truly multicultural mosaic.
4. What are minor differences between American English and British
English? Give specific examples.
- There are 3 differences:
+ Grammar:
Example: The British are also more likely to use formal speech,
such as ‘shall’, whereas Americans favour the more informal ‘will’ or
+ Vocabulary - differences in nouns and verbs, especially phrasal verb
usage and the names of specific tools or items

Example: American English: Don't be so mean to your sister!

British English: She's so mean she won't even pay for a
cup of tea.
+ Spelling - differences are generally found in certain prefix and suffix
Examples: of words that end in -or in American English and -our in
British English: color/colour, humor/humour, flavor/flavour

5. What is the English Only Movement? What are its good and bad
points, in your opinion?
- The English-only Movement , also known as the Official English
movement, is the largest national, non-partisan, non-profit citizens'
action group dedicated to preserving the unifying role of the English
language in the United States. It is a political movement that advocates
for the use of only the English language in official United States
government operations through the establishment of English as the only
official language in the United States.
- In my opinion:
Good point:
+ Immigrants are Encouraged to Learn English.
+ This will Promote Unity.
+ It will Protect the English Language.
Bad points:
+ This will Restrict Free Speech.
+ Discrimination among Minorities.
+ Promotes Division Instead of Unity.
6. What period of the US history is your concern? Why?
- I am most interested in the period: The United States grew to be one of
the great powers in the world. The nation fought in the First World War.
After the war women got the right to vote for the first time.
- Because: This historical period has contributed to the enhancement of
the values and rights of women. And has affirmed America's position in
the world.
7. What were the causes and the effects of the American Civil War ( nội
- There were 2 main causes:
+ The first was the issue of slavery ( chế độ nô lệ) : should
Africans ( ngừi châu phi) who had been brought by force to the US be
used as slaves.
+ The second was the issue of states’ rights ( quyền của tiểu bang)
: should the US federal government be more powerful than the
governments of individual states.
-The effects:
+ Differences between North (B) and South ( N) are still strong.
+ Blacks were still being treated badly, and race relations ( mối
quan hệ chủng tộc) continue to be a problem.
+ The war showed strong differences between parts of the US, but
many people believe that the most important thing it did was to prove
that the US is one country.

8. Give your comment on the three branches of the US

- There are 3 branches of Government : the legislative, the executive, and
the juducial. Each branch has different functions and power under
principle of separation of power.
+ The legislative branch is called Congress. It is the responsibility of
Congress to propose and pass law. Congress can refuse to approve
Presidential appointments and can override a Presidential veto.
+ The executive branch is the responsibitily of executive to enforce laws.
The President belongs to the executive branch.
+ The juducial branch explains anh interprets laws makes decisions in
lawsuit. It has power over the other 2 branches because it can declare
their law and actions unconstitutional.
9. What are the US President's powers?
The Constitution explicitly assigns the president the power to sign
or veto legislation, command the armed forces, ask for the written
opinion of their Cabinet, convene or adjourn Congress, grant reprieves
and pardons, and receive ambassadors. The president shall take care
that the laws are faithfully executed and the president has the power to
appoint and remove executive officers. The president may
make treaties, which need to be ratified by two-thirds of the Senate, and
is accorded those foreign-affairs functions not otherwise granted to
Congress or shared with the Senate. Thus, the president can control the
formation and communication of foreign policy and can direct the
nation's diplomatic corps. The president may also appoint Article III
judges and some officers with the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate.
In the condition of a Senate recess, the president may make a temporary
Hiến pháp chỉ định rõ ràng cho tổng thống quyền ký hoặc phủ quyết luật,
chỉ huy các lực lượng vũ trang, xin ý kiến bằng văn bản của Nội các của
họ, triệu tập hoặc hoãn Quốc hội, ban lệnh ân xá và tiếp nhận đại sứ.
Tổng thống sẽ quan tâm đến việc các luật được thực thi một cách trung
thực và tổng thống có quyền bổ nhiệm và cách chức các quan chức hành
pháp. Tổng thống có thể đưa ra các hiệp ước cần được 2/3 Thượng viện
phê chuẩn và được trao các chức năng đối ngoại mà Quốc hội không cấp
hoặc chia sẻ với Thượng viện theo cách khác. Do đó, tổng thống có thể
kiểm soát việc hình thành và truyền đạt chính sách đối ngoại và có thể
chỉ đạo các đoàn ngoại giao của quốc gia. Tổng thống cũng có thể bổ
nhiệm các thẩm phán Điều III và một số viên chức với sự cố vấn và đồng
ý của Thượng viện Hoa Kỳ. Trong điều kiện Thượng viện giải lao, tổng
thống có thể đưa ra một cuộc hẹn tạm thời.

10. Compare and contrast the US Education System with the

Vietnamese one briefly.

United State Vietnam

- Most students go to school at 5- Students go to school at 7 years
years old, some go to school at old.
7 years old. - 2 types of schools : public
- 2 type of schools : public schools and private schools.
schools and private schools. - The academic year will start in
- The academic year will start in late August or early September
September to June next year. to the end of May next year.
- Elementary : Students study 3- Elementary : Students study 2
main subjects: read, write and main subjects : Vietnamese and
arithmetic. arithmetic.
- School level: 3 levels : - School level: 3 levels:
+ Elementary : Grade: 1-6, age: + Primary school: grade: 1-5,
5-12 age: 6-11
+ Junior high school: Grade: 7-8, + Secondary school: grade: 6-9,
age: 13-14 age: 12-15
+ High school: grade: 9-12, age: + High school: grade: 10-12, age
15-18 :16-18

⇨ American high school students who want to study at a college or

university have to take a standardized test, eg the SAT, the ACT.
Overseas students must also take the TOEFL.
11. What is your favorite family pattern? What are its good and bad
My favorite family pattern is nuclear family.
- Development of Personality: Children are more close to their parents
and can share with their parents those problems that they faced and
need to advise to deal with them. Therefore, children have more
chances to develop a comprehensive way.
- The condition of woman is better than extended families: She gets
enough time to look after her children. She also gets time to plan and
manage her house according to her own idea. There is no interference of
elders (sự can thiệp của người lớn) . Her husband can also devote ( dành
thời gian) more attention to the wife in nuclear family.
- Less number of children: the members of nuclear family have to plan
and limit their family as they have to bear all the responsibilities ( chịu
mọi trách nhiệm) and expenses ( chi phí) themselves to care their
- There is no shifting of responsibility like in extended family: parents
have to take responsibility for their children by themselves.
-> There is no misunderstanding and they enjoy a harmonious
atmosphere ( không khí hài hòa) by living together.

- Parents work outside, and children could be neglected by the servants.
They feel lonely and emotionally insecure.
- If members can't share the household, women must be completion
household tasks alone, they will feel terrible and tend to want the
divorce to rescue themself.

12. What are the attitudes of American people and of foreigners to

the US media?
- Americans believe 62 percent of the news they see on television, read
in newspapers and hear on the radio is biased ( thành kiến) . In addition,
Americans tend to think the majority of news reporting is accurate
( chính xác) , but they still believe a substantial percentage ( tỷ lệ phần
trăm đáng kể) of it, 44 percent, is inaccurate.
- Foreigners closely follow news about the United States, according to a
new Pew Research Center report.
Across 37 countries surveyed in the spring of 2017, a media of 48% say
they closely follow news about the U.S, compared with 50% who do not.
For the most part, people in the countries surveyed who have a
favorable view ( quan điểm= thuận lợi) of the U.S. are no more likely
than those with an unfavorable view to closely follow events in the U.S.

13. What is the most popular of the US media? Why?

- The US has the most highly-developed mass media ( phương tiện
truyền thông đại chúng) in the world. There are 4 main medias :
Televison, radio, newspaper, internet. Televison is America’s most
popular. The 4 major commercial Tv network are ABC, CBS, NBC and
Fox. American radio broadcasts in two bands: FM and AM. National
Public Radio is the nation's primary public radio network, but most
radio stations are commercial ( thương mại) and profit-oriented
( định hướng lợi nhuận). The US has only one national newspaper,
USA Today. There are 2 kind of newspaper : printed newspaper and
electric newspaper. Print newspapers are getting less and less, while
electronic newspapers are developing strongly. The internet is
growing stronger. It is popular with everyone, especially young
people and social activists. People use the Internet for a variety of
purposes such as learning, information and entertainment.
⇨ American attitude toward media : depend heavily on US media 🡺
State has income( thu thập). Producer, artists,etc rely on media to
promote their products, bringing them closer to the public.
Overseas people : Media in the US is also popular among foreigners,
especially foreign language students. They use to read news, learn
vocabulary, refer to foreign news.

14. How do American people observe ( xem xét, quan sát) their
federal holidays ( ngày lễ liên bang) ?

While there are differences, there are also a few popular traditions and
attitudes that bring Americans together during the holidays. The parties
all have similar tastes when it comes to favorite holiday tunes (favoring
classic songs such as ‘Rudolph’ and ‘Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree’)
and decorating styles (with Santa as an inspiration more than designers
or celebrities).

15. Describe ONE holiday/ festival in the US you know well. How
important is it to American people?
New Year's Day falls on January 1 and marks the start of a new year
according to the Gregorian calendar. It marks the end of New Year's Eve
celebrations in the United States and gives many Americans a chance to
remember the previous year..New Year's Day is a public holiday. It is a
day off for the general population, and schools and most businesses are
closed. The start of New Year's Day, at midnight, is heralded by
fireworks, parties and special events, which are often televised. Very few
people have to work on the day itself. Many people make New Year's
resolutions. These are usually promises to themselves that they will
improve something in their own lives. Common New Year's resolutions
are to stop smoking or drinking alcohol, to lose weight, exercise more or
to live a healthier lifestyle.Government offices, organizations, schools
and many businesses are closed in the USA on New Year's Day. Public
transit systems do not run on their regular schedules. Where large public
celebrations have been held, traffic may be disrupted by the clean-up
operation. In general, public life is completely closed down.
⇨ Tết- Vietnamese New Year is the most important celebration in
Vietnamese culture. Tết celebrates the arrival of spring based on the
Vietnamese calendar, which usually has the date falling in January or
February in the Gregorian calendar.Many customs are practiced
during Tết, such as visiting a person's house on the first day of the
new year, ancestor worship, wishing New Year's greetings, giving
lucky money to children and elderly people, and opening a shop. Tết
is also an occasion for pilgrims and family reunions. They start
forgetting about the troubles of the past year and hope for a better
upcoming year. They consider Tết to be the first day of spring, and
the festival is often called Hội xuân (spring festival).
1. Some differences in Am. English and Brit. English
- There are some minor differences between Am. English and Brit.
+ Stress and pronunciation :
Brit. E and Am. E
Car ka: ka:r
Bear beah bear
Start sta:t sta:rt
Newyork nju: jo:k nu: jo:rk
Bare beơ ber

+ Vocabulary :
Brit. E and Am. E
Trousers and pants
Holiday and vacation
Football and soccer
University and college
Flat and apartment

+ Spell :
Brit. E and Am. E
Organise organize
Colour color
Enrol enroll
Defence defense
Metre meter

+ Grammar :
Brit. E and Am. E
To Jane with Jane
Monday to Sunday Monday through Sunday
At the weekend On the Weekend
Spill-spilt-spilt spill-spilled-spilled
Dive-dived-dived dive-dove-dived
⇨ Although there are some differences between British
English and American English, they are rarely
misunderstading. British English and American English
voice almost not much different. In other words,
whether the pronunciation is in an American or English
accent, the readers themselves understand what they
2. Civil War: cause and effects
The American Civil War was fought between the northern and
southern states from 1861 to 1865. There are 2 main causes of the
war. The first was the issue of slavery: should Africans who had
been brought by force to the US be used as slaves. The second
was the issue of state’ right: should the US federal government be
more power than the government of individual states. During the
war, the differences between North and South had become even
greater. The North had become richer. In the South, cities had
been destroyed and the economy ruined. Finally, there were some
effects of the Civil War. Differences between North and South are
still strong. The Civil War helped to end slavery, but long
afterward Blacks were still being treated badly, and race relations
continue to be a problem. The war showed strong differences
between parts of the US.


- Definitions ( 5 terms)
- 4 questions ( 100-200 words/each):
+ Advantges and disadvantages of melting pot/ mosaic.
+ Goverment, 3 braches of the government, Presiden’t powers, system
of checks and balances.
+ Civil War: cause and effects
+ Media
+ Description of federal holiday/celebration & its significance
+ American English vs Bristish English

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