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Date: 27 AUGUST,2021 Assignment - 2


Based on your understanding of the E-Lectures–cum-PPT's, video links and

other e-resources shared with you, answer the following questions.
Multiple Choice Questions: (0.5 x4 = 2 marks)

Q1. 8569 – 1 = ______

a) 0 b) 8569 c) 8568
Q2. 67829 – 1000 = ___________.
a) 66829 b) 67729 c) 67820
Q3. 3526 - _______ = 3526.
a) 0 b) 1 c)3526
Q4.1 Lakh – 100,000 = ____
a) 0 b) 100 c) 1000
Q5Fill in the missing blanks:- ( 2 marks)

a) 8 3 8 4 b) _ 7 7 8 _
- _ 2__ - 32_26
3093 2_4_2
Q6. Solve each of the following:- ( 2 marks)
a) 85,692 + 23,569 – 10,245
b) 8,02,548 – 1,03,651 – 5,69,874
Q7. Find the subtrahend if the minuend is 83,401 and difference is
12,368. ( 2 marks)
Q8.A shopkeeper earns ₹ 39,256 in one year. If he spends ₹ 17,873 over
the year. How much money is left with him in the end of the year?
( 2 marks)

You-tube Links:


1. Due Date of Submission: 3 September, 2021
2. Send your answers here:
Class IV- A,B,C Ms. Disha Sharma (
Class IV-D,E,F Ms. Sakshi Khanna (
Class IV-G Ms. Deepika Jasrotia (
Class IV-H Ms.Sakshi Khanna (
Class IV-I,J,K Ms. Prerna Malhotra (
3. Students must mention their name, class/section and date in their
4. Your assignment will be marked for Internal /Term assessments.
Therefore,it is necessary for you to submit it on time.

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