Tugas Artikel Komunikasi Bisnis Publik Speaking 10

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Name : Ilham satriya wicaksana 221413091 Matkul : Business Communication
Public Speaking Business Communication

A. Understanding the Definition of Public Speaking

The definition of Public Speaking in business refers to the ability to speak in public
with the aim of conveying a message, motivating, informing, or influencing an audience. The
importance of public speaking in business cannot be ignored. It not only plays an important
role in promoting products or services, but also in building relationships, motivating teams,
and creating a positive image of the company
Business communication in the context of public speaking involves conveying
business messages verbally to a wider audience. Public speaking is an important
communication skill in the business world to convey information, motivate teams, or promote
products and services.
In this era of fast-paced competition, all professions require us to be able to speak
well in public. Because writing alone is not strong enough for words, public speaking skills
are very important. Public speaking is able to strengthen the meaning of a piece of writing,
strengthen business aims and objectives. Strengthen a presentation, business proposal thesis,
feasibility studies, business plan, aims and objectives.

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Public speaking is dynamic, not rigid, not dead, and not static. Public speaking is a
speaking activity that is very close to change. If through a speech the atmosphere does not
change, a friendship cannot grow, an event becomes dead, a discussion and the introduction
becomes bland, meaning we don't maximize our public speaking potential.
When you offer a change that is more dynamic, fast and practical to the public
through interesting speech, the world will love it. Public speaking is a series of ways of
thinking that are based on the collection of all human talents based on past, present and future
experiences combined with ethics, behavioral patterns, science, technology, culture, situation
analysis and other factors. Public speaking is a family of sciences. communication, where a
person's ability to speak in front of the public, groups or individuals requires using
appropriate strategies and techniques.
The following are several definitions related to public speaking business communication:
1) Delivery of Information
Public speaking in business involves conveying information clearly and effectively to an
audience. This could be a product presentation, business report, or project update. The
information to be conveyed can be in the form of programs, ideas, ideas, projects, results of
thoughts or research. Submitting this information is done to help other people better
understand, know and understand something.
2) Motivation and Inspiration
Public speaking is used to motivate and inspire teams or employees. A business leader can
use public speaking to build morale and commitment within the organization.
3) Marketing and Promotion
Public speaking can be used to promote products or services. A sales representative or
business leader may give a presentation to attract potential customers or business partners.
4) Employee Training and Development
In the context of business communication, public speaking is often used to train and develop
employee skills. This may involve product training, sales skills, or leadership development.
5) Act as a Company Ambassador
A company spokesperson or executive can use public speaking to become a company
ambassador. This involves delivering messages that reflect the company's values and goals.
6) Presentation of Financial or Business Results
In a financial context, public speaking is used to convey financial results or business
achievements to shareholders, investors or business partners.
7) Sharing Ideas and Innovation

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Public speaking allows business leaders or innovators to share ideas and innovations with an
audience. This can be a way to promote a company's competitive advantage.
8) Negotiation and Offer Presentation
In business situations, public speaking can be used to negotiate or present offers to potential
clients or partners.
9) Address Concerns or Objections
Public speaking can be a tool to overcome concerns or objections from customers or other
10) Improve Company Image
Effective message delivery through public speaking can help improve a company's image in
the eyes of the public.
Public speaking in a business communication context requires thorough preparation,
good presentation skills, and the ability to adapt to diverse audiences. Business
Communication in the Context of Public Speaking can also be interpreted as the art of
speaking in public. In the competitive business world, the ability to communicate effectively
is the key to success.
B. Purpose of Public Speaking in Business
Someone who does public speaking definitely has their own goals. This is important
to clarify the reasons for doing public speaking according to the intended needs. Here are
some objectives that are often used by public speaking speakers:
a. Delivery of Information
Public speaking is used to convey relevant information, both internally and externally, such
as financial results, product developments, or policy changes.
b. Make an impact
Influence is defined as an effort to change or maintain the thoughts and actions of other
people. Individuals who have good public speaking skills can of course influence the public
to follow something that they are presenting in their material. This goal is usually carried out
by someone who works as a motivator, sales marketer, lecturer, and others.
c. Expressing opinions
The expression of opinion referred to in this next objective is related to the expression of
thoughts of an individual who is the speaker. Here someone will convey what is on their
mind in order to clarify what they want to do. Usually people who want to express opinions
want effective communication with others.
d. Giving motivation

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Business leaders use public speaking to motivate and inspire employees. This can involve
conveying the company vision, long-term goals, or recognizing individual achievements.
Remembering that providing motivation can encourage the public to act and think more
positively. This is often done by speakers such as motivators who are providing motivation at
a seminar.
e. Marketing and Promotion:
A salesperson or company representative uses public speaking to promote products or
services to potential customers or business partners.
f. Employee Training and Development
Public speaking is used as a training tool to develop employee skills, including sales,
leadership, and communication skills.
g. Entertain the audience
Apart from its basic purposes, public speaking is also often used with the aim of entertaining
the audience. We know that many people like to be entertained by jokes or comedy and the
way the speaker conveys his material. We can easily find this entertaining activity on
television programs such as talk shows, comedy and comedy.
C. Main Characteristics of Public Speaking in Business
a. Listening Skills
A business speaker needs to have good listening skills to understand the needs and
expectations of the audience.
b. Ability to Speak Clearly
The message conveyed must be clear, firm and easy for the audience to understand.
c. Use of Positive Body Language
Body language, facial expressions and eye contact are important elements in public speaking
to strengthen the message conveyed.
d. Communication Style Adjustment
A business speaker needs to be able to adapt his communication style according to his
audience, be it business partners, customers or employees.
D. Stages of Public Speaking Skills Development
a. Material Preparation
Prepare the material well, focusing on the core message you want to convey.
b. Practice and Rehearsal
Practice your presentation thoroughly and do rehearsals to increase your confidence and

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c. Adaptation to Audience
Understand the audience and adapt the presentation according to the audience's needs and
d. Time Management
Always pay attention to time management so as not to exceed the specified time limit.
e. Evaluation and Feedback
After the presentation, ask for feedback from the audience or colleagues to continue
improving your public speaking skills.
E. Activities that require public speaking
All activities in the world and life require the ability to speak in public.
Some examples of speaking activities in front of other people include:
1) Negotiation
2) Publication/Public Relations
3) Presentation of ideas
4) Roadshow/campaign for products or services
5) Offer services via telephone (tele-marketing) or call center
6) Conduct a job interview (job interview)
7) Leading a press conference
8) Opening an outlet (new store/store)
9) Providing da'wah or sermons for religious organizations
10) Lead the implementation of general meetings and others.
Public speaking is not only a talent, but public speaking can also be learned and trained
for those who want to learn to have this ability. Various approaches can be taken, some are
through conveying information, entertaining, influencing and inspiring or motivating. Public
speaking is an opportunity given by other people to be able to listen to the ideas we have.
Starting from overcoming feelings of reluctance, fear, laziness, shyness, and other negative
traits. Then start practicing speaking, writing diligently, pronouncing difficult words, looking
at your expression in front of the mirror, and developing a sense of self-confidence.
Three things that public speakers must have, namely:
1) Real (concrete) action
2) Practice
3) Jump straight into the field
Public speaking is not just for celebrities. Public speaking belongs to everyone.

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The basic capital of public speaking is not only a matter of being able to speak, but also being
willing to take real action, practice and directly achieve the opportunity. Another basic capital
is courage, including the courage to fail. Public speaking theory without practice will be
useless. Public speaking cannot be represented by other people. It must be experienced
directly by the Communicator himself. Failing to speak and stammering is normal.
Tips for Public Speaking
1) Take a public speaking course
2) Join a public speaking community or club.
3) Look in the mirror at yourself. Say the words "I dare" to yourself. So a positive spirit
will emerge and strengthen yourself.
4) Practice speaking in front of a mirror, indoors to overcome fear.
Public speaking is a skill that can be developed by anyone and is the key to success in
various aspects of business. By understanding the importance of public speaking, honing
skills, and designing presentations well, a business professional can optimize his influence
and achieve success in his career
Charles Bonar Sirait, S.E., MM - Bunga Sirait (2016) "The Power Of Public Speaking".
Kompas Gramedia.PT Elex Media Komputindo.E-Book from iPusnas Pages 41-56
Carnegie, D. (2010). How to Win Friends and Influence People. Simon & Schuster.
Tracy, B. (2012). The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking. Princeton University Press.
Lucas, S. E. (2011). The Art of Public Speaking. McGraw-Hill Education.
Charles Bonar Sirait, S.E., MM - Bunga Sirait (2016) "The Power Of Public Speaking".
Kompas Gramedia.PT Elex Media Komputindo.E-Book from iPusnas Pages 41-56
Nandy (2021) "Public Speaking Method: Definition, Objectives, Methods and Tips"
Gramedia blog from https://www.gramedia.com/literasi/method-public-speaking/

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