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Networking is the exchange of information and ideas among people with a

common profession or special interest, often in an informal social setting.

Professionals use networking to expand their circles of acquaintances, find out about

job opportunities in their fields, and increase their awareness of news and

developments in their fields (Kagan, 2024).

Networking is one of the main benefits of joining a professional organization or

attending a trade fair or convention. However, networking most often occurs

spontaneously when two or more like-minded professional’s cross paths. Adler (2013)

further explains that it is about meeting people who can validate your performance and

skills and can even link you with other people in the industry of your interest.


Augustine (2021), Coles (n.d.), NonStop Consulting (2023), and White (2024)

enumerate the benefits of networking as a mean in searching for employment


• Enhances Career Success: Networking is essential since it will help you develop

and improve your skill set, stay on top of the latest trends in your industry, keep

a pulse on the job market, meet prospective mentors, partners, and clients, and

gain access to the necessary resources that will foster your career development.

• Simplifies Job Search: Networking eases the often difficult and time-consuming

job-hunting process. Networking can help you get referrals for jobs, which can

be a tremendous asset in making an impression on a potential employer. Your

connection likely has already established a relationship and trust with influential

people within the company, so their recommendation can go a long way.

• Expands Professional Circle: Networking facilitates the establishment of

connections with professionals within one's field, providing access to novel

opportunities. Engaging in networking activities can yield significant benefits,

such as discovering job prospects through contacts or obtaining introductions to

influential individuals who can advance one's career.

• Emphasizes Relationship Value: Networking can help you find mentors and role

models, learn about different industries and companies, and get your foot in the

door—the most important thing to remember when networking is to be genuine.

By connecting with the right individuals, one can acquire valuable insights from

professionals who are actively engaged in the field and encountering similar


• Access to Hidden Opportunities: Networking offers access to a world of hidden

job opportunities that may not be advertised publicly. Many companies prefer to

hire through referrals, relying on recommendations from trusted contacts within

their network. By expanding one's professional network, job seekers increase

their chances of being informed about job openings that are not widely


• Gathering Insights and Advice: Building a network of professionals offers a

valuable resource for gathering insights, advice, and guidance. Seasoned

professionals who have already navigated the job market can provide valuable

information and mentorship to job seekers. Through networking, individuals can

seek guidance on industry trends, interview techniques, and career

development strategies. Networking enables job seekers to tap into the wisdom

and experiences of others, helping them make more informed decisions about

their career paths.

• Build Soft Skills: Social skills, also known as soft skills, are essential for effective

networking. These skills include communication, active listening, relationship building, and empathy. As
you build your network, you’ll become more

comfortable using these skills to interact with others, which can have benefits

for both your professional and personal life.

• Creation of Personal/Self Brand: As you build your network, you become more

visible to others. This visibility allows you to build a personal brand, providing an

opportunity to establish yourself as an expert in your field. As others become

more aware of your brand, they may intentionally seek you out for advice,

information, or even new job opportunities.

Real-life Situation/Example of Networking:

A member’s mother had a prior connection and strong association with a female

supervisor working in a BPO company in Zamboanga City. Even though there were

no job advertisements posted, she was informed of a vacancy and was given a list of

the requirements needed. Although she is a college undergraduate, she was able to

pass the interview and was hired by the company after protocols (e.g. trainings,

seminars) were followed. She worked for four (4) years

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