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Dr Bhavani Shankar Sir

Dr. Bhavani Shankar IAS Academy ( 1 )

1) Consider the following statements with regard to Embryonic Q, With reference to 'stem cells',
Stem Cells: frequently in the news, which
1. They have a limited capacity of differen a on and may be of the following statements
mul potent or unipotent. is/are correct? (UPSC CSE -
2. They are derived from pre-implanta on embryos. 2012)
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 1. Stem cells can be derived
(a) 1 only from mammals only.
(b) 2 only 2. Stem cells can be used for
(c) Both 1 and 2 screening new drugs.
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 3. Stem cells can be used for
ANSWER: B medical therapies.
EXPLANATION: Select the correct answer using
 Based on the cell type/ ssue of origin, stem cells are classified the codes given below:
as ‘Soma c Stem Cells’ (SSCs), and ‘Embryonic Stem Cells’ (ESCs). (a) 1 and 2 only
SSCs may have a limited capacity of differen a on and may be (b) 2 and 3 only
mul potent or unipotent, whereas ESCs are pluripotent. The (c) 3 only
pluripotent stem cells can also be generated in the laboratory by (d) 1, 2 and 3
reprogramming soma c cells, and the products thus generated ANSWER: B
are referred to as ‘Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs)’.
 Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs) are derived from pre-implanta on
embryos (blastocysts). Those derived from embryos before
differen a on of trophoectoderm and inner cell mass (i.e.
morula stage) are truly to potent, capable of giving rise to the
en re organism including extra-embryonic ssues. ESCs derived
from the inner cell mass (ICM) are pluripotent (not to potent).
Source: Click Here

2) Consider the following statements with regard to Soma c Stem Q, What is the applica on of
Cells: Soma c Cell Nuclear Transfer
1. They divide con nuously in all organs of the body. Technology? (UPSC CSE - 2017)
2. They are generally present in rela vely high numbers in (a) Produc on of
most ssues. biolarvicides
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (b) Manufacture of
(a) 1 only biodegradable plas cs
(b) 2 only (c) Reproduc ve cloning of
(c) Both 1 and 2 animals
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) Produc on of organisms
ANSWER: D free of diseases
 SSCs could be obtained from different sources, for example the ANSWER: C
fetus, umbilical cord, placenta, infant, child or adult; and from

Dr. Bhavani Shankar IAS Academy ( 2 )

different organs/ ssues. These may vary in their prolifera ve
and differen a on poten al.
 The SSCs in bone marrow, skin and gastrointes nal tract divide
con nuously and differen ate throughout life, but in other
organs they remain dormant un l required for repair and
Source: Click Here

3) Pluripotent Stem Cells have the ability to differen ate into Q, Consider the following
which of the following deriva ves? statements: (UPSC CSE - 2020)
1. Ectoderm layer 1. Gene c changes can be
2. Mesoderm layer introduced in the cells
3. Endoderm layer that produce eggs or
4. Placenta sperms of a prospec ve
Choose the correct code: parent.
(a) 2, 3 and 4 2. A person's genome can
(b) 1, 3 and 4 be edited before birth at
(c) 1, 2 and 3 the early embryonic
(d) 1, 2 and 4 stage.
ANSWER: C 3. Human induced
EXPLANATION: pluripotent stem cells can
 Pluripotent Stem Cells have the ability to differen ate into be injected into the
deriva ves of all three germ layers, viz., ectoderm, mesoderm embryo of a pig.
and endoderm, but not placenta. Which of the statements given
 Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs), as the name suggests are above is/are correct?
pluripotent in nature, quite similar to the ESCs. They are capable (a) 1 only
of indefinite expansion and differen a on into ectodermal, (b) 2 and 3 only
mesodermal and endodermal cells. The iPSCs can be generated (c) 2 only
from soma c cells by a variety of gene c and epigene c (d) 1, 2 and 3
methods ANSWER: D

4) Which of the following is/are true regarding stem cell-derived

(a) Stem cell-derived secretome refers to the collec on of
proteins and other signaling molecules secreted by stem
(b) The composi on of stem cell-derived secretome can vary
depending on the type of stem cell and its culture
condi ons.
(c) Stem cell-derived secretome has been found to have
poten al therapeu c applica ons in regenera ve
medicine and ssue engineering.
(d) All of the above.

Dr. Bhavani Shankar IAS Academy ( 3 )

 Stem cell-derived secretome refers to the collec on of proteins
and other signaling molecules secreted by stem cells. This
secretome can have a significant impact on the cells and ssues
surrounding the stem cells, including promo ng cell
prolifera on, reducing inflamma on, and enhancing ssue
 The composi on of stem cell-derived secretome can vary
depending on the type of stem cell and its culture condi ons.
This varia on can affect the therapeu c poten al of the
secretome, as different proteins and molecules may have
different effects on cells and ssues.
 Stem cell-derived secretome has been found to have poten al
therapeu c applica ons in regenera ve medicine and ssue
engineering. By harnessing the beneficial effects of the
secretome, researchers hope to develop novel treatments for a
range of diseases and condi ons.

5) Which of the following is NOT a poten al applica on of pro- Q, In the context of recent
nuclear transfer? advances in human
(a) Cloning of animals for scien fic research. reproduc ve technology,
(b) Crea ng embryonic stem cells for regenera ve medicine. "Pronuclear Transfer" is used
(c) Producing gene cally iden cal animals for commercial for (UPSC CSE - 2020)
purposes. (a) Fer liza on of egg in vitro
(d) Developing vaccines for infec ous diseases. by the donor sperm
ANSWER: D (b) Gene c modifica on of
EXPLANATION: sperm producing cells
 Pro nuclear transfer is a technique used in cloning, where the (c) Development of stem
nucleus from a soma c cell is transferred into an enucleated cells into func onal
oocyte (an egg cell with its nucleus removed). This technique has embryos
several poten al applica ons, including: (d) Preven on of
 Cloning of animals for scien fic research: Pro nuclear transfer mitochondrial diseases in
can be used to create gene cally iden cal animals for scien fic offspring
research purposes. This allows researchers to study the effects ANSWER: D
of gene c modifica ons in a controlled se ng.
 Crea ng embryonic stem cells for regenera ve medicine: Pro
nuclear transfer can also be used to create embryonic stem cells,
which have the poten al to differen ate into any type of cell in
the body. These cells can be used for regenera ve medicine,
such as repairing damaged ssues or organs.
 Producing gene cally iden cal animals for commercial
purposes: Pro nuclear transfer can also be used to produce
gene cally iden cal animals for commercial purposes, such as
livestock breeding or the produc on of transgenic animals.

Dr. Bhavani Shankar IAS Academy ( 4 )

 However, developing vaccines for infec ous diseases is not a
poten al applica on of pro nuclear transfer. While vaccines can
be produced using recombinant DNA technology, pro nuclear
transfer is not a technique that is typically used in vaccine

6) Which among the following is/are characteris cs of Q, In the context of hereditary

Mitochondrial diseases? diseases, consider the
1. They are caused by muta ons in the nuclear DNA. following statements: (UPSC
2. They are always inherited in an autosomal dominant CSE - 2021)
pa ern. 1. Passing on mitochondrial
Choose the correct code: diseases from parent to
(a) 1 only child can be prevented by
(b) 2 only mitochondrial
(c) Both 1 and 2 replacement therapy
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 either before or a er in
ANSWER: D vitro fer liza on of egg.
EXPLANATION: 2. A child inherits
 Mitochondrial diseases are caused by muta ons in the mitochondrial diseases
mitochondrial DNA, which is dis nct from the nuclear DNA. They en rely from mother and
are typically inherited in a maternal pa ern, but rare cases of not from father.
paternal transmission have also been reported. Mitochondrial Which of the statements given
diseases can affect various organs and systems in the body, above is/are correct?
including the brain, heart, muscles, and liver, among others. (a) 1 only
Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for mitochondrial (b) 2 only
diseases, and treatments are aimed at managing symptoms and (c) Both 1 and 2
improving quality of life. (d) Neither 1 nor 2

7) The Germplasm is required for the propaga on or plants and Q, Match List I with List II and
animals. Germplasm is the: select the correct answer using
1. Gene c resources the codes given below the lists
2. Seeds or ssues for breeding List I (Biological theories or
3. Egg and sperm repository laws)
4. A germ cell's determining zone. List II (Scien sts) (UPSC IES 2001)
Select the correct answer using the code given below: A. Laws of Inheritance
(a) 1 only 1. Lamarck
(b) 1, 2 and 3 B. Theories of Organic
(c) 2 and 3 only Evolu on
(d) 2 and 4 2. Darwin
ANSWER: C C. Theories of Natural
 Germplasm is a living ssue which is maintained for the purpose 3. Mendel
of animal and plant breeding. Germplasm conserva on is the D. Germplasm Theory

Dr. Bhavani Shankar IAS Academy ( 5 )

most successful method to conserve the gene c traits of 4. Weisman
endangered and commercially valuable species. Germplasm (a) A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4
conserva on includes wild species, breeding lines, commercial (b) A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
varie es, special gene c stocks etc. Germplasm preserva on (c) A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1
includes in-situ conserva on and es-situ conserva on. (d) A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4

8) Gene cally modified (GM) crops contain modified gene c

material due to:
1. Introduc on of new DNA
2. Removal of exis ng DNA
3. Introduc on of RNA
4. Introduc on of new traits
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 3 and 4 only
(d) 1, 2 and 4
 When the DNA of a plant had been modified using gene c
engineering methods, it is called gene cally modified crops. It is
widely used to make crops resistant to certain pests and disease.
It is also used to improve nutri on value in a crop. Insect-
resistant crops contain genes from the soil bacterium Bacillus
thuringiensis. GM crops are some mes discouraged to consume
due to the following poten al threats; an allergic reac on, gene
transfer and outcrossing. Gene cally modified (GM) crops
contain modified gene c material due to introduc on of DNA by
removing the exis ng DNA, resul ng in the change in traits.
*This ques on was previously appeared in UPSC CDS 2016

9) Consider the following statements about cells biology:

1. Mitochondrion generates most of the chemical energy
needed to power the cells biochemical reac ons.
2. Mitochondrion has mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA).
3. A mature red blood cell has no mitochondria.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 2 only
(d) 1, 2, and 3

Dr. Bhavani Shankar IAS Academy ( 6 )

 A mitochondrion is a double-membrane-bound organelles found
in most eukaryo c organisms.
 Mitochondria generate most of the cell's supply of adenosine
triphosphate (ATP), subsequently u lized as a source of chemical
energy, using the energy of oxygen released in aerobic
respira on at the inner mitochondrial membrane.
 Although most of a cell's DNA is contained in the cell nucleus,
the mitochondrion has a genome that is substan ally similar to
bacterial genomes. A mature red blood cells have no

10) Polynucleo de chain of DNA contains:

(a) A nitrogenous base, deoxyribose sugar and phosphate
(b) A nitrogenous base, ribose sugar and phosphate group
(c) Deoxyribose sugar, ribose sugar and phosphate group
(d) A nitrogenous base and phosphate group only
 Polynucleo de is a molecule, is a biopolymer composed of 13 or
more nucleo de monomers covalently bonded in a chain

Four Nitrogen- 1. Cytosine (C)

Containing 2. Guanine (G)
Nucleobases 3. Adenine (A)
4. Thymine (T)

Deoxyribose A sugar derived from

ribose by
replacement of a
hydroxyl group of
Phosphate group A phosphate is a
chemical deriva ve
of phosphoric acid.

11) In the human body, the cell growth and differen a on are Q, "Metastasis" is the process by
highly controlled and regulated, but in cancer cells. which (UPSC CSE- 2001)
(a) There is a breakdown of these regula ons mechanisms (a) cells divide rapidly under
leading to forma on of benign and malignant tumours. the influence of drugs
(b) Controlled cell division and over produc on of gene c (b) cancer cells spread
material occur. through the blood or
(c) RNA is mutated and produced in less amount.

Dr. Bhavani Shankar IAS Academy ( 7 )

(d) DNA is mutated and produced in less amount. lympha c system to
ANSWER: A other sites or organs
EXPLANATION: (c) the chromosomes in cell
 In normal cells, cell growth and differen a on are ghtly nuclei are a ached to the
controlled by various regulatory mechanisms such as spindle before moving to
checkpoints, growth factors, and signalling pathways. However, the anaphase poles
in cancer cells, there is a breakdown of these regulatory (d) cancer cells are
mechanisms, leading to uncontrolled cell growth and division. successfully inhibited
This ul mately results in the forma on of tumors, which can be from dividing any further
either benign or malignant. Malignant tumors have the ability to ANSWER: B
invade surrounding ssues and spread to other parts of the
body, which is why cancer is considered a dangerous disease.

12) Which of the following organelle(s) in an animal cell would

have DNA and RNA?
(a) Nucleus only
(b) Nucleus and mitochondria only
(c) Nucleus, mitochondria and ribosomes
(d) Mitochondria only
 The nucleus is responsible for storing and regula ng the cell's
gene c material, while mitochondria are responsible for
genera ng energy for the cell. Both organelles contain DNA and
RNA. Ribosomes, on the other hand, do not contain DNA but are
responsible for protein synthesis using RNA as a template.

13) Consider the following statements about Jumping Genes:

1. They change the gene sequence and genome size.
2. They are DNA sequences that can move or jump from one
loca on to another loca on in the genome a er
ac va on.
3. Jumping genes act as muta ng agents and are behind
several human diseases.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 only
(c) 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
 Jumping genes, also known as transposable elements, are DNA
sequences that can move or "jump" from one loca on to
another within a genome. This movement can cause changes in

Dr. Bhavani Shankar IAS Academy ( 8 )

the gene sequence and genome size, which is the first statement
and correct.
 While jumping genes do not always cause muta ons or disease,
they can be mutagenic and can contribute to gene c diseases
when they insert themselves into cri cal regions of the genome.

14) Which of the following statements is true regarding Q, Mycorrhizal biotechnology has
Mycorrhizal biotechnology? been used in rehabilita ng
(a) It involves the use of fungi to enhance plant growth and degraded sites because
nutrient uptake. mycorrhiza enables the plants
(b) It involves the use of bacteria to enhance plant growth to (UPSC CSE - 2013)
and nutrient uptake. 1. Resist drought and
(c) It involves the use of insects to enhance plant growth and increase absorp ve area
nutrient uptake. 2. Tolerate extremes of pH
(d) It involves the use of gene cally modified organisms to 3. Resist disease infesta on
enhance plant growth and nutrient uptake. Select the correct answer using
ANSWER: A the codes given below.
EXPLANATION: (a) 1 only
 Mycorrhizal biotechnology is a branch of biotechnology that (b) 2 and 3 only
involves the use of fungi to enhance plant growth and nutrient (c) 1 and 3 only
uptake. Mycorrhizae are a mutualis c associa on between plant (d) 1, 2 and 3
roots and certain fungi, in which the fungi provide the plant with ANSWER: D
essen al nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen, while the
plant provides the fungi with carbohydrates produced through
 Mycorrhizal biotechnology involves the use of various methods
to increase the presence and ac vity of mycorrhizal fungi in the
soil. These methods include inocula on with mycorrhizal fungi,
addi on of organic ma er to the soil, and adjustment of soil pH.
 The use of mycorrhizal biotechnology can have several benefits
for plant growth and produc vity, including increased nutrient
uptake, improved water use efficiency, and enhanced resistance
to pests and diseases. Addi onally, mycorrhizal biotechnology
can be used as a sustainable alterna ve to chemical fer lizers
and pes cides, which can have nega ve environmental impacts.
 In contrast to mycorrhizal biotechnology, the use of gene cally
modified organisms (GMOs) involves the manipula on of an
organism's gene c material to achieve a desired trait. While
GMOs have poten al applica ons in agriculture, they remain a
controversial topic due to concerns about their safety and
poten al environmental impacts. Therefore, op on D in the
MCQ is not correct.

Dr. Bhavani Shankar IAS Academy ( 9 )

15) In the field of agriculture, cloning implies:
(a) transfer of genes from one species to the other
(b) gene c transforma on
(c) produc on of a plant with the union of sex cells in vitro
(d) produc on of gene cally iden cal plants
 In the field of agriculture, cloning refers to the produc on of
gene cally iden cal plants through a process called vegeta ve
propaga on. This involves taking a cu ng or ssue from a
parent plant and using it to grow a new plant with the same
gene c makeup as the parent. Cloning is commonly used in
agriculture to produce large numbers of plants with desirable
traits, such as disease resistance or high yield, quickly and

16) Consider the following eye disorders:

1. Cataract
2. Color blindness
3. Night blindness
Which of the above disorders is/are essen ally gene c in
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 only
(c) 1 and 3
(d) 2 and 3
 Color blindness is caused by gene c muta ons that affect the
produc on or func on of the photopigments in the cone cells of
the eye. Night blindness, also known as nyctalopia, is a gene c
disorder that affects the ability to see in low-light condi ons. It
is caused by muta ons in genes that are involved in the
produc on or func on of the re nal cells responsible for vision
in dim light.
 Cataract, on the other hand, is not typically considered a gene c
disorder, although there are some rare cases where it can be
inherited. Cataract is generally caused by factors such as ageing,
injury, exposure to UV radia on, or certain medica ons or

Dr. Bhavani Shankar IAS Academy ( 10 )

17) The process of copying gene c informa on from one strand of
DNA into RNA is termed as
(a) transla on
(b) transcrip on
(c) replica on
(d) muta on
 Transcrip on is the process by which RNA is synthesized from a
DNA template. It occurs in the nucleus of eukaryo c cells and in
the cytoplasm of prokaryo c cells. During transcrip on, the DNA
molecule unwinds and one of the strands serves as a template
for the synthesis of a complementary RNA molecule. The RNA
molecule is synthesized by RNA polymerase, which adds
nucleo des to the growing RNA chain in a sequence that is
complementary to the DNA template strand.
*This ques on was previously appeared in UPSC CDS 2017

18) The formula on of policy with respect to Intellectual Property

Rights (IPRs) is the responsibility of
(a) The Ministry of Law and Jus ce
(b) The Department of Science and Technology
(c) The Department for Promo on of Industry and Internal
(d) The Ministry of Human Resource Development
 The formula on of policy with respect to Intellectual Property
Rights (IPRs) is the responsibility of the Department for
Promo on of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT). The DPIIT is a
department of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, and is
responsible for formula ng policies related to industrial
development, promo on of domes c and foreign trade, and
intellectual property rights.

19) Consider the following statements with regard to Intellectual Q, Consider the following
Property Appellate Board: statements: (UPSC CSE - 2019)
1. It is a quasi-judicial body. 1. According to the Indian
2. It consists of Chairman and two other members with its Patents Act, a biological
headquarters in Delhi. process to create a seed
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? can be patented in India.
(a) 1 only 2. In India, there is no
(b) 2 only Intellectual Property
(c) Both 1 and 2 Appellate Board.

Dr. Bhavani Shankar IAS Academy ( 11 )

(d) Neither 1 nor 2 3. Plant varie es are not
ANSWER: C eligible to be patented in
 The Intellectual Property Appellate Board, a quasi-judicial body, Which of the statements given
was cons tuted in September 1958. The jurisdic on of the above is/are correct?
Copyright Board extends to the whole of India. The Board is (a) 1 and 3 only
entrusted with the task of adjudica on of disputes pertaining to (b) 2 and 3 only
copyright registra on, assignment of copyright, grant of Licenses (c) 3 only
in respect of works withheld from public, unpublished Indian (d) 1, 2 and 3
works, produc on and publica on of transla ons and works for ANSWER: C
certain specified purposes. It also hears cases in other
miscellaneous ma ers ins tuted before it under the Copyright
Act, 1957.
 The Copyright (Amendment)Act, 2012 which came into force
w.e.f. June 21,2015 provides for a full me IPAB Under Sec on
11 with Chairman and two other members, with its
headquarters in Delhi. The new full me IPAB is expected to be
recons tuted shortly.

20) Which of the following can be patented in India according to Q, Consider the following
Indian Patents Act: statements: (UPSC CSE - 2019)
1. Plant seeds. 1. According to the Indian
2. Plant varie es. Patents Act, a biological
3. Plant species. process to create a seed
Choose the correct code: can be patented in India.
(a) 1 and 3 only 2. In India, there is no
(b) 1 only Intellectual Property
(c) 2 and 3 only Appellate Board.
(d) None of the above 3. Plant varie es are not
ANSWER: D eligible to be patented in
 According to Sec on 3 (j) of the Act, plants and animals in whole Which of the statements given
or any part thereof other than micro-organisms but including above is/are correct?
seeds, varie es and species and essen ally biological processes (a) 1 and 3 only
for produc on or propaga on of plants and animals are not (b) 2 and 3 only
patentable inven ons. (c) 3 only
 Although, microorganisms are excluded from non-patentability (d) 1, 2 and 3
list, a conjoined reading with Sec on 3 (c) of the Act implies that ANSWER: C
only modified microorganisms, which do not cons tute
discovery of living thing occurring in nature, are patentable
subject ma er under the Act.
 Source: Click Here

Dr. Bhavani Shankar IAS Academy ( 12 )

21) A group of six people from P through U are
seated around a circular table. Among them
three are boys and three are girls. No two girls
are seated in adjacent places. S is three places
away to the le of U. Q is neither adjacent nor
opposite to P. Which of the following may
represent the group of boys?
(a) S, T, U ∴ A is si ng opposite to D.
(b) Q, P, R Direc ons for ques ons 23 to 25: These
(c) Q, R, T ques ons are based on the following informa on.
(d) S, T, R Six people, namely P, Q, R, S, T and U are si ng
ANSWER: D in a row facing north. Further it is known that:
EXPLANATION: (i) Exactly two people are si ng between P and q.
(ii) Exactly one person is si ng between T and U.
(iii) Q is si ng at the right end of the row.
23) If U is si ng adjacent to s, then how many
people are si ng between U and r?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) cannot be determined
 U is adjacent to s in case (a) and (d), and in both
the cases there are two people si ng between U
and r.
24) If s is si ng to the immediate right of T, then
who is si ng second to the right of R?
(a) P
(b) T
(c) U
22) A group of six people from A through F are si ng
(d) S
in a circular table such that A is si ng two places
away to the le of E, who is not adjacent to C and
F. D is to the right of E and A is si ng between B
 S is si ng to the immediate right of T in case (b),
and F. Now, who is si ng opposite to D?
Hence, P is si ng second to the right of R.
(a) A
25) Who among the following cannot be adjacent to
(b) B
(c) C
(a) P
(d) F
(b) R
(c) S
(d) None of these
 It is given that A is two places away to the le of
E, who is adjacent to B and D. D is to the right of E
and A is se ng between B and F. These condi ons
Any one of the three P, R and S, can be adjacent to T.
give us the following arrangement.

Dr. Bhavani Shankar IAS Academy ( 13 )

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