Isa Asma'ul Husna - Week 4

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1. Daffa Naufal Fathin (22520249020)

2. Isa Asma’ul Husna (22520241009)
3. Irfan Cahyo Wibowo (22520244010)
4. Ramadani Saputra Herlambang (22520241021)

Reading Strategy 1
A. The main idea of the first paragraph regarding malaria is encapsulated in the sentence:
"Malaria is a serious health problem."
B. The main idea in paragraph 2 is "The malaria cycle begins with tiny parasites that
reside in the bodies of Anopheles mosquitoes." So, the answer is: b. Anopheles
C. The main idea in paragraph 4 is "Becoming infected with malaria is a medical
emergency." So, the answer is: b. Becoming infected is a medical emergency
D. The main idea in paragraph 7 is "Plans to prevent malaria are difficult to implement."
So, the answer is: b. Plans to prevent malaria are difficult to implement

Reading Strategy 2

1. Yes, the title "Searching for New Medicines" does help convey the main idea of the
article in the first paragraph. The main idea is that modern drug companies are
constantly searching for new medicines to address both new and common diseases, as
diseases evolve and existing treatments may lose their effectiveness over time.
2. The main idea of paragraph 2 is: “drug was found to cure malaria”
3. The main idea of paragraph 3 is: "The ancient people of China had used a plant called
wormwood to cure fevers."
4. The main idea of paragraph 4 is: "Aspirin was first used over 2,000 years ago by
ancient Greek physicians, who made a tea from willow bark to ease pain and lower
5. The main idea of paragraph 5 is: "Taxol is an example of how miracle drugs are still
being found in the world’s forests."
6. The main idea of paragraph 7 is: "Access to these rainforests plants is rapidly
7. The main idea of paragraph 8 is:

Ramadani Saputra H: “the destruction of rainforests leads to the extinction of many


Irfan Cahyo Wibowo:"Rainforest destruction leads to the extinction of numerous

plant, animal, and insect species, potentially erasing valuable medicinal discoveries. It
also threatens the existence of indigenous villages, along with their traditional healers
who possess unique knowledge of forest remedies."

Daffa Naufal Fathin: “The main idea of the paragraph 8 is that rainforest destruction
leads to the extinction of numerous species, including plants, animals, and insects.”

Isa Asma’ul Husna: “The Impact of Rainforest Destruction on Species and Indigenous

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