8101ST Merit List of BS Clinical Psychology

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First Admission List p x 6"v*^l Regular i, crini"a ..y"r,orogt,

l.lntitsion lot llQ Sestioa 202 1-202 t
Ihelollooi'e.ai.tulates htve be ylecled o M itlor adnissio,I BS (4-yea8) h Cliaial
Pslcholog Jot e A.ddenic S6sio, 2021-202s subjecl 10 111.Ioqowite .aaditio s:

* tL.it dses i lte vni'ersilr b lE 19th Notembe\ 2021 alta

stu.tons shott pat
obtoihihg neccsfury cha a" Fo nstoht ltte ceane's ofJice, befote the ctose olbonki,,e t,ourc.
TLoe||ho do not deposil their du.s tui tiithisperiodsha lose fieb riglt to odnission.

** lfa $wre kds n at hielter Mhe is Mt ntentioEd it the hetit list, he/stz n a! contoct to the
Clntrclot Cliaical PslcholoB! Adnissiot Olice otlo oeirg cotuacl nrhber. 042-

Str.lenls wl1os. M.tl List n6t bting theb Original Docwrrenls ,ith
Nre ih the
Orig alBa k Deposit Slip bs.llhe FEB chalat Fom
Nole: The Cenhe resedes the right lo corecl any qpoAraphical eno. onission. etc

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* studehts shatt pa! theit .tues in the untue\i\ br he 19lh Novembe\ 2021 allet
ouaiinq aec*sn4, chdttan Fotus ltoh tle clhie's oJftce, beJote the .toe oI bartnts hou^.
Ihoe wlo .lo deposit theit drcs |' nh his petiotl shall loft theit tiSht to ad,tissioa,
* * Ut srudent leeb hat Lisnq ,ane is hot hentiohed i1t the neit tisl, ,e/she ba! contact to tre
Ce"tre lot Cli"ical Pslcholry! Adnhno, Ollice o" followi,s con act tumbq, 01L

stuttdts ehose aane in th. Metit List husl bias ltEit Otiginal Docume ts teith
Oignal Bank Deposit Slip to eet tteit FEE chattah Foth
Nole: T[e Centre EseNes the rishl lo corcct lny typogralhical enor onhsion. elc.

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