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What is PHP ? Why it is Important ?

I will tell you the best

Training Institute for PHP in Hamirpur?

PHP stands for ‘PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor’, with the original

PHP within this standing for ‘Personal Home Page’. PHP is a
general-purpose scripting language geared towards web
PHP can do many other things.

For example, it is excellent at collecting form data, encrypting

user data and sending and receiving cookies. One of the major
features of PHP that makes it so usable is that it is compatible
with all major operating systems so you can code no matter
what tech you are using.
1.PHP Parser: The parser
takes PHP code and analyses
it, outputting a respective
syntax tree that puts the
source into an easier to read
format for machines to
2.Web Server: The server is
the program that will execute
your PHP files to form
3.Web Browser: The browser
will allow you to view the
PHP page through the server,
in the same way as with any
other content on the web.
How to use PHP?

There are three major things needed to code effectively in PHP:

1.PHP Parser: The parser takes PHP code and analyses it, outputting
a respective syntax tree that puts the source into an easier to read
format for machines to understand
2.Web Server: The server is the program that will execute your PHP
files to form webpages
3.Web Browser: The browser will allow you to view the PHP page
through the server, in the same way as with any other content on the
What can PHP do?

PHP can generate dynamic page content

PHP can create, open, read, write, delete, and close files on the
PHP can collect form data
PHP can send and receive cookies
PHP can add, delete, modify data in your database
PHP can be used to control user-access
PHP can encrypt data
I am Jatin Thakur PHP Developer and associated with PHP For 1 year. I am
Experienced in
Developing and Testing Software using the PHP Programming Languages.
I have been working
with Excellence for nearly 1year. Overall, a PHP Developer plays a crucial
in developing and Testing Design , scalable, and maintainable software
solutions using
Programming Languages . in the design, testing and implementation of
software using the
PHP programming language.

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