Jul 2023

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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT www.viuresource.com GBCSSCHENE uss | LITT wn Eighth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2023 Energy Engineering ‘Time: 3 hrs. Max. Maltks: 100' Note: Answer any PIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module. 4 @ ” Modute-1, 1a. Whatis pulvarised coal? What are the advantages and limitations of 10 Marts) Briefly explain the various steps involved in coal handling. 10 Marks) oR 2 a. Explain the working principle of Benson boiler, with a neat co ntarks) '. Explain common methods used for controlling super hest steam. “0 Mars) Module-2 3. a. Explain the working principle of pyranometer and pyrhel@igter Wh « neat sketch. (lo Marks) bb, With the help ofa neat sketch, explain the ext ar Brergy from solar ponds. (0 Marks) on 4a. Explain the working of floating drum bio} Ja neat sketch. io Maris) Explain the working of updraft gasifi 10 Marts) 5a. With aneat sketch, explain the wo! dominated geothermal power plant. 5. Am revenge, apps crural er egeton ene 4248 50, il be wee a malptie, ‘(10 Maris) b. With a neat sketch explain iA Raa energy by the arrangement of double basin tidal power plant. doMarks) ‘oR 6 a, Whatare the propert ind and explain the problems associated with the wind power. Go Mtaris) b. With a neat sk jalNparricus type wind machines and list the advantages and disadvantages. (10 Marks) Modute-4 7 a. With ane ‘medium and low Bead power plant (hydroelectric). (10 Marks) b. The me sharge for 12 months ata particular site o tabulated below: ‘Month | Discharge in Important Not 1. On cooling yor owes, computonly daw diagonal ces ines om he remain ak age. Cubic meter October 72000 November 1500 Mareh 1500 December 1500. ly ® 2500 January 1000 2 3000 February 300 mber 2400 ‘March 600, lof BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT www.viuresource.com 18ME81 (Draw hydrograph and flow duration curve for the above and find average month flow. Gi) Determine the power available at mean flow of water if available head is 80 site and overall efficiency of generation is 80%, Take 30 days in a month. (i With digram, explain Open yee or Claude cyte OTEC system. ‘With a diagram, explain Closed or Anderson OTEC system. Modules . @ 9 a. Explain the principle of radioactive decay, haf lif, fusion and fission 3 b.. Explain with neat sketch of components of uclear reactor. (Mar) oR 10 a, Explain the working principle of pressurized water reactor W) 'b. Explain the working principle of homogencous graphit comers) cooled reactor (indirect cirenit pas cooled reactor) with a neat sketch, ‘comtanks) =< 2of? BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative

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