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In the contemporary environment that tends to change rapidly, the management of

organizations comes to realise that learning is a process that occurs lifelong. It is

necessary to develop a strong emphasis on learning effectively as learning culture is
one of the main elements of success, which helps employees continuously improve,
create, and grow. Let’s begin defining what a learning culture involves, and steps that
the organizations must take, to cultivate one.

Now that this case has presented a brief scenario of what is meant by a learning
culture, when one is asked to define a learning culture, it is possible to say that it
consists of two parts.

As a concept of importance in the twenty first century workplace, a learning culture

therefore can be defined as an organisational culture in which employee learning and
development is encouraged and valued on an ongoing basis. In such a culture:

Curiosity Reigns: Performance at work is improved by ensuring that the workers

engage actively to find out all the knowledge, skills, and experiences they need.

Learning Is Embedded: However, learning is not a one-time process that occurs in a

classroom or when pursuing a course; instead, it is integrated into core organizational

Leaders Champion Learning: In promoting learning, leaders engage in the learning

process, display pro-learning behaviours, and facilitate resource allocation for

Why Does It Matter?

A strong learning culture offers several benefits:A strong learning culture offers
several benefits:

Adaptability: Organizations–particularly the ones in demand –need to move at the

speed of light. Particularly, knowledge workers may require extra support in
remaining updated, which is provided by the concept of the learning culture.

Employee Engagement: When the employees can exercise Voice and cognition, a
positive attitude of learning belief is fostered.
Innovation: The learning culture helps in consciousness and embracing innovation …
Organizations embrace this culture since it works towards the growth of the

Talent Retention: talent management is critical for organizations because it increases

the chances of having their employees remain with them especially if they are being
trained and developed.

As we have seen, there are various ways of cultivating learning culture in an

organization, and some of them include the following.

Here are practical steps to create an effective learning culture:Here are practical steps
to create an effective learning culture:

Assess Current Culture: Find out what your organizations knows about learning.
Define the major/professional strengths and explore the evidences for the major/minor

Define Goals and Vision: What is the goal of your learning culture, also, ensure that
you explain it elaborately?

Develop a Strategy: A guide to establishing learning initiatives should also be

prepared. Try to think about such ideas as blended learning, system of mentors, and
electronic learning platforms.

Leadership Buy-In: Use leaders to promote learning as its key players. This
commitment determines the type of organization being run as it establishes the
foundation for everyone to follow.

Promote Knowledge Sharing: Promote employees to ask questions, give suggestions

and recommendations that working knowledge and recent findings within the

Celebrate Learning: Recognize achievements.

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