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Initiative Operation 2023/2024

Initiative Title
Advanced Work Packages Implementation
Initiative Owner Initiative Team Objective, Key Result and Target
Directorate : Operation, Finance & Commercial Product Manager : Rizki Wulandhani Suwandi No. Objective
Product Owner : Handriansyah
1 Sucessfully establishing AWP (Advance Work Packaging) concept to EPC Projects
Division : Project Execution and Engineering Scrum Master : Muhammad Irfan Somadinata

Core Team : Material Managemet Discipline (Sudarsono) No. Key Result Measurement Target

Project Management (John David Sitorus, Naoval El Fariz, Khalda)

Sponsor : Chief Operations Officer & Chief Fiancial Officer 1 Guideline of AWP concept for EPC Projects Achieve or Not Achieve 100%
Construction Management (Ikha Narenda)

Project Engineering (Yacob Kusnadi)

Resource Analysis
Supply Chain Management (Aryono Imam Kusomo, Ferdiansyah) No. Resource Unit Quantity Remarks
Project Production Management (Richardus Nugra Kasih)
1 Manhours Hours 900
Project Control (Kevin Agra Benedictus)

Initiative Description
Achievement 2022/2023 Challenge/ Problem Statement Initiative Impact
Data Inconsistencies: Inaccurate or inconsistent data in either the MMS or AWP systems can lead to poor decision-making and project delays. People :

Integration: Technical issues or incompatibility problems between systems may result in integration failures, causing disruptions to project execution. Adoption new way of working methodology with AWP fostering improved collaboration and efficinecy across departments.

Loss of Productivity: During the transition period, there may be a temporary loss of productivity as employees adapt to the new integrated processes. Clear definition of criteria, define roles and responsibilies, and create structure approach for the implementation of AWP.

Communication Breakdown: Poor communication among project teams and departments can lead to misunderstandings and inefficiencies in the integration process. Operation (Process) :

Performance Issues: Technical issues with integrated tools or data synchronization can result in system performance problems. More organized process to provide possibilities acceleration in project cycle with AWP.

Create effective systems and processes, and update both upper management and the project team for awareness and alignment.
Project Delays: Any problems with integration or the adoption of new processes can result in project delays, potentially impacting project timelines and budgets.

Increased productivity and successful project delivery result from effective delegation of tasks, team motivation, and clear expectations established by strong leaders.
Lack of Continuous Improvement: Failing to monitor and continuously improve the integrated processes can result in stagnation and missed opportunities for
Keeps workers and supervisors informed about job site hazards and necessary controls to promote workplace safety.

Poor Quality : Impact for poor quality is to do some rework, delay the completion date, decrease productivity, the cost for the project will increase, teaches bad habits, Finance :
loss of confidence in contractors.
Avoids accidents, boosts productivity, prevents financial losses, and ensures the project success by maintaining a good reputation.
A trust issue will crop up, since the Client may not rely on you for any more projects.
Op mizing resource u liza on by aligning resources with tasks and project milestones. This ensures efficient alloca on, reducing idle me and unnecessary expences.


Timeline 2024
No Key Activities Milestone
Q1 Q2 Q3
Ensure the E&C EPC project charter includes AWP
1 Define Project Objectives and Scope
Define the project scope and boundaries related AWP
Review and standarize AWP templates with fields for description, objectives, deliverables, resources, timeline, and quality criteria
2 Develop Advanced Work Packages
Integrate AWPs into the Work Breakdown Structure
Integrate AWP into the PPM system
3 AWP Integration
Integrate AWP into the TAP-MM

Approval and Sign

Product Manager : Date Sign :

Product Owner : Date Sign :

Chapter Lead / Head of Division : Date Sign :

Tribe Leader / Chief Operation Officer & Chief Financial Officer : Date Sign :

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