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MR. MUBIRU SULAIMAN: 0700 758668
MR. WASIGE PAUL: 0701435176

“Don’t speak for Quality, Let the Quality Speak for

© 2023 Surekey Examinations Board - SKEB

Questions 1 to40carry one mark each

1. State any one way school going pupils can manage rainy weather.
 Through using umbrella  Taking warm shower
 Through using raincoat  Putting on jackets
 Taking warm water/ tea  Through using banana leaves
 Putting on waterproof shoes or boots.
2. Mention any one way early man was able to get what to eat.
 Through fishing  Through farming
 Through hunting  Through collecting wild fruit
 Through collecting wild honey
3. Why is it important for farmers to harvest their crops during a dry
 There is enough sunshine to dry harvested crops.
4. Name the official who collects school fees at school.
 School bursar
5. How is a class register important to classroom teachers?
 Helps a teacher to know the pupils present and absent.
 For knowing class attendance
 For security
 For record keeping
6. State any one problem a family with many members is likely to
 Shortage of basic needs
 Indiscipline cases are common
 There is segregation among relatives
 Immorality is common among children
7. Give any one reason why the road sign below is put on busy roads.

 For pedestrians to cross a busy road

 To minimize road accidents.

8. What problem does one face when studying a map without a key?
 One fails to interpret map symbols
9. Which group of security people defends the country against any
 The army
10. State any one reason why the government is creating more
 To create jobs  To promote development
 To control rural urban migration  To ease administration
 To ease delivery of social services
11. Give any one way of spending money wisely.
 Through buying in bulk  Through budgeting
 Through Comparing prices  Through bargaining

Study the sketch map of the largest lake in Uganda below and use it to
answer questions 12 and 13.




12. Name the largest lake in Uganda shown above.

 Lake Victoria
13. State the main economic activity carried out on the above lake.
 Fishing
14. Give any one reason why people move from one village to another.
 Due to job transfers  To look for better schools
 To escape famine  To look for better security
 To look for jobs  To look for better health services
 To escape family conflicts  To look for amenities
 To escape crimes  To escape diseases
15. State any one use of a radio at home.
 For entertainment  For study purpose
 For listening to news and announcements (communication)

16. Give any one reason why most people plant grass in their
 To control soil erosion  For herbs
 To get pasture for animals  For food
 For decoration  For resting in (recreation activities)
17. Why should a market centre be built in each village in your district?
 For people to buy and sell their goods (trade)
 To create jobs
 To promote development
 For government to collect revenue
 To control rural urban migration
18. State any one way pupils can avoid fights at school.
 Through guidance and counseling
 Through setting up rules and regulations
 Through organizing daily assemblies
 Through punishing undisciplined children
 Through suspending and expelling children who fight at school
 Through improving security at school
 Through bringing up God fearing children
 Through organizing liturgical prayers
19. Apart from food and water, mention any one other need a person
cannotlive without.
 Education  Security
 Clothes  Medical care

20. State any one advantage children in an extended family have over
thosein a nuclear family.
 There is enough cheap labour in an extended family than in a nuclear family.
 There is enough securityin an extended family than in a nuclear family.
 There is unity among relativesin an extended family than in a nuclear family.
 Children learn from relativesin an extended family than in a nuclear family.
 Children in an extended family grow up knowing their relatives than those in a
nuclear family.
21. What title is given to the political head of a local council one?
 Chairperson LC l
22. Why are farmers in your areas encouraged to use machines in
theirfarming activities?
 To ease/ simplify work  To increase farm income
 To increase crop yield  To save time
 To promote commercial farming  To create jobs for community members
 To promote mechanisation of agriculture

23. Why do schools organize regular prefect elections?
 To promote democracy
 To promote leadership
 It is a school policy
24. Write any one play material got from banana fibres.
 Balls  Dolls
 Ropes  Mats
The diagram below shows formation of a type of rainfall. Use it
to answer questions 25 and 26.

25. Name the type of rainfall shown in the diagram above.

 Relief rainfall
26. Why does the side of the mountain marked A receive little
 It receives cold dry wind
27. Mention any one way children are abused in your region.
 Through rape  Through denial of food
 Through defilement  Through denial of education
 Through child labour  Through denial of medical care
 Through child sacrifice
28. State any one danger of settling near a place where wild animals
are kept.
 You can easily be attacked and hurt by the animals
 Animals can escape and eat your crops
29. Give any one reason why culture is important in any given
 Promotes development  Creates unity
 Promotes hard work  It is a source of income
 Promotes identity  Promotes friendship
 For prestige  Promotes morals
 For proper communication.  Promotes Peace and security
 Promotes tourism  Promotes practical work

30. Mention any one way swamps are useful to man.
 Beautify the environment  Provide fish
 Habitat for wild animals  Provide water
 Have fertile soil for agriculture  Source of minerals
 Promote tourism  Source of raw material
31. Name any one Bantu tribe in Uganda.
 Banyankole  Bagwere  Basoga
 Bakiga  Bagisu  Basamia
 Bamba  Bagisu  Baruli
 Banyole  Batoro
32. State any one way people in your community use land as a
 It is source of wealth  They construct roads on land
 They sell land to get of income  They construct houses on land
 They grow crops on Land  They set up industries on land
 They get minerals from land  It is used for brick making
33. Why do most people prefer using means of air transport than
usingmeans of road transport when travelling long distances?
 Air transport is faster than road transport
 Air transport takes direct route unlike road transport
34. How can children promote peace and security at home?
 Through reporting wrong doers and strangers
 Through following rules and regulations
 Through respecting others
 Through loving others  Through forgiving others
 Through greeting others  Through sharing with others
35. Why is Kampala an important city in Uganda?
 It is the major commercial center  It is a source of employment
 It is a recreation center  It is a tourist center
 It is an administrative center  It has ready market for good
For each of the questions 36 to 40, answer Either the Christian OR Islamic
questions but not both. No marks will be awarded to a candidate who attempts
both alternatives in a particular number.

State any one way a Christian child can care for a sick friend.
 Reminding the sick person to take medicine
 Washing clothes for a sick person
 Supporting the sick person to walk
 Bathing the sick person

State any one way a Muslim child can care for a sick friend.
 Reminding the sick person to take medicine
 Washing clothes for a sick person
 Supporting the sick person to walk
 Bathing the sick person
 Through counseling the sick person
Name the holy book Christians use in worshiping God.
 Bible
Name the holy book Muslims use in worshiping Allah.
 Qur'an
What do we call the fasting period for Christians?
 Lent
What do we call the fasting period for Muslims?
 Ramadan
As a Christian child, what should you do to a person who has
done something bad to you?
 You forgive
As a Muslim child, what should you do to a person who does
something bad to you?
 You forgive
Write down any one lesson you learn from the life of Jesus
 To forgive
 To pray
 To respect others
 To love sinners
 To love others
 To be faithful
 To fast
 To be obedient
 To preach the gospel

Write down any one lesson you learn from the life of Prophet
 To forgive  To respect others
 To pray  To love others
 To love sinners  To fast
 To be faithful  To preach Islam
 To be obedient

41. a) Mention any two acts of breaking the law.

 Smoking marijuana and using cannabis products.
 Failure to update your driver’s license.
 Using your phone while driving  Copyright infringement
 Jaywalking  Speeding vehicle
 Cycling on pavement  Trafficking
 Stealing  Littering
 Abusing  Gambling
 Child abuse  Under age drinking
b) State any one punishment given to law breakers in our society.
 Cleaning the well  Can be beaten
 Paying fine  Life Imprisonment
 Cleaning the road
c) Why do judges in courts of law send law breakers to prison?
 To transform them  To promote peace and security
 To keep the law breaker  To promote justice
 To protect other citizens  To bring up law abiding citizens

42. Study the sketch map of TIBO village below carefully and use it to answer
the questions that follow.

a) Mention any one source of clean water in TIBO village.
 Borehole
b) Which social service is got by the people of TIBO from the
followingsocial service centres?
i) police - Security
ii) school - Education

c) How is the factory important to the people of TIBO

 Source of finished goods  Provide market to local goods
 Provide jobs  Develop infrastructures
 Promote education and reserc  Promote tourism

43. a) Mention any two places at school where games and sports
takes place.
 School compound
 School field/ play ground
 Dining hall
b) How are games and sports important to school children?
 Promote culture  Promote unity
 They entertain children  Promote talent
 Help children to relax their  Promote love and sharing
c) Why is football and netball called social activities?
 They unite or bring people together
44. a) Write down any two conditions of weather.
 Rainy  Cloudy  Humid
 Sunny  Misty
 Windy  Foggy
b) Name the instrument at a weather station used to,
i) show the direction of wind -Windvane
ii) measure the amount of rainfall received - Rain gauge

45. The pictures below show two man’s activities in our community. Study
then carefully and answer the questions that follow.


a) Name man’s activity shown in Pictures A and B.

i) A Afforestation/Reforestation
ii) B Deforestation/ Lumbering
b) How is the activity the boys and girls doing in Picture A
important to our environment?
 Control global warming
 Increase chances of rain formation
 Conserves the environment
 Controls desertification
c) Why do you think the man is cutting the trees in Picture B?
 To get land for farming  To get land for settlement
 To get firewood  To sell trees and get money
 To get timber
 To burn wood and get charcoal

46. a) Write down any three rights children should enjoy.

 Right to food  Right to have a name
 Right to life  Right to have parents
 Right to education  Right to freedom and peace.
 Right to be born well.  Right to good governance
 Right to medical Care
 Right to play and enjoy their youth.
 Right to be protected from danger.
 Right to live in a productive environment.
 Right to be cared for in the absence of their parent or guardian
 Right to access what they need to have a good life.

b) Give any one reason why children’s rights should be
 To promote their health
 To prevent child abuse
 To promote freedom and peace
 To improve their living standards
 To promote love and respect
 To promote

47. a) Apart from lakes mention any two other physical features
found inyour sub-county.
 Rivers  Plains
 Mountains  Valley
 Rift valley  Hills
 Plateau
b) Write any two ways in which lakes are important to man.
 Provide water for irrigation  They are recreation centers
 Promote tourism  They promote water transport
 They are fishing ground  Promote education and research
 They are natural barrier against enemies
 They help in rain formation
 They are sources of minerals
 Provide water for domestic use.

48. Study the compass direction below and use it to answer the questions that
follow. N


a) Name the compass direction marked with letter M.

 Southwest (SW)
b) How is a compass direction useful to a map reader?
 Helps a map reader to find direction of places
c) Apart from a compass direction, mention any one other
elementof a good map.
 A map legend/ key  Map frame
 Map heading/title  Map scale
d) Use letter Z to mark the direction where the sun rises from.

49. a) What is communication?
 This is the sending and receiving of information
b) Mention any two modern means of communication.
 Magazine  Telephone  Brochures
 Newspaper  Internet  Signposts
 Television  Billboard  Fireworks
 Radio  Fliers  Letters
c) State any one advantage of modern means of communication.
 They are fast
 They are portable

50. The table below shows titles of leaders found in our community in list A
and their type of leadership in list B. Study and match them correctly.
List A: Title of leader List B: Type of leader
i) King Political leader
ii) President Religious leader
iii) Priest Civic leader
iv) CAO Cultural leader
i) King cultural leader
ii) President political leader
iii) Priest Religious leader
iv) CAO civic leader

For each of the questions51 to 55, answer EITHER the Christian OR Islamic
questions but not both. No mark will be awarded to a candidate who attempts
both alternatives in a particular number.

a) Name the first two people to be created by God.
 Adam
 Eve
b) How did the above named people disobey God?
 They ate the forbidden fruit
c) Which creature tempted the above people to disobey God?
 The snake/ serpent
a) Name the first two people to be created by Allah.
 Adam
 Hawa

b) How did the above named people disobey Allah?
 They ate the forbidden fruit
c) Which creature tempted the above people to disobey Allah?
 The snake/ serpent
Match the prophet in List A with what they are known for in List B.
a) Moses was swallowed by a big fish.
b) Jonah baptized Jesus Christ.
c) Elijah got the Ten Commandments.
d) John the Baptist went to heaven alive.
 Moses Got the Ten Commandments
 Jonah was swallowed by the big fish
 Elijah went to heaven alive
 John the Baptist baptized Jesus
Match the people in Prophet Muhammad’s life in List A with how they are
related to him in List B.
a) Aminah grandfather of Prophet Muhammad.
b) Abudallah uncle of Prophet Muhammad.
c) Abu-Twalib father of Prophet Muhammad.
d) Abdul-Mutwalib mother of Prophet Muhammad.
a) Aminah mother of Prophet Muhammad.
b) Abudallah father of prophet Muhammad
c) Abu-Twalib uncle of prophet Muhammad
d) Abdul-Mutwalib grandfather of prophet Muhammad
a) Give any two ways of worshiping God.
 Preaching  Playing church musical
 Praying instruments
 Singing Gospel  Fasting
 Reading the Bible  Cleaning the Church
 Paying tithe and offering  Building a church
 Helping the needy
b) Name any one place where a good Christian can worship his God.
 Church/Temple / Shrine  Under trees
 Desert  Mountains
 Home/house

c) How is the act of worshiping God important to a Christian?
 Our sins are forgiven

 Brings us closer to God

 Makes God happy

 Prepares us for eternity

 It helps the poor

a) Give any two ways of worshiping Allah.
 Preaching  Helping the needy
 Praying  Fasting
 Reading the Quran  Cleaning the mosque
 Paying zakat  Building a mosque

b) Name any one place where a good Muslim can worship his
 Mosque  Under trees
 Desert  Mountains
 Home/house
c) How is the act of worshiping Allah important to a Muslim?
 Our sins are forgiven
 Brings us closer to Allah
 Makes God happy
 Prepares us for eternity
 It helps the poor
a) Write down any three qualities of a religious leader.
 Should be hardworking  Should be approachable
 Should be obedient  Should be exemplary
 Should be God fearing  Should be royal
 Should be trustworthy  Should be faithful
 Should be called by God  Should be dedicated
 Should be knowledgeable
b) State any one way religious leaders are important in our
 Promote peace and  Preach the word of God
security  Pray for the people
 Provide guidance and  Promote morals
counseling  Teach reconciliation
 Implement government  Bring people closer to God
 Settle disputes

a) Name the two parts of the holy Bible.
 New Testament
 Old Testament

b) Mention any two ways Christians use the holy Bible in their
daily lives.
 Preaching the gospel
 Praying for the sick
 Chasing evil spirit
 Reading the word of God

a) Name any two holy books in Islam apart from the holy Quran.
 Tauret
 Zabur
 Injil
b) Mention any two ways Muslims use the holy Quran in their
daily lives.
 Preaching Islam
 Praying for the sick
 Chasing evil spirit
 Reading the word of Allah

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.
©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

©2022-SUREKEY EXAMINATIONS BOARD (SKEB) ‘Don’t Speak for Quality, Let Quality Speak for Itself’’ Always ready to change the dynamics in education. Don’t miss out please.

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