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Crystal Red

Daddy is a Cuckold
Smashwords Edition
Copyright © 2022 by Crystal Red

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

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without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy
this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means
without permission.

This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and

incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author's imagination.
Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or
localities is entirely coincidental.

Crystal Red has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of

URLs for external or third-party Internet Websites referred to in
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Author’s note: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18

years of age or older.

Smashwords Edition

First edition

This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy

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Daddy is a Cuckold
Also by Crystal Red
Daddy is a Cuckold

How is my daughter making so much money?

That was the question I couldn’t get out of my mind as I
worked on my crossword puzzle at the kitchen table.
Jaz, short for Jasmine Elizabeth Hottle, is my daughter,
and she just walked into the kitchen this Saturday morning
tapping and swiping on her brand new smartphone.
I put my crossword down and looked across the kitchen as
Jaz grabbed a bag of bagels. My daughter, Jaz, is a beautiful
blonde with long thick hair flowing over her shoulders and
down her back. When the sun came through the window and
hit it you could see shades of color from light brown to
dazzling gold. I took a long look as her back was turned
toward me.
She wore a baggy tan sweatshirt that looked brand new. It
covered whatever skimpy shorts she had on, making it look
like she wasn’t wearing any at all. She had shapely, lightly
toned legs built from years of expensive dance classes. But Jaz
wasn’t doing that now, she was a college freshman, but she
was the only college freshman I knew that had a brand new
phone and new clothes and sunglasses and shoes every week,
not to mention all the trips to the salon and spa and wherever
else. I was curious. I had checked my bank statements again
and again, and Jaz wasn’t using any of mine or her mother’s
money. I even checked to see if Jaz’s mother had maybe sold
some jewelry for cash and given it to her, but that wasn’t the
case. I just couldn’t understand.
“Jaz,” I said. “Will you come sit with me?”
“Sure Daddy,” Jaz said in her light and friendly voice as
she walked over holding a small plate, on it was a bagel
smeared with cream cheese, a halved avocado, and a spoon.
She sat, looked across the table at me, and smiled. “What’s
Jaz’s smile distracted me for a moment, she had a perfect
white smile and it could just melt me like warm butter. She
was a beautiful young woman. I sure was glad she got her
looks from her mother instead of me, short and stocky with
receding curly brown hair.
“Jaz,” I said. “Is that a new phone?”
“Yeah,” she said, chewing a bite of bagel, then picking up
the phone and showing me. “It has so many cool features, the
camera is amazing. Try it.”
I took the phone from her and opened the camera app. I
pointed it across the table and Jaz was ready with another
smile, this one a little more playful, almost…sexy.
I snapped the pic and then looked at the screen. “Wow, it’s
so clear.”
“It is so great,” Jaz said, taking the phone back and
looking. “Ooh, Daddy, nice shot. I might have to post that
“Jaz,” I said, trying not to get off track. “That phone had
to be expensive.”
She put it down and dug a spoonful out of the avocado. She
shrugged. “You know they have trade-in deals and all sorts of
good plans for students.”
“Right,” I said. “But that’s the top of the line, like the
clothes you wear, and your manicures, and—”
“Don’t you want the best for me, Daddy?” Jaz said.
She gave me an innocent look that left me speechless.
“Well…I…of course, sweetheart.”
She giggled and took another bite of avocado, chewed,
swallowed, and licked her lips. I tried to go back to my
crossword. I was screwing this conversation all up. I wanted
answers, but all I was getting was flustered. I had to just ask
her directly. I looked back up and opened my mouth, but Jaz
started first. “Daddy, I’m going to the pool today.”
“The pool? Don’t you have class?”
Jaz giggled and covered her mouth. “Daddy, it’s Saturday.”
“Oh, right,” I said, still flustered. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay, Daddy,” Jaz said, getting up and patting my
shoulder. “I bet you’ve been working so hard this week you’re
probably all worn out mentally.”
“Actually, I am,” I said.
“So take a day off,” Jaz said as she took her plate to the
sink. “Do what you want to do. Pamper yourself.”
I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Seriously,” Jaz said. “Try it sometime.”
“Maybe,” I said.
“I’m going to change,” Jaz said, walking back by my chair.
She stopped and kissed me on the cheek. “I got a brand new
bikini,” she said, then padded on to her room just across the
I sat there wondering how I didn’t ask her what I wanted
to ask her. She certainly had me wrapped around her finger.
A moment later I was back to my crossword when Jaz’s
bedroom door opened and shut and she pranced back into the
kitchen. Her hair was up in a ponytail, she wore big gold hoop
earrings, and her makeup was freshly done, perfectly
highlighting her cheekbones and pink lips. Jaz was such a
natural beauty she didn’t really need makeup. I noticed a
black string peeking out of the neck of her blue t-shirt, it was
another baggy shirt that covered her shorts, or maybe just her
bikini bottoms.
“Wearing makeup to the pool?” I asked, hoping to catch
her off guard.
“Of course,” Jaz said. “You know it’s all about the poolside
“Right,” I said. “Jaz, I was just wondering how a young
college girl has so much extra cash.”
Jaz’s blue eyes flashed with what I thought was mischief.
She smiled. “You know there are all kinds of ways to make
money these days, apps, social media monetization. When I
see a good opportunity, I take it.”
“That’s great,” I said. “But—”
“Bye, Daddy! Love you!” Jaz said as she went right out the
door before I could finish my sentence. I still wondered what
she was actually doing for money.


I looked back down at my crossword and tried to concentrate.

I heard the car start outside. I couldn’t stand it. Jaz was
always in class during the week, and every weekend she was
at the pool. When was she doing all this work?
I jumped up, grabbed my car keys off the little rack by the
door, and went straight outside. I jumped in my car, started
it, and shifted into drive.
I pulled out of the driveway and headed to the right, to the
left was a dead end. I caught sight of Jaz’s silver SUV as she
turned right at a stop sign. I stayed back and followed.
I kept my distance, not wanting to get busted, just keeping
Jaz’s SUV in sight. I was surprised when Jaz drove all the way
through the neighborhood and got on the highway. I had
never asked her what pool she went to, I just figured it was a
friend’s or at a country club, but we weren’t headed toward
any country club I knew of, we were headed downtown.

Jaz turned off the highway into a neighborhood I didn’t like at
all. The houses were old and rundown, cars sat out front on
blocks rusting away in yards. A chained-up dog with vicious
slobbering jaws barked wildly as I passed by. I made sure my
doors were locked. A doughy middle-aged white guy like me
would be a prime target for a carjacking, and so would a
young white girl.
Jaz turned again and when I saw her hit the brakes I made
sure to stay back. She had to be turning around. She must be
lost. She must not have GPS on that fancy new phone, or not
know how to work it.
I didn’t make the turn expecting to see her come back out
from the side street, but when she didn’t I got worried. I crept
up just enough to see down that street. I watched as Jaz
turned into a driveway and put her car in park. She shut the
engine off and quickly got out.
“What are you doing, sweetheart?” I muttered, my mind
racing with all kinds of thoughts that couldn’t possibly be
true. Could they?
Jaz got out confidently and walked straight to a door at the
back of the garage. Someone answered it, I couldn’t see who,
but they immediately let Jaz in.
“What the hell?” I said, zipping across the street and
parking my car. I got my phone out, but then I stopped. Who
was I going to call? I wanted to call the police, but what would
I tell them? I considered calling my wife, but she would totally
flip out, which is what I was trying not to do.
What was Jaz doing in there? My mind was slowly but
surely settling on one thing and one thing only. Jaz must be a
drug dealer, and this is where she gets the goods.
After all we’d taught her, how could she?
I grabbed the door handle, but I didn’t pop it open just yet.
A big man in baggy jeans and a bright red leather jacket
slowly walked by on the sidewalk, eyeing me. I glanced at
him, then looked straight down, waiting for him to walk by.
Thankfully, he did.
I got out and quickly locked my car, I looked up and down
the sidewalk and hoped my car would be here when I got back.
I hurried across the street and crept up to the back of the low
brick house my daughter had just disappeared into.
The big garage door had no windows, and neither did the
smaller door that Jaz actually walked through. They were both
white with peeling paint, the weeds and overgrown grass kept
tickling my ankles and making me think bugs were on them.
I looked back at my car, I wanted to go back to it, my heart
was racing with fear, but I had to know what Jaz was doing. It
was a father’s duty.
I moved over toward a row of overgrown bushes and low
trees. I could hide in there and see the back of the house. I
slipped between the two bushes and hunched over. Sticks
poked at my back and scratched my arms, but it was the
perfect hiding spot. I could see a wide porch across the back of
the house with faded wooden boards. Two yellow lawn chairs
sat on the porch, the old folding aluminum kind, a broken
table sat between them, a big red cooler on top of it.
I was considering sneaking up to that porch and taking a
look in the back door, it had a window, but a few seconds later
I was really glad I didn’t. That door popped open and out
came a tall man with short braids. He had dark skin, he was
tall and lean. He wore a bright orange t-shirt that hung low, a
shiny silver chain was around his neck. His ripped jeans
sagged around his waist and his bright orange and white
sneakers were untied, they looked brand new. He walked out
and flipped the lid off the cooler. It clattered to the ground.
He reached in and pulled out a silver can of beer. He
popped the top and took a long drink, then held the can and
sat down in one of the lawn chairs as another man came
This man was much bigger, a solid slab of muscle with a
bald head and thick beard. He had a big smile on his face as he
pulled a cigarette from between his lips and blew smoke in
the air. I was close enough to smell it, and it was not tobacco,
just as I feared.
The muscular man’s skin wasn’t as dark as the tall, lean
man, and tattoos covered his arms and neck. He wore a black
t-shirt that stretched across his chest and around his big
biceps. He wore matching black sweatpants over his tree
trunk thighs, and his black and white sneakers were also
perfectly clean. He walked out and grabbed two beers from
the cooler. Why two?
I quickly realized why when Jaz followed him out. He
cracked open a can and handed it to her. I watched as she
sipped it, then made a face. The muscular man cracked his
own can open, sipped, then sat in the other lawn chair. He
motioned for Jaz.
I couldn’t believe it when Jaz grinned, walked over, and sat
across the man’s lap. His free hand resting on her bare thigh,
sliding up and down. It filled me with rage. But I was also
shocked at everything I was seeing.
I was close enough to hear them talk, the taller man in
orange spoke first. “That was some good shit, Demarius.”
“Damn right,” the muscular man called Demarius said. “I
only get the good shit.”
“That’s why I keep coming back,” Jaz said, smiling.
Both men had a good chuckle over that.
“That, and Antonio’s big dick,” Jaz said.
While the men roared with laughter I was trying to catch
my breath. I had to have misheard. Did Jaz just mention…No,
no way.
The laughter from the porch quieted down. I noticed Jaz
had her arm draped around big Demarius, she seemed very
comfortable in his lap. He puffed on his joint, then took it out
from between his lips again. “You want some of this?” He
said to Jaz.
“Sure,” she said.
He held the joint to her lips and she inhaled deeply, then
blew it out. I couldn’t believe it.
“Give me some of that,” Antonio said, reaching across.
Jaz took the joint from between her lips and handed it to
the man. She leaned her head back, her breasts sticking up in
her t-shirt right in front of Demarius, like she was teasing
him. I wanted to get up and ask her just what she thought she
was doing, but I was frozen. For one, Demarius and Antonio
intimidated me, and two, I wanted to see why Jaz was here
and how she was making money. If she was dealing drugs I
would stop her, afraid or not, at least that’s what I told
Antonio took that joint from his mouth, leaned his head
back, and blew a big cloud of smoke into the air. He dropped
the joint onto the porch and stepped on it. “Y’all ready?”
“Fuck yeah I’m ready,” Demarius said. “Shit.”
“You ready, girl?” Antonio said to Jaz.
My daughter grinned and smiled. She popped right up and
pulled her phone from her pocket, holding it up proudly.
“This records in 4K.”
“Shit,” Demarius said. “That’s gonna look good.”
“Sho is,” Antonio said.
Record what, I wondered, leaning forward for a good view
of the back porch. Antonio walked down the wooden steps,
they creaked with each step. He walked through the
overgrown backyard to a blue plastic kiddie pool.
Was that the pool Jaz was talking about?
“Hey!” Antonio yelled out.
For a breathtaking moment I thought he had spotted me,
but he hadn’t. He was yelling at Demarius. “Grab those
I didn’t see what Demarius grabbed. I watched Jaz as she
pranced down the stairs into the yard, holding her phone.
Demarius showed up a second later with two big clear
bottles under his muscular arm. I couldn’t tell what they
Jaz stood by the small plastic pool, a huge smile still on her
face. She placed her phone in the crook of a branch in a small
nearby tree, she stood back, waved at the camera, and smiled,
then she turned to Antonio, the tall, lean black man, wrapped
her arms around his neck, and pulled him down for a long
My breath caught in my throat again as I watched Jaz lock
lips so hungrily with Antonio. It was a hard, passionate kiss,
and I for sure saw Jaz’s tongue slide into his mouth, then his
into hers.
While they kissed, Antonio’s hands were busy, they started
up around Jaz’s back, holding her close, but it didn’t take long
for them to slide down, under the hem of that blue t-shirt and
over her tight little booty.
I got my first glimpse at Jaz’s bikini bottoms as Antonio
groped her. They were skimpy little things, practically a
thong, and much tinier than anything I had ever seen her
wear before. The strings around her hips were black, but the
rest of the bikini was cheetah print. Very sexy.
Just when I thought it couldn’t get any crazier, Demarius
stepped up behind Jaz, grabbed the hem of her blue t-shirt,
and slowly lifted, exposing more and more of my daughter’s
toned and tight young body.
She broke the kiss with Antonio and looked over her
shoulder, giving Demarius a big smile and holding her arms
up so he could remove her shirt. He smiled back, an arrogant
smile, and pulled her t-shirt off and tossed it out of the way.
Jaz reached behind her head and pulled the rubber band
out of her hair and shook out her ponytail, all that luscious
wavy blonde hair flowing down around her pretty face and
slender shoulders.
I got a good, long look at Jaz’s brand new bikini, a bikini
she must’ve bought just for these black men. I couldn’t
believe how sexy it was, nothing like Jaz typically wore. It
looked like something that might be on a woman onstage at a
strip club. I mentioned the skimpy bottoms, and the top was
just the same, two tiny cheetah print triangles barely covering
Jaz’s small, perky breasts. One black string tied around her
back, another around her neck.
I wasn’t the only one that couldn’t take my eyes off Jaz.
Antonio and Demarius eyed her like two hungry wolves
eyeing a piece of meat. She looked so hot. I knew I shouldn’t
be looking at my daughter like this, but God I just couldn’t
help it. She had the perfect body, her tan skin glowing. She
was gorgeous.
Demarius put his hands on Jaz’s hips and turned her
around toward him. She smiled, her cheeks turning a
beautiful shade of pink, then she leaned in and kissed him.
Just like with Antonio, she kissed him hard, slipping that
tongue into his mouth, then freely accepting his.
As they kissed, Antonio came back into the picture. His
shirt was off, his chain hanging against his dark skin. He held
one of those clear bottles in his big hand, and I finally realized
what it was. Baby oil.
Demarius and Jaz broke their kiss as he walked up.
Demarius took Jaz’s hand as she stepped into the blue kiddie
pool, smiling and beckoning Antonio to come closer.
The tall, lean black man stripped the cap off the bottle and
held it up. Jaz knew exactly what to do, spinning around
toward Antonio and sticking her round booty out. Antonio
held the bottle above Jaz’s booty, turned it over, and let the oil
run down her butt, over that skimpy bikini bottom, and down
her toned legs. He stopped when half the oil was on Jaz. He
squatted and put the bottle down, grabbed Jaz’s ankles, and
slid his hands up her calves until they met with that slick
clear oil siding down them. He rubbed his big black hands up
and down her legs, making her skin all slick and shiny,
getting closer and closer to her booty.
Demarius walked up shirtless, holding the other bottle of
baby oil. I happened to notice quite a bulge in his sweatpants.
That couldn’t possibly all be him.
Antonio’s hands were now sliding all over Jaz’s booty, and
she was absolutely loving it, smiling and looking over her
shoulder. Antonio kneaded Jaz’s ass like dough, squeezing
and groping and then giving her a quick spank. He moved his
hands and Jaz suddenly started shaking her ass, twerking for
the two black men.
“Hell yeah!” Demarius shouted.
“Shake dat ass!” Antonio said.
And Jaz did. She could really work it, and I watched, not
blinking as my daughter twerked.
Jaz squealed with delight, then straightened up and turned
around. She curled a finger at Demarius. He grabbed his full
bottle of baby oil and walked over. He twisted the cap off, held
the bottle upside down, and drizzled it all over Jaz’s tits, just
covering them, soaking her bikini top, and letting that clear
slick oil slide down her abs.
I could clearly see Jaz’s nipples poking at the thin fabric of
her bikini top. I felt a throb between my legs and glanced
down. I was absolutely tenting my khakis, a hard boner
threatening to rip right through them. I looked up, then
looked down again. I shouldn’t have a boner, that was my
own daughter I was watching with those bad men. This
shouldn’t turn me on, but that tiny bikini, all that oil, and
Jaz’s tight body. God it was good. Too good. I continued to
Neither man could resist Jaz’s oiled up body. All four big
black hands were exploring, cupping her breasts, sliding up
and down her abs, curling around to squeeze her ass, and
even sliding down between her legs.
When that first hand went between her legs—it was
Antonio’s hand—Jaz let out a gasp and shivered, an
incredibly sexy sound I never imagined I would hear slip from
my daughter’s lips. It made my cock throb again, which I tried
to ignore.
It didn’t take long for those bikini strings to start getting
untied. The top was first. Demarius got it off, and Antonio was
right there, his big hands on Jaz’s bare breasts as she smiled
and looked down at what he was doing. He pinched and pulled
at Jaz’s pretty pink nipples. They were just as pink and pretty
as her lips, medium-sized, and very hard. And as he pulled
and played, Jaz moaned again.
Behind her, Demarius had already started untying her
bikini bottoms, they slid off to reveal a neatly trimmed patch
of dark blonde hair. Demarius’s hand slid right over it, and
down between her legs, making her wiggle and moan.
Jaz was covered in shiny oil from her neck down to her
toes. Her body shimmered in the sun, such a beautiful sight in
this dingy backyard in this dirty neighborhood. She looked
like a golden goddess, and I couldn’t believe she was giving
herself up to these…thugs.
Jaz squatted in front of the two men, and she focused her
attention on tall and lean Antonio first, her dainty hands
reaching for the pockets of his jeans and pulling him closer.
She unbuckled his black leather belt and pushed it apart. She
unbuttoned his jeans, then tugged them down. He wore tight,
black cotton boxer briefs with bright orange trim, matching
his shirt and sneakers. I could clearly see the big smile on
Jaz’s face as her blue eyes locked onto the bulge in Antonio’s
boxers. His bulge was just as big as Demarius’s. It was
A wicked grin flashed across Jaz’s lips as she hooked her
fingers into the waistband of Antonio’s boxer shorts and
slowly started pulling them down. My eyes bulged as I
watched inch after inch of Antonio’s huge black cock get
revealed by my very own daughter. Once he popped free he
bobbed up and down just inches from Jaz’s wide-eyed face.
His purple head swollen and thick, his balls like two massive
plums hanging between his legs. He grinned and looked down
at Jaz.
I couldn’t have been more surprised at what Jaz did next. I
guess I shouldn’t have been, after the men oiled her down and
felt her up, but I was still surprised when Jaz’s hand shot
forward and gripped Antonio’s thick shaft. Her small hand
barely wrapped around the thick black cock.
She giggled as she held it, then she started stroking it,
running her hand back and forth, looking up at the big black
man and getting closer and closer.
Jaz opened her mouth, stuck out her pink tongue, and took
Antonio’s cock into her mouth. It was so big she barely got
the head in as she sealed her lips and sucked hard. Her lips
popped as she came off his cock and looked up at him, her
blue eyes twinkling.
I guess Demarius didn’t want to be left out, he stepped up
right next to his buddy, his big bulge demanding attention.
Jaz turned to him, hooking her fingers into the waistband
of his sweatpants and pulling them down past his knees.
Demarius’s boxer shorts were light gray, and it was easy to
see his massive bulge as well as a wet spot where he’d been
leaking precum.
Jaz didn’t take her time, she slid his boxers down and
when his black cock popped free it nearly whapped Jaz’s chin.
Her eyes crossed as she watched it bob in front of her face.
She opened wide and took his cock in her mouth before it
even stopped bobbing. She sealed her lips, sucked, and pulled
back, her lips popping again as she gasped and giggled. She
had Antonio in one hand, Demarius in the other. I couldn’t
believe what I was seeing. Jaz squatting in a blue plastic
kiddie pool, holding two massive black cocks in her hands,
going from one to the other, sucking them with her mouth.
Was that really my daughter out there doing that?
I throbbed again, this time so hard I couldn’t ignore it. I
was freely leaking precum, I could feel it all over the inside of
my boxer shorts and slicking my shaft. I couldn’t pretend it
wasn’t there. I wanted to stroke my cock, but that was my
daughter, and she was with those black men. I couldn’t, I just
couldn’t, but my hand slid down to the front of my khakis and
I squeezed myself. I felt so good I let out a groan, louder than
I expected, I couldn’t really control it, but thankfully nobody
heard. Jaz, Antonio, and Demarius were busy.
Jaz had a mouthful of Demarius now, and he had his big
hands on her blonde head, forcing her deeper and deeper on
his cock. She sputtered and gagged and a mix of drool and
precum slid down her chin. Her eyes teared up and her
makeup ran, but she tried her best to take every inch of
Demarius, coming off him gasping.
She slurped up that drool and precum, then turned to
Antonio’s black cock, took it in her mouth, and let him grab
two fistfuls of blonde hair and forced her to facefuck him. Jaz
bobbed back and forth, hard and fast.
Antonio pulled her in close and she let his length fill her
throat. She held it for a second before sputtering, coughing,
and backing off, gasping for breath as drool and precum
dripped off her chin onto her perky tits.
“Oh fuck,” Jaz gasped as she took deep heaving breaths.
“Your cocks are so big.”
“Damn right,” Antonio said.
“I need one inside me,” Jaz said.
Antonio helped Jaz to her feet, that big grin still on his
face. He groped Jaz’s tits again, squeezing both, then tugging
her pink nipples before letting them go and spinning her
around. He pushed her back forward, bending her over, her
ass towards him, her legs straight.
Demarius moved around to the other side, positioning
himself to keep using my daughter’s mouth. He grabbed two
handfuls of hair and pulled her toward his big black cock
while Antonio got in position behind her.
The tall and lean Antonio ran his hands over Jaz’s tight
booty, still slick and shiny with oil. He squeezed it hard, then
gave it another quick spank that popped loudly and left a red
handprint. It also made Jaz yelp, then look over her shoulder
at the grinning black man with a devilish smile on her lips.
My Jaz was one naughty girl, I had no idea.
Antonio grabbed his cock and guided it between Jaz’s legs.
I watched as the swollen purple head of his big black cock slid
up and down Jaz’s pretty pink lips. He got his tip all wet, then
he slid inside.
“Ooohhhhh!” Jaz gasped, her eyes shutting tight as the
black man entered her. Her gasp was somewhere between
pleasure and pain.
Antonio eased his hips forward, his cock sliding in deeper
and deeper, Jaz taking it all. He grabbed her hips as soon as he
was in all the way, then he started easing back, his cock
sliding out covered in her shiny juices. She gasped just as
much as it went out.
Demarius was throbbing hard on the other end, so he
directed her mouth back toward his big black cock. Jaz knew
what he wanted, and she immediately opened wide and stuck
out her pink tongue so Demarius’s cock could slide right up it
and straight into her mouth.
She sealed her lips around him and sucked, moaning and
closing her eyes. She didn’t have to bob her head back and
forth thanks to Antonio fucking her pussy so hard, she was
already jerking back and forth.
The two black men groaned simultaneously. They were
both getting the maximum amount of pleasure from my
daughter’s holes. She was letting them have their way with
her, she was their fucktoy, and I couldn’t stop watching.
“Oh yeah!” Antonio groaned. He was breathing hard, his
hips jerking back and forth faster and faster, those big balls
smacking Jaz with each deep thrust.
“Shit!” Demarius moaned. On the other end, his thick cock
was stretching Jaz’s lips and filling her throat, making her
cough and sputter with each deep thrust.
Antonio’s cock was doing some stretching as well, and
Jaz’s pink pussy lips gripped his dark shaft as it slid deeply
into her dripping wet pussy.
I almost doubled over as my cock throbbed and my balls
tightened. I didn’t even realize I had stuck my hand down the
front of my pants and started stroking. I tried to stop, but I
couldn’t, I kept pumping, and I kept watching.
In that dirty overgrown backyard, Jaz was getting double-
teamed by two big black men, and she was enjoying it as
much as they were. She eagerly pleased them, letting them
use her however they wanted, and they did just that.
Demarius was plunging his thick cock down her throat, and
Antonio was still behind her, pumping his penis into her tight
pussy, going faster and faster until Jaz started to shake
It started with an arch of her back, then her legs started to
quiver. She let Demarius’s cock slip out of her mouth so she
could moan, this one almost a scream, then she threw her
head back, panting and gasping as her entire body shivered
and shook.
Demarius couldn’t wait any longer, he grabbed her by the
hair and pulled her toward his cock again. She took him.
Antonio kept pumping, Jaz’s legs kept quivering.
I was feeling everything Jaz was and more. My vision
tunneled, my heart raced, and most of all my cock throbbed
so hard my entire body felt it. I pumped it ferociously, fapping
like a boy who had just discovered porn. I stroked hard and
fast, going right to the edge and straight off it, trying to keep
quiet, but letting out a gasping groan as my balls clenched.
I shot spurt after spurt of hot cum into my boxers as I
watched my daughter get pounded. It covered my hand and
stained my boxers I came so much. The orgasm was
incredibly powerful, leaving me breathless, but as soon as it
was over another feeling took over. Guilt.
What had I done?
I stared at Jaz as she slipped out of the men’s grasp. She
was on her knees in that blue kiddie pool, holding both cocks
again, looking from one man to the other as they groaned.
“Cover me!” Jaz begged.
Antonio groaned loudly, he stepped up, right in front of
Jaz’s face, she kept stroking him, his groans getting louder,
then he came, shooting stream after stream of thick white
cum all over my daughter’s beautiful face. He shot three thick
streams, then he let his cock slide over her lips, finishing up
just as Demarius stepped up, stroking himself, groaning, his
big arm flexing.
“I want it,” Jaz said.
Demarius groaned again as Jaz took his cock from his hand
and stroked it himself. He lasted about five pumps, then he
roared, his ass flexing, and he started pumping thick streams
of cum over my daughter’s face. She had to close one eye he
shot so much, he covered her with three big streams just like
Antonio, then she slid her pink lips and tongue all over his
swollen purple tip to finish him off.
The men stood on either side of Jaz, their huge cocks
hanging soft. She looked at one, then the other, then she
looked straight at her phone in the tree, it had been recording
the entire time. I had forgotten about it. Jaz smiled and said,
“I love big black cock.” Then she licked her lips, stood up, and
grabbed her phone.
“Damn, that was fucking good,” Demarius said.
“I’m glad you liked it,” Jaz said.
“That pussy was fucking hot,” Antonio said. “Best white
pussy I ever had.”
“It felt so good with your big cock inside me,” Jaz said.
“Can I go clean up inside?”
“Come on,” Antonio said, grabbing Jaz’s ass as she walked
into the house with the black men.
“Fuck,” I groaned as the back door slammed shut and the
backyard went quiet.
I stood, my legs tingling from standing hunched over in
that bush the entire time. My back hurt too, but my dick still
felt great. I stumbled toward my car, digging the keys out of
my pocket, opening the door, then basically falling into the
driver’s seat and slamming the door. I locked the doors. I was
still breathing hard, not quite ready to drive just yet.
What had I just watched?
I looked down at the big stain on my khakis. The guilt
overwhelmed me. I just watched my daughter have a
threesome. I shouldn’t have followed her. I shouldn’t have
spied on her, and I definitely shouldn’t have masturbated to
“Oh fuck,” I muttered. “Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.”
I started my car, shifted it into drive, and started home. I
needed to leave this place behind me, and I couldn’t let Jaz see
me. I drove away from that house as fast as I could. I still
couldn’t believe it. It didn’t hit me until I was back on the
highway, headed away from downtown. So Jaz was making
porn vids with black men in the ghetto. And apparently she
was selling them for big money, enough to buy a new cell
phone and tons of clothes and shoes and stuff, what every
college girl wanted.
I turned into my neighborhood, trying not to think about
it, especially how I reacted. I pulled into the driveway and
shut the car off. I sat there, not ready to go in. Why didn’t I try
to stop her? I just hid and watched. I let it all happen. Then I
started enjoying it, stroking off to my own girl, getting off
harder than I had in years. That was the scary part. I didn’t
just enjoy it, it was a mind-blowing experience.
I let out a breath, got out of my car, and hurried inside. I
needed a shower and a change of clothes.


For the rest of that week I kind of avoided Jaz. I definitely got
out of the way when she came home that day, then when the
weekend was over she was back in class and I was in the office
most of the day.
Even though I avoided her, I couldn’t stop thinking about
her, and about what I saw. The mental images were quite
clear in my head, and they seemed to be running on an
endless loop.
Monday, I had been in the office, sitting at my desk,
checking a spreadsheet for errors when the image of Jaz’s
cum-covered face popped into my head. My boner got so hard
I couldn’t stand it. I had to hurry to the bathroom, my coat
covering my boner, then when I was inside I rushed to the
stall, locked the door, shoved my pants and boxers down and
sat on the toilet.
I stroked furiously, moaning and gasping, trying my best
to keep quiet. I came in a matter of minutes, shooting big
streams of cum onto the white tile floor, groaning as my balls
emptied, as that image of Jaz stuck firmly in my mind.


A day later I had been at home just watching some mindless

TV when a car commercial came on TV and who was driving
that car, a black man with his hot young white girlfriend in
the passenger seat. The simple image set me off and I hurried
to my room, thankful my wife was out shopping and Jaz was
out at dinner. I stripped down to nothing but my socks—no
time to take those off—pumped a handful of my wife’s lotion
into my palm, jumped on the bed, and started pumping my
throbbing hard boner, moaning Jaz’s name out loud as I
closed my eyes and thought about the way those black men
fondled and groped her tight teen body.
I exploded in seconds, shooting a massive load all over my
belly that took three tissues to fully clean up. I finished and
dressed just in time before my wife came home.


The last time I lost control to the memory of Jaz fucking those
big black cocks was on Friday afternoon on my way home
from work. I just couldn’t stop thinking about it because I
knew the next day, Saturday, Jaz would “go to the pool”.
I stroked my cock hard and fast as I drove home, careful
not to get in a crash as my balls tightened and filled. I
couldn’t stop thinking about Jaz satisfying those two huge
cocks. She had one deep down her throat and the other filling
her pussy. And they just pounded her.
Luckily, I was stopped at a redlight when the urge hit me. I
erupted, yelling Jaz’s name as I came in my pants, filling my
boxer shorts with a hot load, gripping the steering wheel with
my free hand as that powerful orgasm washed over me.
“Fuck,” I groaned.
A horn sounded behind me and I took off, squealing my
There were other times, but if I told you about every time I
got a boner this last week we’d be here all day.


When Saturday came around I made sure to get up before Jaz

and make my way to the kitchen table. I had my crossword in
one hand and a steaming cup of coffee in front of me. I had
put on a comfortable black collared shirt, fresh khakis, a
brown leather belt, and matching brown leather loafers. I
glanced out the window, another bright sunny day, a perfect
day to spend in a backyard.
I waited and waited, sipping my coffee and occasionally
glancing at my crossword and filling in a clue. Finally, Jaz’s
door opened and the beautiful little blonde pranced into the
“Good morning Daddy,” she said so sweetly.
“Good morning,” I said.
Jaz’s blonde hair was down, still a little bit messy from
sleep. She wore a baggy white t-shirt with a black music note
on the front. Another long t-shirt that hid whatever shorts
she was wearing.
Jaz fluttered around the kitchen, grabbed a bagel and a
fruit cup from the fridge, then she joined me, sitting right
across from me. As soon as I looked at her that image of her
face covered in cum popped up and my cock jumped.
“You okay?” Jaz asked. She had her bagel up to her mouth
and was about to take a bite.
“Me? Fine,” I said.
“Good,” Jaz said, then she took that bite and chewed
“Big day today?” I asked.
Jaz swallowed and put her bagel down. “Probably just go
hang out at the pool.”
“I thought so,” I said. I put my crossword down and put
my hands flat on the table. “Jaz, I don’t want you to go.”
She looked up from her fruit cup. “What?”
“I don’t want you to go,” I repeated firmly, despite the
puppy dog eyes Jaz was giving me.
“Why? I always go to the pool on the weekends.”
“Because,” I said, my mouth getting dry. “I just don’t
think it’s a good idea.”
“But it was fine the last three months?”
“Is that how long you’ve been doing it?” I blurted.
Jaz’s face turned bright red. The kitchen dead silent before
Jaz burst. “Did you spy on me?”
“I can’t believe you!” Jaz jumped up from the table,
knocking the chair over behind her. It made a loud cracking
sound as it hit the floor. Jaz stormed off to her room and
slammed the door.
Oh shit. That could’ve gone better.
I sat at the table, still a bit stunned, my face burning, my
hands shaking. Now Jaz knew that I knew.
Now what?
I went to sip some coffee but the cup was already empty. I
put it down, my hand still shaking as it clinked against the
I let out a breath and got up. I walked to Jaz’s bedroom
door, feeling weak. I knocked softly. “Jaz?”
She didn’t answer. Nothing.
I softly knocked again.
Still nothing.
I tried the knob. It was open.
I walked in and saw Jaz in bed, her earbuds in. I walked
over so she could see me. She pulled them out and glared at
me. “What?”
“I just had to know,” I said. “It was suspicious that you
were making so much money. I was curious. I had to know.”
“And now you’re gonna stop me. You know I’m eighteen,
that makes me an adult. I can make my own decisions.”
“I realize that,” I said. “And I thought you were making a
bad one.”
“Why? Because you hate people different from you?”
“No,” I said. “At first I thought you were a drug dealer.”
Jaz let out a sarcastic laugh and sat up in the bed. She
crossed her arms, still glaring at me. “Hardly,” she said. “And
what I’m doing is not illegal.”
“I know,” I said. “I just don’t think it’s safe in that
“Why?” Jaz said. “Because it’s poorer than our
“Yes,” I said. “And…” I stopped myself.
“Right,” Jaz said. “Daddy, I’m going and you can’t stop
I was so frustrated with my daughter I was about to burst. I
just didn’t know what to do with her. I started out of her
room, but then I stopped at her door, spun around, and said,
“If you’re going, I’m going with you to make sure you’re
Jaz’s face slowly changed from furious to friendly. Too
friendly. Her lips curled up in a big smile, and the twinkle in
her blue eyes was pure mischief. “All right,” she said. “You
can come with me, Daddy. We’re leaving in twenty minutes.”
I couldn’t believe she said that. I thought for sure she’d
never go if I tagged along. I was flustered again, my stomach
heavy with fear all of a sudden. “Okay,” I stammered.
“Twenty minutes. Okay.”
“Bye, Daddy. Now let me get ready.”
“Okay,” I said, walking out and closing the door.
I slumped against the wall, still shaking. I hadn’t stopped
her, I had joined her. I was going too. Oh fuck.


“Be cool when we get there,” Jaz said.

We were in Jaz’s SUV, on the way to the backyard. I kept
fidgeting in my seat, thinking about what was about to
happen. “I will,” I said.
Jaz had styled her hair in two thick braids that hung down
over her shoulders, and she wore those same gold hoop
earrings she wore last weekend. Her face was made up,
making her look like a runway model, and she wore that big
white t-shirt with the black music note on the front. What
was under it was a mystery.
When Jaz turned off the highway into the bad
neighborhood my stomach twisted into tight knots. Jaz
turned down the radio. “Just follow my lead when we get
“Okay,” I said. I was so nervous I couldn’t stand it. “So
how much do these videos make?”
“A ton,” Jaz said. “I make one video in less than an hour
and upload it and it just keeps earning and earning.”
“Why not do it with a guy from college?”
“Because everyone’s doing that. No one wants to see a
boring couple fuck, they want to see something hot,
something taboo. Which is why today’s video is going to be a
huge hit.”
“Will it be like the last one?”
We passed that vicious barking dog and Jaz slowed the car
to make the turn. “No,” she said. “This one’s going to be way
I wondered how that was possible as Jaz made the final
turn and parked in the driveway right in front of that garage
with the white doors and faded paint.
“Remember what I said,” Jaz said. “Be cool.”
“I will,” I promised.
Jaz got out first and I quickly followed. She walked up to
the smaller of the garage doors and knocked. “They’re
expecting me.”
A moment later the door opened and I saw the tall, lean
black man who had fucked my daughter last weekend,
Antonio. He smiled at Jaz, but as soon as he saw me his
expression changed. He wore that same silver chain around
his neck, but today his t-shirt was bright blue, a shiny gold
viper printed on the front of it. His dark jeans hung low on his
waist, and he wore gold and blue sneakers, untied, and
looking fresh out of the box. A big silver watch was on his
“This is my daddy,” Jaz said, grabbing my arm. “He’s
Antonio glared at me, looking me up and down. “Yo
“Yep,” Jaz nodded and gave my arm a squeeze.
My heart raced, thumping so hard it was all I could hear.
My stomach did flip-flops. Sweat rolled down my back.
“Shit,” Antonio said, finally smiling. “Get the fuck in here
you white freaks.”
Jaz giggled and pulled me inside.
We went through a simple garage piled with cardboard
boxes that sat on a concrete floor. A black car with no interior
sat against the wall.
We went inside the house and I instantly smelled the
pungent aroma of marijuana. A TV blared, an announcer’s
voice on a basketball game. The room had old wood paneling
on the walls and dingy brown carpet on the floors. A black
leather couch with ripped cushions sat along the wall, a
recliner on either side of it. In one of the recliners, smiling
and puffing on a joint sat Demarius, the muscular black man
who shot his thick load all over Jaz’s face this time last week.
When I was watching these two men from the bushes I was
intimidated by their size and arrogance, now that I was right
in front of them face to face I was downright scared.
“Demarius,” Antonio said. “This fool is Jaz’s daddy.”
“Shit.” Demarius pulled the joint out of his mouth and
grinned. He stood and looked me up and down, it made me
The muscular Demarius had on a blue basketball jersey
that showed off his bull neck, broad shoulders, and thick
chest. He wore a matching pair of shorts, high white socks
around his bulging calves, and solid black sneakers. His
tattooed arms were even bigger up close. Both men made me
feel tiny and out of shape.
“Why yo daddy come with you?” Demarius asked Jaz.
My daughter giggled. “He wanted to make sure I was
Demarius chuckled, puffed his joint, then started to laugh.
He looked at me. “Ain’t nobody gonna fuck with her.”
“Shit,” Antonio muttered.
“See, Daddy,” Jaz said, turning to look at me.
“Yes, sweetheart,” I said.
“Yes, sweetheart,” Demarius said, trying to imitate me but
sounding like a nerd or something.
Jaz laughed, and so did Antonio.
“He’s fine,” Jaz said. “He won’t bother us. In fact, he’s
gonna be part of the show.”
“The fuck you talking about?” Demarius said.
“Tell them, Daddy,” Jaz said.
I was shaking with fear. “Tell them what?”
“About last week,” Jaz said.
“Oh.” I gulped. “I spied on the three of you last week.”
“You did what?” Antonio said, getting right in my face.
“Back off,” Jaz said, putting her hand on Antonio’s chest
and easing him back. He moved back after a few terrifying
“I followed Jaz here,” I said. “I hid in the bushes and
“You watched us fuck your girl?” Demarius said. “And you
didn’t stop us?”
I shook my head. “Jaz can make her own choices.”
“Damn right,” Antonio said. “She chose us.”
“I did,” Jaz said. “I chose big black cock.”
The men chuckled. Jaz had control of this situation much
more than me.
“So how he involved?” Antonio asked.
Jaz grinned, her eyes full of mischief. “Have you ever
heard of a cuckold?”
“Oh that’s some freaky shit,” Demarius said. “He’s gonna
“He sure is,” Jaz said.
“And he ain’t gonna do nothing?” Antonio asked.
“Nope,” Jaz said. “Well, not until the end.”
“Then what?” Antonio said.
“It’s a surprise,” Jaz said. “For him.”
“Shit,” Antonio said. “This sounds crazy, but that tight
white pussy of yours is so damn good, Jaz. I can’t fucking
resist that shit.”
Jaz giggled. “And I gotta have my dose of BBC or I’ll go
crazy. I cum so hard on your cocks, it’s so much better than
those dopey white guys at college.”
“They pop off too quick,” Demarius said.
“They sure do,” Jaz said. “Minutemen. You guys fuck me
until I cum. It’s so good.”
“Well,” Demarius said. “Let’s get on with the show.”
“I can’t wait,” Jaz said. She grabbed my arm and pulled me
toward the door that led out into the backyard. “Let’s go,


As Jaz pulled me along into the backyard, Antonio came

behind us. He grabbed one of those old yellow aluminum lawn
chairs and brought it into the overgrown yard. Demarius
slammed the door and came out, the boards of the porch
creaking with every one of his heavy steps. I wasn’t surprised
to see a big bottle of baby oil in his hand. I was surprised to
see some rope in Antonio’s hand.
“What’s that for?” I asked, looking at Jaz.
Jaz shrugged.
“To make sure you don’t try shit,” Antonio said. “Sit.”
“Wait,” I said. “I won’t try anything. I’m just here to
watch, I promise.”
Demarius put the bottle of baby oil down on the ground
and walked over. “Sit, or we make you sit.”
I sat the fuck down.
Antonio leaned over and tied my wrists to the armrests of
the chair. He tied them tight, and when he was done I
definitely couldn’t move.
“Sorry, Daddy,” Jaz said, but she was smiling. She thought
this was funny.
I felt helpless and intimidated before, now it was even
worse, I couldn’t even move besides squirming around in this
“Look at that scared motherfucker,” Demarius said.
My face burned and my stomach was still doing backflips. I
hung my head as they all laughed.
“Shit,” Antonio said. “Let’s do what we do.”
They finally turned away. Jaz had already turned her phone
on and put it in that tree. She stood by the blue plastic kiddie
pool. I had a front-row seat, just a few feet away from Jaz,
really close. I knew I’d be watching, and that’s what I wanted,
but I didn’t know I’d be tied to a chair and humiliated by the
black men.
When I looked up, Jaz had already started kissing
Demarius, his big arms wrapped around her waist while her
dainty arms were around his neck. They kissed hard and I
didn’t just see it, I heard it; the sexy sounds of Jaz’s moans,
the heavy breathing, and their lips pressing together. I was
While they kissed, Antonio stepped up behind Jaz. He
pulled her t-shirt up revealing a tiny bright orange thong. A
sexy little thing, another new bikini. I couldn’t stop staring at
Jaz’s perfect, tight booty.
Antonio gripped that booty with both hands, giving it a big
squeeze. Jaz moaned as he squeezed and she kept kissing
Antonio pulled Jaz’s shirt the rest of the way up and she
quickly broke the kiss so he could pull it all the way off. Just
like yesterday, Jaz’s top was so skimpy it barely covered her
firm tits. Two tiny triangles of orange fabric were all that was
there and I could clearly see the imprint of Jaz’s firm little
nipples. She was already incredibly turned on. I could only
imagine how wet her tight pussy was.
Jaz turned to Antonio and kissed him, slipping her tongue
right into his mouth, giving the men equal time kissing her.
While she kissed the tall, lean man, the big muscular
Demarius stripped Jaz down. He went after her bikini top
first, pulling those strings, untying those knots, and
removing that bright orange top. Before it hit the ground
Demarius’s big hands were on Jaz’s tits, his palms sliding
over them, his fingers pinching her nipples and making her
moan. He gave Jaz’s pink nipples one last tug before he leaned
down, grabbed a bottle of baby oil, and twisted the cap off. He
turned the bottle up, just above Jaz’s tight booty, and let it all
slide out, covering her cheeks, running between them, and
sliding down her legs.
Demarius squatted and ran his hands all over Jaz’s booty,
he squeezed and kneaded that firm flesh, making sure the oil
covered her skin, making it all shiny. Then he slid those tiny
bikini bottoms down and rubbed the oil into Jaz’s most
private places.
Antonio and Jaz were still kissing hard, and Antonio was
now the one squeezing Jaz’s tits. While he did that, Jaz’s
hands were down the front of his jeans, working his big black
As I watched helplessly from my chair my body reacted,
my cock grew rock hard, tenting my boxers, throbbing as I
watched, oozing precum. At times I tried to look away, but I
just couldn’t, I loved watching Jaz with these black men. It
was an incredible turn-on for me, even though it shouldn’t
Demarius was really working on Jaz’s lower body now,
rubbing his hands all over, but focusing on her pussy, sliding
his fingers back and forth over her tight lips. He slid one
inside—which made Jaz gasp sharply—and eased in and out.
His finger came out slick and wet from her juices.
Demarius kept fingering my daughter, sliding in and out
faster and faster, putting his big thumb on her clit and
rubbing it. She kept breaking her kiss with Antonio to gasp
and moan, and she kept getting louder and louder until she
couldn’t hold it in any longer.
“OH! OH! YYYEEESSSS!” Jaz moaned.
She shook and shivered in Antonio’s arms, then she leaned
against him, gasping as Demarius slid his finger out and
stood up, a huge grin on his face.
“You guys need to get naked,” Jaz said. “I’m ready to suck
some big black cock.”
“We ready too,” Demarius said.
I watched as the two men stripped off their shirts,
revealing their chiseled physiques. Jaz had already unbuckled
Antonio’s belt, she went ahead and unbuttoned and unzipped
his jeans and shoved them down. She squatted in front of him
and when Demarius stepped up, she hooked her fingers into
the waistband of his basketball shorts and pulled them down,
right along with his boxers.
His cock popped free, bobbing up and down. Precum
dripped from the big swollen purple tip. Jaz ducked her head,
opened wide, and took him in her mouth, sealing her lips just
past the ridge of his head, looking up at him with her big blue
eyes, then slowly sliding forward, taking more and more of
his black shaft down her throat.
Jaz went deeper and deeper, taking more than half of
Demarius’s huge cock down her throat before she sputtered
and coughed, backing off with spit and precum drooling off
her plump pink lower lip. She let it hang, then turned to
Antonio who already had his enormous black penis out. Jaz
grinned when she saw it. She leaned forward and went for
Antonio’s balls, taking one in her mouth, giving it a hard
suck, letting it pop out from between her lips, then taking the
other one in her mouth. She sucked until her cheeks
hollowed, then she let it pop out.
Antonio reached down and with his big black hands he
grabbed each of Jaz’s long braids. He held them tightly,
guiding her face to the tip of his long cock.
Jaz knew exactly what Antonio wanted. She opened wide
and stuck out that wet pink tongue. She let Antonio slide right
up her tongue and into her mouth. She sealed her lips and
took him. He went deep, hitting the back of her throat,
making her gag, making her tear up again as that BBC took
her to the limit.
She coughed and sputtered again, then came off him,
gasping for breath for just a second before taking him back in
her mouth and bobbing back and forth quickly.
Jaz came off Antonio’s cock and switched back to
Demarius, sucking his shaft, taking it deep and making him
groan when she hollowed her cheeks and pulled back, her lips
making a loud popping sound.
“Shit!” Demarius said. “I need that white pussy.”
“It’s all yours,” Jaz said, standing up.
Both men fondled her, their big black hands on her ass, her
breasts, and between her legs. Demarius gripped her hips and
was about to turn her around, but he stopped. “You know
what?” He said. “I wanna see you ride my cock.”
“I can do that,” Jaz quickly said. “Get down right here. I’m
so horny.”
Demarius chuckled as he sat down in the blue kiddie pool
out in the middle of the overgrown yard and leaned back,
hands behind his head. Jaz straddled him and slowly squatted,
her pussy hovering over his thick black cock. She reached for
it and guided it in, slowly sinking down on it, impaling herself
with his black monster.
Demarius’s swollen cockhead spread Jaz’s delicate pussy
lips. She sank down, moaning and gasping, then stretching
around his shaft as she sank lower and lower. Jaz’s abs kept
clenching and flexing and her eyes were shut tight, her mouth
hung open as she sank lower and lower.
Once she had his entire length in her pussy, she started to
rock back and forth, still moaning constantly, still squeezing
her eyes shut. She rested her small hands on his chest, and he
grabbed her hips, urging her to move faster.
Soon enough, Jaz went from simply rocking on that big
black cock, to bouncing up and down. She was taking big
bounces that made her firm small tits jiggle, she was taking
his length each time, gasping and moaning.
I couldn’t believe I was watching my daughter ride such a
huge black dick. It was an incredible sight, and I didn’t think
it was possible, but Jaz was horny for these black cocks, and I
guess she’d do anything.
I squirmed in my seat again, my cock was so hard,
throbbing like crazy, my balls were full and tight, aching. I
was so uncomfortable. I kept trying to pull my hands free, not
because I was going to try and stop what was going on, but
because I wanted to touch myself. It was incredibly
frustrating, and all I could do was watch.
Antonio had to join in on the fun. He walked up behind the
bouncing Jaz and crouched behind her. His cock was dripping
with baby oil. He got to his knees and I had the perfect view as
his cock slid up and down her crack as she bounced.
He grabbed her ass and squeezed, holding her down when
she sank down on Demarius’s cock. She looked over her
shoulder and grinned. “You gonna take my other hole?”
“Hell yeah,” Antonio said.
Jaz happened to catch my eye right as Antonio said that.
She arched her eyebrow and gave me that mischievous grin. I
couldn’t believe it. My daughter was a black cock lover. I
throbbed again, there was so much precum oozing from my
“Fuck yeah.” Antonio groaned as he eased up to Jaz. His
swollen purple cockhead was right against her tight, tiny,
pink hole. He slid forward.
“Ah! Ah! Aaaahhhh Daddddyyyyy!” Jaz moaned.
I throbbed so hard my head spun. God it was hot hearing
Jaz moan like that as Antonio’s BBC filled her ass.
“I love having two black cocks inside me!” Jaz moaned.
She glanced at me one last time, still smiling, then the black
men took control.
Antonio pulled Jaz’s braids like reigns, her head snapping
back as she looked toward the sky and gasped. Her chest stuck
out, toward Demarius, and he grabbed her tits, pinched her
nipples, and bucked his hips, bouncing her on his cock.
Demarius was pumping his cock up and down in her pussy,
and Antonio was going back and forth in her ass.
Jaz was screaming for more, making guttural grunts and
groans as those big black cocks filled and fucked her. My
daughter was getting absolutely hammered by these men,
and I loved it.
I squirmed in my seat again, my cock wouldn’t stop
throbbing. I was panting for breath, and the tip of my cock
kept rubbing against my boxers.
“Fuck,” I gasped, my eyes glued to my hot blonde
daughter as those big black cocks slid in and out of her holes.
Her abs tightened, her legs shook uncontrollably, she let out
quick, high-pitched gasps.
I couldn’t take it. As I watched Jaz’s body buck and spasm
on those black cocks I throbbed again. I throbbed so hard my
breath caught in my throat, my balls clenched, and I exploded
without even touching it.
“Oh God!” I gasped.
My cock pulsed right against my boxers and I spurted right
in my pants, filling my boxer shorts. I wanted to grip it so bad.
I wanted to squeeze it and pump my load out as I watched Jaz
cum but my hands were tied, and no matter how hard I tried I
couldn’t free myself.
“Shit!” Demarius yelled.
“Yes!” Jaz moaned. “Fill my pussy! Fill me with your
I looked up, dazed, my entire body tingly, my face burning
with humiliation as Demarius’s body tensed. He roared like a
lion and shot his load deep inside my daughter’s pussy. She
gasped each time he spurted, then he stayed inside her,
squeezing her tits as she held his arms, Antonio was still
fucking her from behind.
“Shit!” The tall, lean man groaned as he pumped in and
out of Jaz’s ass.
“You close baby?” Jaz asked.
“Fuck yeah!” Antonio said.
“Cum in me!” Jaz begged. “Fill my ass with your cum! I
want it all inside me!”
“SHIT!” Antonio yelled, wrapping his arms around Jaz and
sliding deep inside her. He roared just like his buddy as he
pumped his hot load into my daughter’s ass. I saw his balls
clench and the lean muscles in his legs flex as he spurted
again and again.
Both men were still inside her, and my sweet little Jaz
looked absolutely used up. Some of her hair had come out of
the braids and looked frizzy. Her eye makeup had ran when
they shoved those big cocks down her throat, and dried spit
and precum was all over her chest, the rest of her was still
shiny with oil.
“Fuck that was good,” Jaz said with a smile. “Now for
Daddy’s surprise.”
I forgot all about that. “What surprise?”
Jaz leaned back and whispered something to Antonio. He
slowly slid out of Jaz’s ass, his cock still somewhat hard, and
he walked over to me.
“What are you doing?”
He grinned and shoved my chair back.
I kicked my feet as the chair teetered on its back legs,
trying not to fall over. But he had given me a hard shove, and I
couldn’t stop it. The chair went straight back and slammed
into the ground. It took my breath. I wheezed and coughed,
leaning my head back in the itchy grass. I was about to ask
why he did that, but then Jaz appeared.
“Here’s your surprise, Daddy!”
Before I even realized what was happening, Jaz squatted
right over my face. She put her creamy, cum-filled pussy
right on my mouth and nose. I couldn’t breathe.
I opened my mouth to suck in air, just as Demarius’s load
drizzled out. I got a whole mouthful and coughed and
sputtered as the bitter taste of the gooey cum hit my tongue.
It was like hot, salty yogurt.
Jaz laughed so hard I felt the vibrations all through her.
The men laughed as well. I noticed them standing on either
side, enjoying the show.
Jaz slid forward, her pussy sliding right up my face, then
her tight little ass was right on my mouth. She worked her
hips, sliding her little pink hole across my mouth as
Antonio’s load dribbled out. It was just as hot, just as salty,
just as bitter. It got in my mouth and I gagged again.
“Swallow it all down, Daddy,” Jaz said.
I groaned.
Jaz rocked her hips again, then she finally stood up and I
took a deep gasping breath of fresh air.
“Oh my God,” I muttered.
“Good job, Daddy!” Jaz said. “You’re a good cuckold.”
“He sure is,” Demarius said. He grabbed Jaz’s ass and
squeezed, and pulled her in for another kiss.
She gave him what he wanted, then turned to Antonio for a
hot kiss. When they broke apart, she grinned at me. “Untie
The black men took my restraints off and I rolled out of the
chair onto my hands and knees. I spit and gagged, the bitter
taste of cum still strong in my mouth.
“Come on, Daddy,” Jaz said.
When I looked up she was holding her phone, her t-shirt
on. She had her bikini balled up in her hand.
“Okay,” I muttered, getting to my feet and stumbling
toward Jaz’s SUV.
I got in and got the door closed. I didn’t bother with the
seatbelt. I turned the air conditioning on full blast. I was still
in shock about what I’d seen, and what I’d done.
Jaz buckled up and shifted into reverse and we left that bad
Jaz spoke once we got on the highway. “You loved every
second of that, didn’t you, Daddy?”
I didn’t want to answer.
“Admit it,” Jaz said. “I know you did. I see that stain on
your pants.”
I covered it.
“Come on,” Jaz said. “Just say it.”
“Okay,” I said. “Jaz, I love being your cuckold daddy.”
Jaz let out a gleeful laugh. “That’s what I wanted to hear.
This video is going to be huge.”
Jaz’s phone rang.
I looked over at the screen and saw the word Mom.
“Oh shit,” Jaz said. “What should we tell her?”
I thought for a moment as Jaz answered and talked to my
wife with a bright and chipper tone. I could still taste that
cum, my cock was still tingling, and I felt totally humiliated. I
couldn’t hold back a smile though, for some crazy reason I
wanted to do it all over again.
“Jaz,” I said softly. “Just tell her we went to the pool.”
Also by Crystal Red

Need more cuckold humiliation? Buy these books.

Sister’s Sissy Loser

Luke knows it is wrong to try on his sister’s bras and panties,
but he just can’t help himself. When his older sister, Hope,
catches him, the fun is over. The bratty brunette has a plan
for her little brother. He has to be punished, and what better
way than to make him her sissy.
Sister’s Cuckold Sissy
Martin Page’s gorgeous older sister, Lauren, has a dream. She
wants to star in rap icon Rip Robinson’s next video. But Rip’s
videos are X-rated. Martin has seen them. Deep down he
wants to see his fair-skinned sister with the big black rapper.
He can’t deny it. So the siblings go on a mission to Rip’s
mansion with one goal. Get Lauren the starring role in the
next video, no matter what.
Hotwife Next Door An Interracial Cuckold Story
Trina Thompson is the hot MILF next door. You might
fantasize about one like her. Blonde. Gorgeous. Impossible
not to notice. Wes has always crushed on her. He has always
hoped to find a woman like her. But Wes is about to learn an
important lesson. Wes can not have women like Trina
Thompson. Wes can not satisfy them. Only one thing can.

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