CE-352 Midterm

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NED University of Engineering & Technology

Department of Architecture & Planning

Structure for Engineers – II (CE-352)
Mid Term Examination (Spring Session 2024)
Name: Seat Number:
Marks: 20 Date: 22/05/2024
Duration: 1.5 hours

1. Attempt all Questions.
2. Read the questions carefully, for each question required set of data is given.
3. Make sketches wherever necessary.

Q # 1 (8 Marks):
(a) What causes roof damage during windstorms? (2 marks)
(b) After detailed structural analysis of a building, it is found that there is significant amount of
deflection at first floor beams. What measures one should take to reduce this deflection? (2 Marks)
(c) Discuss the evolution of structural systems. Highlight FR Khan's contribution to it. (3 Marks)
Q # 2 (4 Marks): Identify statically determinate/indeterminate and unstable structures.


Q # 2 (8 Marks): For the following architectural plan, mark columns at appropriate locations.
4’ Wide

14’X11’ 10’X8’


10’X14’ 6’ Wide



8’ Wide

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