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Community Services Worker Certificate Program
Instructor: Email:
Course Code: CSF-5 Course Cr. Hrs.: 3
Telephone: Class Time: Various
Class Location: online virtual Zoom Office Time:
classroom and Moodle LMS

Students will learn core counselling skills and ways to use them effectively. Students will become familiar
with the Stages of Change and the stages of the counselling relationship. Students will explore their
personal and professional self as catalyst for effective counselling, as well as the ways in which they can
hinder change in their clients. Students will practice their skills through mock counselling sessions.


Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
• Feel confident in, and able to demonstrate, basic counselling skills.
• Classify the four skill clusters of counselling.
• Summarize the four phases of counselling.
• Identify and describe strategies for overcoming listening barriers.
• Explain the importance of active listening.
• Explain effective use of silence.
• Define and demonstrate paraphrasing and summarizing skills.
• Define and demonstrate open, closed, and indirect questions.
• Describe common questioning errors.
• Recognize the five types of interview transitions.
• Define empathy and explore key principles.
• Identify elements of empowering clients.
• Identify and describe the Stages of Change model.
• Understand client resistance.
• Explain the use of confrontation.
• Explain the key elements and issues of cross-cultural understanding and multicultural counselling.


(version 31-Jan-2022)
Shebib, B. (2020). Choices: Interviewing and counselling skills for Canadians (8th ed.). Pearson Canada
• Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Skills Video recordings.

• This class is offered through scheduled virtual Zoom Classrooms.
• Various teaching/learning methods are utilized including reading, presentation of materials,
discussion, personal reflection, group activities, case studies, and skills demonstration
• You are encouraged to actively engage in inquiry, critical thinking, and problem solving.
• The group environment provides you with a place where you can learn with and from others
in a cooperative and collaborative manner.
• You are expected to take part in class discussions and take responsibility for your own
learning. You are expected to conduct yourself professionally at all times in the classroom.


Topics Exams/Activities/Projects
Day 1 • The Skills, Processes, and Pitfalls of • Review course outline,
Counselling assignments, and expectations.
• Confirm your assigned co-
facilitator (assigned by your
instructor) and make initial contact
via email; introduce yourself and
propose times you are available to
• Read Chapter 2 of the textbook.
• Watch Chapter 2 Lesson recording.
• Complete the Chapter quiz (open-
Day 2 • Relationship: The Foundation for • Read Chapter 3 of the textbook.
Change • Watch Chapter 3 Lesson recording.
• Complete the Chapter quiz (open-
• Begin developing your role-play
scenarios for your Demonstration

(version 31-Jan-2022)
of Skills Video 1, which you will
later record.
Day 3 • Listening and Responding: The Basis • Read Chapter 4 of the textbook.
for Understanding • Watch Chapter 4 Lesson recording.
• Complete the Chapter quiz (open-
• Continue working on your
Demonstration of Skills Video
Day 4 • Asking Questions: The Search for • Read Chapter 5 of the textbook.
Meaning • Watch Chapter 5 Lesson recording.
• Complete the Chapter quiz (open-
• Continue working on your
Demonstration of Skills Video 1.
Day 5 • Empathic Connections Activities:
• Read Chapter 6 of the textbook.
• Watch Chapter 6 Lesson recording.
• Complete the Chapter quiz (open-
• Continue working on your
Demonstration of Skills Video 1.
[0.5 hours]
• Make final recording of your
Demonstration of Skills Video 1
and submit it.
• Demonstration of Skills Video 1
Day 6 • Supporting Empowerment and Activities:
Change • Read Chapter 7 of the textbook.
• Watch Chapter 7 Lesson recording.
• Complete the Chapter quiz (open-
• Make final recording of your
Demonstration of Skills Video 1
and submit it.
• Demonstration of Skills Video 1
Day 7 • Difficult Situations: Engaging with • Read Chapter 8 of the textbook.
Hard-to-Reach Clients • Watch Chapter 8 Lesson recording.
• Complete the Chapter quiz (open-

(version 31-Jan-2022)
• Begin developing your role-play
scenarios for your Demonstration
of Skills Video 2, which you will
later record.
Day 8 • Mental Disorders and Substance • Read Chapter 9 of the textbook.
Abuse • Watch Chapter 9 Lesson recording.
• Complete the Chapter quiz (open-
• Continue working on your
Demonstration of Skills Video 2.
Day 9 • Cultural Intelligence • Read Chapter 10 of the textbook.
• Watch Chapter 10 Lesson
• Complete the Chapter quiz (open-
• Continue working on your
Demonstration of Skills Video 2.

Day 10 • Cultural Intelligence Activities:
• Complete your Demonstration of
Skills Video 2 and make the final
recording. Submit your video
when done.
• Finish all outstanding assignments
and quizzes.
• Open-book quizzes x9
• Demonstration of Skills Video 2


Title of Assignment/Quiz Due Date Weight

Open-book Quizzes (x 9) Day 10 40%
Demonstration of Skills Video 1 Day 6 25%
Demonstration of Skills Video 2 Day 10 25%
Participation/Professional Presentation of Self Ongoing 10%


Percentage Alpha GPA Percentage Alpha GPA

Grade Grade

(version 31-Jan-2022)
97-100 A+ 4.0 93-96 A 4.0
90-92 A- 3.7 87-89 B+ 3.3
83-86 B 3.0 80-82 B- 2.7
77-79 C+ 2.3 73-76 C 2.0
70-72 C- 1.7 65-69 D+ 1.3
60-64 D 1.0 0-59 F 0.0


• The student's responsibility is to review the course material before class to understand the
background knowledge of the current course curriculum. Students will be accountable for
learning any missed material due to absence(s).

• Students are expected to complete assignments in the time allowed by instructors.

Assignments are to be completed individually. There is zero tolerance at Heritage Career
College regarding plagiarism/academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty or plagiarism will
result in an automatic zero on the assignment or exam.


• Students must attend class to meet the requirements of the program they are enrolled in.
The College recognizes that, as adult learners, students will make individual decisions
regarding attending classes. The College expects students to understand there may be
consequences resulting from their decision not to attend.

• If there are any extenuating circumstances concerning a student's absence, either the
instructor/office staff/ or academic coordinator should be notified as soon as possible.

• Instructors take daily attendance. Student absences are taken seriously at Heritage Career
College. Absences lastingfor more than two consecutive days must be accompanied by a valid
reason with the proper documentation. A reasonable excuse for an absence must describe
the circumstances requiring the student's absence (e.g. medical, family emergency, etc.).

• If a student misses more than three (3) consecutive live sessions without excuses, the College
will suspend the student's enrollment and contact them via a written letter to formally warn
them. If the College cannot reach the student, the College will consider the student
withdrawn from their program starting from the 4th day of absence.
• Students who arrive 10 minutes after the start of a session, either virtual or on campus, will
be marked as late, "L." Late arrivals are expected to join their group/session, causing minimal
disruption. They should discuss their reason for lateness with the instructor at the next break
or close of the session. This late will be recorded on the student's attendance sheet. Students
who have been marked late for three (3) live sessions will be considered equivalent to
receiving one (1) absence.
• The maximum number of absences per instruction is three days. If a student misses more

(version 31-Jan-2022)
than three (3) live sessions for a valid reason, the student has to make up these days with
another group in their program to meet the requirements to graduate


• Regular online attendance is mandatory to ensure an optimal learning environment at

Heritage Career College. Though the presentation of the material is different from on-campus
courses, you are still expected to attend all virtual classes and be interactive and participative.
Therefore, CAMERAS MUST BE ON AT ALL TIMES DURING THE CLASS. Failure to do so will
result in loss of participation marks assigned to the course.


The instructor adheres to all the College's policies regarding academic integrity as stated in the
College Student Handbook. Students are responsible for internalizing all information regarding the
College's academic integrity policies. Full text and explanation of these policies can be found in the
Student Handbook.
Unless expressed explicitly by the instructor between students in this course, between students in
previous classes, external assistance in any form or presenting resources/research without proper
citation which another individual has developed is strictly prohibited. All work must be the result of
your efforts.
Students who are suspected of plagiarism or other violations of academic integrity codes will be
subjected to investigation. Those found guilty are subject to disciplinary action. Repeated offences
will result in permanent expulsion from the College.


All quizzes and assignments are in open-book format.

(version 31-Jan-2022)

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