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1.Do you have any hobbies?

Yes, everyone, including myself, has at least one recreational (re
cri ây sần nồ) activity (ạc ti vi tì). Watching movies has always
been of my favorite (phây v rịt t) pastime (pát thai ầm).
Yes, everyone, including myself, has at least one recreational
activity. Watching movies has always been of my favorite
2.How did you become interested in that.
Whenever I watch a movie, I get completely (câm p lít lì)
immersed (im mớt st) in the story and characters (ka rẹc tờ sì).
It's a great way to forget (pho gẹt t) about stress and just lose (lu
zừ) myself in another world.
Whenever I watch a movie, I get completely immersed in
the story and characters. It's a great way to forget about
stress and just lose myself in another world.
3.How much time you spend on that?
The time I spend on my hobbies (hóp bee zừ) depending on my
study schedule (ske jồ). When I don’t have exam, I enjoy
movies occasionally. However, my studies always take priority
(prai o ri tì) if they become overwhelming (o vơ queo ming).
The time I spend on my hobbies depending on my study
schedule. When I don’t have exam, I enjoy movies
occasionally. However, my studies always take priority if
they become overwhelming.
4.Do you prefer relaxing at home or going out in the
It depends on (đì pén don) my mood (múd) and the day.
Sometimes, I just want to relax at home, perhaps enjoy a bath
(báp phừ) or skincare. Other times, I enjoy going out in the
evening, whether it’s for dinner with friends or a walk.
5. When go out for the evening, what do you like to do?
When I go out for the evening, I love to taking a walk (quác) on
the beach (bít chờ), enjoying a cold (câu đờ) drink (đờ rinh cờ)
or having some snacks with friends. That’s so good and fresh.
6. Is there any kind of entertainment you dislike?
I guess (ghét sừ) I don't like people who addict (a địc kt) game
[geɪm], especially (iịt pét sồ li) violent (vai ơ lần t) game, which
is affected to awareness (ờ que nẹt sì) or can lead to violent
7. Why do you think that people have hobbies.
I think [θɪŋk ] people have hobbies for various ( ve ri ợt sì)
reasons (rí dần sì). Maybe it’s for relaxation ree·lak·say·shn( rì lác
sây sần) and stress relief (ri lịp) or personal fulfillment (phôo
phiu mền t). They [ðeɪ] can also (ó sầu) be a way (quâyy ì) to
learn (lơn) new things and self- discovery (địt cơ vơ rì).
8. Do you normally arrange your weekends.
Well,I usually spend my weekend relaxing after a busy week
[wik ]. Sometimes i head (hét đừ) to my hometown to visit my
mom and enjoy the amazing dishes she cook.It’s truly the best.
9. Do you spend your spare time?
When i have lots of time on my hand i usually spend it relaxing.
Sometimes i head to my hometown to visit my mom and enjoy
the amazing dishes she cook, It’s truly the best.

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