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SPAIN (ESPAA) With a population of about 47 million people, and with an area of 504,782 sq km Spain is the second largest

country of the European Union. It is located in the southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula (43 80 N- 35 82; 9 29 W4 33 E). Spain is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the East and South where has a land boundary with the British territory of Gibraltar; to the West and Northwest by the Atlantic Ocean and Portugal; and to the North by France, Andorra and the Cantabrian Sea. Spain also includes some territories outside the peninsula, Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea, the Canary Islands in Western Atlantic Ocean, by the coasts of Africa, and the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla in North Africa, bordering Morocco. Due to its location, it has a temperate climate with moderate winters and hot summers whit differences between the interior and the coasts. On mountainous areas we can find cold temperatures which produces the presence of snow all along the year in some regions. On the other hand, in Southeastern Spain we can visit desertical areas. Spain is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary government and member of different world institutions like the UN, NATO, OECD, and European Union (this last one since 1986). The territory of Spain is politically divided into 17 autonomous communities and the two mentioned autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla; they have legislative and executive autonomy, with their own parliaments. On a lower level autonomous communities are divided into 50 provinces. Madrid is the capital and the largest city of the country, but you have to visit other places like Barcelona, Salamanca, Cceres, Zaragoza, and a great list of locations natural and human all over the country. Because of its location, Spain is the natural way to communicate Europe with Africa, and the Mediterranean with the Atlantic Ocean, that is the reason why Spain has so many influences on so many aspects of its geography and culture. As well as this attractive position between two continents and two water masses, our history has created powerful links with America. Spanish history is made up of many important facts, but we can highlight that we have been influenced by people coming from the eastern and southern Mediterranean from the dawn of our history until today, making Spanish culture the bridge of some way of life and culture that had spread into the rest of Europe. In addition, our relationship

with other European countries has been fluid throughout centuries, especially with France, Italy, Portugal (our closest neighbours), as well as with Great Britain, Germany and the Low Countries. ANDALUSIA (ANDALUCIA) Located in the South of Spain, Andalusia is the second largest (87,300 sq km) and most populated (around 8 million people) of the Spanish Autonomous Communities. Its borders are a long coastline to the South facing the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, separated only by 14 km to Africa, and a mountain range to the North which makes a clear division between us and the rest of the Iberian Peninsula. To the West Guadiana river is the border with Portugal. The territory of Andalusia is geographically divided into three main physical regions: Sierra Morena in the North, which separates us from Castilla La Mancha and Extremadura; Lower Andalusia the western and the flattest part of it, including the depression of Guadalquivir river that crosses all along the territory-, and Upper Andalusia the eastern and more mountainous part, identified with the Baetic System. Andalusian climate is mainly Mediterranean with differences from the coast with subtropical Doana National Park influences in Costa del Sol (Malaga), and Costa Subtropical (Granada)-, to the hinterland where we have hot summers and moderate winters. In Almeria we can find a semiarid climate which is the main cause of the presence of Desierto de Tabernas (important place for people who wants to visit film locations, and, of course, a desertical landscape like no other in Europe). The ecological conditions in Andalusia create incredible landscapes which have been considered important enough to be declared as National and Natural Parks. The most important of them are Doana and Sierra Nevada, but we can not forget places like Cabo de Gata or Sierra de Cazorla, home of an amazing diversity of flora and fauna. Cabo de Gata Politically, Andalusia is composed of eight provinces, stretching from the south-east to the south-west of the country, each one named for its capital city: Almeria, Granada, Jaen, Malaga, Cordoba, Cadiz, Seville and Huelva. Its capital and largest city is Seville. Andalusia is an autonomous community with its own president and parliament. It has legislative and executive power.

The history of our region is one of the oldest in Europe. Andalusia has archaeological remains coming from the human dawn (maybe the oldest European) to nowadays. In our historical background could be mentioned prehistoric cultures like Los Millares and El Argar, contemporaries to Egyptians, the influences of Phoenicians and Greeks (the oldest city of Western Europe is located in our region: Cadiz), the roman and Muslim conquest which had left a lot of basic cultural issues in our food, language and life style-; and of course we have to underline that Andalusia had been the main gate to America in Modern times. Once Spains poorest region, Andalusia - and specifically the provinces of Malaga, Granada and Seville - is now one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe, thanks to its sandy beaches, beautiful countryside, spectacular mountain ranges, fabulous monuments and high-spirited people who live life to the full and are well known for their exuberance, warmth and hospitality. GRANADA Granada is the capital city of the province of the same name, located in the eastern part of Andalusia at the foot of Sierra Nevada View of Granada mountains, just where they meet the fertile plains of La Vega, and in the confluence of three rivers: Beiro, Darro and Genil. It is about 70 km from the coast, so you can ski in the southernmost Ski Station and sunbathe on subtropical beaches in the same day. Sierra Nevada is one of the wonders you can visit, with peaks like Mulhacen or Veleta more than 3,000 meters high, and snow 6 months a year. The climate in Granada changes a lot from summer to winter. During July and August it can be very hot and some days temperature can reach 40 C, whereas in December and January temperature drops below 0 C some days, so frost is usual in that time. Due to this weather conditions the best time to visit Granada is in The Alhambra and Sierra Nevada the Spring and the Autumn, when temperatures are mild and you can enjoy a wonderful palette of colors. Because it has an important student population coming from outside, the city population fluctuates between 250- 350,000 people. Thanks to this cultural life and night life is one of the most attractive ones in Spain. Granada is divided into several districts like Cartuja, Zaidin and Chana, although the most well known by tourism are Sacromonte, Albayzin, Realejo and the city center where the monuments are concentrated. Having a long past of more than 2,000 years, Granada was an important place during late Middle Age when it was the head of the last muslim kingdom in Spain. During that muslim period, the Nasrid dynasty built one of the most wonderful places you can visit in the world, the Moorish Alhambra, a palace of enchantment and legends.

Visiting Albayzin and Realejo you will discover the Moorish past of Granada with its chaotic and narrow streets, its unique churches and life, and dont forget to visit the caves of Sacromonte where you can enjoy flamenco. Among our celebrities we should highlight Federico Garcia Lorca, one of the most important Spanish writers. But we should not forget the writer Francisco Ayala, the musician Manuel de Falla of gaditan origin, although he spent a lot of time in our city-, or illustrious visitants as Washington Irving who had shown the charm of our city and its legends to the Federico Garca Lorca world. OUR SCHOOL: I.E.S. FRAY LUIS DE GRANADA I.E.S. Fray Luis de Granada is located in Huerta del Rasillo, on the limit between Granada and the plains of La Vega having a privileged view to this agricultural area, and at the same time not far from the city center. Our students are of middle- highs social class and are very stimulated to continue their studies at a higher level. We are an English- bilingual school since 2006 and we are integrated in the program of Junta de Andaluca to promote the use of new I.E.S. Fray Luis de Granada technologies. Our school promotes a lot of activities sports, theatre, educational visits, etc-, and student exchanges with schools from Germany and Sweden. Our school center offers a variety of studies from E.S.O. to Bachillerato, including at the highest educational level the fields of Technological and Health Sciences, and Human and Social Sciences, always trying to make an integrated and holistic education of our students in this crucial period of their lives. SPANISH EDUCATION SYSTEM Primary education lasts for six years. Following the 1990 reform, compulsory secondary education (ESO) lasts for four years (from 12 to 16) divided into two year- cycles (from 12 to 14 and from 14 to 16). It leads to the Graduado en Educacin Secundaria Obligatoria Certificate. This certificate is required for: a) Bachillerato studies (16 to 18) b) Intermediate vocational training (Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio) Bachillerato students who have completed all subjects successfully are awarded the Titulo de Bachillerato. To enter university, students must sit for an entrance examination. In Intermediate vocational training students who successfully complete their training are awarded the Certificado Tcnico in the relevant field. This certificate enables them to

work in areas related to their training, to pursue further training, or to study for a Bachillerato.

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