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MATRIC NO: 20/0401







This report is dedicated to God Almighty for his protection, provision and guidance over me

before, during and after me during the period of my industrial training.


I heartily express my profound appreciation to Dr. Adedeji Adeleke for deeming me fit to

train at Pacific Energy Company, for the accommodation, feeding and also to the entire staff

of the Chemical laboratory department, Pacific Energy Company for making my industrial


industrious and educational.

My special gratitude goes to the Head of department Chemical laboratory department, Mr.

Abu Moses, to the Head of Department of biochemistry- Dr. (Mrs.) Morakinyo, my amazing

lecturers and my wonderful supervisors, Dr. Samuel Babarinde and Dr. Samuel Nzekwe for

their effort to towards the success of this training.

My gratitude also goes to my amazing parents Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Njimah and siblings,

who supported me financially and educationally towards the success of the training.




1.1 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF SIWES................................................................6

1.1.1 Aim..............................................................................................................................7

1.1.2 Objectives of SIWES...................................................................................................8

1.2 Pacific Energy Company................................................................................................8

1.2.1 History of Pacific Energy Company Limited..............................................................9

1.2.2 Mission......................................................................................................................10

1.2.3 Vision........................................................................................................................11

1.24 Core Values................................................................................................................11

1.25 Board of Directors......................................................................................................11

2.1 CHEMICAL LABORATORY DEPARTMENT.......................................................12

2.1.1 Functions and Responsibilities...................................................................................12

2.2 Safety Rules in the Laboratory..................................................................................12

2.3 Laboratory Equipment and their uses............................................................................13

3.0 SIWES WORK EXPERIENCE.................................................................................15

3.1 Sources of Water..........................................................................................................15

3.2 The Water Plant Process...............................................................................................16

3.2.1 Automatic Valveless Gravity Filter.......................................................................17

3.3 COOLING WATER SYSTEMS.................................................................................19

3.3.1 Types of Cooling Water System................................................................................19 Open Recirculating Cooling Water System........................................................19 Closed Recirculating Cooling Water System.....................................................20 Water flow process in the cooling systems..........................................................21

3.3.2 Equipment and Materials in the cooling water system..............................................21

3.3.3 Problems associated with cooling water systems......................................................22

3.4 Preparation of Reagents for Water Analysis................................................................23

3.5 Water Quality Analysis...................................................................................................25

3.5.1 Types of water analysis.............................................................................................26 Physical Analysis....................................................................................................27





Test for pH, temperature, conductivity, and salinity of water samples............................28 Chemical analysis...................................................................................................29

3.6 Titrimetric Analysis..................................................................................................30

3.7 Spectrophotometric Analysis....................................................................................37

4.1 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................45

4.2 RECOMMENDATION.................................................................................................46




The Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a program in Nigeria

Universities/Polytechnics accepted to improve the practical skills of students and as a partial

fulfillment of the requirement for the award of first degree. It is a skills training program

designed to expose and prepare students of Universities, Polytechnics/Colleges of

Technology/Colleges of Agriculture and Colleges of Education for the industrial work

situation they are likely to meet after graduation. The accepted skill training program

(SIWES) is expected to bridge the gap existing between the theory and real practical in

various fields such as engineering and technology, science, agriculture, medicine,

management and other professional educational programs in Nigeria tertiary institution.

Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a compulsory program for

all university students, mandated by Industrial Training Fund (ITF). Mainly it is the 300 and

400 level students depending on the year of graduation and the minimum duration of 12

weeks. It is aimed at exposing students to machines and equipment, professional work

methods and ways of safe-guarding the work area and workers in industries and other

organizations. It is funded by the Federal Government of Nigeria and jointly coordinated by

the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) and the National Universities Commission (NUC).

The Students’ Industrial Work-Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a skill development

program initiated by the Industrial Training Fund (ITF), in 1973 to bridge the gap between

theory and practical among students of engineering and technology in Institutions of Higher

Learning in Nigeria. It provides for on-the-job practical experience for students as they are

exposed to work methods and techniques in handling equipment and machinery that may not

be available in their Institutions. Started in 1974 with 748 students from 11 institutions of

higher learning participated, by 1978, the scope of participation in the scheme had increased

to about 5,000 students from 32 institutions. The Industrial Training Fund, however,

withdrew from the management of the scheme in 1979 owing to problems of organizational

logistics and the increased financial burden associated with the rapid expansion of SIWES

(ITF, 2003). The scheme was subsequently reviewed by the Federal Government resulting in

Decree No 16 of August, 1985 which required that “all students enrolled in specialized

engineering, technical, business, applied sciences and applied arts should have supervised

industrial attachment as part of their studies”. In the same vein, the ITF was directed by the

Federal Government to take charge and resume responsibility for the management of SIWES

in collaboration with the supervising agencies, i.e. National Universities Commission

(NUC), the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) and the National Commission

for Colleges of Education (NCCE). Following the resumption of management of SIWES by

the ITF in 1984, the scheme has witnessed rapid expansion.

Presently, participation in the scheme is limited to science, engineering and

technology program in Universities and Polytechnics while in the Colleges of Education

NCE programs in Technical Education, Agriculture, Business, Creative Arts & Design,

Computer Studies and Home Economics are eligible. The scheme was designed to expose

students to the industrial environment and enable them develop occupational competencies

so that they can readily contribute their quota to national economic and technological

development after graduation.

1.1.1 Aim

The Aim of Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme is to give students the

opportunity to fully engage in fundamental experiences regarding working culture, practical,

and tools in their many areas of expertise.

1.1.2 Objectives of SIWES

The objectives of SIWES are to:

1. Give opportunity for students to combine the theoretical knowledge obtained in the

classroom with application of practical knowledge required to perform work in


2. Introduce students to the workplace setting they will eventually occupy will allow them

to see how their future professions are structured in reality.

3. Offer an opportunity for university students to gain practical experience and skills in the

workplace while pursuing their academic degrees.

4. Prepare students for industrial work situations that they are likely to meet after


5. Use SIWES work practices, encourage and strengthen employers' involvement in the

entire educational process and provide them experience operating machinery and

equipment that might not be accessible in their institutions.

6. Make it simpler for students to transition from school to the workplace and strengthen

their contacts for future job placements. Give students the chance to use their classroom

learning in real-world job settings to close the knowledge gap between theory and


1.2 Pacific Energy Company

Pacific Energy Company is a private power generation company located at KM 14

Papalanto Sagamu Road, Ifo Local Government Ogun State. The Power Generation Station

operates on open cycle gas turbines using natural gas as its fuel source. It is owned by Dr.

Adedeji T. Adeleke.

1.2.1 History of Pacific Energy Company Limited

In response to the federal Government’s privatization drive as a key component of its

Electric Power Sector Reforms, Pacific Energy Company Limited was incorporated on the

18th of June 2001. The company was created as a means of participating in the Electric Power

Sector with an initial focus on designing, testing, operating and maintaining power generation

and distribution equipment.

With its strong partnership with two prominent power generation and electrical

companies in China, Pacific Energy was able to gain a foothold in the power sector- a critical

launching pad for its ambition of owning and operating power plants in the country. In

October 2006. Pacific Energy Company realized this vision when it successfully bided for

and won the rights to operate the Olorunsogo Power Company located in Ogun State. This

was followed in December 2006 by the successful acquisition of Omotosho I, Power

Company located in Ondo State.

With two fully operational power plants in its custody, Pacific Energy Company is

currently expanding the generation capacity of these facilities whilst actively taking steps to

fulfil its ultimate vision of building the biggest and most ultramodern power generation plant

in Sub-Saharan Africa.

FIG 1: Pacific Energy Company

1.2.2 Mission

 To achieve excellence in project execution, quality, reliability, safety, and operational


 To consistently enhance our competitiveness and deliver profitable growth.

 To improve the lives of local community in all our projects.

 To be a partner in nation building and contribute towards Nigeria’s economic growth.

 To uphold the guiding principles of trust, integrity, and transparency in all aspects of

interactions and dealings.

 Effective Safety Measures & Adopting Organizational Best Practices.

 Effective Operation & Maintenance Management.

 Availability of Spare-Parts

 Effective Human Resources Management.

1.2.3 Vision

 To practice highest standards of corporate governance and be a financially sound


 To establish an outstanding power station workforce in the country I terms of

Operations, Maintenance, Engineering, Training and Administration and with this

team, maintain a minimum of 90% of the available power station capacity to national


 To illuminate the world of our customers and employees by giving priority to quality

and efficiency; and to be among the leading national organizations in the power

generation and electricity industry.

1.24 Core Values

 Safety: Safety First.

 Performance: No compromise on Best Standards and Practices.

 Integrity: Zero tolerance to dishonesty.

 Professionalism: Zero tolerance to mediocrity.

 Sustainable Power Generation and Environmental Responsibility.

1.25 Board of Directors








A laboratory is a facility that provides controlled conditions in which scientific

researches, experiments and measurements may be performed. The art of electric power

generation with natural gas involves turbines, generators and transformers, of which a lot of

heat is dissipated that might alter the course of process design if the heat content is not

efficiently controlled within permissible boundaries. The Chemical Laboratory Department

helps to treat water used in power generation and carry out analysis on water and oil.

2.1.1 Functions and Responsibilities

 Water analysis

 Plant effluent treatment and pollution control.

2.2 Safety Rules in the Laboratory

Laboratory specific safety rules may be required for specific processes, equipment

and materials, which should be addressed by laboratory specific standard operating systems


Some common safety rules are listed below:

 All chemists/scientists should wear recommended protective clothing, gloves, head

covers, etc. to prevent contamination of samples from their own self.

 Outside shoes should be changed and laboratory slippers should be worn inside

laboratories which should be changed when using washrooms and again be changed

before entering the laboratories.

 Laboratory shelves and benches, weighing balance tables should be kept clean at all

times and any spillages should be attended to on priority.

 Do not permit unauthorized entry into labs except for servicing engineers or auditors.

Such visitors, like all laboratory staff, should also be permitted inside only with

protective gear.

 Know location of laboratory safety showers, eye wash stations and fire extinguishers.

The safety equipment may be located in the hall way near the laboratory entrance.

 Make sure all chemicals and equipment are properly labeled and stored.

 Dispose all waste properly and report any accidents or spills immediately.

 Always work in a well-ventilated area and be mindful of any hazardous fumes or


 Remember to wash your hands thoroughly after handling any chemicals or equipment.

 Clean the instruments with dry lint free cloth daily before use. Do not leave cleaning

of sophisticated instruments to sanitary/janitors’ staff as they can cause damage to

instruments or cause accidents due to negligence.

Conclusively, maintaining safety in the laboratory lies on the laboratory workers.

Although it is evident that avoiding accident completely is never possible but observing

and following adequate safety rules and regulations can help reduce their emergence.

2.3 Laboratory Equipment and their uses

 Electronic weighing balance: It is an instrument used in accurate measurement of

weight of materials.

 Conductivity Meter: It is used to measure the electrical conductivity of a solution.

 pH Meter: It is an instrument that is used to measure the acidity or alkalinity of water-

based solution.

FIG 2: pH and conductivity meter

 Flash Point Tester: It is an instrument used to determine the flash point of a sample.

 Dissolve Gas Analyzer: It is used to measure dissolved gases such as carbon dioxide,

oxygen, ethane and others in an oil sample.

 Electric Hot Plate: It is used to perform chemical reaction by heating samples.

 Oven: It is used to heat, dry and autoclave glassware for sterilization.

 Deionizer: It is an instrument used for removing ions from water in the laboratory.

 Spectrophotometer: It is an instrument that measures the amount of light absorbed by

a sample. It is mostly used to measure the concentration of solutes by measuring the

amount of light that is absorbed by the solution in a cuvette placed in the


FIG 3: Spectrophotometer

 Refrigerator: It is used to maintain, in a controlled environment (refrigerated space),

various fluids and substances so that they are kept in good condition.

 Moisture Meter: It is used to measure the percentage of water in a given substance.



I was opportune to work at the chemical laboratory department in pacific energy

company whose main objective is to regulate the effective and efficient cooling of the gas

turbines and generator system through water and oil lubrication system.

3.1 Sources of Water

There are three major sources of water which includes:

1. Rain water.

2. Surface water (Rivers, Lakes, Ocean, Dam, Streams)

3. Ground water (Wells, Boreholes, Springs)

Rain water

Rain water is the primary source of all water. A part of the water sinks into the ground

to form ground water, part of it evaporates back into the atmosphere, and some run off to

form streams and rivers which flows ultimately into the sea.

Surface water

Surface water originates from rain water. It is the main source of water supply in most

part of the world. Examples are river water, seas, and lakes. Surface water is prone to

contamination from human and animal sources.

I. Rivers: River water furnishes a dependable supply of water. The main disadvantage

is that it is constantly extremely contaminated and completely unsafe for drinking

without treatment. It is turbid especially during the rainy season, and this is caused

by contaminants from sewage, industrial and commercial washing, surface

washing, and drainage from agricultural areas.

II. Sea-water: Though this source is plentiful, it has many limitations. It contains 3.5%

of salt in solution. Desalting and demineralization must occur for it to be potable

for drinking

Ground water

Ground water is the cheapest and most practical means of providing water to small

communities. It can be taken without treatment because it is likely to be free from pathogenic

agents, these usually requires no purification, it is less subject to contamination although with

high mineral content like salts of calcium, magnesium which increases hardness of water.

Examples of ground water are springs and wells.

3.2 The Water Plant Process

There are two main water sources in the plant; the wells (the deep well which is 300m

and the small well which is 100m) and the boreholes (borehole 1 and borehole 2). The well

pumps and the borehole pumps are operated every morning. These pumps send water from

the well and boreholes to the Automatic Valveless Gravity Filter which is responsible for the

filtration process. After filtration and purification, the water is then sent to the sedimentation

basin and the potable water tank. The sedimentation basins are divided into three parts: the

service pool, the life pool, and the fire pool. The Service pool, which is mainly for the

turbines use, sends water to the clarifying tank(which is used for the production of

demineralized water) and the open loop through the industrial make-up pump. The life pool is

mainly for domestic uses and water is transferred or pumped using the potable water pump.

The Fire Pool sends water to the firefighting unit.



water pump → CLARIFIED WATER TANK AND OPEN LOOP → clarified water pump →


circulation pump → GAS TURBINES

3.2.1 Automatic Valveless Gravity Filter

The Automatic Valveless Gravity Filter is a type of water filtration system that

operates without the need for complex valve systems. It is designed to provide continuous

and efficient filtration of water using gravity as the driving force. The filter relies on a

combination of physical and biological processes to remove impurities from the water media

at the top.

 Inlet and Distribution System:

Water to be filtered enters the Automatic Valveless Gravity Filter through an inlet pipe or

channel located near the top of the filter. The inlet is designed to distribute the incoming

water evenly across the top surface of the filter bed.

 Sedimentation and Initial Filtration:

As water enters the filter bed, larger suspended particles and sediments begin to settle due to

gravity. The settled particles create a protective layer on the top surface of the filter media,

known as the biolayer.

 Biological Filtration:

Over time, a layer of beneficial microorganisms develops within the biolayer. These

microorganisms contribute to the biological filtration process by consuming organic matter

and pathogens present in the water, improving water quality.

 Filtration through the Media Bed:

Water flows downward through the filter media layers under the force of gravity. As water

passes through the media bed, physical processes such as sedimentation, adsorption, and

straining occur, trapping suspended particles and impurities within the filter media.

 Filtrate Collection:

Filtered water, known as the filtrate or effluent, collects at the bottom of the filter bed. A

collection system, such as a trough or drainage system, is used to gather the filtrate and direct

it to the desired outlet or further treatment processes.

 Continuous Operation:

The Automatic Valveless Gravity Filter operates continuously, with water flowing through

the filter bed continuously without the need for periodic backwashing or manual intervention.

As long as the filter bed remains effective and the hydraulic loading rate is within the optimal

range, the Automatic Valveless Gravity Filter can maintain its filtration performance.

Maintenance and Cleaning:

Periodic maintenance may be required to ensure the Automatic Valveless Gravit

Filter's optimal performance. This can include removing accumulated solids or cleaning the

filter media to prevent clogging and maintain proper filtration efficiency. This is known as


FIG 4 : Automatic Valveless Gravity Filter


The primary function of the chemical laboratory department is to ensure and regulate

the effective and efficient cooling of the gas turbine and generator system through water and

oil lubrication system. There is a huge water requirement for cooling systems for proper

function of a thermal power plant to avoid problems of deposits, scaling, corrosion and other

damage to the machines. Areas of cooling in the gas turbine and generator system are

generally the lubrication oil, flame detectors and the turbines support legs.

3.3.1 Types of Cooling Water System

There are two cooling water systems used in the power plant for the effective and

efficient cooling of the gas turbine and generation system. They are the Open Recirculating

Cooling Water System and Closed Recirculating Water System. Open Recirculating Cooling Water System

Open recirculating cooling water systems are open to the atmosphere and

continuously recycle and reuse the cooling water (Jah, 2021). These systems are composed of

pumps, evaporator unit, cooling towers and heat exchangers. These unit mix air and water to

evaporate, cooling the balance of the water volume. The cooled water is then circulated

through the pumps to the heat exchangers, where heat is added to the cooling water thereby

removing heat from the process flow stream. The warmed water is then circulated to the

cooling tower, where the cycle is repeated. Water is lost from the system primarily through

evaporation or drift loss; however, a portion of the cooling water must be discharged as waste

(i.e. blowdown) to maintain a suitable water quality within the system. All water lost from the

system is replaced by the makeup water. The main source of water for this system is raw

water gotten from the wells and boreholes which has gone through filtration process by the

automatic valveless gravity filter. These systems are prone to corrosion, fouling, scale and

microbial contamination.

FIG 5: Open Recirculating Cooling Water System Closed Recirculating Cooling Water System

In a closed recirculating cooling water system, water circulates within a closed loop

(without air contact), continuously moving through the system and undergoing cooling or

heating processes before being reused. Cooling water is circulated through the system by a

pump. After extracting heat from the lube oil, flame detector and turbine support legs, the

heat absorbed is extracted by cooled open circulating water enhanced by the heat exchanger

before recirculating back to the turbines. Loss of water is only through leakage and hence

very little water is required for make-up keeping the mineral content of the cooling water

virtually constant. Demineralized water is used as the source of make-up water in the closed

cooling water system. This is because demin water minimizes corrosion, fouling, scaling and

other mechanical fault. Water flow process in the cooling systems

 Demineralized water produced at the Demin Water Plant is dosed with ammonia and

sodium nitrite solution and sent to the closed cooling tank. This is dosed to minimize

corrosion and fouling in the closed cycle cooling system

 The cold inlet water (at the gas turbines) from the closed cooling pumps extracts heat

from the lube oil, flame detectors and the turbines support legs.

 The hot outlet water is transferred to the heat exchangers through the closed cooling

water pumps.

 Cooled water from the open circulating water absorbs the heat from the incoming hot

water via aluminum plates in the heat exchangers.

 Treated water in the make-up tank goes to the heat exchangers to top up shortage of

cooling water.

 The cooled water is then transferred to the Gas Turbines to continue the cycle.

3.3.2 Equipment and Materials in the cooling water system

 Cooling Tower: It is also known as Open Loop. Cooling towers are the primary

component used to exhaust heat in open recirculating cooling systems. In the cooling

tower, hot water comes in contact with cold air and some portion of the water

evaporates. As the result, the hot water is cooled by releasing the latent heat of


 Heat Exchangers: The heat exchanger is a device that allows heat to be transferred

from one fluid to another. It functions by transferring heat from higher to lower

temperature. Heat can thus be transferred from the hot fluid to the cold fluid without

the fluid coming in contact with each other.

 Cooling Water Circulation Pump: Closed cooling water circulation pump and open

cooling water circulation pumps are used for circulating water in the cooling water


 Metals in general use: Equipment in contact with the cooling water are heat

exchangers, piping, pumps cooling tower basins and the sensor of measuring

instruments. Except for the cooling tower, most of the other equipment are made of


3.3.3 Problems associated with cooling water systems

 Scaling: Water impurities such as calcium and magnesium hardness can precipitate

and form deposits depending on their concentrations, water temperature, pH,

alkalinity, and other water characteristics. These deposits form a film inside the

surfaces are technically known as scales. As water is evaporated in a cooling tower,

the concentration of dissolved solids becomes greater until the solubility of a

particular scale-causing mineral salt is exceeded. When this situation occurs in an

untreated cooling water system, the scale will form on any surface in contact with the

water, especially on the heat exchanger surfaces. The most common scaling minerals

are calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, calcium sulfate, and silica. The build-up of

scaling deposits on the surfaces can have the following effects; loss of heat transfer

efficiency, loss of production, increased downtime and maintenance cost, high energy


 Corrosion: Corrosion occurs when electrically charged particles flow through metal

components, causing the metal to oxidize and eventually lose thickness. It is an

electrochemical process in which a metal returns to its original form or oxide due to

its exposure to oxygen. Even the reaction with water converts the metals such as mild

steel and copper to their respective oxides. Some of the characteristics in the water

that directly causes corrosion are oxygen and other dissolved gases, dissolved or

suspended solids, temperature, microbial activity, and improper pH control. Corrosion

causes pitting (built-up of holes) and leaks in cooling systems and can lead to plant

shutdown due to costly downtime repairs or equipment replacements. Mild steel,

which is prone to corrosion is the most common materials used in cooling system.

 Fouling: Fouling is an accumulation of solid materials other than scale that can

hamper the operation of plant equipment or contributes to its deterioration. It is also

termed as sludge. It mainly includes dirt, mud, sand, silt, clay, scale salts, and other

particulates of airborne origin entering the system with the makeup water. These

suspended solids are usually tightly bound and are cemented by corrosion products

and organic matter. Some of the main factors responsible for fouling are water

composition, temperature, microbial growth and corrosion. Fouling can lead to

damage of heat transfer equipment, head loss in the piping system, and under-deposit


 Biological Contamination: The uncontrolled multiplication of bacteria, algae, fungi,

and other microorganisms can lead to deposit formations. This contributes to other

problems such as scaling, fouling, and corrosion. Biological growth is often addressed

as a serious issue for the cooling system and an important contributor in terms of heat

transfer inefficiency. The main source of entry of the microorganisms in the system is

the makeup water. There are carried via wind and insects.

3.4 Preparation of Reagents for Water Analysis

 Ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) Solution: Dissolve 4g of EDTA in

demineralized water and dilute to 1000ml in a volumetric flask.

 Erichrome Black T: Add 1.08g of Erichrome Black T to 200ml of methanol.

 Ammonium Buffer: Add 67.5g of ammonium chloride in 200ml of distilled water. Add

570ml of Ammonium hydroxide, add 1.25g of magnesium salt of EDTA and make up to

1L with distilled water.

 0.02N Sulphuric acid solution: Add 0.6ml of concentrated sulphuric acid in distilled water

and dilute it to 1L.

 Methyl Orange Indicator: Dissolve 0.2 methyl orange powder in 100ml of distilled water

and filter if necessary.

 Phenolphthalein Indicator Solution: Dissolve 10g of phenolphthalein in 1L of 95%


 0.02N Sodium Hydroxide: Dilute 9.08g of NaOH in 1000mls of distilled water or 22.7mls

of NaOH in 1000mls of distilled water.

 Hydrochloric Acid (1+1): Add 500ml of concentrated HCl to 500ml of water and makeup

to 1Lwith distilled water.

 Oxalic Acid (100g/l): Dissolve 100g of oxalic acid (H2C2O4) in preheated distilled water

and makeup to 1L with water.

 Amino Solution: Dissolve 2.5g of 1-amino-2naphtol-4sulfonic acid in 250ml of a solution

containing 5gof sodium sulfite (Na2SO3) after dissolving. Add the solution to 500mls of a

solution containing 80g of sodium metabisulfite. Make up to 1L with distilled water.

 Ammonium Molybdate Solution 75g/l: Dissolve 75g of ammonium molybdate in 1 liter

of preheated distilled water.

 10% Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride: Weigh 50g of hydroxylamine hydrochloride and

dissolve in 200ml of deionized water then make up to 500ml with same deionized water.

 1,10 Phenanthroline: Weigh 1.0g of 1,10-phenanthroline and dissolve in 300ml preheated

deionized water. When completely dissolved makeup to 400ml with same deionized

water store the solution in an amber bottle .

 Acetate Buffer Solution: Weigh 38.54g of ammonium acetate and dissolve in 300ml

deionized water and completely dissolve, then add 30ml of Glacial acetic acid, then make

up to 500ml with deionized water.

 Sulfuric Acid (37 + 63): Add 370mls of conc sulfuric acid slowly to about 630mls of

distilled water cool and dilute it to 1liter with distilled water.

 Ammonium Molybdate Solution 48g/L: Dissolve 48gms of ammonium molybdate in

about 800mls of preheated distilled water add 2.5mls of Ammonium hydroxide (NH 4OH)

dilute to 1 liter with distilled water.

 Manganese II sulfate solution: Dissolve 1.55g of Manganese (ii) in 200ml deionized

water containing 5mls of concentrated sulfuric acid. Make up the solution to 500ml, mark

after cooling and turn into a reagent container.

 O-Toluidine solution: weigh 0.500g of O-Toluidine ( 3,30-dimethyl-4,40-diamino–

diphenyl) powder and dissolve in to 150mls concentrated hydrochloric acid in a 500ml

Erlenmeyer flask under the fume cupboard. When dissolve, makeup to the 500ml mark

and filter. transfer the filtrate to the automatic dispenser labeled O-toluidine.

 0.1N Silver Nitrate Solution: Dissolve 17g of silver nitrate with distilled water to make

exactly 1Litre.

 Potassium chromate indicator solution: Dissolve 50g of potassium chromate, K 2CrO4 in

100ml of distilled water. Add standard silver nitrate solution until define red precipitate is

formed. Allow solution to stand for 12hrs filter and dilute the solution to 1000ml with

distilled water

3.5 Water Quality Analysis

Water Quality Analysis is the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of

water. It is carried out to measure the conditions of water either for human need or industrial

purposes. In the power plant, water is analyzed based on the needs of the gas turbines, other

compartments and the laboratory. Therefore, the types of water samples being tested or

analyzed determines the parameters of tests that can be carried out. The water in different

locations and machines in the power plant is analyzed daily to maintain the efficiency of

running machines and to also prevent corrosion of the metallic components of the water pipes

and gas turbines. These analyses ascertain if the water samples meet the specific requirements

in respect to the standards of the manufacturer’s instructions. Each analysis is specific to a

particular property of the water . There are different kinds of water samples with different

components that can be found in this power plant, they include:

 Water from the Boiler

 Open cooling tower

 Close cooling water tank

 Closed cooling water outlet

 Sedimentation basin (Life pool, Service pool)

 Wells and boreholes

 Gas turbines

 Demineralized water.

3.5.1 Types of water analysis

There are various analyses performed to certify the purity of water which includes:

1. Physical analysis

2. Chemical analysis

In Pacific Energy Water treatment plant, main laboratory analysis carried-out includes

physical and chemical examinations. Physical Analysis

Physical examination of water is very key in water treatment because it guides us on

the quantity and qualities of chemicals to be added. Natural water contains impurities where

as pure distilled water has the principle composition of only hydrogen and oxygen. The

impurities found in natural water are suspended and dissolved substance.

The physical characteristic of water is the parameters that can be determined by the

sense of touch, sight, smell and taste. This parameter includes salinity, pH, conductivity and

temperature. These parameters are collectively known as bench analysis.


pH is the logarithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration and it is a

measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a water sample. It is of the most important

determinations in water chemistry since many of the process involved in water treatment are

pH dependent. In the power plan, the water must be alkaline because acidic water can cause

corrosion and scaling of the pipes and other metal surfaces. pH levels within the range of 8.5

to 9.5 is best for the plant machines.

Acidic pH levels result in corrosion of the plant machines and metal pipes because H +

ions in acidic water reacts with the oxygen in water to cause depolarization and speed up the

rate of corrosion.

Basic water (>9.5) lowers the solubility of calcium carbonate. This causes the

carbonate to precipitate out as scales on the metal components of the plant.

Ph levels of 7.0 to 7.5 encourages the growth of bacterial growth which causes

microbial contamination and increased corrosion in the water pipes. A pH meter is used to

measure the Ph of water in the power plant.


This is the measure of the ability of water to pass an electrical current. Conductivity

of water is affected by the presence of dissolved salts and inorganic materials such as

chloride, nitrate, magnesium etc. It is measured in micro siemens per centimeter (µs/cm). In

a power plant, conductivity is one of the important tools that are used to suspect leakage,

corrosion, scaling, etc. high conductance of water promotes corrosion and precipitation of

residues. Therefore, the water has to be analyzed before the water goes in and out of the Gas

turbines and other compartments. A conductivity meter is used to determine the conductivity

of water in this power plant. Deionized water can act as an insulator due to its very negligible

conductivity values.


This is the concentration of all dissolved salts present in the water. this is the total

amount of mobile charged ions including minerals, salts or metals dissolved in a given

volume of water. It is usually expressed in units of mg/l or parts per million (ppm). A

conductivity meter is used to determine the quality of all water samples in the laboratory and

each water sample have their various standards and ranges of measurement. It is important to

test for salinity in water because it can determine how hard or soft the water is. A high

salinity indicates hard water which causes scales to build up in pipes and valves which can

inhibit performance.


Temperature is the degree of hotness or coldness of a substance. no action is needed

in this parameter irrespective of the degree of temperature gotten.

Test for pH, temperature, conductivity, and salinity of water samples.

Aim: To determines the pH, temperature, conductivity, and salinity of the water samples.

Sample Sources: Boilers, open loop, gas turbines, closed cooling tank, closed cooling outlet,

demineralized water, service pool, life pool, boreholes, and well.

Apparatus: pH and conductivity meter.


1) The electrode probe is first rinsed with the water sample, to ensure accurate reading of the

water properties.

2) The sample cup is also rinsed with the water sample to prevent contamination of the


3) The cup is then filled with the sample and placed under the electrode stand with the

electrode placed vertically in it.

4) The Jenway meter takes the reading of the sample.

5) The final value recorded is taken after the uniform velocity graph sign appears on the

equipment’s screen.

The quantitative values gotten from the meter on the different parameters is then cross

checked with the table of acceptable limits and necessary actions are taken.

24 Chemical analysis

The chemical characteristics of water are quantified in terms inorganic constituents

that may be present. The chemical characteristics are used to assess the suitability of water

for use as a public water supply and for the plant use. Inorganic compounds may dissociate to

varying degrees, to cations and anions. These organic and inorganic mineral substances are

determined using chemical test. Some of these mineral elements are determine by titrimetric

method, and are known as macro elements e.g. chloride, alkalinity, free carbon dioxide,

calcium, magnesium etc. while the mineral elements that cannot be determine by titrimetric

method are known as micro elements and are determine using highly sensitive equipment

(spectrophotometric analysis). Examples of these elements are iron, phosphate, nitrite, nitrate,

sulphate, sulphide, etc. Below are some the parameters that can be determined in a water


1) Titrimetric Analysis; chloride test, total hardness analysis, alkalinity test, and free

carbon dioxide test.

2) Spectrophotometric test; free active chlorine analysis, silica analysis, total iron

content test, and phosphate test.

3.6 Titrimetric Analysis

Titrimetric analysis is a method of analysis in which a solution of the substance being

determined is treated with a solution of a suitable reagent of exactly known concentration.

The reagent is added to the substance until the amount added is equivalent to the amount of

the substance to be determined. This is done using a retort stand, burette, conical flask and a

pipette. Examples of titrimetric analysis done in the laboratory are total hardness analysis,

alkalinity test, CO2 test and chloride test.

3.6.1 Total Hardness Analysis

Total Hardness is the sum of the calcium and magnesium concentrations both

expressed as calcium carbonate, in milligram per liter (mg/l). Hard water is one that has high

mineral content especially calcium and magnesium and it is formed when water percolates

through deposits of calcium and magnesium-containing minerals such as limestone, chalk,

and dolomite. Hard water is not seriously harmful to human health. However, water with a

high level of hardness could cause serious problems in industrial settings, where water

hardness is typically monitored to prevent costly failures in components like cooling towers,

boilers and other equipment that contain or process water.

High total hardness can cause serious problems such as breakdowns in boilers,

cooling towers, scaly deposits in pipes which can reduce the cooling pressure and cause

explosion. However, levels of hardness that are too low could make the water corrosive and

more aggressive. Thus, industries that use equipment and machinery that handle water should

ensure that the total hardness levels are maintained at appropriate levels to prevent the water

from becoming corrosive.

Test for Total Hardness in water samples

Aim: to determine the concentration of calcium and magnesium ion in the water samples.

Analytical Method: Titrimetric method employing Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid(EDTA)

as titrant.

Sample areas: boilers, open loop, gas turbines, closed cooling tank, closed cooling outlet,

demineralized water, service pool, life pool, boreholes, and well,

Apparatus: Burettes, pipettes, conical flask, measuring cylinder, retort stand, funnel.

Reagents: 0.02N EDTA solution, ammonium buffer, Erichrome Black T.


 Fill a conical flask with 100mls of the water sample.

 Add few drops of ammonia solution to serve as buffering agent.

 Then add few drops of Erichrome black T into the conical flash as the indicator, mix

gently until a purple color appears.

 Titrate sample against the EDTA.

 Stop titration once color change is observed and take reading difference form

graduated burette.

A blue color is observed.


(Hardness is expressed as CaCO3)

Total Hardness as CACO3 = (T.V. × 0.002 × 50 × 1000/10)

T.V. = Titre Value

You can determine your water’s hardness based on these concentrations of calcium


 Below 75 mg/L - is generally considered soft

 76 to 150 mg/L - moderately hard
 151 to 300 mg/L - hard
 More than 300 mg/ - very hard.

The difference in amount of mls of EDTA gives a qualitative value of the degree of

hardness in the water. If after the addition of the indicator to the sample in the conical flask,

and the sample turns purple instead of blue, that sample is then reported as below reporting

limit i.e. that water sample has a very low degree of hardness.

3.6.2 Chloride Test

Testing for chloride is important because this component is corrosive to most metals

in system with elevated temperature and pressure. Chlorides which are components of

chlorine with other elements or radical are found in nearly all waters and the range of

concentration could be considered very wide. They are derived from salt deposits such as

sodium chloride and magnesium chloride. Many wells and water reservoirs can build up

chloride ions from underground salt deposits. Chloride tests are carried out because they can

corrode metals and pipes, they can also contaminate water streams or waste water which is

flushed into streams and the presence of high chloride can lead to loss of aquatic and

agricultural life.

Test for Chloride in water

Aim: To determine the chloride level in water

Analytical Method: Titrimetric method employing silver nitrate as titrant and potassium

dichromate as indicator

Sample Sources: boilers, open loop, closed cooling tank, closed cooling outlet, demineralized

water, service pool, life pool, boreholes, and well,

Apparatus: Burettes, pipettes, conical flask, measuring cylinder, retort stand, funnel.

Reagents: Potassium dichromate, standard silver nitrate solution.


1) Put the prepared silver nitrate in the burette.

2) Fill a conical flask with 100ml of the water sample.

3) Add three drops of Potassium dichromate into the sample and mix well.

4) Titrate the sample against the silver nitrate solution.

5) Titrate till end point (that is when solution color changes from yellow to reddish brown).

6) Take down the burette reading.


Chloride mg/L Cl- = ( A × N × 35450 ml of sample)


A= Titre value, N= Normality of silver nitrate.

 For cooling water systems, the chloride concentration should be maintained below

100-200 parts per million (ppm) or milligrams per liter (mg/l).

 For boiler feedwater, the chloride concentration in boiler feedwater is generally kept

quite low to avoid corrosion and scale formation in the boiler. Chloride limits are

often in the range of 1-10 ppm.

3.6.3 Total Alkalinity Test

Alkalinity refers to the capacity of water or any other aqueous solution to neutralize

acids or resist changes in pH. The total alkalinity yest is a common water analysis procedure

used to determine the alkaline capacity of a water sample. It measures the concentration of

alkaline substances present in the water, primarily bicarbonates (HCO 3-), carbonates (CO32-),

and hydroxides (OH-). The sum of P-alkalinity and M-alkalinity provides the total alkalinity

of the water sample.

Phenolphthalein alkalinity only measures the hydroxide and one-half of the carbonate

ions present in the water sample. The p-alkalinity is determined by titration to a pH of 8.3

using phenolphthalein as its indicator. The end point at which the phenolphthalein indicator

changes from pink to colorless indicates that it has gotten to the pH of 8.3 and that the total

hydroxide and one-half the carbonate present in the water has been neutralized.

Methyl orange alkalinity measures one-half of the carbonates and bicarbonates

present in the water sample. The m-alkalinity is determined by titration to a pH of 4.3 using

methyl orange as the indicator. The end point at which methyl orange indicator changes from

orange to yellow indicates that it has gotten to the pH of 4.3 and that the total alkali present in

the water sample has been neutralized.

Test for Alkalinity in water samples

Aim: To test for the total alkalinity in the water samples.

Analytical method: Titrimetric method employing sulphuric acid as titrant.

Apparatus: Conical flask, pipette, burette, measuring cylinder, retort stand, funnel.

Reagents:0.02N sulfuric acid, phenolphthalein, methyl orange


1) Take 100ml of water sample in a conical flask.

2) Add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein and stir.

3) Titrate against 0.02N H2SO4 till the pink color vanishes and the solution becomes

colorless. Note the titre value (P-alkalinity).

4) Add 2-3 drops of methyl orange indicator in the same conical flask and continue with the

acid till yellow color changes to orange-red color. Note the titre value (m-alkalinity).


P-alkalinity (in mg/l as CaCO3) = (titre value of P × normality of acid solution ×equivalent

factor / volume of water sample)

M-alkalinity (in mg/l as CaCO3) = (M tire value × normality of acid solution × equivalent

factor/ volume of water sample)

Total alkalinity = P-alkalinity + M-alkalinity

The total alkalinity, which includes both phenolphthalein alkalinity and methyl orange

alkalinity is typically recommended to be within the range of 100-600mg/l as CaCO 3.

High alkalinity can result in the precipitation of scale-forming compounds such as calcium

carbonate and magnesium hydroxide.

3.6.4 Free Carbon Dioxide Test (CO2 test)

The CO2 titrimetric test in water is a method used to determine the concentration of

carbon dioxide dissolved in water. Dissolved carbon dioxide can react with water to form

carbonic acid (H2CO3), which increases the acidity of the water.

CO2 + H2O → H2CO3 (ag)

Carbonic acid can also break down into hydrogen ions and carbonate ions.

H2CO3 → 2H+ + CO32-

When CO2 levels increase in water, the pH levels drop which makes the water becomes more

acidic and this results in corrosion of the machines.

Test for carbon dioxide in water

Aim: To determine the concentration of dissolved CO2 in water.

Analytical Method: Titrimetric method employing sodium hydroxide as titrant.

Apparatus: Conical flask, pipette, burette, measuring cylinder, retort stand, funnel.

Reagents:0.02N sodium hydroxide, phenolphthalein.

Sample sources: boilers, open loop, closed cooling tank, closed cooling outlet, demineralized

water, service pool, life pool, boreholes, and well.


1) Put the prepared NaOH in the burette.

2) Take 100ml of the water sample into a conical flask.

3) Add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein and mix.

4) Titrate till end point i.e. when the color changes from colorless to pink.

5) Note down the titre values.


CO2 concentration (in mg/L or ppm) = (Volume of NaOH solution used × Normality of

NaOH solution × Molar mass of CO2) / Volume of water sample.

If the solution turns pink immediately after adding the phenolphthalein indicator, it means the

solution contains no CO2 and it is recorded as less than reporting limit.

Monitoring CO2 levels is important for understanding water quality, corrosion control, and

evaluating the effectiveness of treatment processes.

3.7 Spectrophotometric Analysis

Spectrophotometric analysis is a technique used to measure the absorption or

transmission of light by a substance as a function of its wavelength. It provides valuable

information about the concentration, composition, and characteristics of substances in a

sample. Spectrophotometry is based on the principle that substances selectively absorb or

transmit light at specific wavelengths. This absorption or transmission behavior is related to

the presence and concentration of specific compounds or molecules in the sample. A

spectrophotometer is the instrument used in spectrophotometric analysis which is used to

measure the absorption or transmission of light by a sample as a function of its wavelength . It

consists of a light source that emits a broad spectrum of light, a monochromator that selects

specific wavelengths, a sample holder where the sample is placed, and a detector that

measures the intensity of light after it passes through the sample.

Light Source: A spectrophotometer typically utilizes a stable and controlled light source, such

as a tungsten-halogen lamp or a deuterium lamp. The light source emits a broad spectrum of

light that covers a wide range of wavelengths.

Monochromator: The monochromator is a crucial component that selects specific

wavelengths of light from the broad spectrum emitted by the light source. It consists of a

prism or a diffraction grating that disperses the light into its constituent wavelengths. By

adjusting the position of the prism or grating, a specific wavelength of light can be isolated.

Sample Holder: The sample holder is a compartment where the sample is placed for analysis.

It is usually a cuvette—a transparent container made of glass or plastic. The cuvette holds the

sample between two clear windows to allow the passage of light through the sample.

Detector: The detector measures the intensity of light that passes through the sample. It

converts the light energy into an electrical signal, which can be further processed by the

spectrophotometer. Commonly used detectors include photodiodes, photomultiplier tubes

(PMTs), or charge-coupled devices (CCDs).

Reference and Sample Measurements: In spectrophotometry, two measurements are typically

made: the reference measurement and the sample measurement. The reference measurement

is obtained by passing light through a reference material, which is usually a blank solution

containing all the components except the analyte of interest. The sample measurement is

taken by passing light through the sample containing the analyte. The reference measurement

helps to compensate for any background absorption or scattering effects.

Absorbance Calculation: The spectrophotometer measures the intensity of light transmitted

through the sample and the reference material. It quantifies this measurement as either

absorbance or transmittance.

Spectrophotometric analysis in the power plant includes; free active chlorine analysis,

phosphate analysis, silica analysis and total iron content analysis.

3.7.1 Free Active Chlorine Analysis

Free active chlorine refers to the amount of chlorine in water that is readily available

to disinfect and oxidize organic matter and other contaminants. Chlorine (Sodium

Hypochlorite) is often added to the water as a disinfectant to control the growth of

microorganisms that can cause corrosion and fouling in the system. However, excessive

chlorine levels can also cause corrosion and therefore, it is important to maintain the

appropriate concentration of free active chlorine in the water. Free active chlorine analysis is

only carried out in water samples gotten from the open loop. This is because the water is in

an open system and is easily affected by microorganisms.

Free Active Chlorine test in water

Aim: To determine the concentration of free active chlorine in water

Analytical Method: Spectrophotometric technique

Apparatus: conical flask, measuring cylinder, pipette

Reagents: Manganese (II) Sulfate solution, O-Toluidine reagent.

Sample source: open loop


1) Pipette 20ml of sample into an 100ml conical flask.

2) Add 1ml of Manganese (II) Sulfate solution and mix.

3) Add 1ml of O-Toluidine solution and mix thoroughly.

4) Allow to seat for 5 minutes and read the absorbance at 435nm wavelength using the


5) Prepare a blank reagent alongside the sample reagent.


Conc. of free active chlorine in ppm = (abs of sample – abs of blank) × calibration factor

Abs= absorbance, Calibration factor= 2.86

In cooling water systems, free active chlorine levels are typically maintained at lower

concentrations, typically in the limit of 0.2 parts per million (ppm) or milligrams per liter


3.7.2 Phosphate Analysis

Phosphates are compounds composed of phosphorus and oxygen atoms. They can

exist in various forms, including orthophosphates (such as HPO4²⁻ and H ₂PO ₄⁻),

polyphosphates, and organic phosphates. Phosphates can be present in power plant water

systems due to several factors, including the source water, treatment processes, and

operational conditions. Monitoring phosphate levels is crucial to prevent issues such as scale

formation, corrosion, and microbiological growth.

Phosphate Analysis in water

Aim: To determine the concentration of ortho-phosphate ions in water samples.

Analytical Method: Spectrophotometric technique

Apparatus: conical flask, measuring cylinder, pipette, pipette filler.

Reagents: Sulfuric acid, Ammonium Molybdate solution, Amino solution.

Sample source: open loop and boiler


1. I transferred 20ml of water sample into a conical flask

2. I added 1ml of H2SO4 and mixed.

3. I added 1ml of Ammonium Molybdate solution and mixed followed by 1 ml of amino


4. I allowed to stand for 9 minutes and not more than 11 minutes for color development.

5. I measured that absorbance at 650nm (dilute the sample if the absorbance is more than


6. A blank reagent was also prepared alongside the sample reagent.


O-PO4 (mg/l) = Absorbance difference * calibration factor * dilution factor

The recommended phosphate concentration in the water plant system lies within the range of

0.1-3ppm. It’s important that the phosphate levels in water should be carefully monitored and

controlled to avoid over treatment or undertreatment.

Overtreatment can lead to the formation of deposits and can also contribute to the growth of

microbiological organisms. Undertreatment can lead to corrosion and equipment failure.

3.7.3 Silica Analysis

Silica, also known as silicon dioxide (SiO2), is a compound commonly found in water

sources. It can be present in various forms, including dissolved silica (silicic acid) or

particulate silica (silica gel or colloidal silica).

Silica can enter power plant water systems through various sources, such as:

 Natural sources: Silica can be present in the source water used for power plant

operations, such as underground sources.

 Makeup water: The water added to the system to compensate for losses, such as

evaporation or blowdown, can contain silica.

 Chemical treatment: Silica can also originate from chemicals used in water treatment

processes, such as coagulants or antiscalants.

Silica can pose challenges in power plant equipment due to its tendency to form

deposits and scale under certain conditions. The presence of silica deposits can lead to

reduced heat transfer efficiency, increased pressure drops, and potential equipment failure.

Silica Analysis in water using heteropoly blue method

Aim: To determine the concentration of silica ions in water samples.

Analytical Method: Spectrophotometric technique

Apparatus: conical flask, measuring cylinder, pipette, pipette filler.

Reagents: Hydrochloric acid, Ammonium Molybdate solution, Oxalic acid, Amino solution.

Sample source: Open loop, well, boreholes, boiler, close cooling tank.


1. 25ml of sample was added in a conical flask and 0.5ml of HCl solution was added to it

and mixed thoroughly.

2. 1ml of Ammonium Molybdate solution was also added to the sample and allowed to seat

for 3 minutes for the reaction to occur.

3. 1ml of Oxalic acid followed by 1ml of Amino solution was also added and mixed


4. Allow to seat for 10 mins for color development and then read the absorbance at 815nm

against a blank reagent. If the absorbance is above 0.200abs, dilute the sample.


Soluble silica as SiO2 (ppm) = abs difference * silica factor from curve * dilution factor

By utilizing the heteropoly blue complex formation between silica and a heteropoly acid,

such as molybdosilicic acid, the method allows for the accurate measurement of silica

concentrations. The intensity of the blue color developed is directly proportional to the silica

concentration in the sample.

The recommended silica concentration in the water plant system lies within the range of 0.1-


3.7.4 Total Iron Content Test

This analysis is conducted to determine the total amount of iron (Fe 2+) present in the

water sample. It provides a qualitative analysis of the amount rusting present in the metal

components of the plant.

SAMPLE SOURCE: wells, sedimentation basin, boilers, closed cooling circle water, open

cooling recircling water tower.

APPARATUS AND EQUIPMENT:100ml conical flasks, pipettes, heating mantle, Spectro

quant Spectrophotometer, Deionized water

REAGENTS: hydrochloric acid solution, hydroxylamine hydrochloride, 1,10-phenanthroline,

acetate buffer solution


 Rinse conical flask with water sample and empty

 10ml of water sample was added to a conical flask, followed by 1ml of HCl solution.

 1ml of Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride was also added to the solution and was heated

for 3 minutes with the electric hot plate.

 After heating, 2.5ml of 1,10-Phenanthroline and 5ml of acetate buffer was added and

mixed thoroughly.

 The final solution was allowed to cool and the absorbance is read using a

spectrophotometer at 510nm wavelength.


A reddish color change is observed indicating the presence of iron ions.

Reagent blank is prepared using deionized water as the water sample. The quantitative value

of the amount of iron is calculated as

Total iron in mg/L= (sample absorbance- reagent blank absorbance) * dilution factor *

calibration factor.



The main aim and objective of the chemical laboratory department is to ensure the

effective and efficient cooling of the gas turbines and generator systems through water and oil

lubrication system. The industrial environment inspired me, and it gave me a place to put the

theoretical knowledge I had learned in my academic studies to use in practical situations.

During the program, I participated in hands-on activities like performing various test analyses

on water like the total hardness test, silica test, alkalinity test etc. and using laboratory

equipment. I also noticed improvements in my laboratory techniques, which are essential

skills in biochemistry.

Through collaborating with my colleague and presenting results to the lab analysts, I

also improved my communication and teamwork abilities. The SIWES program gave me a

great chance to network with business people, and I got to speak with seasoned experts who

delivered insightful advice about the field.

The scheme has helped a lot by bridging the gap between theory and real practical

world. As a result of this scheme I have been acquainted with the use of certain machines and

equipment on their operation, how they are handled and maintained.

The scheme has broadened my horizon on the need for water treatment for domestic

and industrial purposes. I was able to learn and practicalize the processes involved, the

chemicals used and how they are applied as these will go a long way in determining how pure

the water is before being certified fit, potable for drinking and also for the effective and

efficient cooling of the gas turbines and generator system.

I am confident that the lessons learned and experiences gained during this program

will serve as a solid foundation for my future endeavors.


Following serious consideration on my SIWES experience, I have come up with a

number of proposals to improve the program's relevance. These include:

 Since the government does not guarantee anyone a job and the chances of finding

employment in the nation is not encouraging, my younger colleagues who are

preparing for SIWES should place a greater emphasis on the experience they will gain

during the course of the program. As a result, the experience gained from the

internship can go a long way toward assisting our aspiring graduates in finding their

own job and becoming independent.

 The ITF should provide information on companies for the attachment and help in the

placement of students.

 For proper supervision during the training period, frequent visits to the companies

where students are posted should be strongly encouraged.


Jah, J., & Dr. Jha, S. K. (2021). Cooling Water Chemistry. Handbook on Water Chemistry

Practices in Thermal Power Plant, (pp 144-164).

Tyagi S., Sharma B., Singh P., & Dobhal R. (2013). Water Quality Assessment in Terms of

Water Quality Index. American Journal of Water Resources, 1(3), 34-38.


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