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- Manly Elite


Copyright ©2024 ManlyElite

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reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express
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1st Edition: 2024

The information presented here is for informational and educational

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- Manly Elite

How to Attract Women

A. Prepare Yourself
B. Open Up
C. Attract
D. Connect
E. Seduce

- Manly Elite
Prepare Yourself

Seduction is a journey of self-discovery. To share

yourself, you have to know yourself. Most people
underestimate their potential; they decide not to take
risks, or put time into something that could really
change their lives, because they fear the insecurities
they’ll have to face on the journey.

Some guys are scared of success: what if this all

works out and they end up with someone who’s out
of their league?

To prepare yourself, sit down and re ect on what

you’re true motivations are for reading this book,
what you are looking for, and what exactly you hope
to get out of it.

The best place to start is by looking at what you’re

missing. Simply think about or write the answers to
the following questions down.

- Manly Elite
1. Why are you learning the art of attraction and
seduction from me ?

2. Are you looking for love? Sex? Companionship?

3. How do you think learning this will help you

achieve that goal?

4. When you achieve this particular goal, how will

things be di erent?

5. How will people look at you?

6. How will you view yourself?

7. Are you prepared to put in the time to practice this


8. Are you prepared to make approaches and face

9. How will you deal with rejection when it comes?

- Manly Elite
10.What will you do to pull yourself back up when the
going gets tough?

11.What kind of women are you trying to attract into

your life?

12.What kind of relationships are you looking for?

Start here, and answer any other questions that may

come up while you’re sifting through your own mind.
Once you have some answers you can move on and
start learning the system.

Do not skip this exercise, because it is crucial that

you understand who you are and what you want
before you start. Keep that kind of focus as you
continue to move forward learning the art of
seduction. If you want to learn to talk to
people, then you’ll have to develop the best, most
seductive identity you can. We’re going to go over
that in detail later, in the chapter on generating value
with your life story.

- Manly Elite

This is the beginning.

The place where you spark a conversation with a woman

or a group.

Keep in mind that most women don't wander around by

themselves to be approached by you.

So, the majority of your approaches will be groups. This

is also the step where most guys quit.

I’m going to teach you the principle behind what to do

when you approach, and then provide a few techniques
that you can use to start conversations.

My goal for you is pretty simple:

- Manly Elite
1. Learn to start a comfortable conversation with total

2. Learn what makes people uncomfortable when

they’re approached.

3. Learn how to alleviate the fear of the approach.

(Something we call "Approach Anxiety".)

If you feel like it’s too much, don’t worry – we’re going to
break it down, and there’s plenty of supporting videos
you can watch by following the instruction at the end of
this chapter.

After practicing this material, you’ll have the con dence

and the skills to start conversations with almost anyone
– most importantly, the kind of women you've always
wanted to talk to.

I’ve had students who’ve never cold approached

anyone before. After a few weeks of practicing the
techniques I suggest in this chapter they were able to
go to a bar, point out someone they wanted to talk to
and, at least, make a conversation happen, if not more.

- Manly Elite

When you’re in conversation, your goal is to build

social value. Social value is relative, and is based on
how interesting you are to the person or people
you’re talking to. What we’re going to work on in this
step is how you convey high social value in an
authentic way.

The goal is to make yourself interesting to the speci c

group of people you are speaking with.

Here’s the goal for the Attract section:

1. Learn to use your knowledge and showcase-able

skills to build value.

2. Learn to tell stories that focus on preferences and

experiences to convey your identity.

- Manly Elite
3. Learn how to use active disinterest to create
emotional spikes in your seductions.

There are many ways to be interesting and authentic.

Just about anything you do or say can be a tool for
building value; it’s all about understanding how value
is built and conveyed.

This is really the meat of the system: building social

value. This is one of the sections you’re going to
spend the most time re ning.

There are quite a few pieces to it, but once you’ve

practiced it, your social life will shoot into the
stratosphere. Once you learn how to build value,
you’ll get more dates, have more sex, meet who you
want, and more. Now you may ask what about the
next ?

- Manly Elite

To romantically connect with a woman, you must tell

her that you’re interested. At its core, this chapter is
about timing.

In attraction and seduction there is a speci c time

when you must tell her that you are interested. Most
guys have terrible timing, and little understanding of
how to compliment someone e ectively.

In this chapter you’ll learn:

1. How to give a great compliment.

2. How to get the most impact out of a compliment.
3. The timing for a seductive compliment.
4. When not to compliment someone.

Here is the problem with indicating your interest too


- Manly Elite
Wanting to tell a woman that you’re interested in her
feels very straightforward and honest. How many
guys try to pick up women by simply telling them they
have beautiful eyes?

Too many.

Why do they do it? Because, it feels good to

compliment her.

Unfortunately, if a person receives the same

compliment too much, it fades into the background,
becoming a pattern that’s no longer paid attention to.

Most attractive women have heard the same

compliments thousands of times. So if you are the
next guy that tells her that she has beautiful eyes,
guess what she thinks? Yeah, another one of those...

By understanding the proper timing of a compliment

within seduction, you’ll learn how to break that
pattern, and give compliments that are truly felt and

- Manly Elite
The timing is key here. Pay attention to that. When
you compliment someone it’s always a good thing,
but if you learn to compliment someone with proper
timing you can really make an impression, and
change the dynamics of an interaction.

- Manly Elite

This is the chapter where you'll learn about going for

the kiss or further.

Where you learn how to set up the meeting or date.

Where you learn how to move a person or group of
people from one location to another.

There’s one technique I’m going to teach you that will

help you accomplish all of these goals and it’s called
"seeding". In this chapter you’ll learn:

1. How to properly seed a date or meeting.

2. How to "bounce" someone from one location to


3. How to set up an intimate moment, and what to do

if you misjudge the moment.

And that’s it – those four steps will take you from

approaching to a second meet up.

- Manly Elite
Following all this material is everything you’re going
to need to know once you’ve learned these four basic

The goal is to make you the total package – a person

that other people envy, and want to get to know.

It’s time to become the social superhero you’ve

always wanted to be.

It’s time for you to have choice when it comes to

friends and lovers.

It’s time to meet the people you’ve always wanted to


To have someone you’d only met moments ago say,

“You’re the most interesting person I’ve ever met.”

Welcome to having choice.

Welcome to your new and improved dating life.

Welcome to The Ultimate Game!

- Manly Elite
Ending Words By Manly Elite

Gentlemen, that concludes the whole manosphere

and provides all the information you could possibly
need. Ik your faces are all blown up wondering how
you will process this information , I provided you the
most powerful weapon made in human history to
understand females.

You must make me proud because it took a lot of

time to compose this book. I sincerely appreciate
your attention today/this evening/this morning or
whatever time you are reading this. And that brings us
to the end. I'd like to thank you for your time and
attention .

Thank you so much for your interest and. I will end

this part of my book with a quote that I live by which
de es game .

" For Every Girl You Simp On , Their Is A Man Out

Their Who Is Tired Of Fucking Her "

Peace - Take Action Now You Got This

- Manly Elite

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- Manly Elite

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