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Example 6.3. Double Pipe Lube Oil-Crude Oil Exchanger.

6,900 lb/hr of a 26o API lube oil

must be cooled from 450 to 350oF by 72,500 lb/hr of 34o API mid –continent crude oil. The crude
oil will be heated from 300 to 310oF. A fouling factor of 0.003 should be provided for each stream,
and the allowable pressure drop on each stream will be 10 psi. A number of 20-ft hairpins of 3- by
2-in. IPS pipe are available. How many must be used, and how shall they be arranged? The
viscosity of the crude oil may be obtained from Fig. 14. For the lube oil, viscosities are 1.4
centipoises at 500oF, 3.0 at 400oF, and 7.7 at 300oF. These viscosities are great enough to
introduce an error if (µ/µw)0.14 = 1 is assumed.

Diketahui : m lube oil = 6,900 lb/hr

m crude oil = 72,500 lb/hr
T1 = 450 o
T2 = 350 o
t1 = 300 o
t2 = 310 o
Rd = 0.003
µlube oil pada 500o F = 1.4 cp
µlube oil pada 400o F = 3 cp
µlube oil pada 300 o
F = 7.7 cp
Pa = 10 psi
Ditanya : Berapa banyak hairpin yang perlu digunakan dan
bagaimana penyusunannya.
Penyelesaian :
(1) Heat Balance :
Cp lube oil = 0.62 (Fig. 4)
Cp crude oil = 0.585 (Fig. 4)
Q lube oil = 427,800 btu/hr
Q crude oil = 424,125 btu/hr
(2) Δt :
Hot Fluid Cold Fluid Diff.
450 Higher temp 310 140
350 Lower temp 300 50
(3) Caloric Temp :
tc 50 0.357
th 140
Kc = 0.43 (Fig. 17)
Fc = 0.395 (Fig. 17)
Tc = 389.5 o
tc = 303.95 o
= Lube oil
= Crude oil

Cp lube oil = 0.62

Cp crude oil = 0.585
Soal & Penyelesaian
= Nilai Kc lube oil
= Nilai Fc lube oil

Kc lube oil = 0.43

Fc lube oil = 0.395
Soal & Penyelesaian

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