Cre Form 1 Term Two 2024 Main Assignment - 123348

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1a.Reasons for studying CRE (7MKS)
i. Get better understanding of God
ii. Get knowledge to make good decision
iii. Appreciate your religion and that of others
iv. Acquire principles of Christian way of living
v. Develop a sense of self worth and identity for ourselves and others.
vi. To promote international consciousness
vii. Help us live new lives in Christ
viii. Bridge for further studies and career development
ix. To identify answers to some life’s questions
x. To contribute to achievement of national goals of education (1x7 points=7mks)
1b. Why the bible is referred to as a library (1x7 points =7mks)
i. It’s a collection of many books
ii. Different books were written by different authors
iii. Books are arranged in order than other books
iv. It had different messages on different subjects
v. The books in the bible have been written in different styles
vi. The bible was written over a vast span of time
vii. The authors came from different backgrounds
viii. They were inspired by different circumstances
ix. The wrote to different audiences for various reasons.
1c. Identify areas where the bible is used in the Christian life today (6mks)
i. To commit leaders to office
ii. Court of law
iii. Religion ceremonies e.g. Wedding
iv. Reference books for students and teachers
v. Read for spiritual growth churches and rallies
vi. Crusades
vii. Homes
viii. Hospitals
ix. Prisons
2a. Identify seven literacy forms used in writing the bible (7mks)
i. Legislative texts
ii. Wise saying
iii. Prophetic speeches
iv. Prayers
v. Love songs
vi. Philosophical essays
vii. Religious epics
viii. Epistle
ix. Gospels
(1x7 points=7mks)
2b. Give the eight divisions of the books of the bible (8mks)
i. Law books
ii. Historical books
iii. Prophetic books
iv. Poetry
v. Gospels
vi. Acts of Apostles
vii. Epistles /letters
viii. Revelation
(1x8 points=8mks)
2c. Identify the Apocrypha books (5mks)
i. Tobit
ii. Judith
iii. Ecclesiasticus
iv. Baruch
v. Maccabees I & II
vi. Books of wisdom
(1x5 points=5mks)
3a. Identify the Pauline letters in the New Testaments (7mks)
i. Romans
ii. I & II Corinthians
iii. Galatians
iv. Ephesians
v. Philippians
vi. Colosians
vii. I & II Thessolonians
(1x7 points=7mks)
3b. Mention six versions of the bible used in Kenya today (7mks)
i. Revised Standard Version
ii. King James Version
iii. New King James Version
iv. The Good News
v. The new English version
vi. The golden
vii. The living bible
viii. The NEW International bible
ix. The Jerusalem bible
x. Today’s English version
xi. New version
xii. Authorized version
xiii. African bible
3c. Explain the effects of bible translations into African languages (6mks)
i. It can lead to emergence of independent churches and school
ii. It led to high demand for formal education
iii. It led to expansion of the churches more Africans were converted
iv. Africans participated actively in the church
v. Africans were able to have a clear understanding of the bible of identify certain
teachings like equality
vi. Ready the bible gives people critical outlook on certain issues
vii. Africans re-discovered their own (1x6 points=6mks)
4a.Describe the second creation account as given in genesis 2:4-25(7mks)
i. God created the earth and heavens
ii. Formed man out of dust from the ground and breathed life into his nostrils
iii. God placed man in garden of Eden
iv. Man was expected to care for the garden so that it could be a source of blessing
v. Man was further commanded to freely eat of every tree in the garden of Eden except
the tree of the knowledge 0f good and evil
vi. Animals where created and man asked to name them
vii. Woman was created from man’s rib

4b. Give seven attribute of God from the first and second creation account(7mks)

i. Only one God

ii. He is self existence
iii. He is a personal God
iv. Sole creator
v. God of order
vi. Good and perfect
vii. Sole source of life
viii. Moral God
ix. A spirit
x. Powerful
xi. Provider and sustainer
4c.Give six responsibilities given to man by God in the creation accounts
i. To cultivate the land
ii. To obey Gods command
iii. To marry
iv. To procreate
v. To name animals
vi. To subdue the earth
vii. To eat from the fruits of the garden
viii. Guard the garden

5a.State the consequences of sin according to Genesis

i. Human beings were alienated
ii. What was innocent became shame
iii. Pain will be part of human experience e.g. child bearing
iv. Relationship between man and God was destroyed
v. Relationship between man and woman was destroyed
vi. People have to struggle to meet their needs
vii. The earth is under a curse
viii. Death sentence is passed to all people

5b.Explain the causes of evil in Traditional African society

i. Evil spirit
ii. Malicious ancestral spirits
iii. Evil people like witches and wizards
iv. Breaking of taboos
v. Curses by parents
vi. parents
vii. Breaking of oaths
viii. Bad omen
5c.Identify some evil deeds present in Kenya today
i. Robbery
ii. Murder
iii. Stealing
iv. Corruption
v. Sexual immorality
vi. Cheating
vii. Oppression of the poor by the rich

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