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(English Education Department, Universitas Muria Kudus/

Translation requires lots of practice. As it is generally known, authentic texts
provide fruitful experience for students to translate either Indonesian-English or
vice versa. Authentic texts give many real uses of language in varied meaningful
contexts The texts used were advertisement, abstract, local stories, tourist
attraction, community service and project for money. This research is aimed at
investigating whether the use of authentic texts benefits the students and
describing the students’ perceptions toward the use of authentic texts in
Translation class. It is a qualitative research. Questionnaires were used to
obtain the students’ perceptions on the use of authentic texts in translation. The
findings show that authentic texts-based translation benefits students in
experiencing better translation. Advertisement was considered to be the most
relevant text. On the contrary, they find it difficult to cope with authentic texts
particularly dealing with words/terms/vocabulary, meanings, culture, and
grammar. The recommendations are that the students have to be exposed to
many authentic texts of varied topics in both English and Indonesian in order
that they understand both the SL and TL well. For further researchers, it would
be possible to research on the influence of authentic texts based translation on
the students’ translation skill.

Students’ Perceptions, Authentic Texts-, Translation

A. Introduction still seen to be important to be given.

Translation is a four-credit course With hands-on practices during the
that must be taken by the fifth-semester course, students are expected to have
students of English Education translation skill.
Department. The objective of the course Translating is not an easy job. A
is to give students learning experiences very good understanding of the source
of translating texts either English to language (SL) and the target language
Indonesian or vice versa which is later (TL) is a must. The problem is
they would be able to deal with sometimes Indonesian students are not
translation work. In this digital era, there good enough at using Indonesian
might be several applications or software language. Also, English proficiency
of translations. Though, this course is contributes to the lack of translation skill.

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2017
Another reason is that lack of exposure material and traditional reading
to the authentic texts. Above all, a bad comprehension classes. Another
reading habit might also be one of the research was conducted by Suryawan
issues. Those problems are recognized entitled Methods of Translation Used in
in the beginning of the course meetings. Translating Authentic Text of Obyek
As I am assigned to teach one Wisata Panelokan into Panelokan
class of translation, I am interested to Tourist Resort. The finding shows that
find alternatives of how to teach some methods of translating are applied
translation fruitfully and meaningfully. in translating the source language text
Then I find that translation is about into the target language text; those
practices. To be simply, it is just like methods were literal or word per word
learning how to ride a bicycle. One will translation, modulation, and borrowing.
find it easier to ride it more often instead I have assigned students to
of read how to ride a bicycle. The same translate authentic texts. They have
idea is that students need lots of practice worked on short functional texts such as
on translating. A little theory would be advertisement and job vacancy. It was
taking place since it is assumed that English-Indonesian translation. The idea
practices would have a greater impact of having them translating short
on their capability in translating. It leads functional texts is that they are the
to an idea of using authentic texts in simplest ones and familiar. Translating
translation class. from English to Indonesian is also
Deals with authentic texts, a another consideration that the students
review has been made by Murdoch, must have been more knowledgeable
Using Authentic Text in the Language about Indonesian than that of English.
Classroom. This paper suggested
teachers using of authentic text since it B. Translation
may advance learners’ proficiency,
1. The Nature of Translation
whenever possible, to adapt them in
Translation is defined as an
their lesson. Since it might increase
operation performed on languages: a
learner participation, enable learners to
process of substitution a text in one
self-discover language features and
become aware of words and spoken
language. It might also provide
alternatives to outdated textbook 2
I Nengah Suryawan. “Methods of
Translation Used in Translating Authentic
Yvette Murdoch, “Using Authentic Text of Obyek Wisata Panelokan Into
Texts in the Language Classroom,” Panelokan Tourist Resort. 2013.” Retrieved
Unpublished Master’s Thesis). Centre for from
English Language Studies. University of
Birmingham, UK, 1999. apers on October 10, 2016.

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2017
language for a text in another, Catford in From those definitions above, the
Murdoch. similarity is that translation is a process
of transferring meanings from the source
Another definition is:
language to the target language. So,
“A translation consists of transferring
the meaning of the source language what is translated is actually meanings,
into the receptor language. This is not language. Therefore, a good
done by going from the form of the understanding of both the source text
first language to the form of the
second language by way of semantic and target text is obligatory to make a
structure. It is the meaning which is good translation. Hatim and Mason in
being transferred and must be held Murdoch propose four basic translation
constant, as meaning is a variable of
greatest importance in a translation requirements as follows:7
process. The source form carries the
meanings ---- meanings which are a. Making sense;
encoded and recorded in the source b. Conveying the spirit and manner of
wordings ---which should be re-
the original;
expressed and maintained in the
target form. In other words, only the c. Having a natural and easy form of
form changes. These meanings expression; and
should then be transferred, encoded,
and recorded into the new target d. Reproducing a similar response
wordings, Larson in Murdoch.4”
It is obvious that good proficiency
Translation is much more than
in both source language and target
substituting words of one language into
language is necessary because a good
another; it’s an art, i.e.; a teachable one,
translation is one that makes sense.
Pienemann in Tisgam.5 Furthermore,
Translation is not about changing from
translation is a discipline of which its
one language to another one, but a
materials are available in real life.
process of making meanings.
Therefore, teaching a translation course
without touching on different textual
genres and not bringing authentic
materials of them seems impractical and 2. Authentic Texts-based Translation
only theoretical. 6 Authentic texts in the classroom
may bring the learner and the knowledge
together because the learner is lifted
Murdoch, “Using Authentic Texts in
the Language Classroom.” from the confinements of traditional and
Khalida H. Tisgam, “Is It Possible
to Teach Translation in the Classroom,” the Use of Authentic Materials,” Procedia -
Journal of College of Education For Women Social and Behavioral Sciences 199 (August
20, no. 2 (2009): 528–551. 2015): 407–14,
Seda Kuşçu and Sezer Ünlü,
“Teaching Translation: A Suggested Lesson Murdoch, “Using Authentic Texts in
Plan on Translation of Advertising through the Language Classroom.”

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2017
more recent methodologies to become In conjunction with translations,
an intricate part of the language learning authentic texts may take a great part in
process. As we know that, learners are providing authentic language use. It
varied in knowledge, skill, and styles. provides opportunity for students to
Using authentic text may engage an observe and make meaning. Authentic
individual prior’s knowledge and skills text benefits learners to be familiar with
about language because making use of authentic language use in spoken or
authentic text will activate their written that is very important in helping
meanings. It presents opportunities to them producing other authentic texts.
make generalization about the language Authentic texts may also be labelled as
usage that is how grammar and authentic materials.
vocabulary are put together into what so
Findings of previous research
called text. Then they may observe how
from the perspective of teachers,
prior language usage knowledge may be
Huessien found that Iraqi teachers of
employed or adapted to the new
English faced difficulty in using authentic
circumstances. A lot of exposures to
material in the foreign language
authentic materials may enable students 10
to internalize how language is presented
authentically. While, another research (Manas,
reveals that students perform better
Murdoch also claims that
under authentic technical documents
authentic text also appears to supply the
because of the motivation factor: the
essential input needed to increase
students deal with situations that crop up
learner awareness of language usage in
in the professional world, discover how
written and spoken media and decrease
other courses in their degree programme
reliance on pedagogic language rules,
are inter-related, use ICT, work through
which may be viewed as inadequate
the entire translation process and
since they are simplifications of
practice skills needed to work as a
language usage.9 Authentic texts are
professional translator.11
genuine and already there available in
real life context. Since it is not produced Kinds of texts that are used for
for the sake of learning, authentic text translation practices are any texts

may provide an alternative to outdated 10

Ashwaq Abd Al-mahde Huessien, “Difficulties
textbooks, which may not meet the Faced by Iraqi Teachers of English in
learners’ need. UsingAuthentic Materials in the Foreign
Language Classrooms,” Al-Fatih Journal 50
(2012): 22–39.
Anabel Galán-Mañas, “Translating Authentic
Technical Documents in Specialised Translation
Murdoch, 2. Classes,” Jostrans. The Journal of Specialised
Murdoch, 2. Translation 16 (2011): 109–125.

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2017
depending on the source and target D. Findings and Discussion
language that will be translated. By The texts used were
having sufficient prior knowledge on the advertisement, local story, tourist
real use of particular language will help attraction, abstract, articles of
learners to translate in accordance to the community work and a project for money
principles. (those two are terms that are agreed
upon class). For community work,
C. Research Design students had to find one from other
The design of the research was majors who needed a help for translation
qualitative research aimed at for free. For a project for money, it was
investigating the students’ perceptions similar to community work but the
on the use of authentic-text based students were encouraged to make
translation during a semester. The money from the translation work.
number of participants was 25 students.
The considerations of choosing
To obtain the data, the
the texts relied on the students’ need
instrument used was questionnaires with
and the global market demand.
closed-ended and open-ended
Advertisement includes job vacancy is
questions. The questionnaires were
important since it is daily available text
used to get the students’ thought on the
that the students need to access for
use of authentic texts in translation class
getting information about positions
particularly on kinds of texts they prefer,
available in the market. Abstract, short
level of difficulty of texts, and
stories, tourist attraction are also texts
perceptions toward the texts used during
that the students have to cope with. For
the semester. It was administered in the
abstract, students have to be able to
end of semester.
translate any abstract from any major for
The items of questionnaire were:
their skripsi (final project to obtain
1) Did the use of authentic texts in
undergraduate degree). For short stories
Translation class give you experience on
and local tourist attraction, it is
how to translate better in an acceptable
nowadays becoming a need to promote
manner?; 2) Among the authentic tasks
local stuff to the world to be
used, which authentic text you think the
acknowledged by other countries. For
most relevant to real life? And why?; 3)
community work and project for money,
How much difficult is it to translate
those texts are very real life texts since
authentic texts?; 4) what is your opinion
the students have to find and work on
about the use of authentic texts in
Translation class?
For advertisement, abstract,
articles of community work are English-

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2017
Indonesian translation. While local story, 1. The Students’ Perceptions If The
tourist attraction and project for money Use Of Authentic Text-Based
are Indonesian-English translation. All of Translation Beneficial
the texts are group-selected text except Responding to question, “do
advertisement and abstract. All of the authentic texts-based translation give
texts were translated in group except the experience to students on how to
two. The procedures mainly selecting translate better?”, the chart is presented
the texts, working on the texts as follows:
individually, combining and streamlining 30
their works, and presenting the work to 25
the class to get input from the other 20
groups and I as the teacher. 15 no of
For the assessment, the students 10

did peer-assessment and group- 5

assessment after completing each 0

yes no
assignment. The assessment was
conducted with or without supervision. Chart 1. The students' perceptions if
While for the evaluation, it was done the use of authentic text-based
translation beneficial
twice during the semester. The first one
was taking place in the mid of semester
The chart above illustrates that
and the rest was in the end of the
almost all students, 24 students are
semester. The evaluation was English-
benefited from the use of authentic
Indonesian translation and considered to
texts-based translation, and only 1
be individual. The mid-test was
student is not. The texts give them
translating an article taken from The
experience on how to translate better in
Jakarta Post, English Newspaper
an acceptable manner. Yet, the result of
published in Indonesia. For the final-test,
the translation is not presented as this
it was oral test translation, abstract
research only investigating the students’
(English-Indonesian) and local story
perceptions. It might be my next concern
to investigate more detail on the
When the semester ends, the influence of authentic texts-based
questionnaire was administered. The translation on students’ skill in
findings are presented as follows: translation. With contextual and
meaningful language use, texts have
contributed in encouraging students to
translate and raising their awareness of
language use. It is in line with the

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2017
theory, Murdoch claimed that authentic Based on the chart, among the
text also appears to supply the essential texts, advertisement was the most
input needed to increase learner relevant text to real life (13 students).
awareness of language usage in written The second place was tourist attraction
and spoken mediums. (6 students), abstract (2 students), local
story (2 students), article of community
The students experienced
work (1 student), and article of a project
authentic texts-based translation either
for money (1 student). Advertisement
Indonesian-English or English-
was the first place to be the most
Indonesian in different topics. They
relevant text during the semester.
found the texts themselves and then
Following the advertisement, tourist
translated into the target language. For
attraction was considered to be relevant
instance, an English advertisement was
to 6 students. While, those which were
translated into Indonesian. Then it
less relevant were abstract, local story,
should be retranslated into English.
and articles of community work and a
They then compared their translation
project for money. It is understandable
with the original texts. In so doing, they
since advertisement is very common text
knew how translation worked and
that students are used to be dealing
became aware with the language use.
with. Also, from the complexity, ad is
2. Students’ Preferences on Kinds of considered to be the simplest compared
Texts to other texts. The texts they translated
Dealing with the preference of were varied in title. The student worked
kinds of texts, the chart showing which individually in translating the
text the students think to be the most advertisement from the SL to TL. Then
relevant to real life. they exchanged their translation work
14 and retranslated from TL to SL. Group
12 work was also maximized since
8 individual task was not always effective
6 No.of
4 students due to time management.
0 For advertisement, articles of

local story

job vacancy
tourist attraction

community work

community work and a project for

money, the translation is English-
Indonesian, for tourist attraction, local
story, and abstract, the translation is
Chart 2. The distribution number of students
preference on authentic –text based used in
Indonesian-English. Mostly the texts
translation class were obtained from internet. Before
12 translating, the class decided what
Murdoch, “Using Authentic Texts
in the Language Classroom,” 2. tourist attraction that is worthy to be
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2017
introduced to public. Then they searched authentic texts are difficult. As we know,
the available text from internet and learners are varied in knowledge, skill,
translated into English and presented to and styles. It does need lots of exposure
the class in group. The problem rises so that the students are familiar and get
when the SL was not really a good text. used to using the texts and finally find
The students had to understand the that the texts are not that difficult since
meaning of the SL then later translated authentic texts may bring the learner and
into TL. the knowledge together because the
learner is lifted from the confinements of
3. Difficult aspects found in Authentic traditional and more recent
Texts methodologies to become an intricate
Dealing with difficult aspect found part of the language learning process.13
in authentic texts, it can be seen from
the chart as follows: Authentic texts are in many cases
are not appropriate because of many
14 aspects, such as the complexity of
12 language. Related to translation, some
aspects considered to be difficult by
no of students are terms/words/vocabularies,
students meaning, culture, and grammar.
0 14
8 no of
4 students
Chart 3. The students’ perceptions on 0

no answer


the difficulty level of authentic-text

based translation

The chart shows that the level of Chart 4. Difficult aspects of authentic
difficulty was ranging from very difficult text-based translation
to not difficult. Almost a half, 12
students, found it difficult to use the For difficult aspects of authentic

texts. The rest, there was only 1 student texts-based translation obtained from the
found it very difficult. Other categories students’ responses, there were four
were in moderate number; they were 8 categories: terms/words/vocabularies,

students found it fairly difficult and 4 meaning, culture, grammar. There were
students found it not difficult. To see the
number distribution, it represents that Murdoch, 2.

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2017
4 students gave no answer on that point. 4. The Students’ Perceptions toward
Others admitted that Authentic Text based-Translation
terms/words/vocabularies were the most The last perception is general
challenging in doing translation (14 opinion on the use of the texts. It can be
students). Often they did not know how seen in the chart as follows:
to translate certain words or terms. For
meaning, there were 5 students 14
answered that meaning was the most 10
8 no of
difficult in translation. For culture and 6 students
grammar there were 1 student said that 2
those aspects were difficult to cope with. 0

The rest 4 students did not give any

answer on what is difficult in translating
the texts during the semester. When
difficult aspect of translation was words/ Chart 4.5 The students’ opinion on
vocabularies/terms, it is not in line with the use of authentic texts-based
the theory. Larsen in Murdoch states
that translation is transferring meanings The main perception that this
from the source language to the receptor research aims to know is the students’
language.14 He emphasizes a lot on perceptions on the use of authentic
meanings. How meanings would be still texts-based translation. There were five
in the same sense when it is translated different answers including one student
to another language. The students who gave no response. The highest
based on the translation results which number was that the texts were useful
were discussed in class, still and helpful for their translation

emphasized on word to word translation. experience (15 students). Others, 5

It might be the reason why meaning was students responded that the texts were
not the aspect which was considered as challenging and interesting; 3 students

difficult. It might be the 5 students who said that the texts improved their
considered that meaning was difficult translation skill; and 2 students learned
were those who really understand about real context form the texts. .
the nature of translation. From the findings and
discussions above, it can be generally
withdrawn that authentic texts-based
translation benefits students in
experiencing better translation. On the
contrary, they find it difficult to cope with
Murdoch, “Using Authentic Texts
authentic texts particularly dealing with
in the Language Classroom.”

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2017
words/terms/vocabulary. Among varied Therefore, some things have to be taken
texts used during the semester, into account in choosing texts such as
advertisement is considered to be the level of difficulty, genres of texts, and
most relevant are. Considering as assessment. For student selected-texts,
difficult, the students believe that the the teacher might take part in helping the
texts are good, useful, helpful, students to choose appropriate texts.
interesting, and challenging. In other
This research can be considered
words, students do agree that authentic
as preliminary research since it only
texts are fruitful and meaningful but it
captures students’ perceptions toward
seems that they need longer time to get
the use of authentic texts. For the further
used to with the texts. With sufficient to a
idea, some alternatives that might be
lot of exposure, authentic texts might be
considered are integrating the tasks into
more effective.
project-based learning or seeking the
E. Conclusion influence of the use of authentic texts on
Translation is a skill that needs to the students’ translation performance.
be trained. Keep practicing is the key for Due to lack of details presented in this
better translation. Seeing the findings research, recommendations are made
and discussion, authentic texts based for me as the teacher, students, and
translation is, in fact, still difficult to be further researcher as well. For teachers,
understood from the aspect of some recommendations are as follows:
vocabulary. Though, it can be said that
1. Create more clearly assessment
the students are benefited from the use
scales to help the students perform
of the texts. The use of authentic texts
needs to be carefully selected and
2. Provide more well-designed rubric of
utilized in longer periods. In order to
peer-assessment and group-
experience the students with real and
assessment in order to control the
contextual translation and to be skillful in
students’ work.
translating, many models and authentic
3. Define guidelines for working on the
texts should be employed. It is actually a
authentic texts and give appropriate
challenge for the students to cope with
feedback within moderate time after
that by keeping trying to learn how
work has been handed in.
translation works from Indonesian-
English or vice versa. For students, some
recommendations are made as follows:
The reason of why authentic texts 1. Familiarise themselves with many
of which its vocabulary is claimed to be authentic texts of varied topics in both
difficult might because the students have English and Indonesian in order that
not been familiarized with such texts. they understand both the SL and TL

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2017
well. Having a good mastery of References
English and Indonesian would help
Galán-Mañas, Anabel. “Translating
them to perform better.
Authentic Technical Documents
2. Utilize dictionaries or other resources in Specialised Translation
might be worthy dealing with the Classes.” Jostrans. The Journal
difficulties of using authentic texts to of Specialised Translation 16
be translated especially (2011): 109–125.
vocabulary/term. Guerra, Ana Fernandez. “The Useful of
Al last, for further researcher, it Translation in Foreign Language
Learning: Students’ Attitudes,”
would be possible to research on the
influence of authentic texts-based
translation on the students’ translation cation/261641087.
Huessien, Ashwaq Abd Al-mahde.
“Difficulties Faced by Iraqi
Teachers of English in
UsingAuthentic Materials in the
Foreign Language Classrooms.”
Al-Fatih Journal 50 (2012): 22–
Khanmohammad, Hajar, and Maryam
Osanloo. “Moving Toward
Objective Scoring: A Rubric for
Translation Assessment.” Journal
of English Language Studies 1,
no. 1 (2009): 131–153.
Kuşçu, Seda, and Sezer Ünlü. “Teaching
Translation: A Suggested Lesson
Plan on Translation of
Advertising through the Use of
Authentic Materials.” Procedia -
Social and Behavioral Sciences
199 (August 2015): 407–14.
Mogahed, Mogahed M. “Use of
Translation in Language
Teaching.” Accessed October 30,

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Murdoch, Yvette. “Using Authentic Texts
in the Language Classroom.”
Unpublished Master’s Thesis).
Centre for English Language
Studies. University of
Birmingham, UK, 1999.
Nadstoga. Translation teaching in the
Context of Foreign Language
Pedagogy: Some
Considerations. Retrieved from
dstoga.pdf on October 18, 2017.
Suryawan, I Nengah. (2013). Methods of
Translation Used in Translating
Authentic Text of Obyek Wisata
Panelokan Into Panelokan
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Tisgam, Khalida H. “Is It Possible to
Teach Translation in the
Classroom.” Journal of College of
Education For Women 20, no. 2
(2009): 528–551.

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2017

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