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Welcome to

Year 3

Teresa Zandman

• There are 29 students in the class

• Bags can be placed two on a hook
• Drink bottles to be kept in the classroom

• This classroom is temporary (expect to move into

new classroom April 2022, Lord willing)
Year 3 – Middle Primary
• Specialist subjects
• Indonesian - 2 times/week

• Music

• Art

• Mathletics
• Tasks will be set each week and students won’t be able
to engage with games until the tasks are completed.
• Farm Duty
• Every Friday
• To be brought to school each day

• Contains memory work and spelling


• Please record pages read and sign

• Use as a communication tool between

home and school

• No homework on Fridays

• Memory Work and Spelling test each


• PAT assessments conducted in first four

weeks of school

• Students to sit NAPLAN in Term 2


• Student vs Teacher
• A board game race. If students are on task, the counter
for students moves. If not, the teacher moves. Aim: to
get to the finish line ahead of the teacher before the
end of the day. Reward: 15mins extra fitness.
• Name on board
• Students will have to do a minute of exercise (eg star
jumps, running on the spot) during recess/lunch/after
• God’s mercies are new every morning. No
carry overs.

• Please email or come past after school

• Seesaw

• You are welcome to come and observe

the class at any time.
• Children are asked to wash hands before
entering class

• They are encouraged to sneeze/cough

into elbows

• Sniffles are OK but please keep home if

cough/cold/fevers are evident

• Please adhere to COVID protocols

Any questions?

May the Lord bless our year


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