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Week One:

● Day 1: Activation with 3x15s sprints

1.5-2h total
Z1-Z2 heart rate/power for entire ride, other than:
3x15s sprints with 6-8’ rest in between
No shifting gears during the sprint. Start in a hard gear, spin up to max cadence and hold for remainder of the duration.

● Day 2: 6x4’ Low cadence

1.5-2h total
20’ warm up Z1-Z2
6x4’ intervals at 44-55RPM on a gradient of 6-10%
80-85% of FTP or 8/10 RPE
6-8 minutes easy pedalling between intervals
Stay seated, keep core strong and upper body relaxed. Focus on a smooth pedal stroke.
Heart rate will take longer than usual to come up to Z3-Z4

● Day 3: Fasted recovery

1-1.5h total
Best performed first thing in the morning
No eating (only water allowed) for minimum 3h before ride
Z1 the entire way, avoiding hills

● Day 4: Day off

No riding. Foam rolling, stretching or massage if desired.

● Day 5: 2x20’ Metabolic

1.5-2h total
20-30’ warm up
2x20’ intervals at 80-85% of FTP, or 7.5/10 RPE or high Z3/low Z4 heart rate
Best performed on flat terrain or a consistent but not steep climb.
Avoid downhills during the intervals.
15’ easy pedalling at Z1-Z2 between intervals
Don’t go out too hard, make sure to finish at the same power/intensity you started with. Don’t spike power during the
intervals to hit the number, simply start at the correct power and stick to it the entire way.

● Day 6: 3.5h Endurance

3.5h total between Z1-Z3

Ride to feel, have some fun. Nothing specific required.

● Day 7: Recovery
1.5h total
Z1-Z2, avoiding spikes in power or steep hills.

NOTE: Days 6 & 7 can be swapped around if required. If you do Day 6’s endurance ride on Sunday, do a
recovery ride on Monday and activation sprints are not required.

Week Two:

● Day 1: Activation with 3x15s sprints

1.5-2h total
Z1-Z2 heart rate/power for entire ride, other than:
3x15s sprints with 6-8’ rest in between
No shifting gears during the sprint. Start in a hard gear, spin up to max cadence and hold for remainder of the duration.

● Day 2: 4x4’ Low cadence + 20’ metabolic

1.5-2h total
20’ warm up Z1-Z2
4x4’ intervals at 44-55RPM on a gradient of 6-10%
80-85% of FTP or 8/10 RPE
6-8 minutes Z1-Z2 between intervals
Stay seated, keep core strong and upper body relaxed. Focus on a smooth pedal stroke.
Heart rate will take longer than usual to come up to Z3-Z4
Followed by 10’ recovery
Then 20’ at 80-85% of FTP or 7.5/10 or Z3-Z4 heart rate
20’ warm down afterwards

● Day 3: Fun ride

1.5-2h total
Go ride your bike. Enjoy.

● Day 4: Day off

No riding. Foam rolling, stretching or massage if desired.

● Day 5: 20’ Metabolic + 10’ threshold

1.5-1h total
20’ warm up
20’ at 80-85% of FTP or 7.5/10 or Z3/Z4 heart rate (stay consistent on the pedals throughout, avoid starting too high
and slowly sinking. Start at the desired power and stick with it consistently.)
10’ Z1-Z2
10’ at 95-105% of FTP or 8.5/10 or Z4 heart rate
30’ warm down
● Day 6: 3.5h Endurance

3.5h total between Z1-Z3

Ride to feel, have some fun. Nothing specific required.

● Day 7: Fasted recovery

1-1.5h total
Best performed first thing in the morning
No eating (only water allowed) for minimum 3h before ride
Z1 the entire way, avoiding hills

NOTE: Days 6 & 7 can be swapped around if required. If you do Day 6’s endurance ride on Sunday, do a
recovery ride on Monday and activation sprints are not required.

Week Three:

● Day 1: Activation with 4x15s sprints

1.5-2h total
Z1-Z2 heart rate/power for entire ride, other than:
4x15s sprints with 6-8’ rest in between
No shifting gears during the sprint. Start in a hard gear, spin up to max cadence and hold for remainder of the duration.

● Day 2: 3x15’ Threshold

1h45m total
20’ warm up
3x15’ intervals at 95-105% of FTP, or 8/10 RPE or Z4 heart rate
10’ Z1-Z2 easy pedalling between intervals
20-30’ cool down

● Day 3: Fasted recovery

1-1.5h total
Best performed first thing in the morning
No eating (only water allowed) for minimum 3h before ride
Z1 the entire way, avoiding hills

● Day 4: Day off

No riding. Foam rolling, stretching or massage if desired.

● Day 5: 3x10’ over-unders

1.5-2h total
20’ warm up
3x10’ intervals broken into:
(3’ at 90%, 2’ at 115%, 3’ at 90%, 2’ at 115%) x 3
10’ Z1 between intervals
20-30’ cool down
● Day 6: 4h Endurance

4h total between Z1-Z3

Ride to feel, have some fun. Nothing specific required

● Day 7: Recovery

1.5h total
Z1-Z2, avoiding spikes in power or steep hills

NOTE: Days 6 & 7 can be swapped around if required. If you do Day 6’s endurance ride on Sunday, do a
recovery ride on Monday and activation sprints are not required.

Week Four:

● Day 1: Activation with 3x15s sprints

1.5-2h total
Z1-Z2 heart rate/power for entire ride, other than:
3-4x15s sprints with 6-8’ rest in between
No shifting gears during the sprint. Start in a hard gear, spin up to max cadence and hold for remainder of the duration.

● Day 2: 5x4’ Vo2 intervals

1.5-2h total
30’ warm up Z1-Z2
5x4’ intervals at 110-115% of FTP with 3.5’ Z1 in between
High Z4/low Z5 heart rate if using HR, or 9/10 RPE (these should be HARD intervals)
Followed by 10’ recovery
30’ cool down

● Day 3: Recovery

1-1.5h total
Z1 the entire way, avoiding hills
2/10 RPE (very easy)

● Day 4: Day off

No riding. Foam rolling, stretching or massage if desired

● Day 5: 30’s and 1’s (maximal)

1.5-2h total
20’ warm up
4x30s sprints + 4x1m maximal effort, alternating as follows:
(30 second sprint, 5 minutes recovery, 1 minute max, 5 minute recovery) x 4
150-200% of FTP (as hard as possible for every interval)
20-30’ cool down

● Day 6: 4h Endurance

4h total between Z1-Z3

Ride to feel, have some fun. Nothing specific required

● Day 7 (option 1): Recovery

1.5h total
Z1-Z2, avoiding spikes in power or steep hills
Regular fuelling before and during

● Day 7 (option 2): Fasted recovery

1-1.5h total
Best performed first thing in the morning
No eating (only water allowed) for minimum 3h before ride
Z1 the entire way, avoiding hills


Monday: Off the bike

Tuesday: 1h Z1
Wednesday: 1.5h Z1
Thursday: Off the bike
Friday: 1.5h warm up activations
Saturday: 2.5-3h endurance (Z1-Z3)
Sunday: 1.5h Z1

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