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Development of physics worksheet with discovery learning-

stem to improve student problem solving skills 
Ahmad Risal Patappa  ; Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo; Toni Rahmanto

AIP Conf. Proc. 2622, 020010 (2024)

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10 May 2024 05:49:34

Development of Physics Worksheet with Discovery
Learning-STEM to Improve Student Problem Solving Skills
Ahmad Risal Patappa1,a), Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo1,b) and Toni Rahmanto1,c)
Department of Natural Science Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri
Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Corresponding author:

Abstract. This paper aims to develop a student worksheet with a discovery learning-STEM model on dynamic electric
material to build on students' problem-solving skills in YAPPI Wonosari Vocational High school. The method used is R&D
with a 4-D model that includes defining, designing, developing, and disseminating. The instruments used include validation
sheets and tests—data in a physics worksheet to improve students' problem-solving skills. This study's data collection
methods contain expert validation, observation, pre-test, and post-test—the data analysis using the sign test. The results
showed that 1) the development of student worksheets with discovery learning-STEM on dynamic electric material was

10 May 2024 05:49:34

feasible in terms of the validation results. This can be seen from the results of validation that show the feasibility of physics
worksheets for improving problem-solving skills is in the excellent category, and 2) the effectiveness of using physics
worksheet with discovery learning-STEM based on data obtained from the pre-test and post-test results can improve
problem-solving skills as a problem in the implementation class. Thus, student worksheet developed with discovery
learning STEM isscompatible with improvingiproblem-solvingsskills.


Competent problem-solving skills are a demand for students in the 21st century. Over time, science and technology
are growing. Education reform in Indonesia is still being carried out to meet the twenty-first century's challenges.
Problem-solving skills are needed so that students (Indonesian children) are not left behind in the development of the
times [1]. As in the results of the 2018 study (PISA), Indonesia only occupies level 1a out of 4 ranking levels with a
total score of 396 of 500 [2]. As part of an Asian country, students' ability in Indonesia in problem-solving is still
relatively low compared to Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines [3]. So, it can be stated that students' problem-
solving ability at this time is still low.
Problem-solving skills are closely related to the knowledge structure possessed by students. Students need previous
experience as initial knowledge obtained from learning experiences and students' daily experiences in the problem-
solving process. There needs to be a deep conceptual understanding of physics principles in problem-solving [4]. For
this reason, so that these abilities can be improved, the learning process can be carried out by making students familiar
withhconstructivist activitiesssotthattthecconcepts that exist in students’ become coherent or structured [5].
Constructivist activities and the linkage of knowledge with real-life are ways to improve problem-solving skills.
Discovery learning as a model oriented to the constructivist step and discovery. Learning with this model positively
affects students' competence in problem-solving [6]. Likewise, students' most common difficulties are often
encountered in the field, such as difficulties in solving mathematical problems [7]. Thus, to overcome the low skills
of students in problem-solving, learning with a discovery model is needed.
Integrated Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics in education or STEM education is becoming
increasingly important globally related to education development, especially learning towards the 21st century [8].
Need to integrate learning models withhscience,ttechnology,eengineering, and mathematicss(STEM) approach. This

The 5th International Seminar of Innovation in Mathematics and Mathematics Education (5th ISIMMED)
and the 7th International Seminar on Science Education (7th ISSE)
AIP Conf. Proc. 2622, 020010-1–020010-6;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-4895-7/$30.00

is because education with STEM can accompany and help improve student skills in the 21st century [9]. In addition,
the model that is integrated with the STEM approach makes students actively involved in learning because direct
activities have become the focus of STEM [10]. This has appositive impactton students [11]. Physics learning in the
field has not entirely run according to educational goals. Because the implementation of physics learning is only
focused on educators, the teaching materials used by teachers are still in the form of printed books and very rarely use
worksheets to perform experimental activities [12]. This makes students passive in the physics learning process.
Sotthat the learning processsthat should be student-centered has not been fully realized. To achieve success in learning
physics, a structured teaching tool is needed. So that students contribute to learning activities [13]. one of the structured
teaching tools is the Student Worksheet.
As one of the teaching materials, worksheets contain experimental or investigative activities. Physics worksheets
must contain material and practical, actionable steps that are interesting and easy for students to understand [14].
Correspondingly, the worksheet contains guidelines for conducting an investigation [15]. However, many schools still
present physics worksheets containing questions [16]. This causes difficulties and confusion for students, especially
in solving physics problems. For this reason, it is necessary to have a worksheet with an investigative basis to improve
students' problem-solving skills. One of them is used worksheets with discovery learning. Previous study show that
worksheet based discoverly learning can improved student problem solving [17].
Worksheets with discovery learning models are suitable for learning physics. However, future physics learning
requiressscience,ttechnology,eengineering, andmmathematics (STEM). Because education, or in this case is learning,
requires a STEM approach to accompany and improve skills in the 21st century [9]. Therefore, we need innovation in
student worksheets oriented towards investigation or experimentation and integrated with the STEM approach.
Students can be skilled in problem-solving, especially physics, and do not lag behind developments towards the 21st


This paper is a research development. The tool product developed is a physics worksheet with discovery learning-

10 May 2024 05:49:34

STEM. This study used R&D methods using a 4D model, including defining, designing, developing, and
diseminate[18]. The research produces electronic worksheets. The products are developed to improve problem-solving
skills—implementing research at YAPPI Wonosari Vocational High School, Indonesia. The research subjects were
conducted in the second semester of 2020/2021—Class X students of Yappi Wonosari Vocational high school,
Indonesia. At the field trial stage, the research subjectswwere students’ of class X majoring in Motorcycle Engineering,
totaling 17 students as the implementation class.
The research was conducted concerning the definition, planning, development, and distribution. The research
stages include analysis stages such as analyzing curriculum and school materials. The design stages were prepared
teaching materials, made worksheets with discovery learning-STEM, and collected materials to support the
preparation of worksheets. The development stage consists of made worksheets, the implementation stage, the
implementation of learning through the E-learning website at vocational school Yappi Wonosari, Google meet and
WhatsApp applications), and the socialization of product results in students and schools.
The physics worksheet and problem-solving skills test instruments in this study. Thepproblem-solvingginstrument
was used in the form of essays on the pre-test and post-test to determine the improvement of students' problem-solving
skills before and after using discovery learning-STEM-based physics worksheets. Analysisstechniqueein thissstudy
uses some techniques: Feasibility analysis Physics worksheets before researching the field, discovery learning-STEM-
based physics worksheets being validated first used a validation sheet. Then analyze the data for the assessment sheet
using quantitative descriptive analysis with average product assessment score searched using the following equations
and stages:

X avg (1)

Xavg is an averageescore, n is the numberrof items, Ȉ[ is the number of items assessed, the average value from the
totalsscore obtained from each aspect. Then it was converteddinto qualitative data in the form of productffeasibility
level. After that, the conversion guide is shown in Table 1 [19].

TABLE 1. Assessment criteria of physics worksheet with discovery learning-STEM
Score of Interval Category
xX • Xiavg + 1.8SBid Very good
Xiavg + 0.6SBid < Xavg ” Xiavg + 1.8SBid Good
Xiavg - 0.6SBid < Xavg ” Xiavg + 0.6SBid Enough
Xiavg - 1.8SBid < Xavg ” Xiavg - 0.6SBid Less good
Xavg ” Xiavg - 1.8SBid VeryyLesssGood

Xavg istthe actual score, Xiavg is the ideal mean score of 1/2 (maximummideal score + minimummideal score), and
SBid or standard deviation of the ideal is 1/6 (maximum ideal score – minimum ideal score). Data analysis of the
achievement of students' problem-solving skills can be seen from the scores obtained through the pre-test and post-
test and will then be calculated using the calculation of the sign test using the SPSS program and the regular gain test.
This research is a pre-experimental study with a pre-test, post-test one-group design, as shown in Fig. 1.

FIGURE 1. One group posttest pretest design

Quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques were used to analyze the data. The instrument data from the
assessment of problem-solving skills in the pre-test and post-test were obtained from the implementing class, then
analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and sign test using the SPSS application. Then the normal gain test is
also carried out to determine how much improvement from each sub-material is discussed.


10 May 2024 05:49:34

post pre
N  gain x100% (2)
max pre

The normal gain test was used to prevent errors in increasing the students' pre-test and final test data scores, using
equation two and the criteria in Table 2.

TABLE 2. Normal gain criteria

Interval Criteria
<g> > 0.70 High0
0.3 ” <g> ”.70 _Medium0
<g> <0.30 _Low0


The first step before making the worksheet was to investigate potential problems by making observations at the
YAPPI Wonosari Vocational School. The next step is to prepare a plan and think of suitable innovation. Therefore, a
product is made in discovery learning-STEM-based physics worksheets suitable for improving problem-solving skills
with aspects consisting of analyzing problems, formulating solutions, solving problems, and evaluating. The physics
worksheet contains dynamic electrical material, then classified into two parts, namely a series circuit and a parallel
circuit. The physics worksheet is shown in Fig. 2.
The learning tool developed is inside the form of a physics worksheet with the discovery learning-STEM model.
Before being implemented, the validity of the worksheet is tested first using the validation sheet. Analysis of the data
for the assessment sheettused quantitativeedescriptive analysis. The results for the total average score of each aspect
obtained will be used as qualitative data in the form of the level of product feasibility. Table 1 is used as a guide for
converting quantitative values to conclude the feasibility level of physics worksheets developed with the discovery
learning-STEM model. If the values of I and SBid replace the formulas in Tablee1, the convention guidelinessobtained
are asapresented in Table 3 for the intervals 1 to 5.

TABLEe3. conversion an actualsscore into a qualitative score
Score interval Category
Xavg > 3.400 Veryggood
2.8 < Xavg ”00 Goodd
2.2 < Xavg ” 2.800 Passable
1.6 < Xavg ” 2.2 Not good
Xavg ” 1.6 Very bad_

10 May 2024 05:49:34

FIGURE 2. Overview of physics worksheets

Validation aspects of physics worksheet language content and format with the discovery learning-STEM model
were taken on by two validators, and forethis case the worksheets developed contained dynamic electrical material
that was contextual in everyday life. The results of the validation data obtained are 3.7, which shows that the physics
worksheets with the discovery learning-STEM model of dynamic electrical materials are in the veryygood category
and meet the validity criteria. So that physics worksheet with the discovery learning-STEM model is feasible teaching
material. Physics worksheet developed has a contextual nature in everyday life, are easy to understand, and strengthen
the basic concepts that are prerequisites for problem-solving [20]. So it is better to improve problem-solving skills,
rather than just working on questions and emphasizing questions [21]. Student teaching materials are appropriate if
they are in the very good category [22].
The physics worksheet thathhas been developed. It is applieddto class X motorcycle engineering students as an
implementation class. Teachers have complete control over students with the help of the YAPPI Wonosari Vocational
High School E-learning website, WhatsApp, and the google meets application. Then with virtual meetings, a learning
syntax is applied that refers to the discovery learning-STEM model that has been integrated into the Physics worksheet.
The initial activity was carried out by checking attendance. Next, the teacher gives directions on how to use the
worksheets. The advantage of this physics worksheet is that it can be used in distance learning for vocational students
soothat studentslearning activities can be carried out at any time by accessing the internet network. Worksheets as
teaching materials related to contextual topics makeeit easier for students to understand the material. Sotthat students
more easily understand the material presented through worksheets [23].
Measurements of students' problem-solving skills have been carried out before and after learning. The
measurement of this ability was carried out using valid and reliable test instruments at theepre-test and post-test to test

the effectiveness of physics worksheets developed. The following measurement data were analyzed using descriptive
analysis in Table 4.

TABLE 4. Descriptive statistical results of student problem-solving skills

N Min Max Sum Mean Std Deviasi
Pretest 17 15.00 30.00 365.00 21.47 4.244
Posttest 17 55.00 75.00 1085.00 63.82 4.517
Valid N 17

Based on the descriptive statistical table, the average value for the pre-test is 21.47, whileethe average valueffor
the post-test is 63.82, which indicates an increase before and after learning. So,iittiscclearrto see the differences in the
results of problem-solving skills before and after using the product. To be more, the data will be analyzed again with
the design test shown in Table 5.

TABLEe5. The results of the sign test for students'pproblem-solvinggskills

N Mean Rank Sum of Rank
PPosttest-Pretestt Negative Rankss 0 (posttestt<ppretest) 0.00 0.00
Positiv Ranks 17 (posttest > pretest) 9.00 153.00
Ties 0 (posttest = pretest) 0.00 0.00
Total 17

In table 5, it can beeseen that all 17 students’shad a post-test score higher than the pre-test score. Then, if the Normal
gain statistical test is used, the result is shown in Table 6.

10 May 2024 05:49:34

TABLE 6. The resulting improvement of problem-solving by the normal gain test
Interval Category Percentage
<g> > 0.70 Highh. 0%
0.”<g> ”.70 Mediumm. 100%
g<g> < 0.30 Loww. 0%

The resultssof <g> analysis thatthas been carried out inform that all the students are in the medium category and
no students occupy the High and Low categories. This indicates the ability of students to increase. Then fromtthe
resultssoffstudentsresponses, this physics worksheetsmakes learning easy and not dull. Because physics worksheets
are made with a pretty attractive appearance and design [24], relationships with everyday life can make it easier for
students to understand the problems well. So that this ability can increase, as the use of contextual worksheets can
improve students' problem-solving skills [25]. Contextual worksheets can improveestudents' problem-solvinggskills
better than ordinary learning [26]. The material given in the physicswworksheet is dynamic electricity. The work
process is carried out by students at home and directed by the teacher through the YAPPI Wonosari Vocational High
School E-learning website, Google meet, or Whatsapp. The teacher gives physics worksheets to several groups (Before
giving the worksheets, students were informed a few days earlier to provide tools and materials in groups). Then,
students conduct discussions about activities following the instructions of the physics student worksheets and prepare
activity designs.

Referring to the results and discussion, it cannbe concluded that the development of physics worksheets with the
discovery learning-STEM model on dynamic electrical materials issfeasible in terms of validationnresults. Thisccan
be seen in the validation results that show that the feasibility of physics worksheets in improved problem-
solvinggskills is innthe excellent category, and theeeffectivenesssof the use of physics worksheets developeddbased
on the data obtained cannbuild students' problem-solving skills. So, physics worksheets developed with the discovery
learning-STEM model are compatible for improving students' problem-solving skills.


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