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Name: Muhammad Hilal Shubhi


Find out some information about Hortatory Exposition text!

1. Definition
2. Social Function / Purpose
3. Generic Structure
4. Language features
5. The differences between Analytical Exposition and Hortatory Exposition

Read the text and pay attention to the structure in the right column!

Students Should be Allowed to use Mobile Technologies in Class Title

For hundreds of years, education has been closely connected to writing.

Professors had been writing down their lectures, and students had been
keeping notes after their teachers. Goose feathers and parchment changed
to ballpoint pens and paper. With the emergence and development of Thesis
mobile technologies, students nowadays tend to use smartphones or laptops
in class more often than pens and paper. There are many arguments in favor
of doing so.

First of all, let us face reality: people do not write as much today as they Argument 1
used to several years ago. This is especially true in the case of the youth:
Thesis statement:
teenagers and young adults tend to feel more confident and comfortable
typing on their devices rather than with handwriting. Keeping records after a First of all, let us face reality:
teacher in class requires a student to write extremely fast, which often people do not write as much today
decreases the readability of the notes taken. Sometimes it can be extremely as they used to several years ago
difficult for a student to understand what he or she hurriedly wrote down in
class. At the same time, typing on a smartphone or laptop helps write the
important information down in a comprehensible and accurate way. Also, Supporting evidence:
handwriting always involves grammatical mistakes, typos, blots, and so on.
teenagers and young adults tend to
feel more confident and
comfortable typing on their devices
typing on a smartphone or laptop
helps write the important
information down in
comprehensible and accurate way
handwriting always involves
grammatical mistakes, typos, blots,
and so on

Secondly, technology is something youth nowadays have got so accustomed Argument 2

to that without it, they operate less efficiently. Students are native to such
Thesis statement:
devices as smartphones, laptops, tablets, and other gadgets, and naturally
incorporate them in whatever they do, be it leisure time or studying. Not Secondly, technology is something
allowing students to use smartphone and laptop in class means to deprive youth nowadays have got so
them of something that is almost a part of them and of their daily lives. If accustomed to that without it, they
young people know how to use technology to their advantage and increase operate less efficiently.
their studying effectiveness with its help, why forbid them from doing it?
Supporting evidence:

1. Students are native to such

devices as smartphones, laptops,
tablets, and other gadgets, and
naturally incorporate them in
whatever they do,

be it leisure time or studying.

2. Not allowing students to use

tablets in class means to deprive
them of something that is almost a
part of them and of their daily lives.

Thirdly, the use of mobile technologies helps make the studying process Argument 3
more engaging for students. For example, there are teachers who like to
Thesis statement:
illustrate their lectures with photographs, charts, or interactive graphics. If
students are using smartphone or laptop, a teacher can send them Thirdly, the usage of mobile
supplementary educational materials via email or in social media. Or, technologies helps make the
students may be able to look up contradictory and/or insufficient studying process more engaging for
information during the course or a lecture, and ask questions immediately. students.
Smartphone and laptop also allow changing the format of teaching. Some
teachers develop experimental ways of lecturing, and these new methods
tend to show promising results. Needless to say such formats of studying are Supporting evidence:
more appealing to young people who value their freedom and time, and
prove to be extremely effective. 1. There are teachers who like to
illustrate their lectures with
photographs, charts, or interactive

2. If students are using smartphone

or laptop, a teacher can send them
supplementary educational
materials via email or in social

3. Some teachers develop

experimental ways of lecturing, and
these new methods tend to show
promising results.

Based on the arguments above, allowing students to use smartphone and

laptop in class would be a small but substantial change. Modern students are
digital natives, and can effectively use technologies to their advantage. They
would be able to not just take notes on lectures more effectively, but would Recommendation
also eagerly engage in new forms of studying such as remote studying, using
interactive online materials, and so on.

Adapted from

Answer the following questions

1. Which of the following describes the idea that smartphones and laptops are allowed in class?
A. Buying a laptop is expensive for students.
B. Replacing goose feathers and parchment into ballpoint pens and paper is a good solution.
C. Using conventional methods is gradually becoming obsolete
D. Students tend to use laptops in class more often than pens and paper.

2. “With the emergence and development of mobile technologies, students nowadays tend to use smartphones or laptops
in class more often than pens and paper.” (p. 1)
According to the statement, what will replace pens and paper?
A. a laptop
B. a book
C. goose feathers and parchment
D. a computer

3. How many arguments does the writer state? What are they?

Answer: 3 arguments. First, people do not write as much today as they used to several years ago
Secondly, technology is something youth nowadays have got so accustomed to that without it, they operate less
Thirdly, the usage of mobile technologies helps make the studying process more engaging for students.

4. What data does the writer resent to support the argument?

Answer: Supporting evidence, data which is supporting the arguments.

5. What does the argument tell us about the writer’s opinion?

Answer: He agrees with the use of cell phones in class, because it is useful

6. “First of all, let us face reality: people do not write as much today as they used to several years ago.” (p. 2)
Do you agree with this statement?

Answer: Yes I agree

7. What recommendations are given by the writer?

Answer: The writer agree about students using smartphone and laptop in class so it would be a small but
substantial change. Modern students are digital natives, and can effectively use technologies to their advantage. They
would be able to not just take notes on lectures more effectively, but would also eagerly engage in new forms of studying
such as remote studying, using interactive online materials, and so on.

8. “Not allowing students to use smartphones and laptops in class means to deprive them of something that is almost a
part of them and of their daily lives.” The word in bold means

Answer : Remove.

9. What is the purpose of the text?

Answer : To convince the reader which mobile technologies should be allowed to use.

10. What sentence in the first paragraph is the thesis sentence?

Answer : For hundreds of years, education has been closely connected to writing.

Analyze the text below and write down the structure of the text in the blank space on the right!

Why is Internet Safety Important? Title

1 Internet safety is the practice of following actionable

guidelines, understanding modern technology, and
protecting your digital evices so you can defend against the Thesis
malicious parts of the online world. There are some reasons
why internet safety is important.

2 First, most people do not want pornography on their

computer, pornography is available on many sites and
Argument 1, Supporting Evidence
sometimes masquerades on websites that sound like popular
websites. Keeping pornography out is a primary reason for
safety precautions

3 Second, predators prey on young children, luring them into

dangerous situations, often over Internet chat rooms
Argument 2, Supporting Evidence
predators will

disguise themselves as other kids and lure kids into meeting


4 Third, thousands of people are either tricked by email scams

or have their information stolen resulting in significant
Argument 3, Supporting Evidence
personal financial loss.

5 Fourth, adware, spyware and viruses dramatically slow. your

computer down. Commonly referred to as malware these
Argument 4, Supporting Evidence
Programs hide in seemingly innocent downloads.

6 Fifth, computer viruses can take over your computer to make

your computer a drone in doing all sorts of unlawful activity.
Argument 5, Supporting Evidence
Viruses can come attached in emails or by clicking on a
seemingly innocent web link.

7 In conclusion, internet safety is very important. Internet

safety requires you to have a firm comprehension of the
Internet, what’s on it, how it’s used, and how it operates. It
also emphasizes understanding the lesser-known areas of
the Internet, like code, webpage interactions, and secure

Modified from
safety and

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