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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Northern Samar



San Roque, Northern Samar
June 22,23 and 26, 2023



LPMC Field Inspection Findings

LPMC Chairman and Members, CSO Representatives and Barangay Officials


Local Project Monitoring Committee Porferio C. Baluyot Jr. starts with acknowledging the
presence of the CSO Representatives and Barangay Official Present followed by introducing the
members of the committee.

Meeting Proper:

The meeting was initiated by LPMC Chairman, Porferio C. Baluyot Jr., who delivered a
comprehensive explanation of the committee's purpose, objectives, and future commitments to
expanding projects. The committee members provided guidance to the Barangay Officials,
emphasizing their responsibility in overseeing and maintaining ongoing or completed projects. LPMC
Chairman Porferio C. Baluyot Jr. and the committee members then proceeded to present their
observations and recommendations for necessary actions. Subsequently, an open forum was
initiated by LPMC Chairman Porferio C. Baluyot Jr., inviting the Barangay Officials and CSO
Representative to contribute their queries and suggestions.
Inspection Summary and Findings Presented:
Name of Project/ Program Implementing Funds Physical Status (%) Action Taken/
Location Issues Source of Information
Components Agency Utilization Target Actual Slippage Recommendations
Delayed and
Establishment/ Construction of
Zone 1 LGU- San Roque GF Rescheduled for 3rd
Emergency Operation Center
92.00% Quarter Inspection
Delayed and
Concreting of Coroconog-Lubog Brgy. Coroconog and Rescheduled for 3rd
LGU- San Roque GF
FMR Pagsang-an 25.00% Quarter Inspection
Improvement /Rehabilitation
of Independent Power System
(IPGS)-Phase 1 and 2, (Solar Brgy. Zone 4 LGU- San Roque 20% EDF Delayed and
Power Generation System and Rescheduled for 3rd
Storage) Quarter Inspection
Construction of Nagkalahog 2 Delayed and
Brgy. Lawaan and
Bridge along Lawaan- LGU- San Roque GF Rescheduled for 3rd
Ginagdanan FMR 35.00% Quarter Inspection
DSWD Fund,
Construction of Drainage Canal
Brgy. Lao-angan BLGU LGU Fund, Clear inlets of
with Concrete Cover
Barangay Fund 100.00% 100% None obstructions
Concreting of Barangay Road DSWD Fund,
on Selected areas of sitio Brgy. Zone 1 BLGU LGU Fund, Three(3) Transversal Cracks Advised to put
Bagsang (Purok 9) Barangay Fund 100.00% 100% found Concrete Epoxy
DSWD Fund,
Improvement of Drainage
Brgy. Zone 2 BLGU LGU Fund,
Canal with Concrete Cover
Barangay Fund 96.78% 100% None None
DSWD Fund, Delayed and
Construction of Drainage Canal
Brgy. Zone 3 BLGU LGU Fund, Rescheduled for 3rd
with Concrete Cover
Barangay Fund 88.56% Quarter Inspection

DSWD Fund,
Rehabilitation of Barangay
Brgy. Zone 4 BLGU LGU Fund,
Road at Purok 3
Barangay Fund
100.00% 100% None Put Asphalt
DSWD Fund, Delayed and
Rehabilitation of Barangay
Brgy. Zone 5 BLGU LGU Fund, Rescheduled for 3rd
Road at Purok 6
Barangay Fund 90.12% Quarter Inspection
Concreting of Barangay Road DSWD Fund,
on Selected areas of Purok 12, Brgy. Zone 6 BLGU LGU Fund,
14, 15 & 17 Barangay Fund 95.23% 100% None Put Asphalt
DSWD Fund, Delayed and
Construction of Drainage Canal Brgy. Balnasan BLGU LGU Fund, Rescheduled for 3rd
Barangay Fund 84.23% Quarter Inspection
DSWD Fund, Delayed and
Improvement of Barangay Road
Brgy. Balud BLGU LGU Fund, Rescheduled for 3rd
on Selected Areas of Purok 1&2
Barangay Fund 86.89% Quarter Inspection
Improvement of Barangay Road DSWD Fund, Delayed and
on Selected Areas of Purok 1, 2, Brgy. Bantayan BLGU LGU Fund, Rescheduled for 3rd
3, 4 & 5 Barangay Fund 63.35% Quarter Inspection
DSWD Fund,
Construction of Drainage Canal Brgy. Coroconog BLGU LGU Fund,
Barangay Fund 100.00% Water Stagnation Declogged Canals
DSWD Fund,
Concreting of Barangay Road
Brgy. Dale BLGU LGU Fund,
on Selected areas of Purok 2 &4
Barangay Fund 93.35% None Put Asphalt
DSWD Fund, Clear Excavated
Construction of Drainage Canal Brgy. Ginagdanan BLGU LGU Fund, Materials, Remove
Barangay Fund 100.00% None Forms
Rehabilitation of Barangay DSWD Fund,
Road on Selected areas of Brgy. Lawaan BLGU LGU Fund, Road should be cut
purok 1&6 Barangay Fund 89.68% None every 4.5 meter
DSWD Fund,
Rehabilitaion of Barangay Road
Brgy. Malobago BLGU LGU Fund,
on Selected Areas of Purok 3&5
Barangay Fund 91.65% None Put Asphalt
Improvement of Barangay Road DSWD Fund,
on Selected Areas of Sitio Brgy. Pagsang-an BLGU LGU Fund,
Road should be cut
Lubog Barangay Fund
93.25% None every 4.5 meter
Due to the deteriorating weather conditions, the scheduled activities for the first day could not
be completed as planned. In light of this, the LPMC Chairman and committee members collectively
decided to postpone the inspection and continue the following day. Therefore, the inspection originally
scheduled for that day had to be cancelled. The project that was rescheduled the next day morning of
June 23, 2023

Improvement of Drainage Canal

Brgy. Zone 2
with Concrete Cover

Construction of Drainage Canal Brgy. Balnasan

On the second day, the LPMC Members proceeded with their inspections, and fortunately, they
were greeted with favorable weather conditions, allowing them to successfully conduct all of the
scheduled inspections.

However, on June 26, 2023, which was originally intended to be the final round of inspections,
the adverse weather conditions posed risks to the safety of the committee members. Consequently, the
LPMC Chairman and committee members engaged in deliberations and discussions. Ultimately, a
unanimous decision was reached to reschedule the inspection of the remaining projects listed on our
schedule to the 3rd Quarter of the LPMC Field Inspections, prioritizing the well-being of the committee

The following are the projects field inspection cancelled as mentioned above:

Construction of Emergency Zone 1
Operation Center
Concreting of Coroconog- Brgy. Coroconog and
Lubog FMR Pagsang-an
Improvement /Rehabilitation
of Independent Power System
(IPGS)-Phase 1 and 2, (Solar Brgy. Zone 4
Power Generation System and
Construction of Nagkalahog 2
Brgy. Lawaan and
Bridge along Lawaan-
Ginagdanan FMR

Construction of Drainage
Brgy. Zone 3
Canal with Concrete Cover

Rehabilitation of Barangay
Brgy. Zone 5
Road at Purok 6

Construction of Drainage
Brgy. Balnasan
Improvement of Barangay
Road on Selected Areas of Brgy. Balud
Purok 1&2
Improvement of Barangay
Road on Selected Areas of Brgy. Bantayan
Purok 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5


Following that, LPMC Chairman Porferio C. Baluyot Jr. proceeded to initiate an open forum,
providing an opportunity for the residents of the barangay where the project is being implemented to
share their suggestions and queries.


LPMC Chairman Porferio C. Baluyot Jr. moved for the adjournment of the Findings meeting,
which was seconded by the committee members, indicating their agreement to conclude the meeting.

Prepared by: Approved by:


MPDC/LPMC Secreatariat LDMIS – In-Charge
LPMC Chairman
Photo Documentation: LPMC Meeting. June 21, 2023

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