Beauty of Mathematics

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Beauty of Mathematics

ne may call it Math, another calls it Mathematics, for some
गणित and some call it 数学. Whatever the name be, it’s a
nightmare for students, if not worse. From the confusing Fractions, to
the repetition of the Multiplication Table, it has always been putting
many in despair, irritating them since childhood.
However, Mathematics was not a bunch of strange symbols built to
annoy students throughout the world, but rather

“It is the Language of the Universe


I sense that we have gone too far already, let us relax for a bit.
“What in the world is Mathematics after all?”
“Mathematics includes the study of such topics as numbers, formulas
and related structures, shapes and spaces in which they are
contained and quantities and their changes.”
– Wikipedia 2022

First of all, we need to answer an important question –

If we look into it, what happens in real life will happen in Math and vice
versa. Here is a Statement-

“What happens in Physics will happen in the universe and Math

is the Language of Physics, therefore Math is the Language of
the Universe.” - Thus proving our first statement.
5+2=7 is undeniable, in fact, it is Universal. Let’s look at an
You have 5 Apples in a basket, and then you place 2 more into
the basket. You will always have 7. If it’s not then you have
made a mistake in counting.
Even if it’s not for these symbols to express the above thought,
the above statement will always be true.
n ≠ n+1 under any circumstances.
All valid questions in Mathematics will always have a:
It can have many solutions, many ways to reach the answer, but
the answer can only be ONE, even in variables. That is the
beauty of Mathematics.
Math is beautiful if learnt well, understood well.

“Be excellent in the Basics, rest will follow along”

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