RM Portfolio

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Brief History/Background of
the School


Cor Jesu College, Inc. is a school owned and managed by the Brothers

of the Sacred Heart, Philippines Delegation. It is an institution renowned for its

commitment and dedication on providing high quality education and services,

enhancing skills and potentials, upholding moral and spiritual values, taking

part on local, national and international initiatives to promote holistic progress

and development since 1960-present.

Cor Jesu College, Inc. was anchored deeply to its mission, vision, and

core values.


We, the members of Cor Jesu College community, commit ourselves to:

• Advance a responsive and dynamic learning environment and to draw

out the best in all;

• Nurture a compassionate community that journeys as one family at the

heart of Christ; and

• Promote a responsible stewardship towards social transformation,

progress and sustainable development.


Cor Jesu College, a premier Catholic educational institution in Southern

Mindanao, envisions fully transformed persons inspired by the spirituality of

the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the charism of the Brothers of the Sacred



Core Value: Compassion

This value of compassion, inspired by the spirituality of the Sacred Heart of

Jesus, is characterized by selfless and dedicated concern for others marked

by loving respect and kindness.

Weekly Progress Reports Compilation


Day 1

(April 22, 2024)

Today is the first day of our training for the JDVP, or Joint Delivery Voucher

Program. Sir Erasmo introduced the teachers who will be accompanying us

during our training: Sir Clark Dandan and Sir Cyrel Degitos. They greeted us

pleasantly and encouraged us to continue our training for NCII certification.

Before we began our training, we attended an orientation to learn about the

rules and what we should avoid once we started. The orientation helped us

grasp the guidelines and expectations, ensuring that we were well-prepared

for the upcoming sessions.

Day 2

( April 23, 2024)

Today we began our training. Sir Clark and Sir Cyrel began by teaching us

how to crimp. We were delighted to work and listen to everything they were

explaining and teaching us. The atmosphere was electric as we practiced

crimping techniques and absorbed the valuable information they shared. Their

instructions were clear and engaging, resulting in a productive and enjoyable

learning experience for all.

Day 3

( April 24, 2024)

This day, we applied our newly acquired knowledge by delving into the

complexities of building and disassembling a computer. I carefully removed

each part, noting its place and function as I went. As I made my way through

the maze-like network of wires and circuits, I developed a greater

understanding of a computer's internal operations. After the system unit was

exposed to me, I carefully put it back together, piece by piece, making sure

every part was fastened. I had thought-provoking chats throughout the day,

which prepared me for further computer system inquiry and mastery. Today

was about more than just assembling and disassembling a computer; it was

also about exploring the wonders of technology and embarking on an

educational and exploratory journey.

Day 4

( April 25, 2024)

Today, we performed an identification test on the components inside the

system unit, and then I assembled and disassembled a computer. To

elaborate, my day began with a hands-on session in which we meticulously

disassembled a computer system unit, inspecting each component as we

went. We then reassembled the equipment, making sure that all parts were

properly put and connected. Following this practical activity, we spent some

time identifying and explaining the purposes of each component in the system

unit, including the motherboard, CPU, RAM, HDD, power supply, and storage

devices. This practice offered a thorough grasp of how a computer is

constructed and how its various components work together.

Day 5

( April 26, 2024)

Today, we engaged in crimping. Sir demonstrated for us the correct and

effective way to crimp, outlining the two different sets of crimping: set A and

set B. He gave an example of the proper methods, stressing the value of

accuracy and simplicity.


Day 6

( May 02, 2024)

On this day, Sir taught us on how to properly do a partition. It was a happy

day, and we learned new things. We gained valuable insights into the proper

methods of partitioning, which will undoubtedly benefit us in our future


Day 7

(May 03,2024)

Today, I continued to practice how to partition correctly and to configure

wap and router because sometimes I forget how to do it. With the guidance of

my instructor, I am grateful that now I know an easier way to partition and to


Week 3

Day 8

(May 06,2024)

Today,We plan practical exercises to become experts in handling cables,

from patch panels to network components. Our goal is to simplify and

organize the network of wires connecting patch panels to routers, WAPs, and

system modules. We meticulously identify and designate cables, ensuring

clear pathways and efficient airflow. We use innovative cable management

solutions like cable ties, Velcro straps, or clips to ensure a well-organized

network infrastructure. Our dedication to excellence is evident in the well-

organized cables that form our patch panel.

Day 9

(May 07, 2024)

This day, we continue practiced joining a domain and configuring a router

and wireless access point (WAP), creating an interactive learning

environment. Even though I consider myself a slow student when it comes to

computers, this journey has offered me a great deal of pleasure and delight.

Despite the fact that each step is unique, I approach the challenges of setting

up network devices and joining a domain with enthusiasm and commitment.

I'm slowly but steadily learning out the complexities of these responsibilities

through thorough inquiry and guided instruction, gaining insightful information

along the way. I appreciate the process of learning new skills, despite the

occasional setbacks and disappointments. Every small victory, such as setting

up a network or succesfully connected to a domain.

Day 10

(May 08,2024)

This day, Sir Clark and Sir Cryrel informed us about the processes or

stages required before printing, as well as how to back up deleted files. They

educated us on the various stages required prior to printing, emphasizing the

need of meticulous preparation for the best printing outcomes. Furthermore,

they offered detailed instructions for effectively backing up deleted

information, emphasizing the importance of retaining vital data for future

reference and security purpose

Day 11

(May 09,2024)

Today was our oral recitation,

which covered themes from CoC1

to CoC4. It was nerve-racking,

despite the fact that I had no time

to study or prepare. But as the

questions continued, I was

pleasantly surprised at how

accurate my responses could be.

Although my initial fear lasted, it

soon gave way to a sense of

confidence and relief as I breezed through the questions. The experience

proved the necessity of active involvement and participation in the learning

process, as well as the depth of my understanding and recollection of the

course material. Despite being unprepared, I answered each question

successfully using my past knowledge and critical thinking skills, exhibiting

adaptability and perseverance in the face of unexpected challenges.

Day 12

(May 10,2024)

Today,We organized the training into batches to make it go more easily and

prevent misunderstandings about our roles. During the workshop, we focused

on real-world problems to improve our printing skills. Despite some early

reservations, our collaborative efforts transformed the event into a joyful

educational opportunity. My classmates and I worked on the tasks together,

sharing advice and observations along the way. Working together proved

invaluable. The cooperative attitude encouraged a greater understanding of

the procedures required, making it easier for us to solve challenges. Any initial

reservations faded as the lesson progressed and we felt more secure in our


Day 13

(May 13,2024)

Today, we visited Cor Jesu College (CJC) for a free assessment. I was joined by

nine of my classmates and our teacher, Mr. Clark. When we arrived to CJC, Mr.

Clark presented us to Mr. Dave, who would be supervising us throughout the exam.

Before we began, Mr. Dave provided us with an orientation, detailing what we

needed to do once the assessment began. Our tour to Cor Jesu College was well-

organized and structured. Mr. Clark made certain that we were appropriately

introduced to Mr. Dave, who enthusiastically welcomed us and took leadership of our

group from the moment we arrived on campus. During the orientation, Mr. Dave gave

us a thorough overview of the assessment process, describing the steps we needed

to take and the protocols to follow. His directions were straightforward and concise,

and he ensured that we understood everything before we began. The orientation

made us feel more prepared and confident about the impending assessment.

Assessment of Practicum



During my Jdvp program training, I learned a lot about dealing with difficult

situations. The instruction stressed the significance of maintaining a positive

attitude even when confronted with difficulties. I also learned the importance

of listening to more experienced experts, since their ideas and

recommendations are really useful. I am glad for the opportunity to learn from

them and develop both personally and professionally. Now, I feel ready to

face any challenges in the workplace.


I got the chance to interact with a wide range of people when I

was in the Jdvp program training. Along with becoming friends with

my fellow trainees, I learned about the different positions and tasks

that are held inside the corporation. Seeing the distinct abilities

and creative ideas that every individual contributed was incredibly

motivating. Furthermore, getting helpful feedback and direction

from my peers was extremely beneficial to my growth on both a

personal and professional level. Through these exchanges, I have

gained new abilities that will be helpful in my future undertakings in

addition to learning how to work and communicate with others in

an effective manner. All in all, I had a wonderful and instructive

experience during my training with the Jdvp program, gaining

invaluable insights and knowledge that I'll carry this with me

throughout my career.


My most memorable experience during my practicum was

attending the JDVP program training at CJC. It was a wonderful

event for me because it was my first time visiting the institution.

The training session presented us with a thorough examination

that, while tough, was quite informative. I felt a sense of

satisfaction and joy after gaining useful knowledge and abilities.

The teachers were helpful, taking us through the complexity of the

test. This experience improved not only my technical skills but also

my confidence in confronting difficult problems. The JDVP program

at CJC was a watershed point in my educational path, with long-

term implications for my professional development.


My advise to Jdvp students is to take advantage of every

learning opportunity, whether through classroom or hands-on

experiences. When you are unclear about something, don't be

afraid to ask questions. Keep a pleasant attitude and handle

oneself properly. The Jdvp program is a wonderful way to develop

skills that will help you in your future job and obtain real-world

experience, especially if you are engaged in a site that is relevant

to your interests and professional goals.


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